OOC Thread

Oct 6, 2022 3:51 pm
This thread is for discussing the game. Please try to keep OOC chatter out of the game threads as much as possible.

Also, when you arrive, I'd love for you all to introduce yourselves and talk about your gaming experience! As much or as little detail as you're comfortable with.

To begin, my name is Charles and I live in the Pacific Northwest region of the US. I've been playing D&D for about twenty years now, starting with 2e at the end of its lifespan and moving into 3e. I've explored all sorts of games since then, and while I've been leaning more towards rules-light systems (Free League is doing wonders at that), something about AD&D still has my heart. When I'm not gaming, I love backpacking and indoor climbing, and I'm a cartographer by trade (though modern semantics might come into play, since I don't create maps with the intent of aethetics).
Oct 10, 2022 8:13 pm
I'd also like to know what sorts of stories you're interested in exploring? Classic hack-and-slash cutting through Orcs? Something with no Orcs (hereafter known as Norcs)? Quirky stories with interesting monsters?
Oct 10, 2022 11:12 pm
Hi all! I'm Paul from SoCal but it seems weird to use my meat-name in game space so call me Dom if Dominion451 becomes too much to type out ;)

Started playing dnd in 90/91 with the Zanzer Tem box set for Basic but quickly bought the Greyhawk box set and moved over to 2e (mixing 1e elements as I collected books). Got way into Shadowrun around that same time as well as the Robotech RPG and a couple other Palladium games (and Magic cards... It was the 90s!) Been playing steadily ever since.

Nowadays I'm more into DCC than dnd but I still play in four or five 5e/Pathfinder games that have been long running. I'm way into the new Cyberpunk RED system ATM as it has vastly simplified the rule system and seems to be much more accessible than Shadowrun for most players. Don't know how I missed the old CP versions in the 90s, guess no one I knew was playing it though I was aware of it. Shadowrun just bridged the gap from fantasy so much better.

Just like Cowleyc I'm a freak about backpacking, it's my one true passion outside gaming. Guess it lets me gear up and go on adventures like I'm always playing at. I'm an ultralighter, my core gear weight is 4lbs but booze always kicks that up a few pounds (priorities). I'm hiking the Everest base camp trail in March, quite looking forward to it.

Storywise I'm easy, though I have killed a ridiculous number of orcs over the years so... there's that. I love the classic modules when it comes to BECMI and I've always enjoyed the more radical 2e sets (spelljammer, ravenloft, planescape, etc.) as well as having devoured everything Krynn related. I always love Greyhawk adventures involving the thieves guilds...
Last edited Oct 10, 2022 11:15 pm


Oct 11, 2022 12:33 am
Hey, KCC here! Irish, living in Korea with my wife and two kids.

Got into RPGs about ten years ago, by way of Warhammer Wargames. I have been interested in Warhammer for about 17(?) or so years. One thing led to another and I ended up playing LOTR Strategy Battle Game with a guy in college who invited me to his DnD group.

We played a Homebrew Ravenloft game, which I loved. Then I moved to Korea and had a couple of groups. Having a second kid knocked that on its head; and so now I play here!

Not too fussy about the game style. I wonder about the tone! Whimsical? Brooding? Serious? Heroic?

Wouldn’t mind terribly if we had a go at Strahd someday, either! ;)

I suppose a hint at the tone would help character building. A plucky Halfling in WhimsyTown vs a somber dwarf stuck in a Demiplane of Despair!
Oct 11, 2022 1:00 am
KCC says:
I suppose a hint at the tone would help character building. A plucky Halfling in WhimsyTown vs a somber dwarf stuck in a Demiplane of Despair!
To elaborate on this, I've read through the online copies of Dungeon. Skimmed through most of them, and read reviews. I've been pouring over all sorts of modules to run you through. I think it'll be most fun to start a little more whimsical, and then see what happens. I might try to make a game out of avoiding Orcs when I can. And if you end up in Ravenloft, so be it. Likewise, you might just stumble on a portal that leads you to a Spelljammer dock.
Oct 11, 2022 4:39 pm

I'm happy to be here. I got into 2e about 30(!) years ago, but it feels like I haven't been able to play it for at least that long. I like games in general, and have been playing whatever I can get going with other people. GP has been a real boon for me since having a consistent flesh-and-blood group has proven to be extremely difficult over the years. On here though I can play almost anything I advertise.

I'm fine with whatever for the game. It can be whatever the group is comfortable with.

