Airshark says:
... Raf was experimenting with cybernetics, Lio got involved in those experiments too ...
Makes sense.
Airshark says:
... I could take something 'normal' like a drive skill ...
By all means. Take whatever you want for your character, we can then work out how you got it. If it 'does not make sense', that is maybe all the better. :)
Airshark says:
... Is it necessary for Ronny to have such skill to learn from him ...
You are not learning the Skill
from the other character, you just were in a situation where you picked it up.
Airshark says:
... 'house visits' for the check-ups ...
Yes. And not only for
Ronny, 'doing hose-visits' for patients in general can be how you got a Skill, we just hear about that side of your life because of PC who was involved, there are things you do that we have not seen on-screen.
But only take Drive if that something you want. If you do, it is at Level 1, so you pick a Speciality and get the rest at 0.