1: Dovedale

Oct 15, 2022 2:36 am
Experience Points
The Dovedale district is one of the many farming areas nestled in the foothills of a long mountain range, east of Thornfall in Caldan. The district takes its name from the narrow wooded valley known as Dovedale. The like-named Dovedale River flows out of the dale and provides water for many of the farms in the area. The Dalewold forest skirts the northwest edge of the valley.

The farmers of the Dovedale district have a problem: It is midsummer, and the river has suddenly dried up. A small trickle of water remains, but not enough. Without water, most of the farmers' crops (which rely on irrigation) are doomed to fail. The locals are convinced that the abrupt drop in the river is yet another evil plot of a tribe of wicked goblins that live in the steep, winding dale. It's only a matter of time, they say, before the goblins issue a long string of unreasonable demands in return for restoring the river.

The farmers spend much of their time standing around and grousing that someone should do something. However, none of the farmers have volunteered to go sort out the goblins. The local farmer' cooperative has offers a 100-gp reward to anyone brave enough to go up the Dovedale and force the goblins to restore the river. You have learned that interested parties should apply to Mrs. Cogs, the leader of the cooperative.


We begin our adventure in Ashbourne. Four roads come together in the town of Ashbourne, a small fortified place where cattle and sheep are driven in at night, and where travelers can rest in relative comfort. Because of its proximity, Ashbourne is considered to be part of the Dovedale area. The Dovedale River flows past Ashbourne.

The village has a farmer's market, a bakery, a church, several passable inns, and a couple boarding houses. Some of the villagers may have old family armor and weapons for sale, but they will likely be sold at considerable cost if at all. But most people earn their livelihood from farming, as occasional adventurers spend their monies only in the outfitting shops and at Ma Nettle's boarding house, in the middle of town.

And it is at Ma Nettle's that we find our adventurers. The boarding house, in the center of town, is built on two levels. The ground floor is walled with fitted stones, while the timber-framed upper story rests on this base. There are several windows, both downstairs and upstairs. A metal stovepipe protrudes from the wall of the southwest gable, where a gentle stream of wood smoke rises.

Outside, posted on a piece of wood, is a notice beseeching any adventurers to help the Dovedale district with their goblin problem. The common room is warm and pleasant, with a bar counter opposite the entrance and plenty of space between the tables. To the left, as one walks in, is a wide staircase rising to the bedrooms on the second floor. The twin doors to the kitchen open and close regularly as Ma Nettle bustles in and out with trays and plates. The bar is Ned the gnome's responsibility, and he can be found (after some searching) behind it.

Should visitors wish to rent a room, they must register in the visitor's book that Ned keeps tucked away when not in use. Fees for rooms are 5sp per night or 3gp weekly, paid in advance. Beer and wine are cheap enough: 2sp for an eight-pint credit. Though meals are only 3sp each, they're uncommonly good, and it would seem that many business people in the town prefer to take dinner at Ma Nettle's rather than prepare their own, based on the crowds tonight.

Before we get too far, let's learn a little about our would-be heroes (if heroes are what you would be). Who is your adventurer, with whom did they arrive, and how did they end up in Ashbourne with rumors of goblin-troubles?
Oct 15, 2022 4:21 am
Maon dismounts the Giant Spider he rode through the rough country and after bidding Sheskarith to hide in the wood north of here, he walks the next mile or so to the village of Ashbourne.

Although he is an acolyte of his order, they have judged him to be ready to begin interacting with the world around him not just the insects and spiders he has made friends with. Not very many Hivemasters exist and so his value as a Druid has made him an anomalie among the druid circles.

Nonetheless, Maon finds comfort in his calling. He arrives at Ma Nettles around the time one has early dinner. He orders a honey mead and sits with one of the bee farmers, he can tell by the scent, and begins small talk while he subtly inquires as to Mrs. Cogs and the goblin dilema...


Oct 15, 2022 12:54 pm
Odilo sits, rubbing both sides of his temple; trying to coax a blossoming headache into a swift exit.

Giving up, he rubs his red and runny nose into his sleeve. Would that the nose on his face would dry up, and not the damned river. His nose; and the troubles of the common folk; of which there were plenty. The mage had sat since breakfast, hearing the woes of the people of Ashbourne. Most, as expected, were accounted to the river, and the Goblins by extension, but not all. And only some of those could he solve. But one thing at a time.

The mage sniffles, and rubs the small wetness into his sleeve again. He stands, pushing up from the table, and feeling the morning’s sitting in his legs.

"Aye, fresh air…" he speaks, low enough so that he could only be talking to himself. He leaves his hat where it lays on the table, entrusting the thing to keep his seat if Ma Nettles saw a sudden boom in business.

"That’s what I need." and he steps out from the bench, and heads for the front door, and fresh air.
Last edited October 15, 2022 12:58 pm
Oct 15, 2022 1:33 pm
cowleyc sent a note to KCC
Just as Odilo is heading out, a strange figure is walking in. A human, sure, but wearing the clothes of a traveler and not of a farmer.

cowleyc sent a note to umbraldragon


Odilo Rumors

Maon Rumors

Oct 15, 2022 2:58 pm
Which die exactly sir to roll? :)
Oct 15, 2022 3:00 pm
umbraldragon says:
Which die exactly sir to roll? :)
No need to roll! I made some rolls in the background to see what kinds of rumors you may have heard.
Oct 15, 2022 4:13 pm
Ah, I thought...nevermind. You were talking to yerseff again! Lol
Oct 15, 2022 11:00 pm
Maon steps out for a breath of the crisp air. He lights his pipe and notices Odilo.

"Here now good man, I'm sure you've grown weary of all the hearsay surrounding the blockage of the river? Perhaps tis only a beaver family busy doing what nature calls them to do...? How do you see it?"
Last edited October 15, 2022 11:01 pm
Oct 15, 2022 11:23 pm
Having grown terribly bored with camping in the Dalewold, Oren decides today is the day to try his luck in town. As he nears the boarding house he immediately spies the sign requesting help with the local goblins and figures today must be his lucky day after all! Even better still, two of his friends are standing outside of the boardinghouse enjoying a pipe!

"Maon! Odilo! Still letting you lot through the gates I see? Seems providence that we should meet here with such trouble brewing to the North. What say we form a band and see what trouble we might abate?"
Last edited October 15, 2022 11:40 pm
Oct 16, 2022 12:18 am
"Oren! Always up for a brawl. How goes it lad?"
Maon takes a long drag off his pipe and blows smoke rings into the gables.


Oct 16, 2022 12:32 am
Odilo steps to the side to allow the man entry, ushering him in with a wave of his hand. He looks back to where his straw hat lay, and then left for outside, safe in the knowledge that the gnome bartender would direct the traveller to Odilo’s table, if that was his purpose for being here!

He sniffs in the fresh air, making a wet sound as he does! The grumbles to himself for a moment or two, wondering on origin of ‘The Three Giants, until Maon approaches.

"Our duty is never done, is it?" the mage answers the notion of him being weary. He rubs his temple again.

"If you were to ask them, they’d say the beavers had been pressed into service by the goblins. An industrious lot, these greenskins, to hear it told."

The wizard waves his hand as if to push away the notion.

"The goblins are real enough. Though I doubt that dull band of brigands could stopper a river."

And then Oren arrives. Odilo rubs wet into his sleeve and then raises his hand in greeting.

"Letting us in easily enough. Though I do wonder if they’ll ever let me back out!"
Last edited October 16, 2022 12:34 am
Oct 16, 2022 12:41 am
"Couldn't help but overhear you two don't believe goblins are behind this!"

Oren takes out his own wooden pipe and packs a bowl of dried leaf as he speaks,

"Not so far fetched is it? Devious little fey things that they are. Still... I'd hear their side of things before a slaughter."
Oct 16, 2022 12:50 am
"Hold that thought..."

Oren leads his mule, Eeorr, over to the stable and hitches it to the post.


he tells Garcon as the great mutt hunkers down instinctively by the ass. Heading then back to the others, Oren casts about with his eyes for a light to his pipe.
Oct 16, 2022 1:34 am
Jabrano wiped the sweat of her brow as she approached Ashbourne. It seemed like a nice place to rest up for a couple of days and maybe earn some coin.
Caldan summers burnt brighter than those back home. She had entered the country late in spring, when the weather was milder. She was glad her armour was packed away in her backpack. She wore simple but well-made clothes, and a somewhat expensive looking but very dusty dark green cloak.

She wore her twin swords on her back, where she couldn't quickly draw them. The slightly curved blades tied securely to their scabbards with leather peace cords. The two daggers on her belt, hidden under the cloak, were more than sufficient for most regular trouble she could run into on the road.

The Half-Orc sighed as she watched the guards at the gate go from almost asleep to very alert in almost no time as she came closer. Luckily they were good folks, and she didn't even have to bribe them to let her in. One of them informed her about the town's goblin problem and the bounty posted at Ma Nettle's. She thanked him for the information and for asked directions towards the boarding house.

The establishment is a little bit more upscale than she'd like, but it'll do. A childish part of her delights in her ability to make a whole room full of merchants clutch their pearls just by waling through the door. A game that can turn sour real quick, but she's not intending to spend more than two days here unless she can find some good work.

She registers with the gnome as Jabrano Ivanova, and heads up to her room with some lunch and tea. First thing she does after wolfing down the food is taking a bath and washing off the grime of the road. She hands her cloak to a maid to have it cleaned.

After that she goes out, to get the lay of the land, or the town at least. She leaves her armour and swords in her room. A brooch displaying the symbol of Doary is pinned to her light brown tunic.
She doesn't need to look up to know that practically everybody is looking at her. She stops by a merchant and buys a broad-rimmed hat. It's always good to be seen spending coin.
Next she stops by the church. While the teachings of Doary are very important to her, she wouldn't call herself very religious. She's not even sure if she really believes in any gods.
It doesn't really matter. She enjoys the serene atmosphere most holy places have.
She spends some time talking with the priest, about the teachings of his god, and also about the town's goblin problem. And she leaves a generous donation of 10 silver on the altar.

She knows people are still watching her, even if they try very hard to pretend not to when she glances at them. And as she leaves the church, she knows they'll gossip, and that by tomorrow she'll more likely be seen as the devout half-orc instead of what they'd call her otherwise.
Last edited October 16, 2022 1:40 am
Oct 16, 2022 1:44 am
Oren watched the comings and goings of Jabrano with amusement. Trying so hard to fit in, he thought, when she could probably conquer this hamlet single handedly.

"See that? Didn't even say hello. Proud as ever. GOOD DAY TO YOU JABRANO!"

Oren shouted the greeting across the square so as to raise the warriors heckles,

"We were just discussing the woes and weals of the local constabulary. Care to join?"

Though the elf had long roamed these lands he had only a passing acquaintance with the half-orc. A misstep he hoped to soon remedy.
Oct 16, 2022 1:47 am
The chapel to Shisanah, goddess of humans and agriculture, stands open for all who seek it. The largest religious center in the Dovedale district, it attracts many farmers who can afford to make the travel. The priestesses wear earthy greens and browns, as opposed to the more commonly seen reds and oranges of the priesthood of Raev, god of humans and of the sun.

cowleyc sent a note to Carabas


Jabrano Rumors

Oct 16, 2022 2:40 am
Malard takes a seat at a table, and begins eavesdropping on the people around.

"Goblins...," he grumbles. I can't imagine how they exist. Is there no shortage of smallish green unpleasant things in the world? He rubs his back, and looks around trying to determine if this places is worth a meal.

"Tying that ass up outside was probably more work than the whole voyage out here."
Oct 16, 2022 2:48 am
Outside the inn Malard can see small number of individuals who do not look like farmers, but rather adventurers.

cowleyc sent a note to Phil_Ozzy_Fer


Malard Rumors


Oct 16, 2022 5:20 am
"Involved? Most certainly!" the mage says in full assuredness.

"Behind it? I doubt it completely!"

The man let’s out a cough before continuing:

"Unless your experience with the brutes has been different from mine! No mind for forethought!"

And then Oren calls out to the half-orc; to which Odilo remarks:

"I thought I knew every brigand, bully, beggar and baron in these lands. And yet you always seem one step ahead, Oren the Exile!

You’ve yet me introduce to your Druidic friend here!"
Last edited October 16, 2022 5:21 am
Oct 16, 2022 5:31 am
Oren laughs and slaps his leg,

"What a fool I feel! Odilo, this is Maon; Maon, Odilo. Maon is the great and high guardian of the bees in this land. Seems awfully narrow in scope, no Maon? Why not all insects?"
Oct 16, 2022 7:41 am
I figure they maybe met a few months ago in an inn of relatively ill repute close to the border. Having finally crossed the border earlier that day, Jabrano would have been in a much more celebratory state than usual.
Jabrano startled as she heard her name called out. Nobody knew her here. Her body briefly tensed up, caught between fight and flight reflexes, before relaxing with a sigh of relief as her face went from mild panic to a friendly smile.

"Well well, small world." she says, clearly pleased to see him again. "Jabrano, also The Exile," she introduces herself. "We're long lost twins..." she says jokingly as he gives the Elf's shoulder a squeeze.

She speaks with a strong Roshari accent.

"Well, surely the humble bee is elevated above all other bugs for it's role in producing mead and the sweetening of tea?" she suggests.
Last edited October 16, 2022 8:06 am
Oct 16, 2022 8:00 am
"Ah, tis true friend, but a friend of spiders might be frowned upon. I pray for the hives of various creatures, but have an affinity for the humble bee. And, honey mead, I might add! Ha!"
Maon smiles as he takes a gulp of his stein. Another chimney of smoke rings rises up into the gables.

And yet, there is some truth to Odilo's logic. Beavers are clever but hardly qualify as intelligent. Goblins on the other hand are evil and unpredictable. Yet they wouldn't have the will to give up devouring an elven or human infant. They are also clever, but spend their time with traps, ambushes and torture devices - which fills their evil little hearts with glee. They always manage to upset the balance somehow. Agents of Chaos they are! There may be more to it than meets the eye. The only way is to head up there and find out for ourselves. Along the way, we should pay a visit to Mrs. Cogs."
Oct 16, 2022 8:11 am
Maon sees a Raven across the way. It cocks its head, squawks, and takes flight. It's shadow crosses the high gables before it disappears.

"Ill portent," he thinks to himself. He makes the sign of Ceranus. "God's, who's superstitious now!" He chuckles to himself and has a bit more mead.
Oct 16, 2022 3:39 pm
Oren laughs,

"Haha twins indeed! Clearly you got all the looks in the family!"

As Maon muses over the various creatures of the forest Oren finally manages to borrow a coal from the druid's pipe and puffs it into life.

"Yes, Mrs Cogs will certainly need visiting, the sooner the better."
Oct 16, 2022 4:29 pm
The day is getting late, and the best information says that Mrs. Cogs lives roughly six miles away upriver and to the west.
Let's wait to introduce Trina before moving in. Feel free to keep roleplaying, excellent work so far!
Oct 16, 2022 7:40 pm
Trina checked her purse. A single gold and 5 coppers. Things were looking dismal. With a sigh, she turned her eyes towards the boarding house. She had enough for a meal and a night, but beyond that, if something wasn't done, she would be sleeping on the streets. She entered the place with a cheery smile. No sense in letting other folks know her troubles. She would just have to find an adventuring party that was interested in investigating the troubles upriver.

The halfling wears a dark tunic and breeches and a black woolen cloak. She has twin daggers on either side of her slender waist, and another dagger hilt peeks from the top of each boot. Her raven tresses cascade around her shoulders and accent her blue eyes. To the untrained eye, she would seem little more than another halfling wanderer.

Entering the boarding house, she flips her remaining gold piece onto the counter and says, "I'd like a room for the night, a water, and a meal, please." She scans the room looking for anyone that might seem to be an adventurer.
Last edited October 16, 2022 7:43 pm
Oct 16, 2022 8:03 pm
Having seen Trina walk past and enter the boarding house, Oren suggests to the others standing outside that they should perhaps find a table within.

"Just saw the best burglar I know go in, what say we grab a table and sign her up? Seems like we are starting to collect quite the company, eh?"

Oren taps out his pipe and heads inside where he taps Trina on the shoulder.

