Hello, would there be any interest in a Tiny Dungeon game? I'd love to run one if so. Also, wouldn't mind getting an EZD6 game going either. Let me know if interested in any of these.
Back on topic — what kind of TD game are you thinking of running, Gary? Like a one-shot? A campaign? Are you planning on using one of the micro-settings?
Was thinking a one-shot at first. Just to test the waters and interest level. See how things go. Would very much like to get a campaign going though. And yes, have one of the micro-settings in mind. "The Great Indoors." Thinking a good ole fashioned dungeon crawl, of sorts.
I just read the setting you're considering @GaryD20. I've had the game for a number of years and don't recall ever reading that setting. Looks pretty cool. Did you have any guidelines you were thinking of for characters?
Did you have any guidelines you were thinking of for characters?
Still mulling it over. Was going to just stick with just the basic rule set, but the more I think about it the more I'm leaning towards playing with all the Optional Rules to. Is everyone cool with a little more crunch?