GAME CHAT 1: PROLOGUE, Outpost Salvation

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Aug 14, 2022 5:18 am
Near the end of the LAST WAR, the nation of CYRE was demolished in a cataclysmic event known as the Day of Mourning. The Day of Mourning was the event in which the nation of Cyre was destroyed in a magical holocaust of unknown origins on 20 Olarune, 994 YK. This event marked the beginning of the end of the Last War. Over a million Cyrans perished, including Cyre's Queen Dannel ir'Wynarn, along with military personnel from Breland, Thrane, and Karrnath within the nation's borders.

What remains of Cyre is now called the Mournland. In this Mournland the treasures of a dead nation wait to be claimed in this unpredictable and deadly landscape. Here in Breland on the border of the Mournland sits an outpost named Salvation populated by the desperate, foolhardy, all are seeking something. Survival in Salvation requires quick wits, a strong constitution, and a friend watching your back.

A new group has arrived... You stand on the lightning rail platform of outpost Salvation holding a brochure that reads:

"The Salvation Times Newspaper welcomes you to Outpost Salvation, a place of boundless opportunities. Join the many others here working to reclaim the heritage of Cyre from the Grey.

Outpost Salvation is a booming independent territory graciously granted by King Boranel of Breland. Outpost Salvation boasts an ever growing population of 400.

Accommodations can be obtained at the Salvation Hotel. Work can be found posted on the Salvage Board in The Grey Beyond. Sheriff Tenney keeps the peace."

A map of Outpost Salvation is on the back of the brochure.
[ +- ] Outpost Salvation Map
You take a moment for reflection: why did you come here? What is it you looking seek? Wealth? Power? Love? or perhaps something else in the Gray...
This an opportunity to introduce your character. The map that was mentioned is in the Oracle of War Resource Thread
Oct 3, 2022 4:20 pm
Fredo steps off the lightning rail, fingerless glove over his left hand, covering his mark.

Hell, it’s been a long time since I’ve been this close to Cyre, he recalls, thinking and monologuing internally to himself.

Maybe he can salvage some of his work there.
[ +- ] Fredo’s Backstory
Oct 3, 2022 5:23 pm
Ovak has been rather quite. She is well aware how people treat obvious Half-Orcs and a female to boot. Second class is usually the best she hopes for. She has had worse. She knows she has been eyed the whole way here is glad to get off soon.

Huge Ovak makes her own personal space and is obviously not a person to take lightly. It could also be that Half-Orcs are known for their rage and short tempers. Ovak looks does nothing to take away from that.

But she is here for a reason and that is to scavenge as that what she does mostly for a living. She has been in the Mournlands now for quite a while and is looking to do more work there. She is here for what the brochure promises. She thinks it has to be better than join in some rogue bunch just waiting to get caught. She would be lucky if they didn't killer her right off when it all falls apart.

Ovak is looking actually forward to this. Working perhaps with others instead of solo. She wonders how well the words of the King Boranel of Breland stand here. She eyes all that are abound and she notes many must be answering the brochure too. There is just too much armor and weapon among them although Mournlands does make one prepare oneself.

Her stride allows her to cover ground fast. That and she really doesn't have a lot of concern about others. The Salvage Board is her only interest. Coins are running short always and work here promise a lot. She can hunt for a place to hold up after she locates work. Although something to eat would be nice. She still has coins to rub together.
[ +- ] Ovak
Last edited October 3, 2022 5:23 pm
Oct 3, 2022 8:24 pm
Past tense just feels so much more natural to write. If it's too jarring let me know.
Gabrielle Blackwood slung her longbow over her shoulder and stepped down from the railcar, dust and grit crunching under her boots. She surveyed the outpost, trying to keep her expression neutral as some others shuffled around the platform behind her. From this vantage point, at least, Salvation seemed like yet another lawless grubby frontier town, with all that implied.

An enormous half-orc strode off quickly to the north, and Gabrielle gave her a wide berth as the orc lumbered past.

"Well," said Gabrielle, mostly to herself. "Time to see about accommodations, I suppose."

The crackle of lightning from the railcar punctuated her steps as she descended from the rail platform, and slowly was replaced by the soundscape of Salvation Outpost. Gabrielle walked slowly, reading the signs as she wandered, in search of a hotel or other lodging.
Last edited October 3, 2022 8:24 pm
Oct 3, 2022 9:37 pm
Kata spends some time clearing through the static of the last month or so. She volunteered for this. She's certain that she can make it. Mother has nothing to worry about, she will make her proud. Make her house proud.

She leans lightly on the metal figure accompanying her. The homemade defender was her light nod to mother's worries. "We've got this Vic. See, you were nervous for nothing."

The metal figure looked at her impassively, no expression crossing its face, not that the face itself had a lot of expressions to give. They extended their elbow gently. Kata took it, joining her sleek companion off the platform.
Picturing a fairly basic androg robot.... with surprising amounts of personailty in their motions. Also fun fact I did not know the personality of Kata when I started typing. Figured her out as I typed.
Oct 4, 2022 12:56 am
I also prefer past tense writing
Mordaky backed off the train, his hands held up in defense as he sputtered, "No, no trick, jus' real lucky" he smiled, his sharp teeth bearing slightly. His tail flicked from side to side as he pocked the coin he'd just taken off some other passenger in a completely legitimate game of dice. He then gave a bow before he turned on his heels and faced Salvation from the train platform.

"Well...I ma'e it jus' like ya said" if there was someone he was speaking to, they were unseen around his person, but the look in his red and black eyes made it seem like it was more introspective than to someone externally. He seemed to take in the whole town, or as much as he could see, absorbing it, trying to get an idea of it, conceptualize it. "It's no Sharn...far from it." Four hundred people compared to thousands, upon thousands, small buildings compared to flying towers, this was about as far from Sharn as you could; and for the gambler in desperate need of a hideout, it was the last place anyone would ever look. "Guess I'd betta get to work, coin's not gonna ma'e itself"
Last edited October 4, 2022 3:34 am
Oct 4, 2022 2:33 am
A small goblin nimbly skitters around the legs of the other passengers and onto the platform. Her grey eyes dart around taking in the new surroundings. She’s not even certain why she’s here yet. She has travelled far, following the lure of opportunity. Maybe something will find her.