Outside of gaming I like to read and learn. Creative writing, via telling stories or practicing calligraphy are both favorite pastimes as well. I like hiking and cycling when it fits my schedule. I won't be hiking Everest, but there are some nice trails near me.
Oct 12, 2022 3:27 am
I'm John, or WhtKnt, or White Knight; whatever you prefer. I started gaming in 1978 with the Holmes "blue book" edition and have played every edition of D&D/AD&D and many more games besides. You would be hard-pressed to name a game that I'm not at least passingly familiar with if I haven't actually played it.

I started PbP in the mid-80's on local BBSes and never stopped. I also play in real-life, of course, with games on Wednesday (GURPS), Friday (Pathfinder), and every other Saturday (5e). I almost always GM, so I relish any chance to be a player.

My preferences? Just about anything short of physical comedy. I love both Ravenloft and Spelljammer, so I would not be disappointed with either of those. You'll be similarly pressed to find a classic module I haven't read or run, but I'm very good at separating player and character knowledge, so bring 'em on!

Offline, I enjoy all forms of fantasy and sci-fi, even being a member of a local Star Trek club. I also write poetry and am working on three novels. Finally, I am working on building a custom setting for Savage Worlds that I hope will one day see publication.
Oct 13, 2022 2:26 pm
WhtKnt says:

My preferences? Just about anything short of physical comedy. I love both Ravenloft and Spelljammer, so I would not be disappointed with either of those. You'll be similarly pressed to find a classic module I haven't read or run, but I'm very good at separating player and character knowledge, so bring 'em on!
Well, these won't be classic modules per se, but rather fun modules I find around the place. Shorter stories, rather than a long run of Temple of Elemental Evil (as an example). I hope to surprise you with some of these!
Oct 15, 2022 4:23 pm
umbraldragon says:
Ah, I thought...nevermind. You were talking to yerseff again! Lol
I'm more than happy to clear up any misunderstanding! This is my first attempt at running on GP, so I don't know if I'm making any mistakes with the notes or rolls or whatnot.

Is there a "View as Player" option that I can use?
Oct 15, 2022 11:52 pm

My name is Michel, and am from Belgium, specifically the Dutch-speaking part of it.
I have been playing TTRPGs for about 35 years. Started in high school with the Dutch translation of the German RPG Das Schwarze Auge/The Dark Eye (like pretty much everybody else around these parts at that time), and later on the Westend Games Star Wars D6 game.

I have played various forms of D&D over the years, but while I have absolutely loved a lot of the campaign settings (Dark Sun, Ravenloft, Dragonlance, early Forgotten Realms...) I have never been the biggest fan of the game engine. I'm currently really digging the PF 2E version of it though.

My preferences are very adaptable, but generally I prefer games that have a good story.

English is not my native language. And it's largely self-thought through osmosis from TV and movies, from reading fantasy and SF novels, and comics.
I have had issues in the past with coming across as too snarky or argumentative. If that happens, please tell me because it's not intentional.
Oct 16, 2022 7:45 am
Something about the way Maon talks makes me think he's more than what he seems...

Oct 16, 2022 12:30 pm
Meanwhile, Odilo the Pauper Mage and his snuffly nose sounds like someone straight out of a fantasy novel. I get some Tolkien vibes from that one!
Oct 16, 2022 12:32 pm
And as a reminder, posting is optional on weekends. I likely won't progress the plot then, as at least a few of us are probably busy. Today I'm heading out for a ferry ride to some remote Washington village. (Remote for the States. Not sure how remote Belgium can get.)


Oct 16, 2022 3:03 pm
Odilo, fine fellow, trust Tom Bombadillo!
Oct 17, 2022 8:22 pm
Carabas says:
Does the map really show the dam that is blocking the river?
@Carabas, that is actually a weir, and not a dam. While they sometimes act as dams, they are often used more like gates to trap fish or to slow water and create pools, such as seen on the map. In this case, the weir is a known quantity, and not what is blocking the river.

Oct 19, 2022 12:46 pm
There was another death in my live 2e game last night! The players learned why the DM (me) allows multiple attempts at Open Doors! Those four fire beetles were just waiting for the poor Thief to stumble in after the group had alerted everyone to their presence!
Oct 19, 2022 4:23 pm
Also, feel free to let me know when you're done with this scene. Sounds like a handful of you are thinking of heading to the Cog's farm for some answers and officially signing on.
Oct 19, 2022 5:26 pm
We're more or less getting the PCs together, so whenever it's convenient we can end the scene. I'll be ready.
Oct 19, 2022 7:43 pm
Yup, just turn the page and we'll be ready.
Oct 20, 2022 12:11 am
Same here. There isn't really much for my character to do or react to anymore.
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