Airshark says:
... I have an edu of 10+ I can use the advanced table ...
Yes, good thing you went to University. :)
Airshark says:
... but I will roll on the physician table ...
After you get Medic maxed, you might want to try the other tables. It might be worth thinking about Personal Development, since I think it is much easier to increase Skills than Characteristics once the game starts.
Airshark says:
... science (chose biology) ...
For Basic Training you get all Science at 0, so you don't choose a speciality now. All Science stuff goes to 0.
Airshark says:
... not sure if I get a +1 on medic at this point ...
Yes. If they just list the skill with no rank it means you increase it by 1 (or take it from untrained to 1, skipping 0).
Airshark says:
... can I increase all my flyer skills to +1 now??? ...
Just one specialised skill, not the whole set.
Airshark says:
... Maybe I should roll on the physician skill chart ...
Airshark says:
... rolling for benefits after leaving this career ...
Are you leaving the Scholar Career already? You don't roll to leave (Muster Out) till you leave the Career.
Airshark says:
... One of your remarks will probably be there is not enough fiction ...
Don't stress about it. When we are all together at the table chatting about each step there tends to be more fiction. We can fill in the details after we know where things are going and link the characters together and shape the world.
Feel free to give us whatever you come up with during the process, though, as that will tell what sort of world we are in.