Shouts of
"What’s going on here?" precede the arrival of two policemen with guns drawn, albeit too late.
Over the following weeks, you piece together the truth of the situation. James Gardiner enjoyed a vivid and fantastical dream life but somehow lost his ability to dream. He sought occult solutions to regain his dreams and found a spell in a tome that he believed would open the way for his dreams to return.
Unfortunately, the spell and the book were cursed. Some strange entity from another world tricked Gardiner into performing the rituals he found in the tome. One prepared his body to become a vessel for the foul entity while the other led to his death, sending poor Gardiner’s soul into oblivion. His empty body could then be possessed by the entity—just as you all discovered.
During the fight, some of you had a brush with insanity and still cannot explain the dreamlike and nightmarish visions experienced. Thanks to the ingenuity of William, and the aggression of Mrs Costa the body was damaged enough that the creature could no longer inhabit, but Gardiner was gone forever. Ma Shanks was not impressed to see the state of her carpet but you all agreed it was a small price to pay.
Due to your timely actions, you can feel proud to have played your part in foiling the schemes of a monster from beyond. Your surviving investigators are each awarded 1D6 Sanity points. Well done! Perhaps this incident has changed your investigator. If there are dark and unwholesome things out there that wish to break into our world, will your steadfast investigator join the fight to stop them?
After a scenario, you also get the chance to roll to improve your skills. Anything that you used (not including Pushed or Lucked rolls), make a roll and if you fail (roll over the skill) you gain 1d10 points in the skill. Below is the record of skills, if I missed any, feel free to shout up.
John - First aid
Humphrey - Occult
Spot Hidden
English Language
Edith - Throw
William - Brawl