Moisie unconsciously runs her hand over the pouch on her hip, the sound of coin purses jingle in her ears. A smirk crosses her face, as she adjusts her axe and continues into the crowd.
Oct 4, 2022 2:38 am
Malbor gazed around at the new surroundings. He had traveled widely upon the ships of his house but had never come here. Most paid him no mind but those that caught his eye turned away quickly. Outwardly he seemed to be just another Khoravar member of House Lyrandar, if perhaps with a bit of drow blood recognizable from the tint of his skin and long black hair, but there was something in his eyes that was immediately recognizable as strange, perhaps crazed, and no one held his gaze for long. One might wonder why a member of House Lyrandar would not be arriving by airship, but no one asked.

He was not sure what he would do now that he was here, but it had seemed like the right destination. He hadn't been forced to leave his ship. Not exactly. But it was clear his shipmates preferred he not be on it anymore. Since the storm, they had grown increasingly ill-at-ease around him and his life on board had become ever more difficult. He did not blame them. Even he was not at ease with his own company anymore. Perhaps it was all the incessant whispering...
"Yes. I know my money is running low." he whispered to himself.
"Yes. I plan on doing something about it." he answered, to the question that no one had asked.
He endeavored to move away from the others on the platform. Too many people huddled together for too long..
"Too close.. too close." he muttered to himself.
He noticed everyone avoiding the large orc. He wished he looked like that. Perhaps people would give him a wider berth.
He moved to walk in her wake where there were fewer bodies and consequently thoughts intruding on his own.
Last edited October 4, 2022 2:39 am
Oct 4, 2022 6:47 am
Fredo sees the Storm-born, and he walks up to them.

He says, "So, why’d you choose the ground transport, then?"

He smiles and says, "I’m Fredo, by the way. I’m ‘gifted’, too."

He lifts his left sleeve, and the unmistakable colors of dragonmark crawls up his skin.

He says, "What’s your name? Maybe we should hang together. I’m sure we could help each other out, ya know?"
Oct 4, 2022 5:12 pm
Malbor stops and turns gazing at Fredo. It is a bit unnerving. He puts his hand out to stop Fredo's approach.

"Not storm-born. Not marked. Malbor Loradin. Gifted. Gifted? Yes? No?"

It takes just a moment for Fredo to realize Malbor's mouth is not moving and the sounds are coming from within not without. It is very unsettling and more than a little intrusive.
Oct 4, 2022 7:30 pm
"UhH! That's weird, friend! Here, maybe this will help."

He pulls out a vial with a yellowish liquid, unstops the top, sticks the tip of his right pinky into it, then into his mouth, and says, "This may help, but I'm not exactly sure what it does," he starts to laugh, and says, "but maybe it'll do the trick!"
[ +- ] Experimental Elixir


Experimental Elixir - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Oct 4, 2022 9:11 pm
Malbor gazes at the small man for a moment. Maybe he'll go away if he takes his gift. It appears to be safe. He hesitates, then snatches the vial quickly and downs the contents in one quick motion. Odd tasting with a distinct metallic taste. Not bad exactly, but not good either. He takes a self-assessment. He doesn't appear to feel any differently. He waits for the gnome to leave him alone.
@HeroAmongMen I actually don't mean for you to necessarily leave my char alone. That's just what my character currently thinks.
Oct 4, 2022 11:14 pm
The halfling smiles at the larger person drinking his concoction, and says, "Ah, doesn't that make you feel better?" Come on, let's head out there. I think you and I can be good friends. What do you say, Malbor? Let's find our destinies in Salvation."

He puts his arm out, indicating to the larger person to walk ahead of him, and he follows.
Pan up and outward, to view the entire city, and the name of the outpost shows up above the skyline of the settlement. *j/k*
Oct 5, 2022 12:18 am
Ovak isn't the most observant person by looks but that is mistake. She has lived long enough to be rather observant and realizes Malbor is shadowing her. She was about to turn and address the matter when he appears to have fallen into a conversation with another from the railcar. So, she isn't concerned now and continues her stride with only moments break.

She goes where she believes they have the scavenging boards. If that isn't too apparent, then she will break down and ask someone who looks like they don't turn away from her sight. She has problems with this at times. Life of an ugly second class rare female Half-Orc. Her movements are getting a bit erratic from the crowds.

She is overly active and looking about. Truth is that she is getting spoked from too many people around her. She gets to thinking someone is going to attack her and it gets so bad she just bolts away from any crowd for safety. She has a rather suspicious nature about her. All she wants to do is get the boards and find a place away from so many people. She prefers to travel at night.
Oct 5, 2022 1:18 am
Marbol has no choice, the halfling entered the space he was trying to keep to himself, but at least there are still fewer people near, and maybe the halflings manner will drive off additional interlopers. He follows the Orc and hopes the halfling gives him a little space.
Last edited October 5, 2022 1:22 am
Oct 5, 2022 2:56 am
Fesilb steppes out of rail car just like many other people. Being a goblin meant not many people were actually paying much attention to him. "All the better" he thinks.
Carrying his backpack appearing too big from which a pick and shovel where somehow held in place he start to move along with the crowd and seeing a half-orc moving fast and who apears to know where she was going he decides to follow hoping to find a place to stay.
Oct 5, 2022 3:50 am
How can I resist this train of people lol
Mordaky watched as several people began to follow a half orc woman into the streets of Salvation, "Now dey look like dey know where the coin is, let's go and have a look see for our selves ya" he followed after the small goblin, staying several steps back as to not spook them into running.
Oct 5, 2022 4:27 am
Moisie watches the parade line up behind the half-orc. Her curiosity piqued, the goblin weaves her way throughout the crowd and sidles up to her.

"Hey Orc-lady, I know you’re prolly used to stares and all, but you’ve got some eyes on you.", she says. Her voice is very nasal and sharp with just a touch of raspiness to it.

