GAME CHAT 1: PROLOGUE, Outpost Salvation

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Oct 7, 2022 3:25 am
Plum says:
_Tripp__ says:
"We have ice cold Brew (beer) 4cp, Coffin Varnish (Hard Whiskey) 6cp, Olladra's Luck 1 sp (100% proof alcohol) and Grey Ghost 5cp (Whiskey and Blue Berry Juice). What it'll be?"
Gabrielle gestured towards Mordaky.

"My new friend here is buying, it seems," said Gabrielle to the barkeep. "I'd like a Grey Ghost please. Lots of ice."

She waited for an acknowledgment from the barkeep before continuing. Catching his eye, Gabrielle nodded at the Salvage Board and flashed the barkeep a smile.

"How's the work? Anything on the board that I might want to steer clear of? Or anyone?"
please roll Persuasion
Oct 7, 2022 3:42 am
GeneCortess says:
Ovak take note of another Goblin (Fesilb) now sitting at the table. She only nods to him as she recognizes him from the railcar. She says in Goblin, "Scavenging?" (Assumed that short female Goblin Moisie friend is already at the table) Ovak is waiting for her beer. She looks about in hopes to ID out one Reesin Smyth.

She hopes to press her Adventurers' Membership. She has in no way near 60gp. Her 5gp horde isn't going last long either. She is thinking to get in at no up front cost. And even possibly get room and board as well as food and drinks in a deal. She is an experienced scavenger and more so that she knows Mournland and how to survive in it. She still has 10gp of furs with her.

She really hasn't made a name for herself and doubts this Reesin Smyth knows of her. Those of the Adventurer's Guild and the (Guild Artisan: Leatherworkers, Skinners, and Tanners.) do know her well. Besides scavenging she has brought in many furs for trade. She is a skilled leather worker besides a person who can safely travel in Mournland. Not exactly a safe place ever. The unsuspecting die fast and horribly.
Ovak overhears a patron call the bartender by the name "Reesin" when asking for a drink.
Oct 7, 2022 3:54 am
Perked up long green ears of Ovak, gets up from the table giving a hold sign by hands to those there. She is in a brisk stride that bust most anything aside due to her volume. It is a direct like to the bartender. She makes a space on the bar. (Rudeness is something she is kinda known for. She doesn't care too much about other people and really doesn't understand her bulk sometimes.)

She interrupts if needed, "Ovak. Adventurer's Member. Want Scavenging Job. No 60 gold coins. Read. You to talk to. Have friend. Maybe more." Her common isn't broken, but you can tell she is working hard to destroy her Orc'ish accent. Her Goblin is actually much better. She is very direct to the point. Rare ugly female Half-Orc in motion. (And wants her beer too!)
Last edited October 7, 2022 4:02 am
Oct 7, 2022 5:03 am
Moisie hops down and follows Ovak to the table, dragging her chair with her. She takes her seat next to Ovak, still eyeing Mordaky. She finally breaks her gaze to acknowledge Fesilb with an up nod. "Its always nice to meet another ugly face in the room, Fez.", Moisie says in Goblin .

She settles on her knees on the chair with her arms folded across her chest. She answers Ovak’s question. "I think scavenging is fine enough, but we need coin first if we’re going to get that lead.". She sits in thought for a moment, maybe scheming as Ovak goes to the bar.

She then stands on her chair, with her little fists on the table. She leans in a bit as she addresses the rest of the "Train". "Alright, I’m Moisie. I’m sure you’re dying to know who My Orc friend is, but I’ll let the Lovely Lady introduce herself when she gets back. I can see we’re all a bunch of desperate louts looking to start over. There’s work here. Opportunity… Money…", she says with greedy little grin.

"What do you say we use strength in numbers and all that? Pool our resources. Just temporarily. Get our feet under us.", she looks around the table awaiting a response.
Last edited October 7, 2022 5:07 am
Oct 8, 2022 2:02 am
GeneCortess says:
Perked up long green ears of Ovak, gets up from the table giving a hold sign by hands to those there. She is in a brisk stride that bust most anything aside due to her volume. It is a direct like to the bartender. She makes a space on the bar. (Rudeness is something she is kinda known for. She doesn't care too much about other people and really doesn't understand her bulk sometimes.)

She interrupts if needed, "Ovak. Adventurer's Member. Want Scavenging Job. No 60 gold coins. Read. You to talk to. Have friend. Maybe more." Her common isn't broken, but you can tell she is working hard to destroy her Orc'ish accent. Her Goblin is actually much better. She is very direct to the point. Rare ugly female Half-Orc in motion. (And wants her beer too!)
Reesin Smyth
Gives Ovak an exasperated look, "If you have coin for your drink have a seat, she'll be here in a few minutes." Reesin serves Ovak her drink upon payment and heads into a room behind the bar.
Oct 8, 2022 2:44 am
She gives coin and turns. Walks back to the table. "Find out soon." is all she says in Goblin. And she waits for her drink.
Oct 8, 2022 3:15 am
Reesin Smyth
returns and continues working the bar.