"Best food in town, or so I hear! It's been quite some time Trina, has it not? Laying low I assume? Why else would you not have visited my camp?"
Oct 16, 2022 8:08 pm
"Mostly looking for some way to make some cash. My purse is alarmingly light. Are you interested in investigating the goblin problem?"
Oct 16, 2022 10:38 pm
"Of course I am! In need of some coin myself, and I have some friends to introduce you to. I think we might have put together a fairly outstanding group..."

Oren introduces Trina to the others and orders a pint while pleasantries are exchanged.
Oct 16, 2022 10:51 pm
As Ned the gnome checks in those who wish a room, it is Ma Nettles who serves the meals. Alongside the standard fare of chicken or mutton, bread, cheeses, and honey cakes (locally sourced), tonight also offers chicken dumplings that smell absolutely delightful. The ale is brewed by a nearby gnome farmer, a close cousin to Ned, and it promises both a joyful evening and rough morning.
Oct 16, 2022 10:56 pm
Oren gags at the smell of so much poultry and doubles down on the ale. It wasn't easy keeping one's sensibilities in the halls of men when all they seemed to live on was dead flesh and barley. At least the barley was good...
Oct 16, 2022 10:58 pm
Due to the season being midsummer, fresh salads are also available, but looked on curiously by many of the locals
Oct 17, 2022 1:06 am
Maon speaks discreetly to Trina as he takes a seat near hers.

"So a Halfling. Far from the shires of Tethyr aren't we? It's a wonder your purse hasn't gone empty before now. That said, I am Maon, a druid of sorts, and we are in need of a scout. One who can move among the shadows and not be noticed, one like yourself. I can offer to pay your repast and a place to rest your head tonight, and of course a fair cut of any profits we may make. What say you milady? Are you in?"

He awaits her answer...
Oct 17, 2022 3:09 am
"Foodfoodfoood...," Malard counts out a few coins, coppers so as not to draw attention and has a meal sent to his table. "I wonder if I have any maps that I could use to study a path," he thinks to himself. Turning to the table next to him, he asks those seated nearest, "Sorry for the interruption, but do you know of there's a map of the area here? Perhaps town hall? I'm passing through and wanted to plan a route."


Oct 17, 2022 3:24 am
With a determined blow of his nose, Odilo leaves something wet and green on the ground outside the inn. It offers him a momentary relief from the stuffiness; though he wondered if the stuffiness was a blessing in a place like this!

As coin begins to change hands, he hoists himself up and begins to mutter something down into the ear of Ned, the gnome behind the bar.

KCC sent a note to cowleyc
Oct 17, 2022 5:06 am
The table turns and looks over Malard in his strangeness. While there was nothing truly odd about the man, he did stick out as an outsider in the area. One of the folks points towards Ned the gnome, saying that he would likely have the information. And if not, there was a local cartographer who helped with homesteading claims and land disputes. But that Jed would probably have what he needs.

And true to their word, the gnome pulls out a heavily folded map of the area for the abjurer to examine, "...or purchase!" The route to Mrs. Cogs is shown, as well as the directions to Inn-on-the-Peak, which is just northwest of Ashbourne and miles before he would reach the farm. Ned claims that it would be a decent source of information and preparation, and that their homemade beer, Hal's Ol' Singular', is worth the journey. In addition, he points out Tor's Cloud Peak, which is a landmark in the form of a tall, steep hill that is directly due east of the Cog's farm on the other side of the Dovedale River.
Odilo is already at the bar speaking with Ned when Malard approaches, and is able to hear all of this if he wishes to stay and listen. He had just been told that his money was no good here, given his nature and helpfulness. Ned offers Odilo a private room (though not the finest one), as well as a meal.
Oct 17, 2022 6:20 am
umbraldragon says:
Maon speaks discreetly to Trina as he takes a seat near hers.

"So a Halfling. Far from the shires of Tethyr aren't we? It's a wonder your purse hasn't gone empty before now. That said, I am Maon, a druid of sorts, and we are in need of a scout. One who can move among the shadows and not be noticed, one like yourself. I can offer to pay your repast and a place to rest your head tonight, and of course a fair cut of any profits we may make. What say you milady? Are you in?"
"I am. And while I appreciate your kind gesture, I can, at least for tonight, pay for myself. But come, let us sup and discuss the dangers that we may face. Are you familiar with my friend, Oren?
Last edited October 17, 2022 6:23 am
Oct 17, 2022 12:01 pm
"Oren is a rowdy fellow and good in a fight. Yes, he is a thorn rose. Haha! It seems we will have company. There is that one asking for a map. Perhaps that might also be of some use to us. However, we don't have time for a cartographer to make us a copy. We'll have to invite him along. As for goblin troubles Odilo has brought up a valid idea. He believes there is more to this dammed river than just Goblins. I am inclined to agree, but as things stand we will most likely need to get a birds eye view of the situation. And that's where someone of your experience has the advantage. If coin is keeping you from a proper halfling meal, at least let me see to your libation. Another round of honey mead for me and one for me friend here! Ha!"
Oct 17, 2022 3:17 pm
As Oren continues talking loudly with all the folks he has met in his long travels and trying to bring them together in pursuit of money, he feels someone bump into the back of him rather hard. Wobbling on his feet is a particularly drunk man in ratty clothes, suggesting that most of his money ends up in his liver rather than his health and home. hic! "Would'n ye be so kind as to purch... purchase a drink for a man down on his luck? Name's Ian McNeill, local collector of tales. My thirst is great, and I can give ye some company and secrets if'n ye oblige!" He stands swaying and trying his hardest to focus on one of the three elven warriors before him.
Oct 17, 2022 3:21 pm

The map shown to Malard by Ned the gnome contains many local points, and the gnome goes on to suggest that there are many reasonable crossings of the Dovedale River to the western bank downstream of the pool and the hill just to its south.
Oct 17, 2022 5:56 pm
Rolling with the impact Oren swings around ready to pounce and sees only a soggy barfly in need of libation.

"McNeill say you? Oren am I! I just so happen to always be in the market for tales and secrets sir! First pint is on me but the second depends entirely on you and what you have to say!"

Oren flashes two fingers to the bar keep and fishes our the silver for his voucher of eight.
Oct 17, 2022 6:03 pm
Ned the gnome comes out with two ales, and visibly rolls his eyes upon seeing McNeill standing beside Oren. Clearly the man was not an unknown in the area, or at least this boarding house. 'Again with the fish tales,' Ned mutters as he walks away, silver in hand. The first sip of ale is quite pleasant, and McNeill takes a looong drink immediately. It would seem he did not exaggerate his thirst.

A smile crosses his face as he lets out a sigh of relief and comfort, home again in the drink. Without missing a beat, he begins talking about the seventy goblins that live in the Dalewold, a nasty tribe that is up to nasty deeds. He hardly takes a breath before he then dives into his encounters with a talking fish out by Talking Fish Weir, wrapped around the pool in the Dovedale River. hic! "I swear it to be true! I've spoken with it several times! Nicest fish I've ever met. Also the chat... chattiest. Maybe I'll go ask it what happened to the river, and get the reward myself!"


Oren Rumors

Oct 17, 2022 6:42 pm
"A talking fish you say? Now that is something! Well earned that drink, and have a second on me. If I see that fish, and I intend to look, I'll drop your name!"

Oren waves a second drink over for McNeill and then returns to his table.
Oct 17, 2022 7:06 pm
The second drink is downed just as fast as the first, and McNeill finds himself without words, though he does mumble as he stumbles his way home - presumably. 'Gravel... beak... iron... beak... talking... fish... granting... wish...

The newly formed group, many of whom are connected through Oren the Exile, now have several leads to follow in regards to the disappearing river and goblin interference. They can head out to Mrs. Cog's farm to speak with the namesake, as the posters suggested. They could head to the Inn-on-the-Peak to ask around for more information. They can head to Talking Fish Weir at the recommendation of a drunkard to speak with a... talking fish. Or, if they are men and women of action, they can head into the forest and try to handle the situation by themselves.
Oct 17, 2022 8:14 pm
Does the map really show the dam that is blocking the river?
Jabrano was rather quiet and reserved and a bit awkward. Having spent the better part of the year mostly on her own, she's gotten unused to being surrounded by people. And the kind of social behaviour she's used to, has grown up around, would see her swiftly kicked out of the boarding house.
It felt good to not be alone though.

She wasn't particularly hungry yet, but she was intrigued by the weird chicken things. It wasn't a dish she had encountered before, but it smelt nice. Soon after she found herself stuffing her face with dumplings.

She shot Oren a disapproving look as he gave the drunkard more booze.
"Poor bastard is going to drink himself to death, and indulging him isn't helping." she whispered to the elf after McNeill had departed. "And most of his information is flat-out incorrect anyway."

Something had been bothering her about the whole affair though: damming off a river seemed like a lot of hard work to her, requiring a decent amount of skill, and providing no direct benefit to a tribe of goblins she could fathom. She didn't particularly feel like slaughtering a bunch of people for not real reason.

She raised her voice a bit and addressed the table. "Well, I suggest we go visit Mrs. Cog's tomorrow. She'll likely know more, and the posting did indicate we have to actually sign up for the job if we want to be paid... And after that we just follow the Dovedale upstream until we reach whatever is blocking the river and see what's what."
Last edited October 17, 2022 8:23 pm
Oct 18, 2022 1:57 am
While the lighting isn't perfect, Malard leans in and scrutinizes the map. He recognizes the point the people adjacent to him were speaking of and can't help but wonder if this map was made recently. "Ned, how recent current is this map, and do you know who the cartographer was? Are they local?"
Oct 18, 2022 2:15 am
Ned looks back at Malard over the map. "This here map is about as current as any. Not much changes around here, and the only changes that be needing changed are done so in the official documents. Do you want property lines? You'd have to talk to Fionna. Not only does she make the maps, but she's mayor of here Ashbourne! Clever of her, combining the two roles. Is there something you're curious about that maybe I can answer?"


Oct 18, 2022 2:53 pm
"Your contributions to my work help keep my focus singular!" Odilo says, patting the counter and thanking the gnome again quietly.

Coming back into the fold, Odilo remarks:

"Someone you don’t know!" with a raised eyebrow. "And he brings us an exact number of goblins, and the culprit behind the whole plot; a talking fish."

Odilo knew that the common man was fond of some gentle back-and-forth, most of the time. But when a quiet moment arises, Odilo rests a hand on the drunkard’s shoulder and speaks low.

"If you’re ever in need of help, you need only come to that table there." he says, nodding his head to the usual spot the wizard occupied when he passed through town.

"Not drink, mind. I haven't the coin to help you partake in that. But help. You understand, don’t you?"
Oct 18, 2022 3:02 pm
For a brief moment, Odilo sees the man behind the glassy stare, a man whom has known joy and pain and whom has struggled in the world of the real. He nods somberly before remembering that he's still drunk! And only Odilo can hear the wistfulness in the rhyme he mutters as Ian McNeill departs.


Oct 18, 2022 3:21 pm
The wizard wondered if one of the farmsteads could be convinced to take on the drunkard in some capacity. One with some worshippers of Taeavae present; for the McNeill was in need of healing of some kind.

The earth is always in need of hands to toil it!…

Something to ponder on another time; perhaps as part of the wizard’s payment for solving the problem of the dam.
Last edited October 18, 2022 3:21 pm
Oct 18, 2022 4:46 pm
Malard nods his approval the whole time Ned is speaking and says, "I wish I had questions, but I don't know what I don't know," he says to the gnome. "I ask because sometimes there's a flood or an avalanche or something like that, and if the map isn't current it's not always helpful. If this is up to date though, it would probably help me out a lot. Thank you as well for the tip about the mayor. I guess I have to ask how much is this now, don't I? Also, now that I might have a reliable way to navigate the area, do you know if there's anyone in town that might be willing to come with me? I'm not useless on the open road, but I always appreciate an extra set of eyes. And maybe sword-wielding hands."
Oct 18, 2022 4:56 pm
"Alas, were it that simple. We have workers who could dig, but we are simple farmers and a tribe of goblins is beyond us. Even our town guards are overworked, and not the best trained or equipped. It's usually quiet around here, aside from some troublesome children. As for the map, I could part ways with it for... say... five gold pieces. The inks and labor are quite expensive." Ned doesn't have a greedy look about him, and spells out the price as though it were reasonable. It does sound reasonable, and may likely be a life saver.
Oct 18, 2022 6:45 pm
"Five gold it is," Malrd says. "I'm sure this will be of great use to me. If you're inclined, I'll buy you a drink. It's always better not to dine alone." He looks around the room for anyone that looks like they might be good traveling companion anyway. "Maybe at least until the first crossroads," he thinks to himself.
Oct 18, 2022 7:11 pm
Ned whispers in an almost conspiratorial manner, "For buying the map, the drink is on me." From behind the bar, he pours two pints of ale and offers one to Malard. The abjurer, looking around the room, sees that the gnome must have been speaking the truth. The only folks looking capable of adventure are sitting with Oren already.


Chance of Hireling


Oct 19, 2022 12:28 am
"Don’t you know that one, Oren the Exile?" Odilo says, pointing out Malard as he purchases the map.

"A practitioner of the arcane, to look at him!"
Oct 19, 2022 1:59 am
"Aye, ye be ever perceptive Odilo. Oren, call the man over, if you would do us a favor lad, he looks to be as curious of us as we are of him."
Maon nurses his tankard, a warm feeling in his belly is all he is about. Getting tipsy isn't his style.
Oct 19, 2022 5:25 pm
"I suppose you're right, Ned," Malard says. "And thank you for the drink." He sips his drink and looks to where Ned is pointing. "I supposed they do look to be more farmer than warrior, but you know, a dagger weighs less than a spade. Aside from that one that sort of sticks out, I don't see where your wrong."
Oct 19, 2022 7:51 pm
Oren eyes the wizardly fellow over his ale and furrows his brow in thought,

"Hmm, can't say that I do... Yet. Must be one of those library types, face was probably burried in a book when I passed through."

Oren downs the rest of his tankard and adds,

"Or maybe he doesn't drink."

Oren stands and waves the map mage over,

"Good friends all around, you look like one of us sir! Come and speak with we of scourges green and goblinny!"
Last edited October 19, 2022 7:54 pm
Oct 20, 2022 5:10 pm
Discussions of all things green and gobliny are had over ales and food, and the evening turns into night. Ma Nettle's has room for all who can pay, and especially those who have provided aide for the locals as Odilo has done. Slowly the newly formed group, brought together by the vivacious Oren, finds themselves drifting off to sleep, content with the thoughts of money soon to come.
The map provided by Ned the gnome at Ma Nettle's Boarding House proves to be useful, as many of the paths are not heavily traveled or well maintained. Over the next day, the party finds themselves on road leading to Mrs. Cog's Farm. The sun shines brightly overhead, and the strong scent of earth and growing vegetation permeates the air. The road itself leads northwest for three miles from the boarding house to a junction leading to the Inn-on-the-Peak, then another half mile to the junction with the main road following the Dovedale River. From there, the road continues north, but the river itself is low enough to cross nearly anywhere.

Once on the other side of the Dovedale River, there are countless paths that seem to lead to the Cog's farm. It is still morning, nearing noon, by the time you make your approach to the farms in the area. You know that Mrs. Cog's is the furthest north and closest to the Dalewold, so these must be the neighboring farms. One man stands by a fence tending to some livestock. Looking at your dress and your direction, he quickly ascertains that you are heading to the Cog's in response to the goblin threat.

The farmer spits on the ground- not out of disrespect but rather lack of manners- and calls out to you. "If'n you're heading to Mrs. Cog's, best watch out for that boy of hers! Ben Cogs is a quiet child, but he's a troublemaker. He's always filching things, lying, and pulling mean tricks on the other children. Just last week, he pushed Susie into a mud puddle and stole her lunch. Whenever Ben does something bad, the shameless lad refuses to take responsibility." Seemingly content with his warning, the man returns to his farmerly responsibilities.
I'll give anyone an opportunity to react to this man before continuing on to the farm.
Oct 20, 2022 6:18 pm
Oren ponders the farmer's curious decision to denigrate his neighbor's son... While his experience had usually been that outliers tended to stick together and withhold information from strangers this man openly spoke ill without provocation. Perhaps the man had something of his own to hide, perhaps there was a debt or grudge at play. Curious.
Last edited October 20, 2022 6:18 pm
Oct 20, 2022 11:25 pm
"Good sir, hail to you! We are indeed about to pay the Cog farm a visit. Is there aught else you might like to share with us afore we arrive there? Seems like an unusual way to greet strangers, but I am appreciative. Is there anything else we need to know?" says Maon.
Oct 20, 2022 11:48 pm
Jabrano awoke at the crowing of the cock.
She had slept reasonably well. The bed was slightly too small for her liking, but that was hardly an uncommon problem for her.

