The Arwich Grinder

Jun 19, 2022 2:57 pm
Autumn slowly approaches upon the small town of Hillkant. Situated on a trade route crossing the foothills of a low mountain range, this settlement sees its fair share of merchants and visitors, which grants both the town and its resident families grand prestige in the eyes of the villages nearby.

Hillkant has a single tavern, known locally as The Falling Men, and you are gathered there one evening, drinking and talking away the vexations of another day’s labor.
Shortly before dusk, a Very Large Man stumbles through the door to collapse on the floor. The strange humanoid is not tall, he barely tops five feet (1,5m), but he is of enormous girth, seemingly equal parts fat and muscle. His arms and legs are so short in comparison that is a wonder he could walk at all.

He is naked and with no obvious sign of a wound, yet he did not move an inch after crashing through the entrance. His skin is pasty white, like it never felt the touch of sun, yet something colorful resides in his arm.

The man is not moving, who shall be the first to respond?
Since this is DCC, introduction of the characters is purely voluntary, I recommend playing Hillkant citizens though. If the characters come from a different village or town, they should have a reason to go and risk putting themselves in danger for the Curwens.
Jun 19, 2022 5:29 pm
Being the skittish type, Jameson 'Slim Jim' Macky stood from his meal with a stifled gasp, recovering quickly to check his gear with an inspection of his hands about his own person, and placing a hand on the pommel of his longsword. It was more of habit and self-soothing than expectation of something worse to come, as his curiosity swiftly takes over and he approaches the body.

Jameson was new to Hillkant, a mercenary-type, slim as a bean-pole but with a wiry strength to his build. He is young, barely a grown man, but carries himself well, and though his gear is aging, it is well-carried for, and his kit is kept tidy.

He dare not yet speak but in the momentary stillness attempts to determine if the rotund person was truly deceased. In a hushed tone his voice crackles. "D-does anyone know this... individual?"
[ +- ] Slim Jim
Last edited June 19, 2022 5:47 pm
Jun 19, 2022 5:49 pm
A good few moments go by, before Aldwing the Innkeeper breaks the silence with a string of curses best not repeated.
"Hell, I don't even know if that thing's a human proper! Wake up you, what are you doin' here?"

The pale man does not respond.
Jun 19, 2022 6:28 pm
Hearing the barkeep's bark, the young man frowns further. He had a sinking feeling in the pits of his stomach, his left hand wring gently against the handle. After another moment of consideration, Slim Jim reaches out with the fork still grasped in his left hand and pokes the body. "I... I think he's done for!" This surely wasn't good. Whoever, and whatever this man was, he seemed solidly out of consciousness regardless. "Where is the Watch?" His fright was being controlled by a desire to keep himself together. He didn't see a wound, but squeamishness and modesty kept him from wanting to turn the body over.
Jun 19, 2022 8:15 pm
Mother Breadwife had seen much in her time. She had grown up in the village of Hellkant and even so this was an unusual spectacle to be sure. She had been quietly sipping her evening wine cup with the girls from the local farms and village but even they were not prepared to see this pale man toddle straight in and to the floor. Quickly she rose to her feet and grabbing a large table cloth rushed to wrap the man.

