1: Dovedale

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Nov 20, 2022 2:44 pm
I like your optimism Odilo, but is that really more likely than the violence or at least the brutish ways they are more likely to be familiar with. I say we scout the fishing hole and lay in wait for the creature. Not to attack, but to secure a neutral ground to parley with the Goblin leader. However, if you'd rather take another approach. I will go along. Meanwhile I must see to Sheskarith. I won't wander farther than the treeline my firends.friends.

Maon walks a few feet into the wooded area and calls on Sheskarith at slightly lower than normal volume.
Nov 20, 2022 7:05 pm
Maon has little issue finding the massive spider that he had befriended through his magicks. Knowing where it was apt to hide, it takes only a few moments to find the creature creating a temporary web, hoping to catch some foodstuffs while waiting for its friend.
When Odilo references Grabbo, the goblin peeks out from behind Jabrano's large frame. He squeaks out a response, "That's why I'm trying to take you to our caves! So you can talk with the chief! But you big'uns chat-chat-chat so much! Did you forget already that Grabbo is helping you?"
Nov 20, 2022 11:08 pm
Jabrano agrees with Odilo. "Using Grabbo as a go-between has been on my mind for a while... Sending Grabbo with a message, an invitation to parlay, we'd lose Grabbo's value as a hostage, but it would be great show of good faith. And I'm not convinced he has much worth as a hostage anyway."

She turns towards the fish-fairy-whatever it is. "Say, you said the Chief comes by here 'often'... Is that every day, every couple of days, once a week...? Because everybody seems to be planning on the assumption he comes by every day, when that isn't what you said.""
Last edited November 20, 2022 11:08 pm
Nov 21, 2022 5:19 am
Jabrano says:

She turns towards the fish-fairy-whatever it is. "Say, you said the Chief comes by here 'often'... Is that every day, every couple of days, once a week...? Because everybody seems to be planning on the assumption he comes by every day, when that isn't what you said.""
The fish spins in a circle before gazing upon Jabrano. "Some weeks he comes daily, some every other day. He's been here a lot lately trying to catch me in this very pool! I'd expect him tonight. Just don't try to use me as bait."
Nov 21, 2022 8:20 pm
"There we have it! Half a day's wait and the chief comes to us. Not a bad chance to avoid burrowing into a goblin encampment, eh?"
Nov 22, 2022 1:09 am
"Brilliant!" says Malard. "Perhaps we should conceal our numbers though, and find a place to hide ourselves."
Nov 22, 2022 2:48 am
Maon leaves his spider friend to her dietary needs, after assuring her of his friendship, and returns to the group.

So I see that logic prevails once again. Lay in wait for this Goblin Leader and then force a parley, not with violence but with a sensible appeal. Is there something we can offer in return? It occurs to me that if negotiations fail, we need to have another plan. We have to put the odds in our favor with a mind toward avoiding violence. However, if violence does ensue, we must also be able to use this landscape and our minds to create advantages wherever we may find it. Of course, I do hope we can convince this leader to release the blue fairy and allow a restoration of the river.


Nov 22, 2022 3:36 am
"Jabrano seems to have struck up quite the bond with our goblin friend here. Perhaps she ought to be the one to make introductions, along with Grabbo tonight?

While the rest of us conceal ourselves among the rocks and trees?"
Nov 22, 2022 9:47 pm
"I would like to mention that should the need arise, I happen to speak goblin."
Nov 22, 2022 10:46 pm
Perhaps you and Jabrano should lead the parley while we wait hidden?
Nov 23, 2022 12:18 am
"Sounds like a decent plan..." Jabrabno says.

She's still convinced that showing their strength is better than hiding, like she argued earlier, but that seems like a battle she's lost.


Nov 23, 2022 2:04 am
Odilo sniffles into his sleeve.

"Aha! Another gift of yours, Oren. Truly, something new to be learned about you every day!"

The wizard laughs, and then begins to snoop around the waterside for a comfortable looking rock to sit on.

"Perhaps you might pass the time with a tale, or share some knowledge with us. Something lacking goblins, would make for a nice change!" he says to the talking trout!
Nov 23, 2022 3:31 am
Malard sets about to find a place he can tie up his donkey, and get comfortable. "We have some time to kill," he says to the others. "A story sounds like a fine idea, Odilo."
Nov 23, 2022 4:38 am
Maon sits on the large stone, next to Odilo, lights his pipe and passes his tobacco pouch around to those who wish to light their own pipes.

He thinks to himself, "Could use a spot of tea about now..."
Nov 23, 2022 2:11 pm
The talking trout swims in wide circles- well, as wide as this pool allows- before seemingly coming up with a story. It begins speaking of a druid from generations past, from whom many of the townsfolk are descended, and whose legacy still lives on. Among that legacy lives Salvel the Talking Trout, the oddly intelligent goblin tribe, and even the regal Baron Ironbeak the Orating Owl. Salvel starts weaving tales of Baron Ironbeak, and the minutes grow into hours...
As the day passes, the warm summer air and the chirping insects are a comfort in this strange area. The Dovedale has proven to be an oddity, and likely not what any of the adventurer's had expected. But before too long the sun begins to sink lower and lower, and threatens to set entirely. It is now that the party sets their ambush for the goblin chief. Oh, and here he comes now! Chief Gravelbeak, tall and proud, mounted upon his large wolfen steed*. And beside him, walking on pale, webbed feet, this must be Fishbelly, the only goblin in the tribe that knows how to swim.

* Actually a wolf.
Tell me about the group's ambush. And about who is waiting in plain sight, and about the condition Grabbo is in, including ropes.


Is the chief alone? - (1d6)

Nov 23, 2022 11:02 pm
I don't recall an ambush ever being part of this at all.
Nov 23, 2022 11:06 pm
Carabas says:
I don't recall an ambush ever being part of this at all.
It's not, we're just hiding and listening at this point.
Nov 23, 2022 11:07 pm
Maon is at the treeline, nearest the meeting point, watching and listening.
Nov 23, 2022 11:12 pm
Carabas says:
I don't recall an ambush ever being part of this at all.
You're absolutely right. Ambush was the wrong word. I meant the hiding.
Nov 25, 2022 12:09 am
I thought it was agreed that Jabrano and Oren would be waiting in the open.

Grabbo unbound, because anything else would be a terrible look. Maybe hands lightly bound at worst.
I suggest that we get Grabbo's full cooperation by agreeing we'll forget about the whole pie-stealing thing if he helps us out with his chief, on the condition that it doesn't happen again.
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