After refreshing herself and having breakfast, she set about to put on her 'work clothes'. The armour was well made, but old and worn. She really ought to upgrade as soon as he could afford it.

After having bound her hair in a single braid, she donned the old chain mail and she moved her daggers and her swords to her sword belt.
Her freshly cleaned green cloak completed the ensemble. It made for a very different impression than her normal travelling clothes she wore the other day.

Her footsteps sounded a lot louder coming down the stairs than they had going up.


Jabrano throws the farmer a disapproving glare, but she adds the information to the mental picture she'd been forming about this Mrs Cogs.
She apparently owns the largest farm, or at least the only one big or important enough to mark on the map... she's the head of the farmers' commune... So she's relatively wealthy and likely has some political pull locally.
And apparently she raised her kid to be a spoiled brat who can easily be mistaken for a goblin by the sound of it.
On top of that, her neighbours seem to dislike her enough that they gossip about this to complete strangers, but don't say a bad word about Mrs Cogs herself. Maybe they fear her a bit too?
Mrs. Cogs was starting to sound like a real nasty piece of work.
Or maybe she's just being completely paranoid.

"Maybe Mrs Cogs would like to hear who's been badmouthing her family..." she said to the farmer, just to see how he'd react.
Last edited October 20, 2022 11:48 pm
Oct 21, 2022 12:03 am
umbraldragon says:
"... Is there anything else we need to know?" says Maon.
The farmer leans on a pitchfork for a while, seemingly lost in thought as he ponders a response. "If'n ye plan on talking to Mrs. Cog's, she'll likely tell you some far-fetched tale about wolves and goblins. There are wolves in the Dalewold, that's true. But I doubt they have anything to do with the goblins. That Mrs. Cogs, she's a silly old woman and probably imagined the whole thing. Or maybe she's just making excuses for that rotten little kid of hers." He gives a nod, clearly confirming what he has said now.
Carabas says:
"Maybe Mrs Cogs would like to hear who's been badmouthing her family..."
At the comment from Jabrano, he gives a little jump! The man is embarrassed to be called out like this! "You don't have to say a thing! I was trying to give some friendly advice, is all!" He wrings his hands in a pathetic display, peering out from a bowed head sheepishly.
Oct 21, 2022 12:14 am
She feels a bit bad at the man's reaction, but the whole exchange does seem to lean towards something else going on than troublesome goblins.

She gives him her best attempt at an apologetic smile. "Don't worry about it. And you're probably not wrong about things."


Oct 21, 2022 12:38 am
While Odilo tried to focus on the loftier, more worthy problems of the regular folk, he had to admit that such issues crossed his table more times than he would like. Gossip, rivalries, and peasant diplomacy.

He grumbles a bit to himself, but then approaches the farmer. He casts an eye over the working man, seeing if he might recognize him or his lineage. And then he casts an eye over the work being done.

The wizard had a mind for agriculture, and yet he hadn’t been called to service by this man, or indeed most of the farmers on this side of the settlement.

"You may detest the child." the wizard says, with no hint as to the worthiness of the feeling "But to suggest that he could stopper a river by himself…"
Oct 21, 2022 12:49 am
KCC says:
"You may detest the child." the wizard says, with no hint as to the worthiness of the feeling "But to suggest that he could stopper a river by himself…"
The man quickly becomes flustered at being called out by his logical fallacy, and by the friendly wizard no less! "Well, I mean, I don't think the child did it... not this thing... but other things! And I just meant the wolves and goblins... together I mean! I still think the goblins have everything to do with the river."

He wrings his hands for a moment, "Ah hells, me and my big mouth. You may want to just head onto the farm, but I'd appreciate it if you didn't mention me!"


Oct 21, 2022 12:58 am
Odilo sniffles and then let’s out a friendly laugh as the man admonishes himself.

"We are no wiser than you! And we’ve heard all manner of suppositions as to why the river is stopped. Why should yours be any more or less wrong?"

He takes in a deep draw of the country air, before continuing:

"We will take your advice with us as we go! And we will surely pass this way on our return journey, and can advise you as to the cause. Unless the wolves and goblins get us first!" he says with a wink.
Oct 21, 2022 1:52 am
Trina listens carefully to the conversation, formulating some opinions of her own. It seemed unlikely that one human child could cause all the trouble, no matter how much of a brat he may or may not be. The wolves caused her a minor concern, as the goblins might well have allied with such, particularly if they were worgs. More intelligent than the average wolf, those.
Oct 21, 2022 3:26 am
"Why can't you just lead us to the farm?" Maard asks. "You obvious know your way around here. It would help us a lot." Based on the me and my big mouth comment Maard is fairly certain something is off about all this, but his morbid sense of curiosity pushes him to want to see what's going on.
Oct 21, 2022 3:37 am
Phil_Ozzy_Fer says:
"Why can't you just lead us to the farm?" Malard asks. "You obvious know your way around here. It would help us a lot."
The farmer shakes his head at the demand. "I've got much to do today, and besides, it's just up ahead. Keep following the path, you'll be there in no time." He shakes his head, and returns to his work.
It doesn't take much longer for the party to reach their destination. Mrs. Cogs owns a large, prosperous farm on a hilltop to the west of Dovedale. Her farm boasts a large house, several barns, many acres of grazing land, and several hundred sheep. The odd child can be seen running around either playing or tending to chores. Directly due east, the group can see a large, steep-sided hill jutting from the earth, likely the locally-named Tor's Cloud Peak.

After knocking on the door of the main house, a large, businesslike woman answers the door and peers at each member in turn. "I only have half of an hour to talk with you, if you're hear about the goblins. Come inside, and let me find you some herbal tea and cookies." Without a hint of nonsense, she ushers the group inside and towards a large table.

"To start with, as the head of the local farmer's cooperative, I have been allowed to offer you a 100 gold coin reward for restoring the Dovedale River. This reward does not necessarily require you to kill the goblin. On the contrary, we have had a long history of coexisting with these goblins, and have never had an issue like this before; we would rather not start a blood feud with them. But of late, they have been more present, and not often in good ways. For the last few years, once or twice a year, a goblin rides out of the Dalewold on a great slavering wolf and steals one of my sheep. And it seems like every time I turn around, those nasty goblins are stealing my fresh-baked pies and cookies off the windowsill! I would love for you to knock some sense into the Dalewold goblins, so we can get back to life as it used to be."

"That is all the information I have, though you might have questions I can still answer. If you want to learn more, I might suggest heading to the Inn-on-the-Peak to speak with some other farmers that gather in the evenings. They have have other experiences that I haven't heard about. And finally, if you need some guides who know the area, my two oldest work with the militia and would be happy to walk with you."
Bear with me as I try to get you into the adventure proper. Lots to discuss before you head into the Dalewold!


Malard Reaction

Oct 21, 2022 1:49 pm
"It's nice to meet you," says Malard politely. "Thank you for the tea and cookies. I'm not acting as the group's spokesperson, but am I to understand that, the goblins are accused of blocking the river, as well as stealing livestock and food? This isn't just you, right?"
Oct 21, 2022 1:58 pm
"As far as I've heard, it has been only my livestock and crops. I have the largest farm, as you have no doubt seen, and the closest to the forest. But the river affects us all. Without water, our farms will wither and die. Without traffic on the river, Ashbourne will become much poorer, and the Inn-on-the-Peak will be unable to maintain its famous rose gardens."
Oct 21, 2022 2:32 pm
"If I were to speculate... goblins are usually too disorganized to accomplish something like blocking the river. This points to some outside influence on the tribe. If we cut off the head of the snake, things may go back to normal." Trina poses.
Oct 21, 2022 3:05 pm
Oren graciously accepts the tea and cookies and bites into one of the confections with zeal. It had been quite some time since the elf had taken any sugar and the sensation flooded his senses.

"You are an amazing baker Mrs. Cogs. Is there a Mr. Cogs around here somewhere?"
Last edited October 21, 2022 3:05 pm
Oct 21, 2022 9:14 pm
"Why thank you, uh, elf. I'm sorry, I never did catch your names! And to answer your question, no there is no mister anymore. He done and got himself put six feet under, leaving me with six children to raise and the largest farm to... Oh!" Mrs. Cogs blushes as she thinks she understands Oren's intent.
Oct 22, 2022 8:08 pm
Jabrano thanked Mrs. Cogs for the cookies and tea. Mrs. Cogs' particular blend was a bit bitter for her taste, but she loved the cookies.

She did her best to try and keep a straight face as she heard the uncanny and strange things the local goblins were being accused of. The solitary goblin poaching a sheep once or so per year was bizarre enough but stealing of cakes and cookies? She'd be willing to bet a lot that the only witness to these crimes was young Ben Cogs. Maybe that farmer hadn't been that out of line to warn them.

"I also have a few questions..." she said as she put down the empty tea cup. "I agree with Trina. This seems very... ungoblinlike behaviour. And as far as can gather, nobody has actually been upriver to see what is going on. Is there any real evidence that points towards the goblins as the culprits here?"

After she listened to Mrs. Cogs' reply, she went on, "My other question is more practical. The matter of payment is a bit ambiguous. Would this be 100 gold each, or 100 gold split six ways?"

She wasn't in this for the money, but 16 gold and small change didn't seem like it would even cover their expenses. It seemed especially poor considering that the continued existence of the village may very well depend on their success.
Oct 22, 2022 8:42 pm
The widow Cogs furls her brow at the questions from Jabrano. "Well, isn't it obvious that it was the goblins? They're the only ones in that forest, right by where the river forms! They're always up to something, and now they've managed to stop the river! What we don't know is why! And as for the money, it was 100 gold altogether. We may have thriving farms, but there is little money to be exchanged. I could probably pull together a little more if you demand it, but this is what we could spare."
Cue the DM flipping through the pages in a furious panic to find "where's the evidence"
Oct 23, 2022 1:48 am
"Mrs. Cogs, I for one am bound by providence and the grace of Ceranus and of course Eninath. The well being of this humble vale is of great importance to me as well. The agents of chaos serve their purpose, and yet are rarely bound by their ambitions and lusts. Your remuneration will go to the local temple - at least my portion.

"It seems though that our lady Jabrano offers a more investigative tact to our dilemma. It seems unlikely that goblins, however clever, would be at the heart of this conundrum, for conundrum it is. I would ask further questions; and yet courtesy forbids such intimations,, seeing as we've only been introduced to you. I would ask, however, if it pleases you, then, to allow us to further investigate your property as we piece together the extent of the damage caused?"
Oct 23, 2022 3:09 am
Mrs. Cogs turns her head to Maon, but her eyebrows scrunch in thought. "I'll be the first to admit I didn't understand half of what you said, but if you want to look around the property, feel free. Just try to stay out of the way. There's a lot of work to be done, and the water problem ain't doing us any favors. You'll find my oldest Percival and Petra wandering the property, if you need the help. With that being said, I don't imagine you'll find too much here. You'll want to follow the river or head into the Dalewold. That's where you'll find your answers."
Oct 23, 2022 4:00 am
"I guess we look around then?" Malard says to the others. "Shall we split up?"
Shoud we roll for this, or will this search be passive skills only?
Oct 23, 2022 4:12 am
The sun is high in the sky, the tea and cookies are warm in your bellies, and the sound of goblins seems to be... well, missing from Mrs. Cog's kitchen.
You should describe what you're doing, and roll any proficiencies that are relevant. I'll make some general rolls in the background.
[ +- ] Nonweapon Proficiencies


Oct 23, 2022 6:58 am
Supping a little at the tea, both enjoying the warmth in his throat and cursing the steam’s tendency to make his nose full and wet, the wizard listens on. If the woman recognized him, she didn’t say.

Listening to it told, the problems in the area did seem like the work of a mischievous child, and not the work of goblins; at least not all of it!

Skilled in the ways of agriculture, Odilo wanders the farm to check on the produce, and try to reckon it the place is truly starved of water, and for how long. An opportunity, too, to get an estimation on the character of the children living and working here!


Agriculture 15 - (1d20)

(16) = 16

Oct 23, 2022 7:28 pm
Oren introduces himself to Mrs. Cogs and listens idly as the others ask their questions. Although he fancied himself ponderous Oren had no patience for investigation and once he had finished his tea he felt the road calling to him.

He wanders around outside as Odilo makes his observations and soon decides it is best to stay sharp, drawing his blade and shadow fighting a hitching post near one of the barns.
Oct 23, 2022 8:34 pm
Trina's face falls slightly at the mention that the payment will be one lump sum. It did indeed seem a small amount for such a task, but if it was all that they could afford, then that's what it must be. Perhaps they might find some supplemental funds along the way.
Oct 23, 2022 10:06 pm
Jabrano stayed with Mrs. Cogs for a while, helping cleaning the teacups and plates, or whatever needs doing.

"I didn't mean to come across so mercenary." she says her voice sounding very serious and earnest. "I know isolated farming communities like Ashbourne. It's the middle of summer. Harvest is in a couple of months, and the village's crops are wasting away as we speak. If you don't get the river restored quickly, you're looking at famine and people will die come winter. This is the kind of job I take on for free, or at least in exchange for the services of a healer and free room & board, should I require it afterwards."

And then, in a much lighter tone, she asks "By the way, do you know anything about that?" as she points through the window towards Tor's Cloud Peak.
She already knows it's the actual location of the goblin's lair, but she's curious what Mrs. Cogs will claim it is.
Oct 24, 2022 3:31 am
Malard decides to tie up his donkey, and then walk a perimeter of the farm to see if he can find traces of goblins. "If they're stealing, then they must have a way in. I can't imagine that goblins are smart enough to be able to cover their tracks," Malard mumbles as he wanders the farm.
Oct 24, 2022 5:46 pm
Gonna let umbraldragon post before I push on, considering it was Maon's idea to start looking around.
Oct 24, 2022 8:41 pm
Maon walks the property to see if indeed the water is turned off. He looks for irrigation and collection ponds to see how low they are at the same time looking for goblin sign. He wants to call his spider friend over to see if she's encountered any goblins, but he knows it could bring more trouble than it's worth. So he finds himself walking the property, deliberately looking for clues of foul play.
Oct 24, 2022 9:02 pm
Jabrano continues talking with Mrs. Cogs for some time, and she brings up Tor's Cloud Peak. The stern farmer is a little curious as to why it is being asked about, though she tells Jabrano what she knows. "Tourists often climb to the summit during the warm summer months, dodging sheep as they go. From the top of the peak, the view of the surrounding countryside is spectacular. I climbed it once in my youth, but have no time for such foolishness nowadays. Freak storms can sometimes hit the top of the peak. It can be sunny and clear one moment, then the next minute the wind starts whipping ice and rain down on your head. The storms have killed quite a few people over the years, mostly foolish tourists."
Both Maon and Malard traverse the Cog's property in search of any clue. It takes a bit of searching, but they are able to find the occasional footprint that does not appear to be human, though the dry soil does not allow for much of an imprint. If one were to guess, these would be goblin tracks, but neither are able to determine where they came from nor where they go.
Odilo wanders the fields for a spell, and considers the farm and water more so than the threat of goblins. It is clear that there is little water available, though the mage does not have a solid idea of how long the farm can last like this. If farmers are paying others to solve a problem, it is likely a dire situation. He sees several children working the fields and tending to animals, along with other adults that seem to be hired help of some sort. One boy of about six approaches the mage with a shy demeanor, and says to Odilo, "Are you the wiz... wizard everyone talks about? You have to help us! It's the goblins that are doing all these bad things, and I swear that I haven't done anything! One of the goblins dresses up like me and steals the pies and pushes the girls, and he won't stop even when I asked him to!"
Oren, in the midst of his duel with shadows and breezes, sees two young adults approach; truthfully, it is their shadows he sees first. The two, a boy and a girl, are dressed in leathers and have bows slung across their backs and daggers at their belts. This was the uniform of an unorganized militia if he had ever seen one. "Ello there, says the boy, likely Parsival. "Not much challenge when nothing fights back, is there," asks Petra?