You there she barked at some men get this fellow to a fire side to warm up. Get some water! and with that began to rub down the man for warmth with the tablecloth.
[ +- ] Mother Breadwife
Jun 20, 2022 12:39 am
Placing the fork on someone elses table, Slim rounds the naked dwarf getting out of the way of the men attending to Mother Breadwife's command. He backs off and looks over to one of the few people he's met so far in this town. The one promising she'll find a big job soon. Her name is Victoria and she has a way with words. He follows behind to group to the side so he can see the door, his boyish features sinking into the shadows of those gathered around the fire.
[ +- ] Slim Jim
Jun 20, 2022 12:52 am
She didn't move when the man came in, but she paid close attention to who each managed themselves. Her new friend was a touch quick, but she was happy enough to let the young man stand between her and a commotion. Mother Breadwife was someone Victoria knew, and probably vice versa. Victoria was an incorrigible scamp and depending on the talk a bit more than a handful. This was not the moment to hash out idle talk, thankfully, but when the older woman spoke up she made sure to stay in the back and let the busybody handle it.
[ +- ] Victoria Verrelli
Last edited June 20, 2022 12:56 am
Jun 20, 2022 9:11 am
As Mother Breadwife rushes forward to check on the man, she soon realizes that all efforts to save him will come in vain - life has left the stranger in the moment he set foot in the tavern.
Still no wound can be found, however Mother notices deep marks around the man's neck, almost as if something was attached around it for a long time. Once his mouth slacks open, it can also be seen that the stranger's tongue has been cut out, probably a long time ago, since the wound has already healed.

"By the gods," Aldwing gasps and points at the colorful thing hidden in the man's grip, "that's Bessie Curwen's bonnet! She was wearing it when she came with her father for a bag of salt!"
Sure enough, the Very Large Man clutches a blue-white bonnet decorated with embroidered roses.
"He must have come from the Curwens. What in the name of Hell could be happening there?!"

In the meantime, the city watch, made of a few retired caravan guards, is nowhere to be found.
[ +- ] The Curwen Family
Jun 20, 2022 12:09 pm
To'Mas, squire to the land and in search of a chance to prove himself was sitting in the back watching the events play out. Upon hearing about young Bessie, his desire... for adventure, was stirred. He stood and moved towards the doorway.

"We must gather a company to travel to the Curwen's and check on their safety."
Jun 20, 2022 1:46 pm
Seifi, is there a preference? Should we be lumping all our characters into 1 post?[/i]
Lorna Handson, a quiet sort, was drawn to the The Falling Men for a drink with Victoria, an associate and friend of sorts. Seeing the itty-bitty glimmer in Vicky's eyes, Lorna knew that quick-off the evening would devolve into schemes. The two dark-haired, unmarried woman were different in nearly every other way. Upon hearing of the certainty of the Dwarf's death she stood from the table where Slim Jim, Victoria, and she had sat. Inspecting the wound around the man's neck and grimacing with the other over the missing tongue, Lorna stepped away.

Slim checks on Lorna first, have just met he but already feeling a sense that he should be protecting her. The young man looks to Victoria who was gathering her items to leave, and then to To'Mas and nods before looking around the room. "Who else will come? We should gather light first."

Victoria was packed, her dagger checked, and a quality cloak wrapped over her shoulders. "The Curwens saved Hillkant before, haven't they?" She had seen the Curwens plenty, but never really had a chance to check them out. "Least we could do, right?"
Last edited June 20, 2022 1:47 pm
Jun 20, 2022 5:50 pm
I'd say lumping them in one post makes the most sense, yes.
Jun 20, 2022 8:56 pm
Gauwalt, 'Walt' to his friends, looks up from his card game at the man who falls onto the tavern floor, "Not looking so good that one," he says to the table. The thin gambler looks at the man with his dark, calculating eyes, "A silver says he doesn't make it until Kari finishes her pint."

Kari knocks back the pint that Mother Breadwife has recently pulled for her. "Too late," she belches. "Besides, that's losing bet for anyone," Kari says as Mother Breadwife makes her proclamation about the state of the man and the bonnet. "The Curwens, aye, I know them. They have helped me a few times with growing a particularly tricky strain of mushrooms." Kari waits for the hub-bub to die down, wanting to order another pint as to not let her dwarven heritage go to waste.

Cynwe puts her cards down, more concern on her face than Walt or Kari have shown for the situation. "The poor thing, he looks to be in quite the state. I did a reading for the Curwens not too far back, and there was an ill omen. Perhaps this trouble is what it was predicting. " the astrologer says, flicking back a long braid of hair as she takes the chance to try to see the gambler's cards. "I can help, they tip well and have always treated me kindly."

