Character Concepts

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Sep 16, 2022 5:04 pm
Rounding out my Roguish Character concept

Oliver is a bit awkward, and definitely not a face man. He’s not a very good liar, or persuasive or even intimidating. If anyone would describe him, they would just say "That mousy guy in accounting."

What Oliver does excel at is supporting his siblings. He has an incredible memory, rarely forgetting anything and an excellent eye for detail. While the other kids were out "playing" Oliver’s was tasked to learn as much as he could about all manner of subjects. The others took to the books like a punishment, but for Oliver nothing could be better!

So, if anyone is interested in coming up with group of close-knit Rogues or like-minded personalities let me know. You don't have to be a "Rogue" just think like one!
Sep 16, 2022 5:17 pm
Nice, this is starting to shape up nicely
Sep 16, 2022 7:15 pm
I'm going bring my human warlock if that ok?? I got a custom patron which I'm running as great old ones. Looking forward to playing
Sep 16, 2022 7:17 pm
I need to see this and know about this custom patron, Im not really wanting any homebrew stuff right now
Sep 16, 2022 7:22 pm
It homebrew fluff not rules. Thr great old one rules are in the players handbook
Last edited September 16, 2022 7:23 pm
Sep 16, 2022 7:25 pm
Jackwolfking says:
It homebrew fluff not rules. Thr great old one rules are in the players handbook
I understand that but I still would like to see the fluff
Sep 16, 2022 7:41 pm
ok well i haven't ironed all the details but thinking they are good-aligned beings whose followers were persecuted in ages past. another user made this poem for them. My warlock Auras would be on her journey to see the world and has come to see if this world has changed for the better for her people. she is the daughter of her clan's leader who is her mother. thoughts? im open to suggestions or changes.

By four they come. By four they are known.
The eldest and greatest is Tankhu Wankhu, The Perpura King.
Second is Daepsu the Tall, unmovable and self-absorbed.
Third is the Queen of the Rictus Laugh, Låh-Låh the twisted.
Last is the witch-queen of forbidden knowledge, P'o, lady of twisted dreams.
Guided by the false sun, by four they watch from shadow.
Let none who hear their cursed voice escape the pyre.

and their looks i found online.
Sep 16, 2022 8:02 pm
I made that poem. :)
Sep 16, 2022 8:03 pm
Khulod says:
I made that poem. :)
yes you did and it awsome. thanks
Sep 16, 2022 8:05 pm
Yeah, I think I've settled on my build.

Human (Custom Lineage) with the Guild Artisan background to be a locksmith (Splendid Order of Armorsmiths, Locksmiths, and Finesmiths -- it's listed as a registered guild in Waterdeep). First level in Hexblade. Next two levels will be in Rogue. From there, probably alternate back and forth some, looking to go Inquisitive for my Rogue subclass.

There will be a bit of redundancy taking Rogue when I'm already be proficient with Thieve's Tools, but whatever. No big deal.
Sep 16, 2022 8:19 pm
@jackwolfking - after thinking about it, ill let it in

@majunior- sounds good to me so far
Sep 16, 2022 8:20 pm
sweet thanks.
Sep 16, 2022 8:27 pm
@MaJunior PHB Pg 125. You won't have any redundacy! "If a character would gain the same profiency from two differnt sources, he or she can choose a differnt profiency of the same kind (skill or tool) instead."

Just pick a different tool :)
Last edited September 16, 2022 8:28 pm
Sep 16, 2022 8:37 pm
Basil says:
@MaJunior PHB Pg 125. You won't have any redundacy! "If a character would gain the same profiency from two differnt sources, he or she can choose a differnt profiency of the same kind (skill or tool) instead."

Just pick a different tool :)
Not really. By the book, that applies if your background provides hou with a proficiency you get elsewhere (an example would be taking Criminal and Rogue at level 1). It doesn't technically apply to other sources.

Now, the DM may allow it anyway, but what you said isn't really supported by the book.
Last edited September 16, 2022 8:37 pm
Sep 16, 2022 8:41 pm
no ill allow it
Sep 16, 2022 9:42 pm
Changing character concept. Thinking about a Eladrin Elf, but have get it passed by the GM. LOL and what version as it in 5e: DMG, Unearth Arcana, Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes and Mordenkainen's Monsters of the Multiverse. Gesh.

Edit: No go.. :)
Last edited September 16, 2022 10:47 pm
Sep 16, 2022 10:09 pm
Submitted my character Jade.

Instead of Archfey or Great Old One, I decided to go Fathomless. As Waterdeep is a harbor city anyway.

Brief backstory:
She is the child of a Sea Hag (also her patron), who secretly lives in the harbor of the city.
The reason she hasn't changed herself is because her adoptive changeling lesser-noble parents have let priests of Selûne ward her.
Sep 16, 2022 10:18 pm
submited mine too let me know if it needs fixing
Sep 16, 2022 10:31 pm
looking good so far, I just need to nugde a couple of people that I havent heard anything from sense they joined
Sep 17, 2022 4:45 pm
Von Selema

Most known as a gothic like singer that specialized with her dark wooden fiddle. Always found in dark clothing that she fills out well. Known that she could spit out a word and with snap of her fingers put out a dark bolt of energy to kill off rats. She hasn't played much in the last two years but has a small following just the same. She only played in the lower lesser establishments of Waterdeep.

Most all know her as the "Dark Princess" and some even know her name "Von Selema". Because of her dark black angel wings and her violent violet eyes that sometimes look like sparkling evil purple marbles she is noticeable. Her pale white skin matches her long white hair also helps. She is otherwise tall (6'7") and dynamically gorgeous.

Warlock and an entertainer.

Side tale:

Annoy brute of a customer comes and swings his sword to split Von Selema's fiddle in two pieces saying, "How do you like those apples."

Von Selema politely casted charm person on him and escorted him to the top of one of the highest buildings around. There she got his money pouch from him and pushed him off the building saying, "My apples are fine."

She went to the mages and paid with the guy's money to have her fiddle mended.
Last edited September 17, 2022 5:22 pm
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