Malard Search

Maon Search

Jabrano Rumors

Oct 24, 2022 10:17 pm
Oren sheathes his blade and wipes the sweat from his brow as he answers the youths.

"Hello young ones, before one can face a challenge one must be confident in their ability, such confidence comes from constant practice! Likely so with those bows you carry, I'll wager you weren't any good with them until many hundreds of arrows were loosed in practice, eh? I myself have spent one hundred years practicing with this blade, would you like to see the form known as the bladesong? I can make this steel sing a deadly tune with movement alone!"

Never one to miss an opportunity to show off, Oren takes several steps back and draws his blade. He takes a deep breath and then slowly begins the dance of the bladesong. Slow, perfectly fluid motions gradually give way to faster ones and soon the steel whistles an ethereal tune as the elven kata reaches its crescendo.
Oct 25, 2022 3:11 am
The sheer volume of footprints throws Malard off. "This is probably important," he thinks to himself and marks the area where the footprints to be better able to show the others. After he found the evidence though, he decided to return back towards Cog household to see what the others were up to.
Oct 25, 2022 3:25 am
Maon returns to the Farmhouse, disappointed, but still optimistic as he sees Malard approaching the house as well as Oren dancing about in a furious but graceful martial cadence that is his signature style. Maon admires his dedication to the form. Alas, he is not as strong or as agile as Oren, but it is good to know he is an ally, rather than an enemy!
Oct 25, 2022 4:01 am
The two militia youths are also impressed by the display, though they seem confused as to why Oren isn't singing with his Bladesong style. The whistling of the blade is lost on them. "With someone like you going into the Dalewold, those goblins won't stand a chance," declares Petra, blushing in a way a far-too-young girl is wont to do. Parsival seems too enthralled to notice.


Oct 25, 2022 1:26 pm
"Yes, that’s me!" Odilo dispensed with mock-flattery years ago. He had a job, like anyone else in the community, and it didn’t do to deny it to anyone!

"I’m the one that people come to for help!" he stoops down to take in the boy fully.

"So you’ve spoken to these goblins then? Asked them to stop! Yes, as you should have! Good manners, first and foremost!

Now… tell me everything you can recall about these goblins that are bothering you!"
he says with a reassuring smile!
Last edited October 25, 2022 1:26 pm
Oct 25, 2022 7:12 pm
The boy, given the invitation, begins blathering about the goblins he's seen. Ben, as it would seem, has seen a small handful of them- "It's hard to tell cause they look alike"- though he has only spoken with one, who seems to go by the name Grabbo. The interactions have been negative but not hostile, and only when the sun is setting or rising, never in the broad daylight.
Oct 25, 2022 9:41 pm
"Just curious" Jabrano offers as explanation for her interest in the Peak. "It looks... ominous on the horizon, and such places usually have all sorts of interesting stories and legends attached to them."

She considered what Mrs. Cogs had told her. She was hardly an expert in such matters, but the Peak, more a large hill really, didn't seem like it should have freakish weather like that. She would ask the druid and wizards about it later.

After saying goodbye to Mrs Cogs and thanking her again for the tea, she wondered around the farm, and talked to the people. She mostly asked about other strange happenings that seemingly didn't have anything to do with goblins at all.
Oct 25, 2022 9:59 pm
Trina does some snooping about the farmhouse perimeter, looking for tracks or other evidence of goblin incursion (or any other intruders, for that matter).
Oct 25, 2022 10:19 pm
Trina, a little behind Mallard and Main, finds nothing they had not already found. Goblin prints with no discernable beginning not ending.
Jabrano heads out to the fields to ask about any other strange happenings. In this, she comes across two stories. The first is from a worker who says, "The storms on Tor's Cloud Peak are caused by an insane air-elemental trapped in a rune circle on top of the mountain!" By the way he looks with slightly unfocused eyes, it could be the heat and thirst getting to him.

The second comes from a young girl of about seven who says, "A big, hair spider shouted at me while I was gathering mushrooms in the Dalewold. It leapt out from behind a tree and yelled, 'Put that down!'" She flails her arms about as she tells this story, likely trying to impersonate a big, hairy spider.


Trina Search

Jabrano Rumors

Oct 25, 2022 11:20 pm
cowleyc says:

The second comes from a young girl of about seven who says, "A big, hair spider shouted at me while I was gathering mushrooms in the Dalewold. It leapt out from behind a tree and yelled, 'Put that down!'" She flails her arms about as she tells this story, likely trying to impersonate a big, hairy spider.
Ha! funny. Nice visual!
Oct 26, 2022 2:24 am
"A big hair spider shouted at you...," echoes Malard. "Where did you see that, exactly?"


Oct 26, 2022 3:22 am
"Everyday?" the wizard remarks simply, wiping some wet from his nose and casting a suspicious, investigative eye over the boy as he speaks.

"Today?" he prods further, wondering if he might be able to capture one of the greenskins at sun-down.
Oct 26, 2022 1:00 pm
Phil_Ozzy_Fer says:
"A big hair spider shouted at you...," echoes Malard. "Where did you see that, exactly?"
The girl looks around to get her bearings. She finally points towards the forest, which is maybe half a mile away. "In there! Between the big tree with little leaves and the little tree with big leaves!"
KCC says:
"Everyday?" the wizard remarks simply, wiping some wet from his nose and casting a suspicious, investigative eye over the boy as he speaks.

"Today?" he prods further, wondering if he might be able to capture one of the greenskins at sun-down.
The boy counts on his fingers for a moment, then scrunches his face in thought. "Not every day! Just some days! And not today. Not yesterday. But... before yesterday! He came and I got yelled at for pushing Susie in the mud but I didn't do it!"
Oct 26, 2022 1:36 pm
Malard looks at the others silently and over to the trees that are being indicated. "Aside from tracking footprints, we have another lead," he says."What do you all want to look into first?"
Oct 26, 2022 3:22 pm
Oren rejoins the others now that their investigation seems to be concluding.

"Should we not follow the river and see where the stoppage is first? Could just be beavers! If not, we should be able to tell and I'm sure we will find the tracks of whatever is responsible."
Oct 26, 2022 7:49 pm
I assume that we've all shared the information we discovered?
"I'm with Oren. At this point I very much doubt goblins are involved at all.
The village priestess told me the goblin's lair is in or on Tor's Cloud Peak. The gossip we met leaving town said there weren't any goblins in the forest.

What we have here doesn't seem like goblin trouble.
We got a "goblin" disguising himself into Ben Cogs well enough people can't tell the difference. We got petty theft of sweets, pushing girls into mud...
And we got goblin tracks that don't seem to have beginnings or endings. We may have a talking fish and a talking spider. I'm starting to think we got shapeshifters or illusionists.

This is starting to sound like some faerie bullshit to me, like some pyxie or brownie is having some fun.

We're going to have to follow the river upstream sooner or later, but I don't think gathering more information at that inn would hurt.
Jabrano yawned.
"We could also spend the night here, take turns keeping watch, and see if we can catch something in the act..."
Last edited October 26, 2022 7:51 pm
Oct 27, 2022 4:30 pm
"You're both probably," Malard says. "I just can't help but wonder if the "hairy spider" doesn't have something to do with the issues described by Ms. Cogs. Perhaps we should look into that after the we return from our trip upstream."
Oct 27, 2022 6:58 pm
That's two votes for going upriver, and one for gathering info at the Inn before heading upriver.
Oct 27, 2022 8:30 pm
"I think that we should head upriver and see what we find. We can always deal with the goblin problem when we get back if the two aren't related."


Oct 28, 2022 12:48 am
"Leave it with Odilo." the Pauper mage tells the boy, with a wink, and a pat to the crown of his head.

"Stay out of anything that looks like mischief until we return." he commands, before returning to the others.
Finding himself parched, but feeling it wrong to ask for water, the wizard scratches at his throat, while the group discusses what to do.

"The boy claims…" he lets the word ‘claims’ hang in the air for a moment "… that one goblin in particular comes to cause mischief at sun-down. And that the boy has spoken with him at length. We could spring a trap, perhaps?"
Oct 28, 2022 2:17 am
"Aye Odilo, 'tis a fine plan. I feel you and Jabrano are on the right tack, if you'll pardon the sailor jargon. If we catch something tonight that's a plus, if not, I say we head out in the morn' and see what lies upriver. What say you lasses and lads?"

Maon find a moment to pack his pipe once again as well as a warm wooden chair on the stoop/porch. Forgetting that he doesn't have a flame, he mumbles under his breath and makes his way inside to find some fire for his pipe. He finds the hearth has some embers left and returns outside to share a bit of "Shire Gold" tobac with Odilo and anyone wanting a plug. He smiles to himself, enjoying the afternoon breezes.
Oct 28, 2022 3:41 am
"So shall we set a watch rotation and get some rest?"


Oct 28, 2022 12:25 pm
Odilo takes the offering graciously, and begins to puff at his own pipe.

"Seems to me…" he says, through big mouthy puffs "… to be the best plan." his nose has him speaking, smoking and breathing through the one hole in his face. It’s not easy work.

"Some tea and a sunset would be lovely. I do wonder if our presence has been noted by anyone, though."
Oct 28, 2022 4:07 pm
Things happened quickly, and Malard was content with the speed with which he and his new companions were willing to achieve their tasks. "A decent plan it is," he said. "We'll have to be careful not to put the child at risk. A hostage would be a terrible turn of events."
Oct 28, 2022 4:31 pm
Now where did I leave that Wandering Monster: Cute Little Farm table...?
If this is the plan, in which order would you like to stand watch?
Oct 29, 2022 4:51 am
Maon volunteers for the first watch, he wants to see the stars and hear the nightime insects sing to Ceranus.
Oct 29, 2022 5:02 am
"I would be happy to take the majority of the watch, sleep is of no use to me. I will take four hours to meditate before dawn, however."

Oren takes out his own pipe and shares in the proffered weed. As much as he was eager to get upstream he did like the sound of tea and the local inn was sure to have some interesting people watching opportunities.


Oct 29, 2022 10:43 am
"Perhaps I might join you for a spell." Odilo says to Oren the Exile.

"You’re legs travel faster than mine, and I’m certain there’s much to be heard from afar!"
Oct 29, 2022 1:19 pm
When the group proposes to Mrs. Cogs that they would like to camp out on the property and see what they can find at night, she is hesitant at first but relents. It is clear that she finds it to be a waste of time, when the goblins live in the Dalewold, not her farm! But she begins preparing a dinner for her family and her guests, as well as baking a pie. Hours pass as the group continues their search and setting up their resting site, tucked away from prying eyes. The long summer day begins to turn into a short summer night as everyone heads to their homes or beds, but this is the time that you have been waiting for. The dusk is quiet, with only the sounds of birds and the smells of the pie.

It isn't long before you see Ben, the child blamed for all the mischief, creeping around the farm. You know for a fact that he should be in his own bed at this hour, as assured to you by Mrs. Cogs herself. Though the child is creeping along a wending path, it is clear that he is looking at that pie as a destination and prize. So far he has not spotted you.
The sun is setting and the sky is darkening, but you all can still see this happening. It is not night yet, and this all happens during your first watch.
Oct 29, 2022 4:22 pm
"Shall we let him take it, and see what happens?" Malard asks. "If it weren't for the goblins I'd be amused by this behaviour, but since they're about, I feel it might be a bit of issue. He may be more problematic than a mere scamp."
Oct 29, 2022 5:54 pm
"Yes, by all means let us catch the lad in the act."

Oren cannot decide if the child is to be admonished or admired. On the one hand, he was clearly a liar and potentially stirring up trouble beyond his reckoning. On the other hand... Oren liked liars. He fancied himself a teller of tall tales as well.
Oct 29, 2022 7:22 pm
Well, by the smell of that pie, I don't particularly blame the lad. But, if we're going to eliminate possibilities we should at least let him make enough tracks to compare to what we believe to be those belonging to goblins. And; to be fair, he must have the evidence in hand, or rather in his belly, when we catch him. If he leaves any of that pie, I daresy we'll be tempted to eat the evidence! Haha!
Oct 29, 2022 7:44 pm
"If that is the child, and not a goblin wearing a magical disguise."
Oct 29, 2022 8:45 pm
"Did somebody tell our employer that we'd be trying to catch somebody who looks exactly like her son? Because she may freak out when she sees our captive if we can't get them to change back..."
Oct 30, 2022 1:52 am
As the group sits back and watches, the child creeps forward towards the windowsill with exaggerated steps, emphasized for better sneaking. When he meets with no resistance, he swipes the pie and scampers off a short distance before plopping down into the dry grass behind a small wall that would protect him from being seen from the house. And that's when the group sees the child, Ben they assume, pull his face up over his head and begins devouring the pie with reckless abandon.

The goblin, now unmasked, kicks his feet with glee as he devours each and every baked berry (though many do end up on his face instead of in his mouth). It takes him a surprisingly short amount of time to engorge himself, and he tosses the empty tin to the side. Still kicking his feet, the goblin begins singing a little ditty in an ugly but childlike voice.

"Pie and mash, pie and mash
Loads of nosh for not much cash
Warms yer cockles fills you up
Wash it down with a good strong cup
Pour the moonshine in the pie
Come on fellah don’t be shy
Loads of liquor, lovely stuff
Us goblin lads can’t get enough."


Grabbo Surprise

Oct 30, 2022 3:53 am
The goblin's appetite shocks Malard almost as much as the disguise. "Well, I had hoped that this wasn't the case," he says. "Now what? Do you think we can rush it? I think it might have answers to questions."
Oct 30, 2022 5:35 pm
Oren is shocked and amazed at the turn of events! He was certain it was the son who had been filching baked goods but the duplicity of farie folk never ceased to amaze him.

"Maybe we should follow it back to it's lair, might not get another chance to find the rest of them..."
Oct 30, 2022 7:25 pm
"I agree with Oren. It might serve us better to follow him than to confront him now."


Oct 31, 2022 1:39 am
Odilo smirks to himself in the gloom, standing their on the farm. The boy was innocent enough; as innocent as a young boy could be, he thought. And the warning they’d received from the neighboring farmer earlier was misplaced…

"Marching out into a goblin den at this hour, in this light…" the wizard starts up.

"Our advantage may take a turn. We had better hope that it is near, or we’ll be thrashing through the brush in full dark."
Oct 31, 2022 2:50 am
Maon wonders if he should follow the goblin, although he can pass without trace, he would be blind in the darkness of the woods...
Oct 31, 2022 2:54 am
Maon tells the others:
We should apprehend the little monster and interrogate him in the barn so that his screams cannot be heard; or, we can keep him in a pit until we figure out what to do with the creature.
Oct 31, 2022 7:58 pm
"We could try and subdue the goblin, but if we do that then we'd better be ready in case it's comrades cone looking for it," Mallard says.
Oct 31, 2022 7:58 pm
"We could try and subdue the goblin, but if we do that then we'd better be ready in case it's comrades cone looking for it," Mallard says.
Oct 31, 2022 10:20 pm
How realistic was that mask?
Jabrano is starting to realise if somebody isn't going to make a decision soon then the goblin is just going to finish its snack and leisurely wander off back to wherever it came from.

"Enough. There's no point in being here if we're not going to try and catch it. Oren, Trina, and Odilo sneak around to the other side. When they're in position, we rush it from both sides." she whispers in a commanding tone.

She fixates on the goblin, ready to run out and tackle it if it would start to move prematurely.
Last edited October 31, 2022 10:20 pm
Oct 31, 2022 11:56 pm
When focusing on the mask, it becomes clear that it is made of various woods and leathers to simulate a boy's face in the dark. It would likely be obvious when viewed directly that it is but a mask.


Nov 1, 2022 9:05 am
"Hrmph…" the wizard grunts, as the half-Orc sets about the business of whipping them into shape. He nods his head in the gloom, and readies to set off.

"Trina ought to go first. No doubt she has the best chance to get close!" he whispers to the others, waving the Halfling forward with his hand.
Nov 1, 2022 4:22 pm
A halflings little legs don't seem sufficient for chasing down anyone or anything, but the goblin isn't very large. "They are about the same size, I suppose," says Malard. "It'll be a fair match-up, but we may have to ready to help follow quickly."
Last edited November 1, 2022 4:22 pm
Nov 1, 2022 7:59 pm
Oren is glad someone took the reigns on the matter and crouches low, ready to sneak.