Tiny, the fourth member of the card playing group, nods in agreement. "Indeed, I'm for helping the family if they are in trouble. I cut the lads hair when they come into town, and kind boys they are." He looks down at the dwindling pile of coins in front of hom, "Besides I think Walt has taken enough of my money for one night."
[ +- ] Spoiler
Last edited June 21, 2022 1:20 am
Jun 22, 2022 8:16 pm
Odric the woodcutter turns to his drinking buddy Adric. "Well you don't see that everyday. The town owes it to the Curwen's we should gather light and make haste."

Adric rises from his chair looks to the other villagers. I'll gather light with Odric, but we should act now! Whatever's happening up there doesn't look good at all. He takes Odric by the arm and pulls him to his feet. The two middle aged men make for the door.

Vyncent the town's butcher, a boorish man, bellows "Well let's get moving. Wouldn't want poor Bessie to be out there on her own." Rubbing his bald head. "I suppose I'll go fetch my cleaver."

Riffin the young turnip farmer looks nervous, his gangly frame hunched against the bar. He nods in agreement but his eyes tell a different story.
Jun 22, 2022 9:47 pm
It is about two hour’s brisk walk southward to the Curwen residence, up in the forested hills. Some of the trees lay fallen onto others, broken by a recent earthquake. The citizens of Hillkant learned to live with the earth trembling, as it did not happen often and their houses were built sturdy.

The song of the forest at night forms a sinister chorus as our brave mortals set out toward the Curwen homestead. The night is dark, shadows pool beneath the trees and occasional common spider webs strung along the trail offer startling moments to the unwary.
I would like everybody to write the marching order of their characters, for example:
1) Character A
2) Character B
3) Character C
4) Character D

The first character of each player (Character A in this case) becomes a member of the frontline, followed by Character B and so on.


Random Encounter - (1d10)

(10) = 10

Jun 22, 2022 10:11 pm
The dice gods smile upon thee! No random encounter and our mortals manage to get to the homestead unopposed. I would still like to ask you for the marching order, as it may come into play during next encounters.
The group moves forward fast, its path led by the pale light of the full moon. Knowing that the Very Large Man could not traverse such a long distance so quickly, the group hurries and after an eerie walk through the woods finally sees the dark silhouette of the Curwen residence.

When the expedition finally reaches the yard before the house, the members can hear pigs squealing somewhere in the dark to their left. Closer, between the pig pens and the heroes, there are two smaller buildings - an abattoir and a smokehouse, most likely.

Directly before the group is a well with a heavy winch; beyond it the Curwen Homestead - a large house shaped like an L, heavily shuttered and mostly dark, although candlelight can be seen through the seams of a few shuttered windows on the upper floors.

As the pigs squeal in the darkness, it becomes clear that something is disturbing them.

What shall our brave townsfolk do? Aside from the frantic screaming from the pig pen, the place is quiet, almost disturbingly so.
[ +- ] The Map
Jun 22, 2022 11:21 pm
Along the way, Jim introduces himself to everyone, "Please, call me Slim." Telling them he is from a nearby village, out trying to make a living for his sister and brothers, as a mercenary. He has not fought in any battles but is trained with his longsword. He also possesses a sense of obligation to check on this Curwen family, regardless of them being strangers to him. With his hide armor on, sword sheathed at his side, and his torch held high, Jim stood amid the front of the group if not leading it entirely. Stopping only a moment to take in the stillness of the view, he aims his light off in the direction of the pens, but cannot see them from here. He looks back to Victoria and then Lorna. "Should we check the pigs, they seem upset."

Victoria shrugs slightly to Jim. She was looking around too and with the lack of lights in the house, she thought better of just heading forward. Cupping a hand to project her voice, she calls out toward the house. "Hello! Curwen Family! ... We hope you don't mind us coming to check on you?! Hello?!" While she was standing tall, there was something eerie she felt about the quiet of the Curwens' place.

