Chapter 16 - X marks the Spot

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Jul 1, 2022 11:43 pm
Maybe there is someone that is better situated to take care of the fulcrum. The thing is we need to find that person. We should hide this until we're able to find that person. Logan looks around at his sister and friends. Ramon set the hunt up to find a suitable replacement for him. We may not have been the ones he was looking for, but we're the ones who made it this far. It's up to us to keep it safe until we can find someone better
Jul 2, 2022 12:57 am
As the Hunters discuss in the Monster HQ, Logan's Grandma suddenly calls from below.
[ +- ] ...
[ +- ] ...
Jul 2, 2022 1:05 am
Logan takes the phone and waits for Gram to leave the room. We found what Ramon hid...He was a monster hunter. A legitimate hunter, his bag had stakes and silver sling bullets. I'll get everyone and head over there. We'll be there as soon as we can.

Eddard Linderman


Jul 2, 2022 1:10 am
Eddard Linderman
"What? You're all there? You found the... No! Don't move - I'll be right there!"
Jul 2, 2022 1:19 am
Logan ensures Eddard that they'll stay put and hangs up the phone. Heading back up stairs he let's the others know about Eddard.

That was Eddard, he said he found a tattoo artist that's on her way. I told him we found what Ramon hid, that's when he got excited and said for us to stay put..that he was on his way.

Looking at everyone Logan answers the question before they can ask it. I didn't tell him what we found, only that we found it. I think we need to find a temporary hiding place for it.We can hide it up here...until we think of something better.
Jul 2, 2022 9:08 am
Ten minutes after the phone call, the Hunters hear the screeching of tyres, and someone honking the horn outside the house.

They run down one flight of stairs. They peek from one of the windows below to see a car breaking to a halt in the street outside. It is being attacked by black birds, slamming on its windshield.

Two persons wearing motorcycle helmets, heavy leather jackets and gloves run out of the car, immediately attacked by the birds. One of the persons is wearing a small suitcase. Harassed by the birds, they run to the front door of the house and start banging on it! The birds dive on them mercilessly, and try to peck at their helmet-protected faces!

The Hunters hear Gram getting worried.

Ellen, L's Gramma
"Anna? Logan? What's going on? Who's banging at the door...?"
Jul 2, 2022 6:06 pm
Logan quickly grabs the slingshot and bag of bullets and runs downstairs. As soon as his feet hit the ground floor, Logan shouts to stop his Gram. Gram! Stay away from the door and windows. That's our friends out there trying to get in. It isn't safe out here. Would you go stay in the den until it's over? Please...

As soon as Gram is safely out of the way, Logan runs to the door and opens just long enough and wide enough to let the two in.
Jul 2, 2022 6:16 pm
Al pulls the curtain to the side just enough so she can peek out with one eye and see what's happening.
Jul 2, 2022 7:24 pm
Swatting wildly to keep the black birds out of the house, Logan lets the two helmet-covered figures in, but one of the birds manages to sneak inside at the last minute!
The crow flies inside frantically, keeping out of range of the Hunters. The birds outside peck wildly at the door and windows.

Ripper starts barking at the commotion.

The two figures with the motorcycle helmets keep the helmets on, catching their breath from the birds' attack.
by 'den', do you mean the Monster HQ, or is this another space in the house?

It will take some long items to try to catch/kill the bird, and an Agility roll at TN8 (basically it needs a Raise).
Shadow the Cat will also roll.

The longer the bird is in the house, the more damage/spying it will do!
Jul 2, 2022 7:27 pm
Yeah, it'd be like a ground floor room with the TV and stuff in it. Usuallyit doesn't have windows.
Jul 2, 2022 7:29 pm
Anna, L's sister
"What the heck?! Get it out! Out!"

Ben, A's brother

Jack the Ripper

Ellen, L's Gramma

From behind an interior door, Gramma calls, agitated. "What's going on?!? Anna? "
Jul 2, 2022 7:32 pm
Shadow wags her tail nervously, following the crow's frantic flight. She keeps looking from the crow to Ripper, unnerved by Ripper's loud barks.
Jul 2, 2022 7:33 pm
As soon as the commotion downstairs begins, Al puts the fulcrum thing back in the bag and hides it somewhere between Logan's stuff. Better Solomon doesn't know for sure yet that they have it.

"Ripper! Go get that evil bird!"

Jack the Ripper


Jul 2, 2022 7:41 pm
Jack the Ripper
Ripper jumps excitedly, but ineffectively, barking loudly and adding to the confusion. The highest she can jump with her short legs is chest-height. The bird is keeping at ceiling level.

Shadow withdraws under a bookcase to get out of the way of the boisterous dog.
if Logan wants to try to shoot it with the Slingshot, it will be a Shooting roll, -2 to the roll for the fast moving target

Otherwise, as above, they need to get something long to reach, and succeed Agility at TN8 .
Jul 2, 2022 7:57 pm
If you shoot Ripper, Al will never forgive you!
Jul 2, 2022 7:57 pm
Logan has the Marksman Edge. If he doesn't move, does that +1 bring it down to a -1?
Jul 2, 2022 8:14 pm
yes, good call: Marksman applies. Can fire at -1, but it might be best to use the ability to ignore up to -2 worth of penalties and roll with no modifiers
[ +- ] Marksman Edge
Jul 2, 2022 8:39 pm
Logan places a silver bullet into the sling and starts to pull it back. Tracking the raven, Logan follows it and pulls the sling back...then releases it in a smooth practiced motion. I got this..
Due to the importanceof the situation, I'll use a Benny. To reroll.
Last edited July 2, 2022 8:41 pm


Agility & Wild, - (1d6, 1d6, RA)

1d6 : (3) = 3

1d6 : (1) = 1

Agility & Wild, - (1d6, 1d6, RA)

1d6 : (2) = 2

1d6 : (4) = 4

Jul 2, 2022 9:12 pm
Logan takes aim and shoots the bird down at the second attempt.

It plummets to the floor, and Shadow seizes the opportunity to jump the black bird, biting it at the throat and carrying it off in another room - judging by the feeble motions of the thing, it has minutes to live.

Eddard Linderman
With a grunt, Eddard removes his motorcycle helmet and unbuttons his leather jacket. "Dammit," he says, panting. He gestures at his helmeted companion, who also removes hers. "This... is Melissa."

Melissa - Tattoo Artist
"Shit, man. You didn't tell me this gig would involve bird attacks. What's wrong with them??" The woman drops her jacket, revealing a tank top and tattooed arms.

Ellen, L's Gramma
(from behind a door) "Logan? Anna? What is going on in there?!?"

Anna, L's sister
"Er.... who are these people, Logan??"
Jul 2, 2022 9:13 pm
pls track Bennies in the character sheet, @Squadfather44

also, it should have been a Shooting roll, not Agility. but both are at d6 so it doesn’t matter, here.
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