"Don’t look! Just trust me, they’re there. I bet they’re following you ‘cause you look like you know where you’re going…", she tries to act casual, but Moisie is obviously just as curious as the rest.

"Where ARE you going, by the way?"
Oct 5, 2022 6:09 am
Ovak isn't too keen on talking to people and seems to be a wall but she isn't. She just listens well. Yes. She knows there is many following her, but she also knows they are form the railcar! If it wasn't for that she would have been even more spooked then she is. As she holds herself well together. She is actually less spoked as it like she isn't in a crowd of unknown people. It actually is giving her a buffer as she is sure they aren't a threat somehow.

She became less spoked when it became more than just 1 or 2. It was obvious to her that these people are acting like they don't know each other. They don't walk like a group mob, but like many separate people just keeping up with her! And it gives her a strange feeling and now this Goblin?!? She knows how people treat Goblins and especially a female. She has lived it.

Strangely she replies back in fluent GOBLIN as she moves, but she is moving a touch slower, "You are small. I go to promised scavenging boards. Those that follow me are strange and from railcar?." Perhaps she thinks your small legs can't keep up. It is even stranger that she knows Goblin and not broken like most. She also doesn't carry the heavy Orcish accent. She is strange that way.

It is very obvious now to Moisie that Ovak is alert to the others, but for some strange reason she hasn't let on to the fact. Could it be that they aren't the usual type of people you see. Is it the fact they are all carrying weapons and some armor. Not unlike her. Curiosity must be building as she realizes more of them are there. It isn't going to be long before they all realize to each other that they are all following her.
Last edited October 5, 2022 6:41 am
Oct 5, 2022 12:57 pm
Moisie is startled by the Half-Orc’s Goblin response, but tries to play it off. She replies back in Goblin, "Of course I’m small! I’m a goblin! Never trust a tall goblin…", she says defiantly. Calming slightly with a huff, she continues, "We all came from the train. So many strange creatures. Making profit from nothing sounds like a good plan. Mind if I tag along?", she nudges Ovak’s knee with her elbow.
"Moisie LaBouche… that’s my name, I mean."
Oct 5, 2022 5:44 pm
Ovak replies back as she is coming to a stop, (Watch the train wreck behind her.) "Ovak. Good. If they take us." Appears in Ovak's way she accepts Moisie.

She turns to watch the few train cars, "Why?. I scavenge for coins." The why has huge question marks all over it and nothing with it to say what is asking. Perhaps lots is being asked in one word. She is unsure. Perhaps the word coins has more meaning.

She doesn't understand how she could attract anything when she was working not to. Ugly female Half-Orc Ovak never attracts anything but pain. She is rather confused. She knows that she is almost there. Now she brings the charade to an end.
Last edited October 5, 2022 5:54 pm
Oct 5, 2022 6:15 pm
Kata is 300% getting lodgings or at this board if it exists
Oct 5, 2022 8:15 pm
The other lightning rail passengers continue to spill out of the cars onto rickety wooden platform.  Some passengers look around in awe, an obvious tell they are new here.  Due to their checkered pasts with organized crime and gambling. Fredo d’Nada and Mordaky Amerald easily notice these obvious newcomers being noted as marks by people waiting on the platform and others passing by.  A familiar scene of predators looking to prey on the weak and unwary.

Rail Street lays before you and like most streets in Outpost Salvation is composed of hard packed dirt.  A few magewrights with wands cast cantrips that spray water on the streets surface in a futile attempt to keep the fine dust from becoming an airborne nuisance.  The sent of horse manure in the streets mixed with food and alcohol rides on a gentle breeze.  The sound of conversation and music coming from the Gray Beyond tavern gives off a misleading carnival like atmosphere.  The double doors of the tavern are wide open as if to beckon you to enter.  The view from outside looking in reveals about twenty patrons engaged in various common activities such as conversation, eating, drinking alcohol and gambling.
Oct 5, 2022 9:20 pm
Gabrielle approached the group from behind, having found the hotel on Main Street. There was the giant orc from the train, and a few others she recognized. Coming up close but not too close, Gabrielle cleared her throat in a ladylike fashion and addressed anyone who would listen.

"Pardon," she said. "I could use a drink. Is there a queue to enter the tavern?"
Oct 6, 2022 12:33 am
"Well..." Mordaky announced as the train came to a screeching halt and he was suddenly amongst the others. "...seems ya foun' de Tavern, no shortage o' fools to find comfort at de bottom of a mug 'ere soon. More den one will be short a few coin from what I saw on dat platform" Mordaky shrugged, it was the nature of things, some folks were predators, some were prey, and then there was a lucky few who escaped the confines of either grouping. "Did'n mean to crash ya party doe jus' saw a train of folks and thought I'd see where de end of the line was, firs' round is on me doe if you wan'"
Oct 6, 2022 4:15 am
Plum says:
Gabrielle approached the group from behind, having found the hotel on Main Street. There was the giant orc from the train, and a few others she recognized. Coming up close but not too close, Gabrielle cleared her throat in a ladylike fashion and addressed anyone who would listen.

"Pardon," she said. "I could use a drink. Is there a queue to enter the tavern?"
"We have ice cold Brew (beer) 4cp, Coffin Varnish (Hard Whiskey) 6cp, Olladra's Luck 1 sp (100% proof alcohol) and Grey Ghost 5cp (Whiskey and Blue Berry Juice). What it'll be?"
Oct 6, 2022 4:19 am
The Gray Beyond tavern’s common room is built around the salvage board a place where the brokers of Salvation post bills
for jobs they need doing in the Gray.
Oct 6, 2022 4:32 am
_Tripp__ says:
"We have ice cold Brew (beer) 4cp, Coffin Varnish (Hard Whiskey) 6cp, Olladra's Luck 1 sp (100% proof alcohol) and Grey Ghost 5cp (Whiskey and Blue Berry Juice). What it'll be?"
Gabrielle gestured towards Mordaky.

"My new friend here is buying, it seems," said Gabrielle to the barkeep. "I'd like a Grey Ghost please. Lots of ice."

