Severian locks eyes with the guard who spoke and walks towards him stopping and making the sign of the Aquila across his chest.
"We represent Inquisitor Killian and the Emperor's Light. Oath Captain Lucian is expecting us, summon him at once if you would be so good..... oh, and a little advice for you Guardsman. You would do well to adopt a more reverential tone in greeting visitors to the Sanctionary Bondsmen of the Oath Inviolate, for doesn't it stand to reason that visitors strolling with purpose to these gates and attired as we are, are likely to have been invited here as guests?" Severian pauses, his gaze undeviating, to allow the rhetorical question to sink into the agitated cogitation of the guard, and then he adds,
"There is no need to answer the question, but every need to ruminate upon it".
Turning his head towards the second guard, Severian nods sharply in the direction of the gate.
Last edited September 7, 2022 11:15 am