The spirals on Mr. Gardiner’s hands and arms clearly seem significant but Humphrey can’t quite pin point why. He remembers seeing illustrations of spirals adorning ancient standing stones in Ireland from a book he once purchased but he didn’t think Mr. Gardiner had Irish heritage.
As he ruminates over spirals and standing stones, the bookseller notices a piece of paper covered with writing that looks vaguely familiar to him. He points out sheet and sheet to the others.
"We’ll, this is odd. I thought perhaps this was a suicide note but it’s written in Ancient Greek.
At first, Humphrey finds the text unintelligible but then he realizes he was trying to read the note upside down. He repositions himself to view the note from Mr. Gardiner’s perspective and tries once more to read it.
What would I need to roll to see if Humphrey remembers seeing the scars before? Also, does he know if Mr. Gardiner knew Ancient Greek?
I am definitely going to burn some luck to make that roll a success!
Last edited July 19, 2022 12:34 am