She waited for an acknowledgment from the barkeep before continuing. Catching his eye, Gabrielle nodded at the Salvage Board and flashed the barkeep a smile.

"How's the work? Anything on the board that I might want to steer clear of? Or anyone?"


Persuasion - (1d20)

(2) = 2

Free weekly reroll! - (1d20)

(2) = 2

Oct 6, 2022 4:41 am
Ovak looks about and says Scavanging is in there. She points to the Gray Beyond and turns and walks there. She will head over to the boards looking for work. Surprise to many she can read just fine.
Oct 6, 2022 4:49 am
MelodyMeradin says:
Kata is 300% getting lodgings or at this board if it exists
for clarification are you going to look for lodging alone or are you with the party at The Gray Beyond tavern?
Oct 6, 2022 11:35 am
Plum says:
_Tripp__ says:
"We have ice cold Brew (beer) 4cp, Coffin Varnish (Hard Whiskey) 6cp, Olladra's Luck 1 sp (100% proof alcohol) and Grey Ghost 5cp (Whiskey and Blue Berry Juice). What it'll be?"
Gabrielle gestured towards Mordaky.

"My new friend here is buying, it seems," said Gabrielle to the barkeep. "I'd like a Grey Ghost please. Lots of ice."

She waited for an acknowledgment from the barkeep before continuing. Catching his eye, Gabrielle nodded at the Salvage Board and flashed the barkeep a smile.

"How's the work? Anything on the board that I might want to steer clear of? Or anyone?"
Mordaky nodded to the Barkeep in agreeance with Gabrielle's statement, not a bit surprised that they would latch on to the offer so quickly. He noted the salvage board as well, and that the large orcish woman had made her way there immediately.

"Le' me 'ave a Coffin Varnish an' a Ice Cold Brew" Mordaky waited to receive both from the Bartender before taking both glasses and heading toward the salvage board. "'ello, would you care for ah beer or whiskey?" he said offering the drinks to Ovak.
Oct 6, 2022 2:37 pm
Moisie grabs a chair and follows Ovak to the boards. She hops up on to it and checks them over, looking for anything of interest. Mostly money, though. Even standing on the chair, she is just barely taller than Ovak’s elbow.

As the tiefling approaches, she slow turns to stare him uncomfortably in the eyes with a strange grin on her face. As the drink is offered, and never breaking the eye contact, she says to Ovak in Goblin, "One from the train. Are we making friends?"
Oct 6, 2022 3:45 pm
Fredo continues walking, urging the troubled one (Malbor) into the Tavern.

"Maybe there are some folks here who can help us with our goals here. I guess it's appropriate to ask: why did you come here? what do you hope to do in this town?"
Oct 6, 2022 5:13 pm
"Where will I go? What will we do now? How will we survive? What about our children? When are we going to get paid? Why did you come here? What do you hope to do in this town? Questions.. so many questions.. Gotta get it under control. Get it together. Alcohol. Alcohol will help. Then job. Can't survive without money." Malbor thinks it, so Fredo hears it, whether he wanted to or not.

Malbor sees the people filing into the tavern and follows. Trying to give the others as wide a berth as possible. He looks for a place at the end of the bar that is relatively less crowded and orders the strongest drink they have, downing it quickly as soon as it arrives then ordering another. The intrusion of the voices begins to dull and fade and Malbor breathes a sigh of relief.
Oct 6, 2022 5:23 pm
_Tripp__ says:
MelodyMeradin says:
Kata is 300% getting lodgings or at this board if it exists
for clarification are you going to look for lodging alone or are you with the party at The Gray Beyond tavern?
I'm at Gray Beyond
Oct 6, 2022 6:15 pm
GeneCortess says:
Ovak looks about and says Scavanging is in there. She points to the Gray Beyond and turns and walks there. She will head over to the boards looking for work. Surprise to many she can read just fine.
Salvage Board
Bill 1: "Speak to Belaluur in the Salvage Market about entering the Gray to look for a missing scout."

Bill 2: "A faithless scoundrel has stolen a relic from the Chapel of the Silver Flame. Visit Mother Jahanah to assist."

Bill 3: "Ring the scrapyard bell just after sunup for no-questions-asked cash job. Expect danger."

Bill 4: "Salvage job lead in the grey. Interested party pays 60gp upfront for information on this lead and 10% of salvage obtained upon return.  Salvage crews that want this lead need to give this bill posted on the Salvage Board to Reesin Smyth owner of the Gray Beyond"
Oct 6, 2022 10:16 pm
Madclergy says:
"'ello, would you care for ah beer or whiskey?" he said offering the drinks to Ovak.
Kata, looking at the postings on the board absentmindedly responded. "A whiskey would be lovely thank you." While she didn't move from her musings, Vic turned and extended a hand expectantly.
Oct 7, 2022 12:28 am
Ovak was a touch surpirse to be offered anything little lone a drink! And the thought of a drink made her want one more then the resisted urge of suffering asking. She avoid stuttering or anything else to give her away that she is surprised if happy to be asked. "Beer" is all she manages to Madclergy.

Looking down to Moisie, she says in Goblin which seems the language of her choice when talking to her, "We table and think. 60gp is lot but could lead to big. I don't have nearly that. I can talk and see if my adventure membership will cover me. Maybe even a room." She turns and moves to an open table. And if not then she will crowd out the end of one if she must. She knows she has enough coins for beer to wants to think.
Last edited October 7, 2022 2:31 am
Oct 7, 2022 2:29 am
"Can't hardly refuse a drink hard whiskey for me. By the way I'm Fesilb but you can call me Fez its much easier this way." the short goblin drop his backpack to the ground and sit with the others.
going camping tomorrow might not be anle able to post until monday.
Oct 7, 2022 2:34 am
Ovak take note of another Goblin (Fesilb) now sitting at the table. She only nods to him as she recognizes him from the railcar. She says in Goblin, "Scavenging?" (Assumed that short female Goblin Moisie friend is already at the table) Ovak is waiting for her beer. She looks about in hopes to ID out one Reesin Smyth.

