Tiny Dungeon / EZD6

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Oct 14, 2022 4:56 am
[ +- ] Tiny D6 custom character sheet
Last edited Oct 16, 2022 3:22 pm
Oct 14, 2022 5:37 am
GaryD20 says:
Crit Miss is rolling 3 ones on the Attack Test. When all three dice come up 1.
So is it a crit miss if all dice rolled are natural 1? Thus the more dice rolled the harder it is to crit miss

Alternatly is a crit hit on each and any natural 6 rolled? Therefore the more dice, the more likely it is to have a crit hit. If this is the case, does each natural 6 act as a crit hit cumulatively?
Last edited Oct 14, 2022 5:40 am
Oct 14, 2022 7:57 am
Psybermagi says:
GaryD20 says:
Crit Miss is rolling 3 ones on the Attack Test. When all three dice come up 1.
So is it a crit miss if all dice rolled are natural 1? Thus the more dice rolled the harder it is to crit miss

Alternatly is a crit hit on each and any natural 6 rolled? Therefore the more dice, the more likely it is to have a crit hit. If this is the case, does each natural 6 act as a crit hit cumulatively?
The way I understand it is that: you can only Crit Hit (or Crit Mis) with a Mastered Weapon, which means that you Test (attack) with Advantage, so you roll 3d6. Rolling three 1's is a Crit Miss and rolling three 6's is a Crit Hit. Rolling a Crit Miss means something goes wrong in a bad way and rolling a Crit Hit means you do 2 damage instead of the usual 1 damage. There is nothing cumulative about it. So, say you roll 3d6 and you roll two 6's and a 2. That's not a Crit. You Hit, just not critically.
Last edited Oct 14, 2022 7:59 am
Oct 14, 2022 8:02 am
Psybermagi says:
[ +- ] Tiny D6 custom character sheet
Is this going to be added to the Character Sheet Repository?
Oct 14, 2022 8:23 am
GaryD20 says:
Psybermagi says:
[ +- ] Tiny D6 custom character sheet
Is this going to be added to the Character Sheet Repository?
Nevermind, as long as game type is custom. Forgot you had said that.
Oct 14, 2022 1:31 pm
Critical Hits: If all the dice rolled for an Attack Test come up with a "6" on the face, you have achieved a Critical Hit! Increase your total damage by 1.You can only successfully have a Critical Hit on a weapon you have Mastered.
Critical Miss: If all the dice rolled for an Attack Test come up with a "1" on the face, you have a Critical Miss on your hands! The GM will choose what happens, but it probably won’t be good. Some options involve weapons breaking, allies being shot instead, or you dropping your weapon. There’s no end to the potential here.
Looks like crit hit is only with mastered but crit miss can be with any attack? So crit hit is increasing hard to get but crit miss is more common the less worse you are with the attack
[ +- ] Tiny D6 dice rolls with crits
Oct 14, 2022 1:35 pm
Do you have the updated version which was released a week or so ago? They applied the errata and updates from newer games like Cthulhu. They may have updated that section. I won't be able to read my copy until later tomorrow when I get home.
Oct 14, 2022 1:53 pm
Turns out I have the updated PDF on my work laptop. That is the updated section. I wonder if it would be worth home ruling something to say a crit can only happen when rolling 2 or more die? That way you can't crit fail on a disadvantaged attack.
Oct 14, 2022 2:35 pm
... as long as game type is custom ...
Technically the Game System does not need to be set to Custom, you can add the ability to use Custom Sheets to any game, using any system. Though I don't see a reason to not make this System Custom.

Below the System selection is the Allowed Character Sheets, you can add whichever you want to allow players to Submit. Even on a Custom Game, you still need to [+] the Custom Sheets.
Oct 14, 2022 9:54 pm
Thanks for the clarification @vagueGM. That is probably what I meant. I added the roll rules to the custom roll highlight repo and it looks like Qualrog added my tiny d6 sheet to the custom sheet repo. I have no idea what it takes to add Tiny d6 as a game system to GP.
Oct 14, 2022 10:18 pm
Psybermagi says:
... I have no idea what it takes to add Tiny d6 as a game system to GP.
Just stick to using 'Custom', for the System and type 'TinyD6' or 'Tiny Dungeons' in the Custom Type field (like you have done in your games). The 'System' field is only there to tell people what you are playing, all the magic happens in the sheets and the Custom sheet is the most powerful and versatile one.
Oct 14, 2022 10:43 pm
Yep, love the custom sheets and form field options for quick editing!
Oct 15, 2022 2:36 am
There's a lot of information in a Tiny D6 roll that isn't used, and I'll admit I like implementing critical hits and fumbles. Haven't seen Bahr's update of Tiny Dungeon... the optional crit rules change?

I actually prefer this:

For "crits", each additional 6 is another hit. (So a normal attack can deal 1-2 damage on a hit, an attack with Advantage can deal 1-3, and an attack with Disadvantage can only ever deal 1 damage.)

For fumbles, if all dice come up 1, you fumble. (Meaning it's easier to fumble when you're rolling at Disadvantage, and harder when you have Advantage.)
Last edited Oct 15, 2022 6:03 am
Oct 15, 2022 3:12 am
I think this is being way overthought. Crit Hits and Misses, according to my book, can only be achieved with a Mastered Weapon, which means you roll with Advantage, which means 3d6. If all three come up 1's that's a Crit Miss. If all three come up 6's that's a Crit Hit and you do 2 damage instead of the usual one damage.

Although, I do like Harrigan's idea for Crits.

I'll check out the new updated pdf and see what it has to say.

Stay tuned folks!
Last edited Oct 15, 2022 3:16 am
Oct 15, 2022 4:37 am
Yep. It's just that as-written in the optional rules, crit misses are way more common than crit hits. Ah well!
Oct 15, 2022 5:37 am
Not that it matters since I won't play in this anyway, but I definitely prefer the Harrigan way
Oct 15, 2022 5:43 am
bowlofspinach says:
Not that it matters since I won't play in this anyway, but I definitely prefer the Harrigan way
Yeah, I like it too.
Oct 15, 2022 11:35 am
That's close to how I ran it. In the base rules light weapons do 1 damage and heavy do 2, but you only get 1 attack each round with a heavy weapon, so focus + attack with a heavy weapon is a good combo.

What I did is close to what Advanced Tiny Dungeon does. Each additional 5 or 6 rolled does 1 damage. So light weapons do 1-3 damage. Heavy do 2-4.

Another option I used in a game is 6's explode, but only for PCs. That brought some excitement, but it messed with the balance a little. I ended up giving enemies a few more HP to make up for it.
Last edited Oct 15, 2022 11:41 am
Oct 15, 2022 1:55 pm
That's close to how I ran it. In the base rules light weapons do 1 damage and heavy do 2, but you only get 1 attack each round with a heavy weapon, so focus + attack with a heavy weapon is a good combo.
Is that the rule now? Not in the version I have -- Tiny Dungeon 2e (originally at least) just allows Heavy Weapons to attack from further away, if you're using zones. I know Bahr has iterated over this a couple of times in more recent games. I might go re-download 2e and see.

Here's the original text:
Oct 15, 2022 2:02 pm
Yep. Here is the section where the difference is between heavy and light weapons.

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