GAME CHAT 1: PROLOGUE, Outpost Salvation

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Oct 5, 2022 5:44 pm
Ovak replies back as she is coming to a stop, (Watch the train wreck behind her.) "Ovak. Good. If they take us." Appears in Ovak's way she accepts Moisie.

She turns to watch the few train cars, "Why?. I scavenge for coins." The why has huge question marks all over it and nothing with it to say what is asking. Perhaps lots is being asked in one word. She is unsure. Perhaps the word coins has more meaning.

She doesn't understand how she could attract anything when she was working not to. Ugly female Half-Orc Ovak never attracts anything but pain. She is rather confused. She knows that she is almost there. Now she brings the charade to an end.
Last edited October 5, 2022 5:54 pm
Oct 5, 2022 6:15 pm
Kata is 300% getting lodgings or at this board if it exists
Oct 5, 2022 8:15 pm
The other lightning rail passengers continue to spill out of the cars onto rickety wooden platform.  Some passengers look around in awe, an obvious tell they are new here.  Due to their checkered pasts with organized crime and gambling. Fredo d’Nada and Mordaky Amerald easily notice these obvious newcomers being noted as marks by people waiting on the platform and others passing by.  A familiar scene of predators looking to prey on the weak and unwary.

Rail Street lays before you and like most streets in Outpost Salvation is composed of hard packed dirt.  A few magewrights with wands cast cantrips that spray water on the streets surface in a futile attempt to keep the fine dust from becoming an airborne nuisance.  The sent of horse manure in the streets mixed with food and alcohol rides on a gentle breeze.  The sound of conversation and music coming from the Gray Beyond tavern gives off a misleading carnival like atmosphere.  The double doors of the tavern are wide open as if to beckon you to enter.  The view from outside looking in reveals about twenty patrons engaged in various common activities such as conversation, eating, drinking alcohol and gambling.
Oct 5, 2022 9:20 pm
Gabrielle approached the group from behind, having found the hotel on Main Street. There was the giant orc from the train, and a few others she recognized. Coming up close but not too close, Gabrielle cleared her throat in a ladylike fashion and addressed anyone who would listen.

"Pardon," she said. "I could use a drink. Is there a queue to enter the tavern?"
Oct 6, 2022 12:33 am
"Well..." Mordaky announced as the train came to a screeching halt and he was suddenly amongst the others. "...seems ya foun' de Tavern, no shortage o' fools to find comfort at de bottom of a mug 'ere soon. More den one will be short a few coin from what I saw on dat platform" Mordaky shrugged, it was the nature of things, some folks were predators, some were prey, and then there was a lucky few who escaped the confines of either grouping. "Did'n mean to crash ya party doe jus' saw a train of folks and thought I'd see where de end of the line was, firs' round is on me doe if you wan'"
Oct 6, 2022 4:15 am
Plum says:
Gabrielle approached the group from behind, having found the hotel on Main Street. There was the giant orc from the train, and a few others she recognized. Coming up close but not too close, Gabrielle cleared her throat in a ladylike fashion and addressed anyone who would listen.

"Pardon," she said. "I could use a drink. Is there a queue to enter the tavern?"
"We have ice cold Brew (beer) 4cp, Coffin Varnish (Hard Whiskey) 6cp, Olladra's Luck 1 sp (100% proof alcohol) and Grey Ghost 5cp (Whiskey and Blue Berry Juice). What it'll be?"
Oct 6, 2022 4:19 am
The Gray Beyond tavern’s common room is built around the salvage board a place where the brokers of Salvation post bills
for jobs they need doing in the Gray.
Oct 6, 2022 4:32 am
_Tripp__ says:
"We have ice cold Brew (beer) 4cp, Coffin Varnish (Hard Whiskey) 6cp, Olladra's Luck 1 sp (100% proof alcohol) and Grey Ghost 5cp (Whiskey and Blue Berry Juice). What it'll be?"
Gabrielle gestured towards Mordaky.

"My new friend here is buying, it seems," said Gabrielle to the barkeep. "I'd like a Grey Ghost please. Lots of ice."

She waited for an acknowledgment from the barkeep before continuing. Catching his eye, Gabrielle nodded at the Salvage Board and flashed the barkeep a smile.

"How's the work? Anything on the board that I might want to steer clear of? Or anyone?"


Persuasion - (1d20)

(2) = 2

Free weekly reroll! - (1d20)

(2) = 2

Oct 6, 2022 4:41 am
Ovak looks about and says Scavanging is in there. She points to the Gray Beyond and turns and walks there. She will head over to the boards looking for work. Surprise to many she can read just fine.
Oct 6, 2022 4:49 am
MelodyMeradin says:
Kata is 300% getting lodgings or at this board if it exists
for clarification are you going to look for lodging alone or are you with the party at The Gray Beyond tavern?
Oct 6, 2022 11:35 am
Plum says:
_Tripp__ says:
"We have ice cold Brew (beer) 4cp, Coffin Varnish (Hard Whiskey) 6cp, Olladra's Luck 1 sp (100% proof alcohol) and Grey Ghost 5cp (Whiskey and Blue Berry Juice). What it'll be?"
Gabrielle gestured towards Mordaky.

"My new friend here is buying, it seems," said Gabrielle to the barkeep. "I'd like a Grey Ghost please. Lots of ice."

She waited for an acknowledgment from the barkeep before continuing. Catching his eye, Gabrielle nodded at the Salvage Board and flashed the barkeep a smile.