She hopes to press her Adventurers' Membership. She has in no way near 60gp. Her 5gp horde isn't going last long either. She is thinking to get in at no up front cost. And even possibly get room and board as well as food and drinks in a deal. She is an experienced scavenger and more so that she knows Mournland and how to survive in it. She still has 10gp of furs with her.

She really hasn't made a name for herself and doubts this Reesin Smyth knows of her. Those of the Adventurer's Guild and the (Guild Artisan: Leatherworkers, Skinners, and Tanners.) do know her well. Besides scavenging she has brought in many furs for trade. She is a skilled leather worker besides a person who can safely travel in Mournland. Not exactly a safe place ever. The unsuspecting die fast and horribly.
Last edited October 7, 2022 3:03 am


Perception Check - (1d20+6)

(18) + 6 = 24

Oct 7, 2022 3:25 am
Plum says:
_Tripp__ says:
"We have ice cold Brew (beer) 4cp, Coffin Varnish (Hard Whiskey) 6cp, Olladra's Luck 1 sp (100% proof alcohol) and Grey Ghost 5cp (Whiskey and Blue Berry Juice). What it'll be?"
Gabrielle gestured towards Mordaky.

"My new friend here is buying, it seems," said Gabrielle to the barkeep. "I'd like a Grey Ghost please. Lots of ice."

She waited for an acknowledgment from the barkeep before continuing. Catching his eye, Gabrielle nodded at the Salvage Board and flashed the barkeep a smile.

"How's the work? Anything on the board that I might want to steer clear of? Or anyone?"
please roll Persuasion
Oct 7, 2022 3:42 am
GeneCortess says:
Ovak take note of another Goblin (Fesilb) now sitting at the table. She only nods to him as she recognizes him from the railcar. She says in Goblin, "Scavenging?" (Assumed that short female Goblin Moisie friend is already at the table) Ovak is waiting for her beer. She looks about in hopes to ID out one Reesin Smyth.

She hopes to press her Adventurers' Membership. She has in no way near 60gp. Her 5gp horde isn't going last long either. She is thinking to get in at no up front cost. And even possibly get room and board as well as food and drinks in a deal. She is an experienced scavenger and more so that she knows Mournland and how to survive in it. She still has 10gp of furs with her.

She really hasn't made a name for herself and doubts this Reesin Smyth knows of her. Those of the Adventurer's Guild and the (Guild Artisan: Leatherworkers, Skinners, and Tanners.) do know her well. Besides scavenging she has brought in many furs for trade. She is a skilled leather worker besides a person who can safely travel in Mournland. Not exactly a safe place ever. The unsuspecting die fast and horribly.
Ovak overhears a patron call the bartender by the name "Reesin" when asking for a drink.
Oct 7, 2022 3:54 am
Perked up long green ears of Ovak, gets up from the table giving a hold sign by hands to those there. She is in a brisk stride that bust most anything aside due to her volume. It is a direct like to the bartender. She makes a space on the bar. (Rudeness is something she is kinda known for. She doesn't care too much about other people and really doesn't understand her bulk sometimes.)

She interrupts if needed, "Ovak. Adventurer's Member. Want Scavenging Job. No 60 gold coins. Read. You to talk to. Have friend. Maybe more." Her common isn't broken, but you can tell she is working hard to destroy her Orc'ish accent. Her Goblin is actually much better. She is very direct to the point. Rare ugly female Half-Orc in motion. (And wants her beer too!)
Last edited October 7, 2022 4:02 am
Oct 7, 2022 5:03 am
Moisie hops down and follows Ovak to the table, dragging her chair with her. She takes her seat next to Ovak, still eyeing Mordaky. She finally breaks her gaze to acknowledge Fesilb with an up nod. "Its always nice to meet another ugly face in the room, Fez.", Moisie says in Goblin .

She settles on her knees on the chair with her arms folded across her chest. She answers Ovak’s question. "I think scavenging is fine enough, but we need coin first if we’re going to get that lead.". She sits in thought for a moment, maybe scheming as Ovak goes to the bar.

She then stands on her chair, with her little fists on the table. She leans in a bit as she addresses the rest of the "Train". "Alright, I’m Moisie. I’m sure you’re dying to know who My Orc friend is, but I’ll let the Lovely Lady introduce herself when she gets back. I can see we’re all a bunch of desperate louts looking to start over. There’s work here. Opportunity… Money…", she says with greedy little grin.

"What do you say we use strength in numbers and all that? Pool our resources. Just temporarily. Get our feet under us.", she looks around the table awaiting a response.
Last edited October 7, 2022 5:07 am
Oct 8, 2022 2:02 am
GeneCortess says:
Perked up long green ears of Ovak, gets up from the table giving a hold sign by hands to those there. She is in a brisk stride that bust most anything aside due to her volume. It is a direct like to the bartender. She makes a space on the bar. (Rudeness is something she is kinda known for. She doesn't care too much about other people and really doesn't understand her bulk sometimes.)

She interrupts if needed, "Ovak. Adventurer's Member. Want Scavenging Job. No 60 gold coins. Read. You to talk to. Have friend. Maybe more." Her common isn't broken, but you can tell she is working hard to destroy her Orc'ish accent. Her Goblin is actually much better. She is very direct to the point. Rare ugly female Half-Orc in motion. (And wants her beer too!)
Reesin Smyth
Gives Ovak an exasperated look, "If you have coin for your drink have a seat, she'll be here in a few minutes." Reesin serves Ovak her drink upon payment and heads into a room behind the bar.
Oct 8, 2022 2:44 am
She gives coin and turns. Walks back to the table. "Find out soon." is all she says in Goblin. And she waits for her drink.
Oct 8, 2022 3:15 am
Reesin Smyth
returns and continues working the bar.

