Turn order is handled thusly. At the start of a scene, we all decide who goes first. In practice this is usually pretty obvious, so there's not a lot of arguing. Mr. McFelson has attacked this guy, so he's probably going first. The @Darpavien will decide who goes next. NPCs and enemies are included in this choice. After that person has taken a turn, they pick someone who hasn't gone yet, and so on, until everyone has had a chance to act in the exchange. The last player (or me if that's the case) to act in the exchange chooses who starts the next one.
Please note, this means if you all pick each other to go, and then I get picked last, I can pick myself to go first at the top of the next exchange. That would play out like this: McFelson goes, Drocas goes, de Gael goes, Severian goes, then my guys go. Then I decide my guys go again before anyone else. I've played through this enough times that I like to warn the players this could happen if they don't take a tactical view of when the bad guys should go.
So here, at the top of this exchange, I think @Darpavien goes first, and then gets to pick who goes next. Does anyone have a different idea?