How do you know each other?

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Jan 10, 2023 9:23 pm
vagueGM says:
WhtKnt says:
... I'll just have Cat pick up Astrogation 1.
Cool. Did you already know a bit about Astrogation before that or did you have to scramble to learn it quickly? With your low EDU but higher INT it makes some sense for you to needed to learn it in order to enact this escape. Maybe save finalising your answer till after we have chatted about the potential starting scenario.
Also, Astrogation was one of your suggested Skills for the Package, which might give you first pick, but, if people/situation had not pushed you into it, would that have been your pick, or would you like to claim "dibs" on Recon as well?
It makes sense to say that she learned Astrogation by necessity. As far as being pushed into it, I claimed it because no one else seemed to want it. Recon I could see her having picked up gradually over time, however. I'll go ahead and cement it in, too. I'll look at the other backstories to see how I can connect it.
Jan 10, 2023 9:45 pm
I'm fine with taking what's left from the package after others pick :)
So feel free to take what you fancy.
Jan 11, 2023 7:44 am
WhtKnt says:
... It makes sense to say that she learned Astrogation by necessity ...
I do like that, "someone has to learn to do it, better be me", (maybe the others have tasks they have to do while setting up the heist, so it is left to you?). That does add an interesting wrinkle to things, with your being new to the technicalities of the process. If the others know that you are 'winging it' we can accept some unexpected results that put us in interesting situations at first. Eventually it will just become a normal level 1 Skill, but we can veer the outcomes to the extreme at the start to play with the new-necessary ability. Presumably you could not find anyone (NPC) you could trust with this as it involves intimate knowledge of where you are going.
WhtKnt says:
... I'll look at the other backstories to see how I can connect it ...
A lot has been said. Let us know if you need any help with those backstories.
Jan 11, 2023 7:45 am
TheGenerator says:
... I'm fine with taking what's left from the package after others pick ...
Since we are putting together our own Package, you can wait till the others have piked theirs and then suggest and take any two Skills that you think would be useful.

What do we have in the Package so far?
Suggested by Skill 1 Skill 2
WhtKnt Astrogation Broker
TheGenerator Survival Medic?
Pedrop Gunner Tactics

Taken by Skill 1 Skill 2
Cat Astrogation
Jan 11, 2023 7:53 am
I suggested survival and medic, for the package.
Jan 11, 2023 7:57 am
TheGenerator says:
I suggested survival and medic, for the package.
Cool, added to the table.

Are you still suggesting Medic after our discussion and the existence of a Medic 4 and Medic 0 in the party?
Jan 11, 2023 8:01 am
I think having more medics is a good thing.
Jan 11, 2023 8:40 am
A possibly useful video on the topic of staying together.

Youtube - Cinema Therapy - FIREFLY: Teamwork and Found Family
Jan 11, 2023 10:16 am
vagueGM says:
Since we are putting together our own Package, you can wait till the others have piked theirs and then suggest and take any two Skills that you think would be useful.
So my proposition is: Gunner and Tactics - for the package.
vagueGM says:

Taken by Skill 1 Skill 2
Cat Astrogation
Didn't Cat take the Astrogation for her connection skill in the end? I'm lost:)
Jan 11, 2023 10:32 am
@WhtKnt: If Cat picked up Astrogation through the Connection/current events, then maybe you want to suggest another Skill for the Package?
Jan 11, 2023 12:35 pm
vagueGM says:
TheGenerator says:
... I'm fine with taking what's left from the package after others pick ...
Since we are putting together our own Package, you can wait till the others have piked theirs and then suggest and take any two Skills that you think would be useful.

What do we have in the Package so far?
Suggested by Skill 1 Skill 2
WhtKnt Astrogation Broker
TheGenerator Survival Medic?
Pedrop Gunner Tactics

Taken by Skill 1 Skill 2
Cat Astrogation
Lio Survival Tactics
I'll take survival and tactics. Don't have any suggestions.