Kalli Alran
She strides over to your table, raises an eyebrow and with a tone of skepticism in her voice, "Ovak my name is Kalli, you are interested in the salvage lead I have to offer?"
Oct 8, 2022 4:13 am
Ovak looks Kalli over. I Scavenge. Have friend and others wanting from railcar. Taking a breath continues, "Adventurer's Member. I know Mournland well. Been there many times. No 60 gold coins." She again uses her restrictive voiced common.
Last edited October 8, 2022 4:16 am
Oct 8, 2022 12:53 pm
Mordaky had given the two drinks he had, the beer to Ovak, and the Whiskey to Kata. He then would call the barmaid over for any additional drinks, as well as a drink for himself, a whiskey. At the table he listened to Ovak and the Goblins converse in their native tongue, one he was fluent in himself, but kept to speaking common as Ovak returned and then Kalli joined them at the table.

"Am I to understan' you wan' 60 gold coin for a lead? What makes de lead worth tha' much?"
Oct 8, 2022 7:13 pm
Kata sips the whiskey, her body guard looming behind. "Oh, paying 60 gold? I had imagined the reverse, that it was an advance..." she keeps her words quiet to Mordaky, but eyes on Kalli.
Oct 8, 2022 8:01 pm
Gabrielle perks up at the mention of gold. She steps closer to Kalli and those clustered around.

"You have work that needs doing? I'm interested," she says. "I can handle myself in the Gray."
Oct 8, 2022 8:28 pm
Kalli Alran
She frowns upon hearing Ovak does not have the 60 gold. Kalli eyes narrow as she sees more people approach the table. "I see you are not alone Ovak I was begining to think you were going out into the Gray alone. Maybe your crew can pool their gold to come up with the 60 gold to pay for the lead?." She turns to Mordaky and Kata then with a smirk says, "I give you the lead and you newbies share it with everyone else? Maybe you go into the Gray and never return? So yes this is an advance." She looks at all of you lets out a long sigh, "So do you have the 60 gold or not?"
Oct 8, 2022 11:50 pm
Ovak says to Kalli, What can you tell me that could entice me, US, to give you 60 gold coins. I mean we have to cover our own stuff for the days there on top of that. You don't live on nothing in Mournland easily.
Oct 9, 2022 2:51 am
Kata is watching closely as this is brought up. She murmurs quietly to Mordaky, "Hell, I only managed to part the family with a fraction of that." She watches closely.
That watching closely is me fishing for Insight. I'll roll it for pacing and feel free to ignore if it's not warranted.
...that can happen too, don't mind me.
Last edited October 9, 2022 2:52 am


Insight - (1d20-1)

(1) - 1 = 0

Oct 9, 2022 3:18 am
GeneCortess says:
Ovak says to Kalli, What can you tell me that could entice me, US, to give you 60 gold coins. I mean we have to cover our own stuff for the days there on top of that. You don't live on nothing in Mournland easily.
Kalli Alran
"I found a hidden Cannith Warehouse, there is a good chance some dragonshards stashed there."
Oct 9, 2022 3:22 am
MelodyMeradin says:
Kata is watching closely as this is brought up. She murmurs quietly to Mordaky, "Hell, I only managed to part the family with a fraction of that." She watches closely.
That watching closely is me fishing for Insight. I'll roll it for pacing and feel free to ignore if it's not warranted.
...that can happen too, don't mind me.
Kalli Alran
She notices that Kata is watching her and rolls her eyes.
Oct 9, 2022 3:41 am
Plum says:
_Tripp__ says:
"We have ice cold Brew (beer) 4cp, Coffin Varnish (Hard Whiskey) 6cp, Olladra's Luck 1 sp (100% proof alcohol) and Grey Ghost 5cp (Whiskey and Blue Berry Juice). What it'll be?"
Gabrielle gestured towards Mordaky.

"My new friend here is buying, it seems," said Gabrielle to the barkeep. "I'd like a Grey Ghost please. Lots of ice."

She waited for an acknowledgment from the barkeep before continuing. Catching his eye, Gabrielle nodded at the Salvage Board and flashed the barkeep a smile.

"How's the work? Anything on the board that I might want to steer clear of? Or anyone?"
Reesin Smyth

"There is always work to be done in Salvation. I haven't heard of anything or anyone to avoid lately. Those types usually get what's coming to them pretty quick."
Oct 9, 2022 5:17 am
Moisie leans into Ovak and says in Goblin, "The board said 60 gold and 10%, maybe offer 30 gold and we’ll give 15% of the take?"
Oct 9, 2022 5:52 am
Ovak hears Moisie but continues on her line of questions, "Dragonshards. Well that is interesting. Not to give away where, but how many days in are we talking about here. Supplies cost coins."
Oct 9, 2022 1:26 pm
Kalli Alran
With a firm look at Moisie and Ovak, "If you do not have the gold there is nothing left to discuss." She takes a step back, turns and starts to leave.
Oct 9, 2022 6:48 pm
Ovak says as Kalli moves to leave, Well should that 60 gold coins becomes available then we can find you here.

Looking to the others, That first bill "Speak to Belaluur in the Salvage Market about entering the Gray to look for a missing scout" sounds to be a nice place to start. What do you all think unless you happen to have close to 60 gold coins.
Oct 9, 2022 8:03 pm
Fredo was pushing his friend in the direction of Ovak’s location. They parked themselves nearby, and overheard the assertions of needing so much gold.

He sidles up next to Ovak and says, "sometimes, one must invest in ideas, and then watch the fruit of their labors."

He pays his belt pouch and says, "I don’t have 60 gold, but I have a sizable amount."

Looking to Kalli, he says, "Can you give us a few minutes to deliberate amongst ourselves?"
Oct 9, 2022 8:58 pm
"Well, I di' win some on da train, but I'd not want ta give it all away on a bad bet." Mordaky sipped his drink as he thought about the deal. "Maybe we do as de lovely half orc says, find this Belaluur and see if we can make some coin ta invest."
Oct 9, 2022 9:12 pm
HeroAmongMen says:
Fredo was pushing his friend in the direction of Ovak’s location. They parked themselves nearby, and overheard the assertions of needing so much gold.

He sidles up next to Ovak and says, "sometimes, one must invest in ideas, and then watch the fruit of their labors."

He pays his belt pouch and says, "I don’t have 60 gold, but I have a sizable amount."

