Chapter 16 - X marks the Spot

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Jul 2, 2022 10:49 pm
When the bird flew in, Johnny dashed off in search of a broom to kill or capture the intruder. He flung open hall and kitchen closets until he found one, returning only to see Logan's black cat slinking off with the crow in tow. Did any more get in? he asked, lowering the broom from swatting position.
Jul 3, 2022 3:50 am
No, only the one got in, so we're okay for now. We need to get this done and quickly. Logan says as he looks at Johnny and Eddard. Looking over at Anna, Logan speaks again. Will you go talk to Gram? Let her know that one of the birds got in and we took care of it. Let her know we're cleaning up and checking to make sure everything is okay.
Jul 3, 2022 4:03 am
"Also, those are Logan's friend Eddard and a tattoo artist he found for us," Al adds, answering her question.
Jul 3, 2022 8:12 am
A confused Anna is left to deal with their Grandmother and to try calm her down, as the rest of the Hunters lead Eddard and Melissa upstairs in the Monster HQ.
Birds follow their ascent from outside, peeking through any window along the house stairwell, until they get out of their sight in Logan’s HQ.

Eddard Linderman
He looks nervously at the small window and its closed curtains. "This is bad... we’re under siege in here. So, what was Ramon’s hidden thing? Is it here?"

He hastily makes some room on a desk for Melissa. "you’d better get started. Logan, give her something to copy the tattoo. Who’s first?"

Melissa - Tattoo Artist
"You didn’t tell me I had to tattoo some minors, man. Are you sure their parents will be OK with this? I don’t want any trouble."
Jul 3, 2022 8:14 am
so, in addition to Eddard and the 3 hunters, there are also Benny and Anna. What’s the plan for tattoing?
For those who decide to get a tattoo, specify where you want it done.
Jul 3, 2022 8:30 am
"I don't know if I want a tattoo," Al frowns. "I mean, I also don't want to be attacked by birds, but..." She doesn't look very happy about this idea. "Maybe you can just tattoo Ripper and then I always stick close to her. She has fur, so nobody will even see!"
Jul 3, 2022 8:40 am
A slamming noise at the window follows, making everybody jump.

Eddard Linderman
"Uh-uh, young lady... you don’t get it. If Ramon had a tattoo, and could hide from the enemy for years... you DO WANT that tattoo, believe me! Or the enemy will always know where to find you!"

Melissa looks frowning from Eddard to the kids, trying to follow.
Jul 3, 2022 9:15 am
"But Ripper is my protector!" Al picks up her puppy who barks happily once. "And if she has the tattoo and I'm always with her, that should be enough! Solomon never attacked anyone else in the old folks' home, so maybe it has, like, a range!"

Eddard Linderman


Jul 3, 2022 9:35 am
Eddard Linderman
"MAYBE... but do you really want to take the risk? Solomon was not after the other residents of the old folks' home. He was after Ramon."

Melissa - Tattoo Artist


Jul 3, 2022 9:44 am
Melissa - Tattoo Artist
"Er.... I don't really tattoo on dogs..." she says, more confused by the minute.
Jul 3, 2022 10:26 am
"But if you tattoo me and my parents find out, they'll kill me! My mom is way scarier than Solomon," Al says. She squeezes her puppy a bit tighter in her hug. "They might even take Ripper away."
Jul 3, 2022 10:31 am
Eddard Linderman
"What about your little brother?"
tough choices in Gulf Haven!

Ben, A's brother


Jul 3, 2022 10:38 am
Ben, A's brother
"Heck, yes please! A big skull tattoo for me! Here! " he lifts his shirt and gestures across his chest.
Jul 3, 2022 10:57 am
We really don't know how, or why, the tattoo Ramon had even works. Or if it'd work on anyone else... Magic, or whatever it was, needed an instruction book. He might've had a voodoo priest or witchdoctor or medicine man put it on him in order to work.
I dunno.
Johnny threw his hands up in exasperation.
I guess there has to be a guinea pig, right? he asked. Eddard could try it first since he's an adult and all. If it works on him then maybe we could consider getting it on us... I wonder if it'd work if it was tattooed on leather and we wore it that way??
Jul 3, 2022 10:58 am
"He can get Brat tattooed across his forehead," Al says. "Just make sure to let our parents know I wasn't involved."
Jul 3, 2022 5:22 pm
Logan stands there shaking his head. Your brother can't get a tattoo...of any kind. He goes with anything like that and you know you can kiss Ripper and the Hunters good bye. Given that situation, I agree you're not the most logical choice either. It needs to be someone that keep it hidden and keep it a secret.

Logan looks at everyone that's gathered in the room. Do you guys also realize that the only way to see if the tattoo works is to walk outside...where the birds are. So who's brave enough for that trip?
Jul 3, 2022 7:45 pm
Eddard Linderman
He rolls up his sleeve,"OK, OK... I get it. I'll be guinea pig. Live dangerously, right?... I'm first up, Melissa. Now Logan: very important. We need this tattoo to be exactly as you've seen Ramon wear it."
Melissa - Tattoo Artist
Melissa nods and sets up two chairs in front of Logan's desk. She starts disinfecting her needle pen with spirit. She sets up a range of ink colours in small containers on the desk.
"Show me what you need tattooed, and where you want it."
Jul 4, 2022 10:23 am
Logan points to where on Eddard's arms the tattoos need to go. Showing Melissa the scrap of paper with the tattoo on it, Logan explains what needs to be done. This is where the tattoo needs to go, it needs to be on both arms. Here's what the tattoo looks like.
Jul 4, 2022 2:21 pm
As Melissa gets to work on Eddard's arms, the bumping on the window of the Monster HQ attic gets more violent, until the glass of the window starts cracking!

Melissa looks worried at the window, pausing her work.

Eddard Linderman
"Don't stop! Carry on! You guys! keep those birds out! Go Go Go!!!"
-it will take 3 rounds for Melissa to tattoo both Eddard's arms. The window glass will shatter and it will be up to the Hunters to keep birds out of the room.

-Logan, Al, Johnny can try to contain the birds during this time. We need 8 successes in 3 rounds!

-The first success needs to be a Smarts roll to find the most suitable object at hand to block the window, the rest can be Strength rolls to keep the window barred.

-the Hunters can act in any order they choose.
Round 1/3 - Successes 0/8

still to roll:
Jul 4, 2022 3:30 pm
Johnny casts about, looking for anything to cover the windows.


Smarts - (1d6, 1d6, RA)

1d6 : (61) = 7

1d6 : (3) = 3

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