"You got it Jabby! Let's go friends!"

Taking a wide path around the goblin, the elf sneaks as quietly as he can to the other side so as to pincer the little booger.
Nov 1, 2022 8:43 pm
Trina creeps forward as fast as she dares, trying to remain unseen and unheard (40% hide in shadows, 45% move silently). I'll let the GM make the rolls, so I don't know if she is successful or not (the character always believes that they have succeeded until proven otherwise).
Nov 1, 2022 8:52 pm
The Halfling, with movements practiced and innate, sneaks up on the goblin in the fading light. Not a crackle or snap is made as she moves forward, and before she knows it the goblin is just before her, facing away. Seemingly unaware.


Trina Move Silently


Nov 2, 2022 5:50 am
Odilo holds back, and barely dares to breath, lest he rustle some dry leaf or bush in these parched lands, and gives their position away.

He lets the wet from his nose run down to his lip, so as to avoid the sniffling sound. The saltiness rests on his tongue in the gloom.
Nov 2, 2022 10:47 am
Maon prays for Ceranus to grant him the Entangle spell to capture the creature in a tangle of roots and vines.

...and may Ceranus take you!
Nov 2, 2022 2:17 pm
Sphere: Plant
Range: 80 yds.
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 turn
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: 40-ft. cube
Saving Throw: 1⁄2
By means of this spell, the caster is able to cause plants in the area of effect to entangle creatures within the area. The grasses, weeds, bushes, and even trees wrap, twist, and entwine about the creatures, holding them fast for the duration of the spell. Any creature entering the area is subject to this effect. A creature that rolls a successful saving throw vs. spell can escape the area, moving at only 10 feet per round until out of the area. Exceptionally large (gargantuan) or strong creatures may suffer little or no distress from this spell, at the DM’s option, based on the strength of the entangling
The material component is the caster’s holy symbol.
Nov 2, 2022 2:20 pm
Don't know if I did that right. A private message to cowleyc
Last edited November 2, 2022 2:23 pm
Nov 2, 2022 2:27 pm
Are you casting that now?
Nov 2, 2022 2:28 pm
Nov 2, 2022 2:34 pm
The idea is to trap the goblin just before the others arrive in the area of effect
Nov 2, 2022 3:00 pm
As Trina sneaks up on the goblin, she is able to hear some low chanting from Maon behind her. Before she knows it, the very grass and shrubbery begins growing upwards and outwards, seemingly reaching for her and the goblin standing just before her! The goblin jumps to its feet, avoiding the worst of the groping vegetation, and starts trying to make its way through the thick shrubs to escape. However, it is clear that it will take some time, and so the group can quite easily surround the poor goblin who only wished to enjoy a sweet pie.
I will need a saving throw vs. spells from Trina to avoid being entangled. 1d20, and you want to roll over your target number.
Edited below.


Grabbo Save vs Spells

Nov 2, 2022 3:34 pm
Good thing it only lasts 1 turn! Sorry Trina
Nov 2, 2022 5:15 pm
Trina throws her body against the goblin, grabbing for his legs and hoping to overbear him to the ground.
Nov 2, 2022 5:23 pm
@WhtKnt, go ahead and make an Attack roll (AC of 6, so you need a 14) as well as a Save vs Spells.
Nov 2, 2022 9:54 pm
Trina attempts to avoid the entangling grass and still fell her foe. She avoids the worst of the spell, but the goblin's legs slip from between her arms.
The way I rolled is THAC0-1d20, which will give you the AC she hit, 16 in this case.
Last edited November 2, 2022 9:56 pm


Save vs. spells (14, w/+4 bonus due to race) - (1d20+4)

(17) + 4 = 21

Trina overbearing attempt (THAC0 20) - (20-1d20)

- (4) + 20 = 16

Nov 2, 2022 10:03 pm
As Trina sneaks up on the goblin, she is able to hear some low chanting from Maon behind her. She has enough time to leap out and take the pitiful creature to the ground, hearing it squeal out in shock! But before she knows it, the very grass and shrubbery begins growing upwards and outwards, seemingly reaching for her and the goblin standing just before her! Both Trina and the goblin are able to avoid the worst of the growing vegetation, and any escape attempts from the goblin will be severely hampered.
Nov 2, 2022 11:26 pm
Jabrano rushes forward to intercept the goblin in case it gets away from Trina. And almost trips on her face as she makes a sudden stop at the mess of vines and roots that hadn't been there yet when she started running.

Trina seems to have the goblin under control for now. "Are you okay in there?" she asks.
Last edited November 2, 2022 11:26 pm
Nov 3, 2022 2:27 am
His hand comes up reflexively and Malard slaps his forehead in disbelief. "Whoops!" Malard blurts out. "It was a good idea Maon. I think maybe we can surround them so our quarry can't escape."
Nov 3, 2022 3:27 am
Maon walks in unobstructed by the knots of tangled vines and roots. He grabs the goblin by the scruff of the neck and points his scimitar at its back before the spell wears off.

Don't try to escape foul creature. You are an agent of chaos and we've caught you redhanded!!
Nov 3, 2022 12:32 pm
"Eee," squeals the goblin. "Don't kill me, all I did was eat the pie!" The creature speaks the common tongue surprisingly well. "What do you want with Grabbo?!" He squirms and squirms, but between the vines, halfling, and scimitar, he makes no progress in his escape.
Normally druids don't get the ability to walk unimpeded by difficult terrain until level three. But I'll allow it this once.
Nov 3, 2022 1:02 pm
Oren picks his way forward through the tangle of brambles to reenforce Maon.

"Well played Maon! Let us bind this little thief before it wriggles free."

Oren takes rope from his pack and ties the goblin's hands and feet,

"Well Grabbo, fantastic name by the way, we can play this one of two ways. You can lead us back to your people so we can talk about the river being lowered or we can make you into a pie. What will it be, eh?"
Nov 3, 2022 1:13 pm
Oren, go ahead and make a Reaction roll. 2d10 minus your reaction modifier from Cha.
Nov 3, 2022 1:47 pm
"Or we can just take him back to the farm, get some sleep, and interrogate him in the morning like civilised people. It's not as if we're going to go anywhere anyway in the middle of the night." Jabrano intervenes, trying to de-escalate the increasingly heated situation, "And we're definitely not killing someone over pie theft!" she added, raising her voice.
She has a good look at the goblin (age, clothes, visible weapons, tribal or gang markings etcetera).
Last edited November 3, 2022 1:48 pm


Nov 3, 2022 1:54 pm
"And what if the others notice his absence before morning?" the wizard asks simply.
Nov 3, 2022 2:20 pm
"If he's the kind of guy that gets missed, then they have already notice anyway." she replies. "Goblins tend to be nocturnal".

And thinking back to their earlier discussions, she ads "And weren't you the one that said it was too dark for most of our group to do anything at night in the first place?"
Last edited November 3, 2022 5:45 pm
Nov 3, 2022 3:45 pm
The goblin's head darts back and forth as the group discussed their plans right beside him. Underneath his rudimentary disguise is a tattered scale tunic, and a short sword seems to be tucked halfway into his pants to stay hidden. He also wears a cheaply crafted necklace of various rocks and feathers, likely a symbol of his tribe. The emblem means nothing to you, as goblin tribes are a silver a dozen.
Nov 3, 2022 5:09 pm
"To be fair, if they come looking for Grabbo it would save us the trouble of looking for them," says Malard. "I'm in favor of exposing the fraud and asking questions when it's more convenient, like Jabrano."
Nov 3, 2022 5:43 pm
"Thank you." she replies sincerely, relieved that somebody backs her up.
Nov 3, 2022 6:49 pm
Reaction roll



(23) - 1 = 4

Nov 3, 2022 6:59 pm
Oren says:
"Well Grabbo, fantastic name by the way, we can play this one of two ways. You can lead us back to your people so we can talk about the river being lowered or we can make you into a pie. What will it be, eh?"
The goblin seems taken with Oren's words... and the prospect of not ending up in a pie. "I'll take you to the hideout! I'll take you anywhere, just don't eat Grabbo! I'm all dirty and stinky and would taste so so so bad!"
Nov 3, 2022 10:24 pm
Oren smiles at the little greenie,

"Seems like we have an accord then! And don't worry, I'm a vegetarian."
Nov 3, 2022 10:40 pm
Grabbo's face makes it clear he has no idea what a 'vegetarian' is.
Nov 4, 2022 3:07 am
I say put him in a sack, and leave him bound. Lock him in a closet while we get some rest.


Nov 4, 2022 3:12 am
Carabas says:
"And weren't you the one that said it was too dark for most of our group to do anything at night in the first place?"
"Yes, that was me. But you did you hear me argue that we ought to hold a goblin of unknown importance captive all night? No doubt he’s told his tribe of his exploits, and they’d know where to come looking for him. That is, if he is of may importance to them."

Odilo approaches and stoops down to look over the goblin in the dark.

"Tell us Grabbo, who is so quick to sell out his tribe, who are you?"
Nov 4, 2022 1:35 pm
"I'm not carrying him. He can walk. Do you even have a sack?"

Jabrano puts herself between Grabbo and the wizard.
"Well, what else were you planning to do after we'd captured him? Let him go so he can tell his people all about us? Just plain murder him for stealing pies?" She's practically shouting at him now.

She takes a deep breath and forces herself to calm down and looks around to see if they have attracted any attention from local wildlife or other dangers.

"We're too exposed here and you don't even know if he's alone."
Nov 4, 2022 2:03 pm
KCC says:

"Tell us Grabbo, who is so quick to sell out his tribe, who are you?"
The goblin nervously looks back and forth between all his captors, his eyes landing pleadingly on Oren from time to time. When Odilo asks him a question, he responds with, "I am Grabbo! I'm not selling my tribe, just offered to take you to them! You can't have them. And if you fight them, they'll kill you like that!" It's easy to imagine the goblin snapping his fingers at the last comment, but, alas, he is all tied up.
Nov 4, 2022 4:19 pm
"It's probably assured we'd be no match for your tribe," Malard says, trying to sound friendly. "However, we're a bit concerned that you're here stealing food. Your tribe probably misses you Grabbo, don't they?"
Nov 4, 2022 7:19 pm
"They don't even know I'm gone! Grabbo is really, really sneaky," the goblin says proudly. Given his knack for disguise, this isn't necessarily untrue.
Nov 5, 2022 4:13 pm
Since we can find the tribe soon enough; and, we know that this one is not capable of damming a river on its own, I say we kill it. It is a creature of chaos, inherently evil, whose sole purpose is to steal, sneak about in the darkness and murder the innocent.
Maon is stoic and unmoving, though he speaks intensely and barely above a whisper.
Nov 5, 2022 8:01 pm
Trina is appalled at the notion of killing the goblin. Yes, it was a thief, but that was certainly no reason to cost one's life. They had seen no evidence that the creature had murdered anyone, or indeed, committed any crime beyond stealing a pie here or there. "Always remember those less fortunate than yourself." Trina's father had told her. It was a code by which she lived. Sure, she was a thief herself, but she never took from those who could not afford it and always gave a share to charity (anonymously, of course). Maybe the goblin was in need, but even if that wasn't the case, killing it for crimes that it may not have committed was wrong!

"I think that we should have it lead us to its fellows. This little one is hardly enough to have caused all the trouble itself."
Nov 5, 2022 10:42 pm
"Are you out of your godsdamned mind?" Jabrano demands of the Druid. "We're not killing anybody here. Not over some stolen pies."

It seems evident that the warrior is quite willing to back her words with steel if pushed.

"What's wrong with you anyway? You sound more like some fanatic Raevian war priest than a druid. Have you forgotten that the village has lived in peaceful coexistence with these "murderous agents of chaos" for ages without incident? What do you think is going to happen to that peace once the goblins find out some lunatic killed one of their people over a stolen pie?"
Nov 5, 2022 10:58 pm
Oren puts a hand on Jabrano's shoulder to calm the warrior,

"Let us not forget ourselves,"

and with a stern look to Maon he adds,

"Any of us. This little thief has broken several of the king's laws and besides that is now a valuable asset. We will keep him alive and unharmed and in the morning he will take us to his people. We should keep watch over him tonight, I will take the lion's share of the chore if you want to relieve me before dawn Jabby?"
Nov 6, 2022 1:47 am
"Kill it?" Malard says. "Do we suddenly not like clues and information? That kind of violence has it's place, but this isn't the palace's dungeon. "


Nov 6, 2022 3:02 am
"You keep interesting company, Oren." the wizard says, shooing away the warrior as she becomes belligerent.

He similarly waves a hand to calm the Druid as he suggests killing the goblin.

"Grabbo." the wizard says, with attempted friendliness, though his head started to ache with the annoyance of the whole ordeal.

"The pies aren’t of any concern to us." he casts an eye back to the half-orc, wondering if she remembers why they are here.

"It’s the river, and it’s impact on the people below. What can you tell us about that?"
Last edited November 6, 2022 3:03 am
Nov 6, 2022 4:31 am
The goblin had been looking between the individuals as they had argued their sides. He looked particularly unpleased with the prospect of being killed or left in a sack; both of these caused him to squeal with fear! But when Odilo steps in, he calms somewhat. "Grabbo doesn't know about the river, but maybe Chief Gravelbeak or the blue lady knows! You can ask them when we go to my home!"


Odilo Reaction


Nov 6, 2022 4:45 am
"The Blue Lady?" Odilo asks with some urgency.
Nov 6, 2022 4:53 am
"The blue lady," Grabbo says without the same urgency.
Nov 6, 2022 4:01 pm
Oren smiles at Odilo,

"I keep only the very best company the human lands have to offer my good friend!"

Seeing as how things look to be calming, the elf leaves to secure a stall in one of the barns that might serve as a functional jail cell for the night.
Nov 7, 2022 1:46 am
"The Blue Lady probably isn't a goblin, is she?" Malard asks. "She's probably very nice to all of you though, maybe?"

To rest of the group he says, "We're starting to have something of a breakthrough I think, and who would have thought it would have come from one stolen pie."
Nov 7, 2022 2:17 am
When asked about the blue lady, Grabbo shrugs a gobliny shrug. "The blue lady sits in her cage. I don't think she likes us very much. And I'm pretty sure she's not a goblin." It seems like the goblin is growing more comfortable talking with the group, though it casts a wary eye towards those who threatened it death.
Nov 7, 2022 4:52 am
Just a note that I'm trying not to mistake modern values for Medieval ones. "They often take slaves for both food and labor. The tribe will have slaves of several races" "Goblins hate most other humanoids, gnomes and dwarves in particular, and work to exterminate them
whenever possible.
Ecology: Goblins live only 50 years or so. They do not need to eat much, but will kill just for the
pleasure of it. They eat any creature from rats and snakes to humans. In lean times they will eat carrion.
Goblins usually spoil their habitat, driving game from it and depleting the area of all resources." And this is why the druid would kill it outright, also didn't hear any interaction with the villagers and goblins only that they stayed on their side of the fence. That could be the work of rangers and druids keeping their numbers down. So, that's the reason Maon sees the idea of having any compassion for this evil creature as ludicrous. I'm not Maon, so please remember that...lol. Don't want to create a tense situation with you as players. Just understandthat this would be what I think Maon would do.
Nov 7, 2022 5:04 am
I still say kill it and be done with it. But...do as you will. I harbor no ill will to you good friends we just see things in a different light. I care not that it stole a pie.
Just know if I catch this foul beastling eyeing your throats instead of the lady's pies, I will not hesitate to put an end to it.

Maon gives the Goblin a look of hatred before sheathing his scimitar.


Nov 7, 2022 12:18 pm
DM, might old Odilo know of any order, of wizards or priests, that take blue as their color?
Nov 7, 2022 3:00 pm
I'm sure there's a NWP out there for more information, but your character would know that wizard colors are chosen individually based on particular traits and attitudes. Blue could be curiosity or power, or something else. As for priests, that would be a Religion check, but priests of Aeroll (greater god of storms and sky) wear blue.
Nov 7, 2022 6:20 pm
Perhaps heraldry for The Blue Lady?