Looking to Kalli, he says, "Can you give us a few minutes to deliberate amongst ourselves?"
Kalli Alran
Looks at Fredo from the sides of her eyes, "I suppose since I am here I'll have a drink." Kalli walks over to the bar, orders a drink and chats with Reesin the bartender.
Oct 9, 2022 9:16 pm
What you say. We together have the 60 gold coins? That is much. she reaches in her pouch and retrieves a few coins. (3 or 4 gold coins) Showing how few she has. I not have anything close to 60 gold ones.
Last edited October 9, 2022 9:16 pm
Oct 9, 2022 10:41 pm
Gabrielle produces 5 gold coins from her pouch.

"My name is Gabrielle," she says, slapping the coins down on the table. "And this is my stake."
Oct 10, 2022 2:24 am
Malbor has been listening to the conversation about work that seems to be drawing a growing number of participants. Feeling better, he decides that for safety it would be best to have some "shipmates" to share the danger.

Fredo hears Malbor's voice inside his head, "I'll contribute to the fund and join the expedition. The greater the risk, the greater the reward. I'll put up to 10 gold if our shares are proportionate to our investment."
Last edited October 10, 2022 2:32 am
Oct 10, 2022 5:58 pm
Kata murmurs low to the group. "I actually can put up 10 coins for sure, I've got a few more if we're just short, but I'd like to have some money for supplies..."

She pauses, and then even lower, "If we don't care about offending the woman, I could offer my bag of holding...."
Oct 10, 2022 6:36 pm
"I have 15 total, myself, though it would flush me dry. I'm willing, if that's what's needed, though.

"Also, Malbor here says he will give 10. He my brain!"

The halfling chuckles unsettlingly, and then he says, "Well, he does, but I'm not crazy. I know that's exactly what a crazy person would say, but I'm not."

He grins, and then shuts his mouth.
Oct 11, 2022 12:24 am
I can put 10 gold... Yes. Might find some interresting things there. I believe that would put us quite near to the required 60 golds needed... Yes?. The goblin looks around seeking approval from someone
Oct 11, 2022 4:02 pm
Moisie nods at Fez and begrudgingly retrieves some coins from her pouch, "If you have five gold, Ovak, I can throw in the rest with my 10."

She waits expectantly.
Last edited October 11, 2022 4:03 pm
Oct 11, 2022 4:39 pm
Status: I guess someone had to do it.

Ovak - 5
Gabrielle - 5
Malbor - 10
Kata - 10
Fredo - 10
Fesilb -10
Moisie - 10

Mordaky hasn't posted if he is going to give any money to join the team.

"Well, I di' win some on da train, but I'd not want ta give it all away on a bad bet." Mordaky sipped his drink as he thought about the deal. "Maybe we do as de lovely half orc says, find this Belaluur and see if we can make some coin ta invest."

Akorn's Character doesn't exist.
Arias has not posted since creation.

Smiles. Extra funds probably will go toward food needed.
Last edited October 11, 2022 4:45 pm
Oct 11, 2022 4:43 pm
Ovak rises after hearing all said and walks over to Kalli at the bar. "Come to the table. We talk. 60 gold coins." and returns to the table. "We see now." as she awaits Kalli to come.
Oct 11, 2022 9:55 pm
Mordaky would have offered in 5gp, everything just went so...quickly.
Oct 12, 2022 3:01 am
Kalli Alran
Kalli finishes her drink as Ovak approaches. Kalli looks down with a distant look in her eyes upon hearing the group has the 60 gold payment. A frown briefly appears before fleeing into stoicism. Kalli walks with Ovak to join the group that has gathered.
Before I go on, for clarification does the group pay Kalli the 60 gold?
Oct 12, 2022 4:58 am
lets go with yes and we have 5 gp to buy food with.
Oct 12, 2022 5:17 am
_Tripp__ says:
Before I go on, for clarification does the group pay Kalli the 60 gold?
I'm good to put in what I offered up.
Last edited October 12, 2022 5:17 am
Oct 12, 2022 5:42 am
Malbor extends a ghostly hand to Fredo with 10g in it.
Oct 12, 2022 6:17 am
Fredo takes the 10, puts his own 10 in, and slaps the combined amount onto the table.
Oct 12, 2022 5:15 pm
Kalli Alran
Upon receiving her 60 gp payment. Kalli speaks in a hushed tone, "You must follow the road due north into the Mournland for about ten miles, until you come to the head of a warforged colossus. This was the site of a great battle and the undecaying bodies of dead soldiers can be seen everywhere.  Their faces frozen in agony.  Their faces, I cannot forget."  Kalli's eyes narrow a bit as she gives Fredo d’Nada a lingering look, "All of them looked like they died, strangling, choking and gasping for air."  She closes her eyes and shakes her head.  She resumes eye contact with the rest of the party. "The hidden entrance to the Cannith Warehouse is nearby the head of the fallen colossus."

She pauses with a brief look of sadness before a return an emotionless expression.  "If you return leave a message with Reesin here at The Grey Beyond.  I work with a salvage broker that will give us a fair price.  Good luck to you."
Just in case it wasn't clear Kalli provided all of you with precise directions to the hidden Cannith Warehouse
Oct 12, 2022 5:49 pm
Fredo hopefully doesn't noticeably react to the glare from Kalli, but he thinks, Does she know about...about the...wait, the Mourning couldn't have been because, this is just about the choking weapons, I bet.

His face betrays a little tinge of regret, and then he snaps back and says, "We'll sneak in and get the salvage."
Oct 12, 2022 9:28 pm
Waiting until Kalli has gone, "Does anyone have masks? Based on that description, I'm worried that there'll be something in the air."
Oct 12, 2022 11:32 pm
You will need more than mask to survive in Mournland. This appears to be a one day trip so we don't need anything but water. We leave tomorrow morning first light so we can get back before dark. Meet here and don't be late. With a mixed group she uses common.
Oct 13, 2022 12:47 am
Fredo responds: "Sounds good, boss woman!"
Oct 13, 2022 5:31 am
Moisie wrings her hands in excitement. "Until tomorrow then.", she says to the group.

