2: Valley of Dead Unicorns

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Oct 16, 2022 8:26 am
Nothing fancy then.
With a couple slaps to his own face and a bestial snarl, Bobby whips himself into a rage and charges the faintly visible stalker, Thunder Club swinging!
Crit! Attack rolls against that creature are made with advantage until the start of Bobby's next turn.
Last edited October 16, 2022 8:27 am


THUNDER CLUB!!!! Reckless to hit, Bludgeoning+Rage, Radiant - (2d20H1+18, 1d8+12+4, 2d6)

2d20H1+18 : (18) + 18 = 26

1d8+12+4 : (6) + 16 = 22

2d6 : (52) = 7

Reckles Extra Attack, Bludgeoning+Rage, Radiant - (2d20H1+18, 1d8+12+4, 2d6)

2d20H1+18 : (120) + 18 = 38

1d8+12+4 : (8) + 16 = 24

2d6 : (45) = 9

Savage Attacker damage reroll - (1d8+12+4)

(3) + 16 = 19

Brutal Critical - (2d8+2d6)

(75) + (13) = 16

Oct 17, 2022 1:20 am
Attack rolls with advantage! Woot!
Diana swoops in, leaps off the broom, and puts all her momentum into a swing with The Staff. Then, after landing, she whirls the staff at the stalker again, following up with a series of kicks.
The Staff's +3 bonus is all in attack/damage bonus this round.
Attack action: 2 attacks with The Staff.
Bonus action: Spend 1 ki point to use Flurry of Blows - 2 unarmed attacks
If an unarmed strike hits, Diana will use the Imbued Power feature of The Staff to gain advantage on a saving throw made before the end of her next turn instead of regaining hp (if both attacks hit, I think she can get advantage on 2 saves).


Staff attack 1 (adv) / bludgeon dmg / force dmg - (1d20+14, 1d20+14, 1d10+8, 2d10)

1d20+14 : (10) + 14 = 24

1d20+14 : (8) + 14 = 22

1d10+8 : (7) + 8 = 15

2d10 : (34) = 7

Staff attack 1 (adv) / bludgeon dmg / force dmg - (1d20+14, 1d20+14, 1d10+8, 2d10)

1d20+14 : (19) + 14 = 33

1d20+14 : (16) + 14 = 30

1d10+8 : (6) + 8 = 14

2d10 : (39) = 12

Unarmed strike 1 (adv) / bludgeon dmg / force dmg - (1d20+12, 1d20+12, 1d10+6, 2d10)

1d20+12 : (12) + 12 = 24

1d20+12 : (7) + 12 = 19

1d10+6 : (7) + 6 = 13

2d10 : (75) = 12

Unarmed strike 1 (adv) / bludgeon dmg / force dmg - (1d20+12, 1d20+12, 1d10+6, 2d10)

1d20+12 : (20) + 12 = 32

1d20+12 : (2) + 12 = 14

1d10+6 : (10) + 6 = 16

2d10 : (210) = 12



Oct 17, 2022 2:05 am
With no more need for stealth, the assault on the now visible stalker was swift, brutal, and effective. Diana's furious fists finally finished off the fume! The stalker burst not unlike a balloon, sent a light breeze over Diana and Bobby, and was no more!
[ +- ] With a wet sound...

Barbarian! Acrobat! The other stalkers approach! the couatl thought to everyone.
I'll have a map and status tracker up tomorrow.
Oct 17, 2022 6:50 am
Sheila prepares to hose down another invisible stalker.


Initiative - (1d20+10)

(1) + 10 = 11

Oct 17, 2022 7:03 pm
Presto follows behind the others, but does his best to stay out of the melee. As he comes close enough to the tower, he sees a vague shimmer around it, clearly surrounding the entire structure.

"I hope this works, otherwise I'll have some awkward questions to answer..."

The sigils on his hat glow a light blue as he focuses on the spell to dispel the shield.


Initiative - (1d20+2)

(4) + 2 = 6

Oct 18, 2022 1:15 am
Initiative time!


Initiative - (1d20+5)

(11) + 5 = 16

Oct 18, 2022 10:40 am
Bobby relishes the impending violence!


Initiative (advantage) - (2d20H1+2)

(1215) + 2 = 17

Oct 19, 2022 2:32 am
Thank you friend couatl. Hank continued to have their magical serpent keep watch from above.


Initiative - (1d20+5)

(10) + 5 = 15

Oct 22, 2022 4:45 am
I was giving @Shadowace time to roll init but he's got to sell a house.
I'll update on Sunday.



Oct 24, 2022 2:52 am

The first of the remaining invisible stalkers was upon Bobby, and the barbarian was buffeted by its blows!

"Here is the second one. The third is close behind," the bird-shaped couatl thought-spoke as it flitted above apparently nothing.
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Map 0
Each stalker slam is 10 bludgeoning damage.
The stalkers are still invisible so only Sheila and the coautl can see them. The space under the couatl (stalker 3 at L11) can be targeted at disadvantage.
Please ensure your stats are correct.
Eric will be doing guard duty on Presto for this encounter.
Bobby, Hank, Diana, Sheila... In any order... GO!


Invisible Stalker slam adv. - (1d20+6, 1d20+6)

1d20+6 : (11) + 6 = 17

1d20+6 : (9) + 6 = 15

Invisible Stalker slam adv. - (1d20+6, 1d20+6)

1d20+6 : (11) + 6 = 17

1d20+6 : (18) + 6 = 24

Oct 24, 2022 1:48 pm
Can I get the couatl to bomb the stalker with flour spray as its action, adding its initiative roll here.


