Jul 20, 2022 11:36 pm
How you interpret what Prios and the Sun Church represent is left for us to decide. Below are some notes. [ +- ] Theurgy
Theurgy is nowadays understood as the teachings of the mystical force that radiates from the sun and which burns at the heart of the human spirit. Its powers are only found among the most loyal worshipers of the light: the chosen champions of Prios. The theurgs are considered the emissaries of Prios in the world of the living, and their burden is truly a great one. They lead the faithful in prayer, thereby guiding the sun through the darkness of the underworld each night. And their passion keeps the heavenly light from fading; without their strenuous work the ailing Sun God would surely die and the world would plunge into The Eternal Night.
Theurgy is an ancient tradition, first developed by the priesthoods devoted to the Old Gods. It is disputed among scholars and the learned whether witchcraft is older than theurgy or if it is the other way around. Either way, the golden age of theurgy is now. Ever since Prios earned himself the devotion and faith of most Ambrians, the bearers of the tradition have thrived. It is not important to them which of the traditions came first and which is the oldest. As far as the theurgs are concerned, the worshiping of moss and veneration of trees are unworthy of mankind’s holy spirit, and most consider witchcraft to be a path that leads only to decay and sorcery. They regard wizardry – the mystical order built on the foundation of older theurgy – in much the same way, as a truly godless and morally questionable practice.
Theurgy is an ancient tradition, first developed by the priesthoods devoted to the Old Gods. It is disputed among scholars and the learned whether witchcraft is older than theurgy or if it is the other way around. Either way, the golden age of theurgy is now. Ever since Prios earned himself the devotion and faith of most Ambrians, the bearers of the tradition have thrived. It is not important to them which of the traditions came first and which is the oldest. As far as the theurgs are concerned, the worshiping of moss and veneration of trees are unworthy of mankind’s holy spirit, and most consider witchcraft to be a path that leads only to decay and sorcery. They regard wizardry – the mystical order built on the foundation of older theurgy – in much the same way, as a truly godless and morally questionable practice.