She then turns to Ovak and says in Goblin, "That was the last of my coin, do you have a place to stay tonight?"
Oct 13, 2022 5:54 am
DM's choice if it needs to be played out, but Kata will look for accommodations and something to breathe through, whether that be a true gas mask or just some sort of wearable filter.
Oct 13, 2022 3:29 pm
Ovak fairly much ignores Fredo's boss woman which is something Ovak is really good at. Not responding.

Ovak replies back to Moisie in Goblin, "I haven't coins either but I have some furs to sell. Enough to get a room for the night."
Last edited October 13, 2022 3:30 pm
Oct 13, 2022 6:56 pm
Gabrielle watches without further comment as Kalli leaves the table. Once she's out of earshot, Gabrielle turns to Kata.

"I didn't catch your name," says Gabrielle. "But I don't think the air will still be foul, otherwise Kalli would not have lived to tell the tale. We must nevertheless be extremely cautious."

Her eyes flit around the table. Gabrielle leans in confidentially.

"We don't know who else she's sold this lead to," Gabrielle says in hushed tones. "We might not be the only ones seeking what's inside."
Oct 13, 2022 10:58 pm
GM: Feel free to just go with Oval selling her 10 gp of Furs and getting a room & meals for the night. Be there ready for the morning if you wish. It will not bother me.
Oct 14, 2022 6:27 am
Plum says:
"I didn't catch your name," says Gabrielle. "But I don't think the air will still be foul, otherwise Kalli would not have lived to tell the tale. We must nevertheless be extremely cautious."

Her eyes flit around the table. Gabrielle leans in confidentially.

"We don't know who else she's sold this lead to," Gabrielle says in hushed tones. "We might not be the only ones seeking what's inside."
Kata perks up lightly, "Now that I hadn't thought of. Not sure I'll forgo some breath protection anyways."

She unfolds from where she's been leaning on the table. "I'm Kata, and this is Vic, my partner." While her speech is a bit stiff and formal and measured, Vic's motions are much more grand, as if they'd been announced at a gala or ball. They sweep into a bow, with just a slight jerk at the waist belying their machine nature.

"And you are?"
Last edited October 14, 2022 6:28 am
Oct 14, 2022 6:31 pm
"Blackwood," said Gabrielle to Kata, with a muted smile. "Gabrielle Blackwood. Your, er, companion is very impressive. I'm off to the hotel, shall we go as a group?"
Oct 14, 2022 6:57 pm
Mordaky fetched his offering to the group out of his pouch, as well as whatever was needed to cover this round of drinks. "Name's Mordaky, pleasure to meet you all" Mordaky would pay close attention to each person as they introduced themselves, he was attempting to get a read on them.
Oct 14, 2022 7:01 pm
Plum says:
"Blackwood," said Gabrielle to Kata, with a muted smile. "Gabrielle Blackwood. Your, er, companion is very impressive. I'm off to the hotel, shall we go as a group?"
Fredo says, "I think sharing space is a great way to save funds, and stay safe.

"May Malbor and I join you? We won’t take up too much space, I swear! I’m Fredo, by the way. I used to work for the Boromar family."
Oct 14, 2022 7:23 pm
Gabrielle gave Fredo an uncertain look.

"Take up space? Well I'm not certain I take your meaning correctly," she said with a diplomatic tone. "You may by all means accompany us to the hotel but I shall be sleeping alone, so there's no concern about taking up my space."

Gabrielle's face took on a friendly expression.

"Come, let us retire for the night," she said. "We have an early start tomorrow."
Last edited October 14, 2022 7:24 pm
Oct 14, 2022 8:58 pm
Plum says:
"Take up space? Well I'm not certain I take your meaning correctly," she said with a diplomatic tone. "You may by all means accompany us to the hotel but I shall be sleeping alone, so there's no concern about taking up my space."
"Ah, I was also going to ask if you wanted to save funds, but no matter."
Oct 14, 2022 9:38 pm
Mordaky chuckled at the awkwardness of the current conversation. "I am 'appy to also take up space with anyone, but I must confess, I snore"
Oct 14, 2022 11:12 pm
Now that the crowd has thinned. Malbor approaches the stragglers.
"I prefer to be alone." he says. To everyone or no one.
Oct 15, 2022 3:09 am
GeneCortess says:
GM: Feel free to just go with Oval selling her 10 gp of Furs and getting a room & meals for the night. Be there ready for the morning if you wish. It will not bother me.
That works 👍
Oct 15, 2022 4:00 am
MelodyMeradin says:
DM's choice if it needs to be played out, but Kata will look for accommodations and something to breathe through, whether that be a true gas mask or just some sort of wearable filter.
Kata finds found the following items for sale that provide protection against airborne hazards:
-Necklace of Adaptation: 1,500gp. Requires Attunement
While wearing this necklace, you can breathe normally in any Environment, and you have advantage on Saving Throws made against harmful gases and vapors (such as Cloudkill and Stinking Cloud Effects, inhaled Poisons, and the breath Weapons of some dragons).

-Auran Mask: 60gp Provides a +5 circumstance bonus against inhaled toxins.

Kata may also craft a crude filter that would provide +1 saving throw for airborne toxin. Roll to craft it DC10. If you have a tool Proficiency that would be appropriate add it to the roll.
If you fail the roll you won't know it until you would have a use for it.
Oct 15, 2022 4:23 am
For those of you the went to the Salvation Hotel there is a new Game Chat for the Salvation Hotel. If you didn't go to the Salvation Hotel, where did you go?
Oct 15, 2022 7:30 pm
_Tripp__ says:
Kata may also craft a crude filter that would provide +1 saving throw for airborne toxin. Roll to craft it DC10. If you have a tool Proficiency that would be appropriate add it to the roll.
If you fail the roll you won't know it until you would have a use for it.
Unsurprisingly, this is gonna have to be the solution. Between the tinker's tools and the leather worker's tools she'd likely be able to whip something up. She'll Right tool for the job up the leather tools for the evening.


Craft - Int with proficiency from tools - (1d20+5)

(13) + 5 = 18

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