Heraldry (need 12 or less) - (1d20)

(2) = 2

Nov 7, 2022 6:25 pm
Oren thinks back through the vast list of heraldry he has memorized over the years of his travels, and he is very confident he has not encountered any for a "Blue Lady". Whoever this person is, it is unlikely that she is royalty, petty or otherwise.
Nov 7, 2022 11:33 pm
Jabrano relaxes when Oren intervenes and agrees to his proposal. "And please, it's just Jab."

She kneels down with Grabbo and relieves him of his blade. "Be nice and maybe you'll get it back when we're done" she tells him in Orcish as she tucks it into her belt.

"Tell us about this blue lady. Is she human? Why do you call her that. Why is she in a cage. How long has she been with the tribe?"


Nov 8, 2022 2:36 am
Have a thread here, maybe! Checking!


Religion - (1d20)

(2) = 2

Nov 8, 2022 3:01 am
Odilo had studied the religions of man and demihuman in order to better help those under his charge. In his time, he has heard of many deities and demigods who have gone by countless names and titles. There have been a few "blue ladies" in the scrolls he has read, but none that seem to fit any of this narrative. The last Blue Lady had been in the coastal lands, and claimed to be a vengeful goddess who wished to reclaim her rocky shorelands. It had not ended well for her.
Jabrano says:
"Tell us about this blue lady. Is she human? Why do you call her that. Why is she in a cage. How long has she been with the tribe?"
The goblin shrugs at all of Jabrano's questions. "She doesn't look human. She's too small. Like this one," he says, gesturing to Trina. "And blue. But maybe she's just really sad, living in that cage. She hasn't been there long, just since the chief took her." He squirms in his ropes, trying to get comfortable.


Nov 8, 2022 12:53 pm
"I had thought it could be a water priestess. It could explain the river. Pah! It doesn’t fit together. No matter." he says, dismissing the theory with a wave of his hand. Bringing his sleeve to his nose, he rubs deep, before stooping to the goblin again.

"Could you retrieve this blue lady? You are sneaky. Perhaps… in exchange for continue access to the farm pies in future?"
Nov 8, 2022 2:58 pm
Grabbo shakes his head emphatically. "No, no, no, no, no. I cannot take her from the chief. But I can bring you to her!" His widened eyes express a fear of his chief; a fear he was not willing to face for pies.
Nov 8, 2022 11:45 pm
I don't want to split us up, but I think we need to see what is holding up this river. It might have nothing to do with these Goblins. Ask it...ahem, ask Grabbo if they have anything to do with the river being diverted. The water has to go somewhere and it must create a large dam otherwise.

Perhaps they are following the orders of this blue lady. He thinks to himself...could it be some aquatic fey being?
Nov 9, 2022 4:19 pm
"I can't help but wonder if the lady herself isn't blue, and not her clothes," Malard says. "It's silly, but stranger things have happened."


Nov 10, 2022 12:50 am
"Indeed." Odilo agrees, his mind wandering to what he had heard said of Aquatic Elves. But he wondered if a single one had enough power to do this.

"Better to go at night, or at first light?" the wizard quizzes the Goblin further. He wondered if he ought to take the answer at face value, or to do the very opposite of what the sneaky goblin suggested.
Nov 10, 2022 6:36 pm
Grabbo merely shrugs at Odilo's question. "Guards during the day, guards during the night. They might not want you there, day or night." He seems genuine in his indifference.
Nov 10, 2022 7:04 pm
"Stealth then must be the option," Malard says. "Perhaps we should head back for the night, and set out in the morning. A few more hours likely won't change anything, right?"
Nov 10, 2022 11:15 pm
Maon agrees.
Nov 10, 2022 11:19 pm
"I don't know about this. Sneaking in to do what? Talk to the blue lady who's constantly under guard? If we get caught we'll look like thieves or assassins, and we'll be massively outnumbered. And, crucially, we still don't have any real reason to think the goblins are even connected to the dried up river so we'd be taking a huge risk on something that may not actually progress our mission or help the village, and could even endanger the village if the goblins think they are to blame for our transgression into their lair. Maybe just talking to them is an option here.
After all, the only real, confirmed issue with the goblins was Grabbo's misschief, which we've already solved.

She turns her attention at the goblin again. "Grabbo, tell us a bit about Chief Gravelbeak. How does he regard the village. What would he do if he knew you were sneaking out to steal from the humans?"

The Half-Orc seems completely at ease again, now that everybody has stopped talking about killing. Judging by some of the reactions of the group she may have overreacted, but she still feels like she did the right thing standing up for Grabbo. It's not just that though. It feels like Maon was talking about her. And he'd be a lot more justified if he had been. She resolves to talk about it with him privately.
Last edited November 10, 2022 11:19 pm
Nov 11, 2022 12:54 am
The goblin gets a little excited when asked about his chief! "Gravelbeak is the biggest of us! Well, second biggest. Maybe third. But he's really good at fishing! And so smart! He keep the village happy, and keeps his tribe happy! He doesn't mind some small pranks, so I do my best to have fun pranking! He's a good chief."
Nov 11, 2022 4:45 am
"I see two way of approaching this, Oren chimes in,

"Either we are going to the goblin camp to free the Blue Lady by day when they are mostly asleep, or we are approaching by night to treat with their leader for an as of yet unknown reason. Since we have no motivation to free the Blue Lady other than the ideal that all living things should be free and we also have no reason to speak with the goblin king as of yet, perhaps we should first head up river to investigate the cause of the drought that we were employed to remedy. We could easily bring our new friend here with us and play his card at a point that it makes more sense to do so."
Nov 11, 2022 7:27 am
Our notions were correct from the beginning. Seeking out the farm to gather information then moving on to the river's source. I think we're on the right trail.

If we must parley with the Goblin Leader we should do so only after we gather more information about the river itself.

In the meantime, see that our "guest" doesn't run off and let us be off at the break of dawn. After a good breakfast of course. We should pay the widow for her hospitality on our way out.

She mentioned something about the mountain, maybe we should share that information as well, if possible. What say you all?


Nov 11, 2022 1:15 pm
"Yes, the goblin shall have to accompany us for a day or so, if we search the river. We can’t have him…" and then he turns to Maon "… and maybe even the landlady here, telling anyone of our plan to treat with the goblins." he shrugs.

"Do you think she’ll talk?"
Nov 11, 2022 4:52 pm
"Perhaps we should vote?" Malard suggests. "If we opt to bring Grabbo with, then perhaps it can ride my donkey."
Nov 11, 2022 6:18 pm
Can we trust the widow to be discreet? Another question is, who besides us knows that our plans might include a parley with the Goblin Clan?

We should keep Grabbo from getting anywhere near her. As long as we keep our tongues in check, there'll be no need for trust.

Maon pulls his pipe from his pocket and looks out at the stars before having another bowl of tobacco.
Nov 12, 2022 12:35 am
Trina nods her agreement. "We bring Grabbo here with us and keep quiet about our intent. The fewer who know, the better. Would you like to come on an adventure with us, Grabbo?"
Nov 12, 2022 12:54 am
"My main reason for wanting to talk to this chief Gravelbeak was that he likely knows more about what happened to the river than the folks of the village, seeing as he lives a lot closer, and we just learned he's apparently a great fisherman, so the river would be of particular interest to him, and he likely wants the problem dealt with as well.

As for freeing the blue lady... I agree with Oren on the principle that people should be free. At the same time, Maon isn't exactly wrong in his belief that certain beings should be... contained. I just disagree that Grabbo is one of them. I'd rather like to know why the blue lady is locked up before setting her free. It also should not be our primary concern. The thing with the river threatens the entire village. We should fix that first, and then we can see what to do about the blue lady.

I'm fine with just going straight up the river, but I think our chances will be better with more information.

She disagrees with telling the widow much of what they're planning to do unless she asks, mostly because they don't really have much to tell other than basically "we're gonna go there and see what's up".
She also disagrees with "paying her for her hospitality".
"We're not her guests. She's our employer. She's paying us. And she's likely the wealthiest person in town anyway."
Last edited November 12, 2022 12:55 am


Nov 12, 2022 2:59 am
Odilo nods along; agreeing with much of what’s being said.

"A vote then? To the river first, and then treat with the goblins.

Or the goblins first, and hope that they might illuminate the issue with the river some more!"

The man thinks on it a moment. Mulling over the options and weighing them against each other.

"For my part, I think… I say we ought to see the goblin tribe first. Jabrano makes sense of it!"
Nov 12, 2022 5:09 am
Jabrano speaks truth. Maybe she can care for Grabbo. I know we are at odds on what to do with him, but I am at peace.

As for a parley with the Goblin leader, that could be our death at worst, or if he is amenable, dangerous at the least. I feel if we see what has become of the river we will be able to divine the truth with more clarity about the predicament.

If there is another element involved, such as magic, in the holding back of the river, I would want to know first hand rather than relying on second had information. No offense, although Goblins are quite clever indeed, they don't have a reputation for mental accuity. We've already conceded that they would not have blocked the river without guidance from an outside source.

That is, IF they have blocked the river and not someone else.

Maon continues to look at the stars, noting the brightest ones. He puffs at his pipe, the glow creating deep shadows across his face.
Nov 12, 2022 5:18 am
Maon realizes he may have suggested too much about their plans in the presence of the creature. When they release the creature to his own devices, and he is certain they will release him, he will reveal all he remembers of their conversations. Another fly in the ointment of secrecy!

He looks at Odilo

Knowledge is power, and we should not be unarmed...just a thought good man.

He nods at Jabrano, pipe glowing.
Nov 12, 2022 5:49 am
Trina shrugs. "I think that we should check out the river first. Hey, maybe something is jamming up the river because the goblins are holding the blue lady. Maybe she is a water spirit or something!" She seems very pleased to have thought of this idea.
Nov 12, 2022 5:16 pm
WhtKnt says:
Trina nods her agreement. "We bring Grabbo here with us and keep quiet about our intent. The fewer who know, the better. Would you like to come on an adventure with us, Grabbo?"
The captive goblin shakes his head emphatically. "Grabbo doesn't want adventure. He just wants to go home."
Nov 13, 2022 5:23 am
"Well, it sounds settled then," Malard says. "The consensus is to speak with Gravelbeak, and bring Grabbo with us. Who knows? Maybe we have a bargaining chip."


Nov 13, 2022 6:18 am
River: Trina, Maon.

Goblins: Odilo, Jabrano.

Is that right?
Last edited November 13, 2022 6:18 am
Nov 14, 2022 4:08 am
It sounded like Malard was voting to see the goblin chief, while Oren felt like checking upriver was more helpful. That's a straight tie.
Nov 14, 2022 4:17 am
I had the impression that peope were voting to see the goblin chief en route to checking things out up river.


Nov 14, 2022 1:30 pm
Its up to our DM to roll a dice and break the tie! Either way, I’m happy to keep the show on the road!
Nov 14, 2022 4:12 pm
The discussion continues for some time before weariness sets in, and it is decided that they will embark in the morning and head upriver with a planned detour of visiting the goblin chief should his location become apparent. And so the party makes their sleeping arrangements (with Oren spending most of the evening guarding Grabbo the goblin), and sleep quickly overtakes them.
The morning comes too soon, as it is wont to do in the midsummer, and Mrs. Cogs offers a hearty breakfast to those who wish to partake before they depart. Grabbo seems rather uncomfortable in the coming daylight, as it is commonly known that goblins are nocturnal. He doesn't burst into flames, however, and so he will be fine.

The walk from the Cog's farm to the weir and pool (a reasonable starting point for heading upstream) is short and easy. It takes less than an hour and the sun is still high in the sky, though midday starts making its way to afternoon. Without any incident, the group arrives at Speaking-Fish Weir.

A weir of large, loosely piled boulders stretches across the Dovedale River. It looks as if it might be possible to cross the river by stepping on the tops of the moss-covered stones. A 50ft-diameter pool has formed behind the weir. In normal times, the pool would be much larger and deeper, but the water has retreated to show cracked mud along the banks. Now that the river has been reduced to a trickle, the pool is only 2ft deep at its deepest point.

Colorful gravel lines the bottom of the pool. Rushes and willows, many of them drooping in the artificial drought, grow along the banks. Two 6ft tall, 2ft-diameter stone pillars stand at the top of the pool, one on either side of the river. A narrow footpath winds its way through the grass and reeds up the side of the pool and along the east side of the river. The footpath goes right by one of the stone pillars.
Nov 14, 2022 10:44 pm
What side of the river is Grabbo's clan?
Nov 14, 2022 10:47 pm
East side, according to Grabbo. You are currently on the west side.
Nov 14, 2022 10:50 pm
And did Grabbo ever answer the question: Did your clan have anything to do with the river?

Does he know the river is blocked?

Without a map and us not knowing what path he takes, he may or may not know about it, same with the clan leader.

I don't see the need to rush into the belly of the beast, not being a warrior type, if the goblins have nothing to do with the river.
Nov 14, 2022 10:52 pm
If I recall, he evaded the question. Seemed like he didn't know. If I didn't actually write that, it's canon now.
Nov 14, 2022 11:09 pm
He literally said he doesn't know about the river but that the Chief or the blue lady might.

I missed him saying the goblins are on the east side, but that fits with Jabrano's information that they're from the Cloud Peak instead of the woods.
Nov 15, 2022 12:07 am
OK, so let's stay on the east side of the river?

And, why speak with the chief if Grabbo knows nothing? Damming a river might be an all hands project, or the little guy is lying. Makes sense that he would fear his leader more than us.

Just some thoughts.
Nov 15, 2022 12:34 am
"Well, no matter what comes next, at least we've been able to start things off with a pleasant trek," Malard tells the others off-handedly. "It would be easy to fall prey to an ambush if we became too relaxed."
Do we need a marching order?
Nov 15, 2022 2:27 am
Marching order could be important, depending on hr decisions you make.


Nov 15, 2022 6:58 am
"Now where is that scoundrel? The talking fish that has directed the beavers to do their dirty work in damming the river?" the wizard jokes, feeling fresher in the new day’s sun!

He wanders his way towards the pillar that sits on their side of the river. He walks around it a number of times, and peers across the small bit of water to its twin.

"An ambush might be possible; though not from the water, eh?" he says, stooping to pick up a stone before plopping it down into the shallow pool.
Nov 15, 2022 2:12 pm
As the pebble splashes down into the water, Odilo can see a flickering of beautiful color shimmering through the ripples. A small jet of water shoots out and squirts the mage in the face, and suddenly he can see a large trout of some sort floating near the water's surface. The fish looks at him with some intelligence in its fishy eyes, and then, most wondrous of all, it speaks!

"So sorry there, man, but I had to get your attention! My name is Salvel the Talking Trout. What is it that brings you to my little pool all the way out here?"
Nov 15, 2022 3:00 pm
Maon sees this and makes his way down near Odilo. He is thrilled, and laughs with excitement. He calms down and crouches near, smiling, careful to cover his teeth, and listens as he looks on.
Nov 15, 2022 4:02 pm
Malard is content to walk alongside his pack animal, with Grabbo on it's back. The scenery is enough for now, and he's happy to be off and hopefully, helping people. In fact, he was so relaxed that the talking trout barely even registered.
I'll have Malard in the middle of the pack, so to speak.
Last edited November 15, 2022 5:52 pm
Nov 15, 2022 5:19 pm
Trina is so thrown off by the talking trout that she very nearly falls into the water!
Nov 15, 2022 9:19 pm
Oren is positively tickled by the appearance of the talking fish and makes his way up to the edge of the water so that he might converse with the creature.

"A pleasure to make your acquaintance Selvel! I am Oren, formerly of the Eternal Lands, and this fine fellow at whom you have squirted is Odilo. In answer to your question we are here on our way to investigate the lowering of the water level in the river. Have you noticed anything in your travels that might shed light on the matter?"
Nov 15, 2022 9:39 pm
Your comment about the awful state of the river appears to have piqued Salvel's interest. His shimmering scales glint in the sunlight as he swims closer.

"The river is low because the goblins have captured Unda the River Fairy," says the fish. "If you want to restore the river, you'll have to rescue her from their secret lair. The goblins captured Unda about a week ago. They've kept her alive; I would have felt it if she died. They're trying to catch me, too, but I've managed to avoid them so far. I've been trying to find someone to go into the goblin lair and rescue Unda, but you're the first likely prospects that I've encountered."

"If you go up the river, past the three stone giants, you'll find a tall weeping willow that the goblins have chewed on. The entrance to their tunnels is in a shallow cave near that tree. I've managed to find out that much, over the years, by watching them from the river."