I'll come up with the connection skills in the next hour
Jan 11, 2023 12:35 pm
Looks like I did suggest tactics :-)
Jan 11, 2023 12:52 pm
Suggested by Skill 1 Skill 2
WhtKnt Astrogation Broker
TheGenerator Survival Medic?
Pedrop Gunner Tactics
Airshark Survival Tactics

Taken by Skill 1 Skill 2
Cat Astrogation
Lio Survival Tactics

Airshark says:
I'll take survival and tactics.
Cool. It does not look like we are going to have fights about who gets what, so picking two now is fine. A round-robin takes too long in PbP anyway.
Airshark says:
Looks like I did suggest tactics :-)
So you did, plus Survival.

Some of the Packages in the book have multiples of a Skill, so it is OK if we have Survival and Tactics in there twice (by three players), but feel free to change out those suggestions if you guys want.
Airshark says:
I'll come up with the connection skills in the next hour
And feel free to change your Package suggestions and picks after you have done that if you have overlap.
Jan 11, 2023 12:55 pm
connection skills.

Lio does check-ups on Ronny's implants, so science-cybernetics would be a logical skill to have. Since Raf was experimenting with cybernetics, Lio got involved in those experiments too. Learning from Raf and self education.

For the connection with Ronny, I'm not so sure. I could take something 'normal' like a drive skill. Is it necessary for Ronny to have such skill to learn from him. Or can we say that Lio had to do 'house visits' for the check-ups and it was just easier to learn how to drive than to rely on other types of transportation?
Jan 11, 2023 1:02 pm
vagueGM says:
TheGenerator says:
... cybernetic implant. As Lio is a physician, he could have been the one doing the surgery and/or does my check-ups? ...
We can say that is true --the second part almost definitely is-- even if this is not one of the mechanical Connections. It makes sense as a 'meeting point', though why did you pick Lio to do the surgery? Did you already know him?

Reminder of how Lio and Ronny know each other
Lio and Raf know each other from medic school.

just putting it here again because you asked, for me it was obvious but it was a few pages back so I understand how it got lost :)
Jan 11, 2023 1:06 pm
Airshark says:
... Raf was experimenting with cybernetics, Lio got involved in those experiments too ...
Makes sense.
Airshark says:
... I could take something 'normal' like a drive skill ...
By all means. Take whatever you want for your character, we can then work out how you got it. If it 'does not make sense', that is maybe all the better. :)
Airshark says:
... Is it necessary for Ronny to have such skill to learn from him ...

You are not learning the Skill from the other character, you just were in a situation where you picked it up.
Airshark says:
... 'house visits' for the check-ups ...
Yes. And not only for Ronny, 'doing hose-visits' for patients in general can be how you got a Skill, we just hear about that side of your life because of PC who was involved, there are things you do that we have not seen on-screen.

But only take Drive if that something you want. If you do, it is at Level 1, so you pick a Speciality and get the rest at 0.
Jan 11, 2023 1:15 pm
vagueGM says:
Airshark says:
... Raf was experimenting with cybernetics, Lio got involved in those experiments too ...
Makes sense.
Airshark says:
... I could take something 'normal' like a drive skill ...
Yes. And not only for Ronny, 'doing hose-visits' for patients in general can be how you got a Skill, we just hear about that side of your life because of PC who was involved, there are things you do that we have not seen on-screen.

But only take Drive if that something you want. If you do, it is at Level 1, so you pick a Speciality and get the rest at 0.
I took cybernetics lvl 1 and drive-wheeled lvl 1
Jan 11, 2023 1:16 pm
vagueGM says:
Airshark says:
... Raf was experimenting with cybernetics, Lio got involved in those experiments too ...
Makes sense.
Airshark says:
... I could take something 'normal' like a drive skill ...
Yes. And not only for Ronny, 'doing hose-visits' for patients in general can be how you got a Skill, we just hear about that side of your life because of PC who was involved, there are things you do that we have not seen on-screen.

But only take Drive if that something you want. If you do, it is at Level 1, so you pick a Speciality and get the rest at 0.
I took cybernetics lvl 1 and drive-wheeled lvl 1
survival and tactics also lvl 1
Jan 12, 2023 12:22 am
Thought I suggested Recon as a skill, and I was willing to take it if no one else does. I'll have to figure out how to connect it to someone else.
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