"How's the work? Anything on the board that I might want to steer clear of? Or anyone?"
Mordaky nodded to the Barkeep in agreeance with Gabrielle's statement, not a bit surprised that they would latch on to the offer so quickly. He noted the salvage board as well, and that the large orcish woman had made her way there immediately.

"Le' me 'ave a Coffin Varnish an' a Ice Cold Brew" Mordaky waited to receive both from the Bartender before taking both glasses and heading toward the salvage board. "'ello, would you care for ah beer or whiskey?" he said offering the drinks to Ovak.
Oct 6, 2022 2:37 pm
Moisie grabs a chair and follows Ovak to the boards. She hops up on to it and checks them over, looking for anything of interest. Mostly money, though. Even standing on the chair, she is just barely taller than Ovak’s elbow.

As the tiefling approaches, she slow turns to stare him uncomfortably in the eyes with a strange grin on her face. As the drink is offered, and never breaking the eye contact, she says to Ovak in Goblin, "One from the train. Are we making friends?"
Oct 6, 2022 3:45 pm
Fredo continues walking, urging the troubled one (Malbor) into the Tavern.

"Maybe there are some folks here who can help us with our goals here. I guess it's appropriate to ask: why did you come here? what do you hope to do in this town?"
Oct 6, 2022 5:13 pm
"Where will I go? What will we do now? How will we survive? What about our children? When are we going to get paid? Why did you come here? What do you hope to do in this town? Questions.. so many questions.. Gotta get it under control. Get it together. Alcohol. Alcohol will help. Then job. Can't survive without money." Malbor thinks it, so Fredo hears it, whether he wanted to or not.

Malbor sees the people filing into the tavern and follows. Trying to give the others as wide a berth as possible. He looks for a place at the end of the bar that is relatively less crowded and orders the strongest drink they have, downing it quickly as soon as it arrives then ordering another. The intrusion of the voices begins to dull and fade and Malbor breathes a sigh of relief.
Oct 6, 2022 5:23 pm
_Tripp__ says:
MelodyMeradin says:
Kata is 300% getting lodgings or at this board if it exists
for clarification are you going to look for lodging alone or are you with the party at The Gray Beyond tavern?
I'm at Gray Beyond
Oct 6, 2022 6:15 pm
GeneCortess says:
Ovak looks about and says Scavanging is in there. She points to the Gray Beyond and turns and walks there. She will head over to the boards looking for work. Surprise to many she can read just fine.
Salvage Board
Bill 1: "Speak to Belaluur in the Salvage Market about entering the Gray to look for a missing scout."

Bill 2: "A faithless scoundrel has stolen a relic from the Chapel of the Silver Flame. Visit Mother Jahanah to assist."

Bill 3: "Ring the scrapyard bell just after sunup for no-questions-asked cash job. Expect danger."

Bill 4: "Salvage job lead in the grey. Interested party pays 60gp upfront for information on this lead and 10% of salvage obtained upon return.  Salvage crews that want this lead need to give this bill posted on the Salvage Board to Reesin Smyth owner of the Gray Beyond"
Oct 6, 2022 10:16 pm
Madclergy says:
"'ello, would you care for ah beer or whiskey?" he said offering the drinks to Ovak.
Kata, looking at the postings on the board absentmindedly responded. "A whiskey would be lovely thank you." While she didn't move from her musings, Vic turned and extended a hand expectantly.
Oct 7, 2022 12:28 am
Ovak was a touch surpirse to be offered anything little lone a drink! And the thought of a drink made her want one more then the resisted urge of suffering asking. She avoid stuttering or anything else to give her away that she is surprised if happy to be asked. "Beer" is all she manages to Madclergy.

Looking down to Moisie, she says in Goblin which seems the language of her choice when talking to her, "We table and think. 60gp is lot but could lead to big. I don't have nearly that. I can talk and see if my adventure membership will cover me. Maybe even a room." She turns and moves to an open table. And if not then she will crowd out the end of one if she must. She knows she has enough coins for beer to wants to think.
Last edited October 7, 2022 2:31 am
Oct 7, 2022 2:29 am
"Can't hardly refuse a drink hard whiskey for me. By the way I'm Fesilb but you can call me Fez its much easier this way." the short goblin drop his backpack to the ground and sit with the others.
going camping tomorrow might not be anle able to post until monday.
Oct 7, 2022 2:34 am
Ovak take note of another Goblin (Fesilb) now sitting at the table. She only nods to him as she recognizes him from the railcar. She says in Goblin, "Scavenging?" (Assumed that short female Goblin Moisie friend is already at the table) Ovak is waiting for her beer. She looks about in hopes to ID out one Reesin Smyth.

She hopes to press her Adventurers' Membership. She has in no way near 60gp. Her 5gp horde isn't going last long either. She is thinking to get in at no up front cost. And even possibly get room and board as well as food and drinks in a deal. She is an experienced scavenger and more so that she knows Mournland and how to survive in it. She still has 10gp of furs with her.

She really hasn't made a name for herself and doubts this Reesin Smyth knows of her. Those of the Adventurer's Guild and the (Guild Artisan: Leatherworkers, Skinners, and Tanners.) do know her well. Besides scavenging she has brought in many furs for trade. She is a skilled leather worker besides a person who can safely travel in Mournland. Not exactly a safe place ever. The unsuspecting die fast and horribly.
Last edited October 7, 2022 3:03 am


Perception Check - (1d20+6)

(18) + 6 = 24

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