The goblin, hiding from the river now that the fish has begun speaking, visibly nods his head at the comments of the willow tree. "That's where I was taking you!"
Nov 15, 2022 9:57 pm
Oren turns and smiles at the goblin before turning back to Selvel.

"Have no fear my fishy friend, we will rectify the matter. Tell me, how did the goblins manage to capture one of the fairy folk? They are usually quite clever..."
Nov 15, 2022 10:09 pm
The fish swims in a small circle before locking eyes with Oren. "That, I do not know, elf. Chief Gravelbeak has been trying to catch me for years, but I've been able to evade him. Perhaps Unda did not think they would try capturing her! The goblins around here are rather clever."
Nov 15, 2022 10:52 pm
Jabrano has been talking to Grabbo while guarding him, trying to develop a rapport and gain a modicum of trust. She's mainly been trying to get a sense of how much these goblins as a group conform to Maon's "murderous Agent Of Chaos" stereotype. She's also letting him use her hat because forcing a goblin to go out under the sun is just cruel.
"Told you it was some kind of fairy nonsense..." Jabrano said. The Half-Orc had been in much better spirits since they left the farm behind them.
"Is this... normal? A whole river just shut down because of one fairy? What if she gets ill or has an accident? Bye bye river?" she asks, only half seriously. "All kidding aside, that's not good, assuming this information is correct."

She turns towards Grabbo, who still wears the hat she borrowed him: "So... let's say we want to convince chief Gravelbeak to give up his prisoner, how'd we best go about that?"
Last edited November 16, 2022 8:09 pm
Nov 15, 2022 11:17 pm
Trina fairly dances about at the news of the captured fairy. "I knew it!" she proclaims gleefully. Then, realizing that her enthusiasm might be mistaken for joy at the fairy's capture, she suddenly stops, becoming somber. "Not good that she was captured, but I thought that might be what was going on around here!" she explains.


Nov 16, 2022 1:27 am
Odilo brings a heavy brown sleeve up to dry his face and beard, before grumbling something about trout hospitality. He’s more than a little shocked to see that there was, in fact, a speaking trout here. Not so much that such a creature exists, but rather that village rumored had turned out to be true in this case…

"We’ve been quite wrapped up in what to do about these goblins. Are they to be parlayed with? Or expelled by force? You’d know better than most!"
Nov 16, 2022 7:33 pm
The whole story from the talking fish has Malard shaking his head in disbelief. "I don't know know what bothers me more, the three stone giants, or that the goblins are eating a tree. Who ever heard of such a thing?" he says to the others. "The relaxing sojourn has taken a dangerous turn if what our fishy informant says is true. Grabbo, is this the only way up the river?"
Nov 16, 2022 7:56 pm
The talking trout locks eyes with Odilo as the mage asks it of goblin-handling methods. If a fish could shrug, you suspect that's what Salvel would be doing about now. "These goblins are clever. Rather clever, much like many around the area. Not sure why the Dovedale is so special in this way, but that's the way it is. I would be careful with the goblins, both in word and action. They are wise enough to parley with the town and farmers, and strong enough that other tribes have not moved in. You may have luck trading this goblin for Unda, but that depends on how favored this one is."
The goblin hides behind Jabrano as Malard questions it. The new friendship with the half-orc had allowed him to open up some, but he seemed to be more attached to the warrior than to any other. He replies with a squeaky voice, "The tree makes us feel better. And we can go upriver on either side. Either one is fine."
Nov 17, 2022 12:27 am
I said in my previous post that Jabrano has been trying to get a sense of how much these goblins as a group conform to Maon's "murderous Agent Of Chaos" stereotype. Not just what Grabbo claims but what impression Jabrano gets from Grabbo.

Also, the willow thing kinda makes sense. Willow bark contains salicylic acid, the active component of Aspirin. The name even derives from the Latin for willow, salyx.
Jabrano shrugs. "It sort of makes sense about he willow. Used to know a guy who swore by this foul tea he made from ground-up willow bark as a hangover cure. And he was kind of an expert... on hangovers, I mean."

She eyed the fish somewhat suspiceously. No way if that an actual talking fish. Fish don't have the parts to talk with. Probably some other fairy that chooses to look like a fish.

"I doubt Grabbo is a very valuable hostage, but him being alive and treated well should play in our favour if we have to negotiate. The goblins' continued good relationship with the village and general being left alone being conditional on the river being restored may be a better way to make our case."
Last edited November 17, 2022 12:28 am
Nov 17, 2022 1:31 am
Bargaining with these goblins sounds like a fairy tale to me. However, if you all feel it has merit, then we should proceed. How far is this encampment? Is there enough daylight left to get there safely. Grabbo may yet prove his worth here shortly.

Can I call on my Spider friend to join me once we near the Goblin demesne?


Nov 17, 2022 2:36 pm
"By the sounds of it, we wake into overwhelming peril. Perhaps not immediate; but rather possible. If there’s anything… from the years you’ve watched, and outsmarted, them, that you feel would help us, please share it!" the old, sniffling wizard asks of the fish.

His mind went to the notion of threatening the tree, should things go sour. But the wizard didn’t share the notion, for fear of further upsetting the woodland guardian in their ranks.
Nov 17, 2022 5:38 pm
umbraldragon says:
Can I call on my Spider friend to join me once we near the Goblin demesne?
Absolutely. Keep in mind that the spider may not fight in certain scenarios as Animal Friendship is not a mind-control spell.

Carabas says:
I said in my previous post that Jabrano has been trying to get a sense of how much these goblins as a group conform to Maon's "murderous Agent Of Chaos" stereotype. Not just what Grabbo claims but what impression Jabrano gets from Grabbo.
Along the walk to the the pool:
As Jabrano gets to know the goblin, it begins to open up to her. It jokes about the tricks it has played and the pies it has stolen, but never once mentions murder or dark deeds. The way it laughs about its minor crimes, however, suggests that it has a very different morality than the warrior. She doesn't get the impression that the are murderous agents of chaos, but they are still agents of chaos in some manner.
To Odilo's questions, the trout swims in few small circles, possibly in thought. "I can't tell you much, but I can tell you this. The chief has been known to fish during the daytime; it would seem he is no longer affected by the bright light. Also, at least one goblin knows how to swim, though I'd prefer it to keep its dirty self out of my water. They rarely cross my path, other than the chief, and I have not spent much- any, really- time in their lair." While one would be surprised at a talking fish, the sarcasm was even less expected.
Nov 17, 2022 9:24 pm
"Interesting. Perhaps if we lie in wait we might catch the chief in the open without having to go to his home where he has the advantage..."
Nov 17, 2022 11:18 pm
Maon calls out to Sheskarith. He waits to see if she is near...
Nov 18, 2022 3:11 am
"What's your relationship to the goblins' captive, if you don't mind me asking?" Malard asks the fish. "No offense of, of course. It just isn't everyday I meet a talking fish that has all the current gossip."


Nov 18, 2022 2:23 pm
"A fine plan. Assuming he doesn’t take a guard with him on these fishing trips. Though the tribe does seem quite confident in its security; which works in our favor."

He turns to look at the Halfling, sizing the small folk up!

"We’d need to sneak up on the creature…"
Nov 18, 2022 2:33 pm
umbraldragon says:
Maon calls out to Sheskarith. He waits to see if she is near...
A rustling in the brush lets Maon know that the spider is very, very near. It must have followed them, hidden in whatever foliage it could find.
The fish swims in yet another circle before turning to look at Malard. "Unda protects the river, and keeps it flowing. She lives at the great spring, further upriver. She and I often swap stories or gossip about the other animals around here."

"The chief often comes in the early morning or late evening, when the sun hasn't quite risen or set. You may have quite a wait ahead of you, my friends." Salvel the Talking Trout seems to face upwards towards the sun, making its way towards noon. It is still early, but the sun has been up for some time now. Had the chief been fishing already, you would have missed him.


Nov 18, 2022 2:37 pm
"Unless you were to present yourself as a tempting mid-day catch!"
Nov 18, 2022 4:13 pm
A few indignant bubbles rise to the surface as the fish silently protests at the idea of being used for bait.
Nov 18, 2022 7:34 pm
"Honestly, I don't see how this plan can work..." Jabrano says.
"An ambush strikes me as a terrible first move in a negotiation. It's going to immediately turn him unfavourable towards us, and it's not as if can actually release her because he won't have her with him. He's going to need to get back to his home where he has the advantage to do that.
I mean, look, put you in his place. A bunch of armed vagabonds want you to talk you into parting with something you treasure, and their best idea to get you to give up this treasure is to sneak up on you while you go fishing?"
Last edited November 18, 2022 9:09 pm
Nov 18, 2022 8:48 pm
A different approach is necessary. You have the right of it again Jabrano. And yet, if he is wont towards violence first ask questions later, we'll be in the same situation. We will have to parley with him at any rate, however, if we approach him alone we may be able to speak with him on safer terms than in his lair.
Nov 20, 2022 5:07 am
"Perhaps it might be worth getting closer and scouting things out a bit," Malard says. "We have a plan, but we don't have quite enough information to make it work."


Nov 20, 2022 10:39 am
"We are at the disadvantage in almost every case." Odilo laments. "That just comes with the territory." he says, meaning both figuratively and literally….

"Perhaps our… companion…"


… might organize a meeting on good terms? It might be that the goblins lament the very situation they have unknowingly caused. And we’ll be home by supper."
Nov 20, 2022 2:44 pm
I like your optimism Odilo, but is that really more likely than the violence or at least the brutish ways they are more likely to be familiar with. I say we scout the fishing hole and lay in wait for the creature. Not to attack, but to secure a neutral ground to parley with the Goblin leader. However, if you'd rather take another approach. I will go along. Meanwhile I must see to Sheskarith. I won't wander farther than the treeline my firends.friends.

Maon walks a few feet into the wooded area and calls on Sheskarith at slightly lower than normal volume.
Nov 20, 2022 7:05 pm
Maon has little issue finding the massive spider that he had befriended through his magicks. Knowing where it was apt to hide, it takes only a few moments to find the creature creating a temporary web, hoping to catch some foodstuffs while waiting for its friend.
When Odilo references Grabbo, the goblin peeks out from behind Jabrano's large frame. He squeaks out a response, "That's why I'm trying to take you to our caves! So you can talk with the chief! But you big'uns chat-chat-chat so much! Did you forget already that Grabbo is helping you?"
Nov 20, 2022 11:08 pm
Jabrano agrees with Odilo. "Using Grabbo as a go-between has been on my mind for a while... Sending Grabbo with a message, an invitation to parlay, we'd lose Grabbo's value as a hostage, but it would be great show of good faith. And I'm not convinced he has much worth as a hostage anyway."

She turns towards the fish-fairy-whatever it is. "Say, you said the Chief comes by here 'often'... Is that every day, every couple of days, once a week...? Because everybody seems to be planning on the assumption he comes by every day, when that isn't what you said.""
Last edited November 20, 2022 11:08 pm
Nov 21, 2022 5:19 am
Jabrano says:

She turns towards the fish-fairy-whatever it is. "Say, you said the Chief comes by here 'often'... Is that every day, every couple of days, once a week...? Because everybody seems to be planning on the assumption he comes by every day, when that isn't what you said.""
The fish spins in a circle before gazing upon Jabrano. "Some weeks he comes daily, some every other day. He's been here a lot lately trying to catch me in this very pool! I'd expect him tonight. Just don't try to use me as bait."
Nov 21, 2022 8:20 pm
"There we have it! Half a day's wait and the chief comes to us. Not a bad chance to avoid burrowing into a goblin encampment, eh?"
Nov 22, 2022 1:09 am
"Brilliant!" says Malard. "Perhaps we should conceal our numbers though, and find a place to hide ourselves."
Nov 22, 2022 2:48 am
Maon leaves his spider friend to her dietary needs, after assuring her of his friendship, and returns to the group.

So I see that logic prevails once again. Lay in wait for this Goblin Leader and then force a parley, not with violence but with a sensible appeal. Is there something we can offer in return? It occurs to me that if negotiations fail, we need to have another plan. We have to put the odds in our favor with a mind toward avoiding violence. However, if violence does ensue, we must also be able to use this landscape and our minds to create advantages wherever we may find it. Of course, I do hope we can convince this leader to release the blue fairy and allow a restoration of the river.


Nov 22, 2022 3:36 am
"Jabrano seems to have struck up quite the bond with our goblin friend here. Perhaps she ought to be the one to make introductions, along with Grabbo tonight?

While the rest of us conceal ourselves among the rocks and trees?"
Nov 22, 2022 9:47 pm
"I would like to mention that should the need arise, I happen to speak goblin."
Nov 22, 2022 10:46 pm
Perhaps you and Jabrano should lead the parley while we wait hidden?
Nov 23, 2022 12:18 am
"Sounds like a decent plan..." Jabrabno says.

She's still convinced that showing their strength is better than hiding, like she argued earlier, but that seems like a battle she's lost.


Nov 23, 2022 2:04 am
Odilo sniffles into his sleeve.

"Aha! Another gift of yours, Oren. Truly, something new to be learned about you every day!"

The wizard laughs, and then begins to snoop around the waterside for a comfortable looking rock to sit on.

"Perhaps you might pass the time with a tale, or share some knowledge with us. Something lacking goblins, would make for a nice change!" he says to the talking trout!
Nov 23, 2022 3:31 am
Malard sets about to find a place he can tie up his donkey, and get comfortable. "We have some time to kill," he says to the others. "A story sounds like a fine idea, Odilo."
Nov 23, 2022 4:38 am
Maon sits on the large stone, next to Odilo, lights his pipe and passes his tobacco pouch around to those who wish to light their own pipes.

He thinks to himself, "Could use a spot of tea about now..."
Nov 23, 2022 2:11 pm
The talking trout swims in wide circles- well, as wide as this pool allows- before seemingly coming up with a story. It begins speaking of a druid from generations past, from whom many of the townsfolk are descended, and whose legacy still lives on. Among that legacy lives Salvel the Talking Trout, the oddly intelligent goblin tribe, and even the regal Baron Ironbeak the Orating Owl. Salvel starts weaving tales of Baron Ironbeak, and the minutes grow into hours...
As the day passes, the warm summer air and the chirping insects are a comfort in this strange area. The Dovedale has proven to be an oddity, and likely not what any of the adventurer's had expected. But before too long the sun begins to sink lower and lower, and threatens to set entirely. It is now that the party sets their ambush for the goblin chief. Oh, and here he comes now! Chief Gravelbeak, tall and proud, mounted upon his large wolfen steed*. And beside him, walking on pale, webbed feet, this must be Fishbelly, the only goblin in the tribe that knows how to swim.

* Actually a wolf.
Tell me about the group's ambush. And about who is waiting in plain sight, and about the condition Grabbo is in, including ropes.


Is the chief alone? - (1d6)

Nov 23, 2022 11:02 pm
I don't recall an ambush ever being part of this at all.
Nov 23, 2022 11:06 pm
Carabas says:
I don't recall an ambush ever being part of this at all.
It's not, we're just hiding and listening at this point.
Nov 23, 2022 11:07 pm
Maon is at the treeline, nearest the meeting point, watching and listening.
Nov 23, 2022 11:12 pm
Carabas says:
I don't recall an ambush ever being part of this at all.
You're absolutely right. Ambush was the wrong word. I meant the hiding.
Nov 25, 2022 12:09 am
I thought it was agreed that Jabrano and Oren would be waiting in the open.

Grabbo unbound, because anything else would be a terrible look. Maybe hands lightly bound at worst.
I suggest that we get Grabbo's full cooperation by agreeing we'll forget about the whole pie-stealing thing if he helps us out with his chief, on the condition that it doesn't happen again.
Nov 25, 2022 7:13 pm
I'd say Oren and Jabrano were not quite "in the open" but perhaps only "lightly obscured." I agree with getting Grabo to help.
Nov 25, 2022 8:02 pm
Whatever you feel works. Its up to you and Oren at this point.
Nov 26, 2022 1:48 am
Once Jabrano is ready, Oren, Grabo, and the Warrior walk out towards the chief with their hands visible before them. Oren addresses the king in his own language and bows at the waist.