Couatl initiative - (1d20+5)

(20) + 5 = 25

Oct 24, 2022 2:25 pm
Definitely! Go for it.
I'll put the couatl in the order.
Oct 24, 2022 2:52 pm
Bobby pounds on the flour-dusted apparition in front of him!
Crit again! Attack rolls against that creature are made with advantage until the start of Bobby's next turn.
Last edited October 24, 2022 3:02 pm


Retaliation - (2d20H1+18, 1d8+12+4)

2d20H1+18 : (133) + 18 = 31

1d8+12+4 : (8) + 16 = 24

Radiant damage - (2d6)

(52) = 7

Reckless to hit, Bludgeoning+Rage, Radiant - (2d20H1+18, 1d8+12+4, 2d6)

2d20H1+18 : (1020) + 18 = 38

1d8+12+4 : (2) + 16 = 18

2d6 : (35) = 8

Reckless ExtraAttack, Bludgeoning+Rage, Radiant - (2d20H1+18, 1d8+12+4, 2d6)

2d20H1+18 : (73) + 18 = 25

1d8+12+4 : (7) + 16 = 23

2d6 : (65) = 11

Savage Attacker damage reroll - (1d8+12+4)

(2) + 16 = 18

Brutal Critical - (2d8+2d6)

(25) + (21) = 10

Oct 25, 2022 2:06 am
I'll do Hank in a moment, just wanted to put the couatl's action in to remove the invisibility, negating the disadvantage.
Please use the flour on the stalkers, starting with the nearest. Hank needed the couatl to spray their invisible foes as if they were dusting crops back home.

Once that was accomplished, Hank saw no reason to hold back. Bobby was occupied with the nearest one, so Hank loosed his arrows at the next nearest.
Last edited October 25, 2022 10:07 am


Attack (Sharpshooter) - (1d20+11, 1d20+11, 1d20+11, 1d20+11)

1d20+11 : (14) + 11 = 25

1d20+11 : (7) + 11 = 18

1d20+11 : (19) + 11 = 30

1d20+11 : (16) + 11 = 27

Attack advantage - (1d20+11, 1d20+11, 1d20+11)

1d20+11 : (13) + 11 = 24

1d20+11 : (19) + 11 = 30

1d20+11 : (9) + 11 = 20

Extra force and radiant damage (2d6 per hit) - (8d6, 8d6)

8d6 : (62215644) = 30

8d6 : (43525663) = 34

Damage - (1d6+20, 1d6+20, 1d6+20, 1d6+20)

1d6+20 : (5) + 20 = 25

1d6+20 : (5) + 20 = 25

1d6+20 : (6) + 20 = 26

1d6+20 : (1) + 20 = 21

Oct 25, 2022 11:49 pm
sorry for the delay, finally got everything out of the house and closed on it. Looks like i'm last, but in case you still want an initiative roll here it is.


Initiative - (1d20+5)

(9) + 5 = 14

Oct 26, 2022 1:18 am
Can I get a status on that Stalker after Bobby and Hank wail on it? I'd hate to throw a bunch of attacks at a dead stalker.
Oct 26, 2022 2:28 am
The coautl swooped in its blue bird form and materialized flour as it flew over the now no longer invisible stalkers!
With targets visible, strikes by the Barbarian and Ranger were lethal, and two more moist pops were heard!
Two more down!
Only the stalker at G13 is left!
Oct 26, 2022 11:02 pm
Diana will spend 1 ki point on step of the wind, allowing her to take the Dash action as a bonus action.
Between her regular 55' move and Dash, she should be able to get to H13.
Then she will take the attack action - 2 strikes with the Staff followed by 1 unarmed strike.

edited to add: Getting the low rolls out first, it appears.
Last edited October 26, 2022 11:03 pm


Staff attack 1 / bludgeon dmg / force dmg - (1d20+14, 1d10+8, 2d10)

1d20+14 : (1) + 14 = 15

1d10+8 : (1) + 8 = 9

2d10 : (25) = 7

Staff attack 2 / bludgeon dmg / force dmg - (1d20+14, 1d10+8, 2d10)

1d20+14 : (12) + 14 = 26

1d10+8 : (5) + 8 = 13

2d10 : (54) = 9

Unarmed strike / bludgeon dmg / force dmg - (1d20+12, 1d10+6, 2d10)

1d20+12 : (1) + 12 = 13

1d10+6 : (5) + 6 = 11

2d10 : (12) = 3

Oct 27, 2022 12:05 am
The last remaining stalker managed to shift away from all but one of the Acrobat's blows! Can the Thief finish it off?
29 damage.
Oct 27, 2022 8:49 am
Sheila, invisible, positions herself just outside of the stalker's movement range, aims, and fires her crossbow. As the bolt hits, she fade back into nothingness and dashes away.
Action: Aim, Sneak Attack (with advantage)
Bonus Action: Dash (invisible)
Last edited October 27, 2022 8:54 am


Lt. crossbow +3, attack - (1d20+14)

(18) + 14 = 32

Lt. crossbow +3, attack (adv) - (1d20+14)

(5) + 14 = 19

Damage + Sneak Attack - (1d8+3+10d6)

(6) + (5544246632) + 3 = 50

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