Kalli Alran
She strides over to your table, raises an eyebrow and with a tone of skepticism in her voice, "Ovak my name is Kalli, you are interested in the salvage lead I have to offer?"
Oct 8, 2022 4:13 am
Ovak looks Kalli over. I Scavenge. Have friend and others wanting from railcar. Taking a breath continues, "Adventurer's Member. I know Mournland well. Been there many times. No 60 gold coins." She again uses her restrictive voiced common.
Last edited October 8, 2022 4:16 am
Oct 8, 2022 12:53 pm
Mordaky had given the two drinks he had, the beer to Ovak, and the Whiskey to Kata. He then would call the barmaid over for any additional drinks, as well as a drink for himself, a whiskey. At the table he listened to Ovak and the Goblins converse in their native tongue, one he was fluent in himself, but kept to speaking common as Ovak returned and then Kalli joined them at the table.

"Am I to understan' you wan' 60 gold coin for a lead? What makes de lead worth tha' much?"
Oct 8, 2022 7:13 pm
Kata sips the whiskey, her body guard looming behind. "Oh, paying 60 gold? I had imagined the reverse, that it was an advance..." she keeps her words quiet to Mordaky, but eyes on Kalli.
Oct 8, 2022 8:01 pm
Gabrielle perks up at the mention of gold. She steps closer to Kalli and those clustered around.

"You have work that needs doing? I'm interested," she says. "I can handle myself in the Gray."
Oct 8, 2022 8:28 pm
Kalli Alran
She frowns upon hearing Ovak does not have the 60 gold. Kalli eyes narrow as she sees more people approach the table. "I see you are not alone Ovak I was begining to think you were going out into the Gray alone. Maybe your crew can pool their gold to come up with the 60 gold to pay for the lead?." She turns to Mordaky and Kata then with a smirk says, "I give you the lead and you newbies share it with everyone else? Maybe you go into the Gray and never return? So yes this is an advance." She looks at all of you lets out a long sigh, "So do you have the 60 gold or not?"
Oct 8, 2022 11:50 pm
Ovak says to Kalli, What can you tell me that could entice me, US, to give you 60 gold coins. I mean we have to cover our own stuff for the days there on top of that. You don't live on nothing in Mournland easily.
Oct 9, 2022 2:51 am
Kata is watching closely as this is brought up. She murmurs quietly to Mordaky, "Hell, I only managed to part the family with a fraction of that." She watches closely.
That watching closely is me fishing for Insight. I'll roll it for pacing and feel free to ignore if it's not warranted.
...that can happen too, don't mind me.
Last edited October 9, 2022 2:52 am


Insight - (1d20-1)

(1) - 1 = 0

Oct 9, 2022 3:18 am
GeneCortess says:
Ovak says to Kalli, What can you tell me that could entice me, US, to give you 60 gold coins. I mean we have to cover our own stuff for the days there on top of that. You don't live on nothing in Mournland easily.
Kalli Alran
"I found a hidden Cannith Warehouse, there is a good chance some dragonshards stashed there."
Oct 9, 2022 3:22 am
MelodyMeradin says:
Kata is watching closely as this is brought up. She murmurs quietly to Mordaky, "Hell, I only managed to part the family with a fraction of that." She watches closely.
That watching closely is me fishing for Insight. I'll roll it for pacing and feel free to ignore if it's not warranted.
...that can happen too, don't mind me.
Kalli Alran
She notices that Kata is watching her and rolls her eyes.
Oct 9, 2022 3:41 am
Plum says:
_Tripp__ says:
"We have ice cold Brew (beer) 4cp, Coffin Varnish (Hard Whiskey) 6cp, Olladra's Luck 1 sp (100% proof alcohol) and Grey Ghost 5cp (Whiskey and Blue Berry Juice). What it'll be?"
Gabrielle gestured towards Mordaky.

"My new friend here is buying, it seems," said Gabrielle to the barkeep. "I'd like a Grey Ghost please. Lots of ice."

She waited for an acknowledgment from the barkeep before continuing. Catching his eye, Gabrielle nodded at the Salvage Board and flashed the barkeep a smile.

"How's the work? Anything on the board that I might want to steer clear of? Or anyone?"
Reesin Smyth

"There is always work to be done in Salvation. I haven't heard of anything or anyone to avoid lately. Those types usually get what's coming to them pretty quick."
Oct 9, 2022 5:17 am
Moisie leans into Ovak and says in Goblin, "The board said 60 gold and 10%, maybe offer 30 gold and we’ll give 15% of the take?"
Oct 9, 2022 5:52 am
Ovak hears Moisie but continues on her line of questions, "Dragonshards. Well that is interesting. Not to give away where, but how many days in are we talking about here. Supplies cost coins."
Oct 9, 2022 1:26 pm
Kalli Alran
With a firm look at Moisie and Ovak, "If you do not have the gold there is nothing left to discuss." She takes a step back, turns and starts to leave.
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