GAME CHAT 1: PROLOGUE, Outpost Salvation

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Oct 9, 2022 6:48 pm
Ovak says as Kalli moves to leave, Well should that 60 gold coins becomes available then we can find you here.

Looking to the others, That first bill "Speak to Belaluur in the Salvage Market about entering the Gray to look for a missing scout" sounds to be a nice place to start. What do you all think unless you happen to have close to 60 gold coins.
Oct 9, 2022 8:03 pm
Fredo was pushing his friend in the direction of Ovak’s location. They parked themselves nearby, and overheard the assertions of needing so much gold.

He sidles up next to Ovak and says, "sometimes, one must invest in ideas, and then watch the fruit of their labors."

He pays his belt pouch and says, "I don’t have 60 gold, but I have a sizable amount."

Looking to Kalli, he says, "Can you give us a few minutes to deliberate amongst ourselves?"
Oct 9, 2022 8:58 pm
"Well, I di' win some on da train, but I'd not want ta give it all away on a bad bet." Mordaky sipped his drink as he thought about the deal. "Maybe we do as de lovely half orc says, find this Belaluur and see if we can make some coin ta invest."
Oct 9, 2022 9:12 pm
HeroAmongMen says:
Fredo was pushing his friend in the direction of Ovak’s location. They parked themselves nearby, and overheard the assertions of needing so much gold.

He sidles up next to Ovak and says, "sometimes, one must invest in ideas, and then watch the fruit of their labors."

He pays his belt pouch and says, "I don’t have 60 gold, but I have a sizable amount."

Looking to Kalli, he says, "Can you give us a few minutes to deliberate amongst ourselves?"
Kalli Alran
Looks at Fredo from the sides of her eyes, "I suppose since I am here I'll have a drink." Kalli walks over to the bar, orders a drink and chats with Reesin the bartender.
Oct 9, 2022 9:16 pm
What you say. We together have the 60 gold coins? That is much. she reaches in her pouch and retrieves a few coins. (3 or 4 gold coins) Showing how few she has. I not have anything close to 60 gold ones.
Last edited October 9, 2022 9:16 pm
Oct 9, 2022 10:41 pm
Gabrielle produces 5 gold coins from her pouch.

"My name is Gabrielle," she says, slapping the coins down on the table. "And this is my stake."
Oct 10, 2022 2:24 am
Malbor has been listening to the conversation about work that seems to be drawing a growing number of participants. Feeling better, he decides that for safety it would be best to have some "shipmates" to share the danger.

Fredo hears Malbor's voice inside his head, "I'll contribute to the fund and join the expedition. The greater the risk, the greater the reward. I'll put up to 10 gold if our shares are proportionate to our investment."
Last edited October 10, 2022 2:32 am
Oct 10, 2022 5:58 pm
Kata murmurs low to the group. "I actually can put up 10 coins for sure, I've got a few more if we're just short, but I'd like to have some money for supplies..."

She pauses, and then even lower, "If we don't care about offending the woman, I could offer my bag of holding...."
Oct 10, 2022 6:36 pm
"I have 15 total, myself, though it would flush me dry. I'm willing, if that's what's needed, though.

"Also, Malbor here says he will give 10. He my brain!"

The halfling chuckles unsettlingly, and then he says, "Well, he does, but I'm not crazy. I know that's exactly what a crazy person would say, but I'm not."

He grins, and then shuts his mouth.
Oct 11, 2022 12:24 am
I can put 10 gold... Yes. Might find some interresting things there. I believe that would put us quite near to the required 60 golds needed... Yes?. The goblin looks around seeking approval from someone
Oct 11, 2022 4:02 pm
Moisie nods at Fez and begrudgingly retrieves some coins from her pouch, "If you have five gold, Ovak, I can throw in the rest with my 10."

She waits expectantly.
Last edited October 11, 2022 4:03 pm
Oct 11, 2022 4:39 pm
Status: I guess someone had to do it.

Ovak - 5
Gabrielle - 5
Malbor - 10
Kata - 10
Fredo - 10
Fesilb -10
Moisie - 10

Mordaky hasn't posted if he is going to give any money to join the team.

"Well, I di' win some on da train, but I'd not want ta give it all away on a bad bet." Mordaky sipped his drink as he thought about the deal. "Maybe we do as de lovely half orc says, find this Belaluur and see if we can make some coin ta invest."

Akorn's Character doesn't exist.
Arias has not posted since creation.

Smiles. Extra funds probably will go toward food needed.
Last edited October 11, 2022 4:45 pm
Oct 11, 2022 4:43 pm
Ovak rises after hearing all said and walks over to Kalli at the bar. "Come to the table. We talk. 60 gold coins." and returns to the table. "We see now." as she awaits Kalli to come.
Oct 11, 2022 9:55 pm
Mordaky would have offered in 5gp, everything just went so...quickly.
Oct 12, 2022 3:01 am
Kalli Alran
Kalli finishes her drink as Ovak approaches. Kalli looks down with a distant look in her eyes upon hearing the group has the 60 gold payment. A frown briefly appears before fleeing into stoicism. Kalli walks with Ovak to join the group that has gathered.
Before I go on, for clarification does the group pay Kalli the 60 gold?
Oct 12, 2022 4:58 am
lets go with yes and we have 5 gp to buy food with.
Oct 12, 2022 5:17 am
_Tripp__ says:
Before I go on, for clarification does the group pay Kalli the 60 gold?
I'm good to put in what I offered up.
Last edited October 12, 2022 5:17 am
Oct 12, 2022 5:42 am
Malbor extends a ghostly hand to Fredo with 10g in it.
Oct 12, 2022 6:17 am
Fredo takes the 10, puts his own 10 in, and slaps the combined amount onto the table.
Oct 12, 2022 5:15 pm
Kalli Alran
Upon receiving her 60 gp payment. Kalli speaks in a hushed tone, "You must follow the road due north into the Mournland for about ten miles, until you come to the head of a warforged colossus. This was the site of a great battle and the undecaying bodies of dead soldiers can be seen everywhere.  Their faces frozen in agony.  Their faces, I cannot forget."  Kalli's eyes narrow a bit as she gives Fredo d’Nada a lingering look, "All of them looked like they died, strangling, choking and gasping for air."  She closes her eyes and shakes her head.  She resumes eye contact with the rest of the party. "The hidden entrance to the Cannith Warehouse is nearby the head of the fallen colossus."

She pauses with a brief look of sadness before a return an emotionless expression.  "If you return leave a message with Reesin here at The Grey Beyond.  I work with a salvage broker that will give us a fair price.  Good luck to you."
Just in case it wasn't clear Kalli provided all of you with precise directions to the hidden Cannith Warehouse
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