Lorna was already questioning why she came out here. The darkness was deep in the thick woods. She stood close behind to Victoria, as instructed, but spend the long seconds observing the place rather than taking action for herself.

trailing the group but not hiding his presence, a Halfling Begar has joined somewhere along the way. He wanders up to the group looking a bit dirty and disheveled, but with a calming charm about him, and looks between the humans and the dwarf among them before offering a short, "What's all this now?" in a fast-paced, heavy accent and with a naivety of the situation or at least a disregard of the overall mood. "Saw you all go a'shuffling out of town... Is this a party? I love parties, the name's Hekem Bekem."
A: Slim Jim, B: Victoria, C: Lorna, D: Hekem Bekem
Last edited June 22, 2022 11:26 pm
Jun 23, 2022 5:41 am
Kari heads out in front of the pack, looking towards the homestead. She has been out to the farm a few times to talk mushrooms with Curwen, the farming of which made her livelihood. "Seems awfully quiet," she says as pig squeal cuts through the silence. "Spoke too soon, pigs are over this way" she points, and begins heading that direction.

Cynwe shrugs "I've not got a better idea, and something seems to have riled those pigs." she says, as she follows along.

Walt, ever one to hedge his bets strays back a bit further from the group, following as more people make their way towards the front of the group. He picks his teeth, watching the farm for any signs of movement, and shrugs as he feels enough safety in numbers has passed him by and joins the crowd.

Tiny brings up the rear along with some of his fellow townsfolk, watching for anything in the dark woods that might try and sneak up behind them.
So the order is, Kari, Cynwe, Walt, Tiny
Jun 23, 2022 12:34 pm
Order = Jasen, Josen, To'Mas and Dewane
To'mas the squire, with his long sword drawn, addresses his crew. "Alright lads, let's see to those pigs"

The twin Hunters, Jasen and Josen, have their bows out and have been mostly quiet on the march out to the farm. When they do speak, it's some kind of verbal shorthand. With a look and a nod after To'mas speaks, they begin advancing on the pig pen.

Dewane follows the other's, with trusty club in hand. He's wonders, not for the first time, how being a squire to a squire was better than fixing wagons...
Jun 24, 2022 1:53 am
Marching Order: Vyncent, Odric, Adric, Riffin
Vyncent marches ahead of the villagers clutching his meat cleaver. "I don't trust these out of town folk much. Probably after something! Odric, Adric don't fall behind and hold the light up high. We're heading over to the pigs and we need to keep our wits about us."

Odric and Adric follow the rotund butcher. Odric holding the head of his axe and Adric brandishing the knife he uses to make rope. The two old friends look to each other uneasily as they keep the torches aloft.

Behind them a little further the young turnip farmer Riffin follows carrying his pitchfork nervously. His ginger hair and pale skin illuminated by the torches. The image of the man's tongue-less face plays over in his head. What have we gotten ourselves into......
Jun 25, 2022 2:18 pm
Nothing aside from more pig squeals answers to Victoria’s call. As the group progresses toward the pens, one of the pigs suddenly dashes through them!
The startled townsfolk prepare their homemade weapons, yet the threat turns out to be harmless and simply runs past the group, which is now free to continue.

The whole area for the animals is fenced off. It is muddy, foul and dark and it takes a few seconds before the group recognizes that one of the shapes is not what it seems to be.
There is a Very Large Man, similar to the one who crashed into the tavern. Once the group approaches, he stops feeding on the slops from the pig through and rises, turning to the newcomers. Blood and gore can be seen dripping from his chin and in one hand he clutches what appears to be a human rib.

As of now, the Very Large Man does not advance, he only stands next to the pig through, watching the group warily, then letting out a long moan.
We will use the Group Initiative in the funnel as described in the core rulebook on pg. 76. This means that if you wish to engage the Very Large Man, I will ask you to roll a single 1d20 and add the highest Agility modifier from your group.
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