"Greetings your eminence, I am Oren, exile of the Eternal Lands. As one descendant of the Faerie Wilds to another I salute you and acknowledge your sovereignty. Will you treat with us a moment? We seek an opportunity that would benefit both of us."
Last edited November 26, 2022 5:32 pm


Reaction - (2d6)

(24) = 6

Nov 26, 2022 2:54 am
Jabrano really would not use "liege" here as it means you recognise him as your feudal overlord, are declaring yourself his vassal (a lifetime position) and essentially are swearing loyalty to him. I assume we practiced the speech a couple of times during the day. And I really wouldn't acknowledge his sovereignty because we represent the village, and he doesn't have any sovereignty there. There's being polite, and then there's needlesly putting yourself in a weak position.
Nov 26, 2022 4:43 am
Malard and his donkey are hidden just inside the tree line We can always pretend we made camp over there if needed.
Last edited November 26, 2022 4:43 am


Nov 26, 2022 12:07 pm
Odilo hides himself among the trees and the shrubbery. He can’t resist but to watch on, peeking out from a tangle of growth.

He feels largely positive about the coming encounter, and hopes it doesn’t come to blows, though he does take stock of the magics at his disposal, in case it comes to blows.

He watches, and waits…
Nov 26, 2022 5:30 pm
As elves and goblins are both traditional fey creatures and deal in trickery Oren has no such hangups about using the term to blow smoke up this guys rear, plus Oren is the kind of cheese ball that would call a street sweeper "my liege"

*But how about we go with "your eminence" in the spirit of compromise?
Last edited November 26, 2022 5:32 pm
Nov 27, 2022 8:45 pm
dominion451 says:
Once Jabrano is ready, Oren, Grabo, and the Warrior walk out towards the chief with their hands visible before them. Oren addresses the king in his own language and bows at the waist.

"Greetings your eminence, I am Oren, exile of the Eternal Lands. As one descendant of the Faerie Wilds to another I salute you and acknowledge your sovereignty. Will you treat with us a moment? We seek an opportunity that would benefit both of us."
The goblin chief, supposedly Gravelbeak, slows for a moment as the elf approaches with his companions. Seeing that there are only the three of them (including Grabbo), he sits tall atop his furry mount and strides forward. The other goblin, likely Fishbelly, scrambles to keep up and doesn't look as regal.

Chief Gravelbeak
In the goblin tongue, the chief speaks to Oren. "Well met, Oren the Exile. I am Chief Gravelbeak, head goblin in the Dovedale and Dalewold. And Grabbo, it is strange to see you in such company. What is it that you would offer me that I cannot take for my own? What is this opportunity? If it is to return the state of the river, that will be done as soon as I have captured my prize." As he approaches, it is plain to see that he wears a scale tunic under his clothing, and bears a spear, short sword, and crossbow; contrasted with this is a fishing pole held in his hands, along with a small pouch with many beautiful feathers poking out from within.

The pale goblin on foot, Fishbelly, looks around suspiciously as if he cannot believe that a friendly delegation would be waiting to meet with them. He is not wearing the same outfit, and instead carries only a spear. Swimming in scaled armor would not be an easy feat for one so small.
Nov 27, 2022 11:00 pm
Trina waits, hidden in the underbrush, for the signal to reveal herself or attack, depending on which way this should go.
Nov 28, 2022 3:01 am
Malard, not capable of speaking goblin is highly amused by the proceedings and keeps a close on the proceedings to determine when he should exit his place.
Nov 28, 2022 11:44 pm
Jabrano speaks Common, and maybe uses Grabbo to translate if there are language barriers.
While she often tries to downplay her physicality, here Jabrano palys it up, looking every bit the imposing Half-Orc warrior that she is. She figures this is the best approach, and it might also keep eyes on her instead of looking for their hidden companions. She approaches the goblin slowly, Grabbo at her side. She gives him a polite bow and then crosses her arms.
"Wise and mighty Chieftain, we are here on the bahalf of the village of Ashbourbe. We appologise for intruding on your hunt. You are correct in our purpose. We are here to talk about the river. The village needs the river to survive. Their crops are wasting under the sun. Their cattle has almost nothing to drink. They do not have the luxury of waiting until you rid the forest of this annoying fairy-fish. Surely we can come to some mutually beneficial arrabgement?


Nov 29, 2022 1:26 am
I really ought to have selected my four languages before now! Speaking Goblin feels like cheating!
Odilo watches on, thankful for the half-orc’s change to Common. He wondered if the Goblin could speak the tongue. Time would tell.

As a precaution, he mutters the magic words that would cause the ground to become slippery beneath their feet, ensuring to himself that he still knew the incantation, should the need arise.
Nov 29, 2022 2:04 pm
The goblin chief cowers for a moment at the approach of the half-orc, but quickly regains his composure. He listens intently to her request to parley, but one hand drifts to his sword as though by instinct. With Grabbo by her side, Jabrano must be a friend... right?

Chief Gravelbeak
"You speak many words, all of which I understood," he clearly lies. "But your village is fine. There is still water, and they have many foods to make pies. All I want is to catch that damned fish! Once I have that tasty trout, I'll let the river run free."

From behind Jabrano, she can hear the squeaky voice of Grabbo speak up. "They must have food, if they still make tasty tasty pies! There, I've taken you to the chief, can I please go now?"
Nov 29, 2022 6:52 pm
As the conversation begins, Malard recognizes the pleading sound of Grabbo's voice, and wonders what's being discussed.
Nov 29, 2022 6:55 pm
It is noted that the goblins have switched from Goblin to the Common Tongue. The distance may be too much for some companions in hiding to hear.
Nov 29, 2022 7:05 pm
cowleyc says:
It is noted that the goblins have switched from Goblin to the Common Tongue. The distance may be too much for some companions in hiding to hear.
It sounded like they were communicating through Grabbo, but thank you for clarifying.
Nov 29, 2022 7:05 pm

Oren continues with the king in the goblin tongue,

"The talking fish is a friend of mine from long ago, you should know that to eat him is to invoke the curse of the King of Elfland for he is himself cursed by the king to live as a fish for all time. Perhaps there is another great prize that we could win in your honor that might slick your thirst?"
Nov 29, 2022 7:13 pm
@dominion451, go ahead and make a Charisma test to get away with your lie. Roll 1d20 and try to roll under your Charisma score.
Nov 29, 2022 7:15 pm
The tangled web we weave...
A masterful tale! Oren tastes metal as his tongue literally turns silver!
Last edited November 29, 2022 7:16 pm



(1) = 1

Nov 29, 2022 7:21 pm
The goblin chief nearly chokes atop is mount. A cursed fish? All this time, and Salvel has never one mentioned being a king! But that would explain how he had been too clever to be caught by Chief Gravelbeak. After all, a king must be smarter than a chief. With a sigh, the goblin chief reaches into his pouch and throws something colorful and shiny to the ground; it is small and feathered, but difficult to identify at the moment.

Chief Gravelbeak
"If I cannot have fish tonight, then the next best thing would be bird. Catch for me Baron Ironbeak, and bring him to my cave. I will trade the blue lady for him. No more harassing my bats! No longer leaving droppings on my trails! No more acting smarter than me!"


Nov 30, 2022 3:08 am
Odilo winces, overhearing then conversation. The chief had a taste for sentient, intelligent creatures; a fact which would pit the group against itself again, as the Druid was sure to argue a different, more immediate course of action.

He nervously casts an eye to Maon, hoping that the woodland priest wasn’t about to break the tree line and attack.
Nov 30, 2022 5:04 pm
Upon hearing the last comment, Malard stays put. The idea that the chief is feeling threatened gives him the impression that if he were to exit from his hiding place then their whole deal might be lost. "Now is not the time to let him realize that this was all a bit of a ruse if he thinks his intelligence is already being insulted," the caster thinks to himself.

Rather, he busies himself with his spellbook and waits for things to quiet down, or Jabrano to give an 'all-clear' sign.
Dec 1, 2022 12:33 am
Maon weighs the Goblin's words. He tries to think things through, but he finds it all rather disturbing. His hand on his scimitar he turns to his God, "Ceranus, guide me in this hour of indecision. I need a sign. Do I slay this Goblin where he stands or do I await your judgment in your time? May your will be done Ceranus. So mote it be." He whispers this prayer under his breath.
Dec 1, 2022 1:44 am
Jabrano's face went through increasingly incredulous expressions as she heard Oren's bluff, it's unlikely success, and nonsense about the owl. She felt a brief urge to hire a necromancer to raise this old druid that had messed up this entire area, just so she could punch his lights out.

" don't think you quite get the seriousness of your situation. By stopping the river, you didn't just doom the village, you also crippled trade throughout the kingdom. The King, the actual King, not the stupid fish, will send soldiers to fix this. We are the last friendly faces you will see. Soldiers will come, and maybe you get lucky and win the first battle, but they will annihilate your tribe to the last goblin.I"
She gets a mean smile for a moment as she continues, "And that's the good ending, that's the ending where you get to die like a warrior and go out in a blaze of glory. More likely your tribe will realise what will happen, and get rid of you. Because while your wisdom has been very good for the tribe until now, you are not the strongest warrior of your tribe, not even the second strongest. You will get challenged and you will lose. I'm not sure what happens to ex-chiefs, but I' don't reckon it's very pleasant. And all because the damn stupid talking fish used its fairy magic to trick you into capturing the blue lady. Please. You can still fix this. You can come out of this looking like a hero with the gratitude of the village.
Dec 1, 2022 5:39 pm
All three goblins stare at Jabrano slack-jawed. They seem surprised that the warrior had so much to say. So many words.

Chief Gravelbeak
"You talk down to the Chief like I'm an idiot. Humans have much much food, and no other king will care about little stream. Besides, the river will be back as soon as you bring me Ironbeak! You talk about me looking weak, but I am strong! I am smart! And none in my tribe are stronger. That's why I'm the chief. You make a lot of guess-guess, but are wrong! You think the fish-king made me take the blue lady? No! That was all my thinking! And now I have you in hand, you will bring me the owl and then YOU will look like heroes. Chief Gravelbeak does not need to look like hero, he is already big and powerful."

Seemingly irritated, the chief turns his wolf around and begins heading back the way he came. Fishbelly hops in step with him, and Grabbo attempts to scurry off to follow. Gravelbeak turns once more without breaking stride. "If you're thirsty, you might want to hurry."
Dec 1, 2022 8:29 pm
Malard raises his head at the sound of footsteps, but waits patiently.


Dec 3, 2022 2:41 am
Odilo sighs, seeing the goblins move away. He looks to his other hidden companions, and speaks low:

"Better to deal with this here, tonight. I say we sneak in and free this Blue Lady ourselves."

But he knows they just wait for Oren and Jabrano to weigh in.
Dec 3, 2022 3:50 pm
Maon nearly jumps from the treeline, but instead he waits. He understands the wisdom of time. His emotions are a whirlwind of disgust and temperament all at once. He chooses the latter and lets the Goblin escape as he continues to hide, waiting for the all clear from his comrads.
Dec 3, 2022 3:54 pm
Oren winces at the stern approach Jabrano takes with the chief but says nothing to the contrary. As Grabbo attempts to scurry off Oren grabs him by the shirt collar,

"Not so fast, we shall require our guide now more than ever."

The elf momentarily toys with the idea of dispatching the chieftain harre and now but decides the game is too interesting to reduce to mere bloodshed.

"Great Chief, where shall we find this Ironbeak? And once we have it how then shall we bring it to you?"
Dec 3, 2022 10:07 pm
Trina bites back a sharp-tongued reply that would compromise her and her friends' hiding place. This chieftain needed to be taken down a peg or three. But, she waits, content to let the others handle things.
Dec 4, 2022 12:56 am
Oren the Exile says:
"Great Chief, where shall we find this Ironbeak? And once we have it how then shall we bring it to you?"
Chief Gravelbeak
The chief sneers at both Oren and Jabrano. "That's easy. Ironbeak is in the Dalewold," he says unhelpfully, gesturing towards the wall of larger trees that mark the boundary of the forest proper. "And little Grabbo can bring you back to me. And don't try anything funny, I'll know!"
Dec 4, 2022 9:20 pm
Jabrano was uncertain whether the goblin chief was ignorant about the seriousness of his situation, merely in denial, and whether Grabbo had been lying or if the chief was just trying to bluff about his position in his tribe.

It occurred to her that if they were going to do this violently, this would be the best time to start. But that would also likely be the end of the peaceful coexistence of the tribe and the village, and she didn't want to chance that.

Mostly she was getting really annoyed with the old druid that had apparently messed up this entire area with talking animals and other weirdness.
Dec 4, 2022 10:05 pm
And just as suddenly as he had come, the goblin chief was gone. The only sign he had been there at all was the shiny object stuck in the mud, and the sound of Fishbelly's webbed feet slapping away.

Grabbo turns to Jabrano and says, "I don't really know where Ironbeak is. I don't spend much time in the forest, and that's where he lives. But I'll guide you as best I can!"


Dec 5, 2022 12:14 am
Odilo breaks from the woods, now that the parlay is over.

"Perhaps we ought to have ended things here and now. We surely won’t go into the forest to chase a peaceful creature down on that brute’s command." the wizard starts up, sparing no time before jumping right into things.
Dec 5, 2022 4:12 am
"I agree,"

says Oren, now reunited with the others,

"It would have been much cleaner to either take the chief hostage or to simply eliminate him here, but then where's the fun in that?"

Oren grins mischievously and pats Grabbo on the shoulder.

"We certainly won't be trading lives to the chief, I suppose our options are to either chase him down now, difficult with him on a wolf, or to simply follow his tracks back to his lair and hack our way in the old fashioned way. Thoughts?"


Dec 6, 2022 10:11 am
"Though I do wonder if this Ironbeak might align itself with us, should we inform it of the plans against it. Though I’m surprised the fish doesn’t have allies in the forest he could call upon to aid us."
Dec 7, 2022 3:25 am
Still silent, Malard emerges from his hiding place. He listens to the others, considers what the next step could be, and has a strange feeling that something may be a bit off. However, he can't put his finger on what it is yet...
Dec 7, 2022 4:50 pm
Maon decides to come out into the open. He is furious at the way things have ended. He merely glares into the distance not looking at anyone. He tries to let the cool air calm him. Only then does he speak.

Friends, it seems we are at an impass. We will have to assault the Goblin lair, or...well, I see no alternative. Perhaps we can gather allies...

He looks off into the distance, in the direction of Iron Beak. He decides to ask his spider friend where he might find Iron Beak. He walks off into the treeline calling out to her.
Dec 7, 2022 7:31 pm
Maon Whelani says:
He looks off into the distance, in the direction of Iron Beak. He decides to ask his spider friend where he might find Iron Beak. He walks off into the treeline calling out to her.
The spider is right where Maon had left it, and is idly waiting on a web that it had created. A small bird seems to have been trapped and subsequently webbed and it slowly being processed. The spider looks in the druid's direction, but is currently unable to communicate with him. Not without magic, at least. And a thought crosses Maon's mind that spiders are not known for recognizing individuals, especially with their hyper-focused intelligence.
Grabbo shakes his head as the group discusses finding the goblin lair and taking it- and the nixie- by force. "Bad idea, bad idea. Goblins are smarter and stronger than you think. If you try to attack, they'll be eating you for dinner!" Best you just find this owl like the chief says." It is clear from previous conversations that he thinks highly of his tribe, and truly believes that they are a force to be reckoned with.

The talking trout swims again to the surface, having had hid away while Gravelbeak was present. It seems visually focused on the shiny trinket, but it speaks to the adventurers nonetheless. "I cannot believe I'm saying thi, but I agree with the goblin. They are stronger than you may think. But you also cannot take Baron Ironbeak! He is a beloved life in the forest, and a friend of mine when he visits. Perhaps thinking like a goblin would help here? Being sneaky instead of blunt?"
Dec 7, 2022 11:25 pm
"Fear not master fish, we will not be trading the life of a sentient sylvan creature for the water spirit. Nor do I like the idea of poaching an ordinary owl and passing it off as the Baron. While I am not fond either of the idea of killing the goblin tribe I see very little recourse here. They have proven themselves enemies of the forest by seeking only rare intelligent prey. I suppose our only options at this point are to either present the chief with an ordinary owl or to sneak into their lair using stealth first and violence as a last resort. I would hear arguments to the contrary..."

Oren looks to Jabrano for a potentially contrasting opinion.
Dec 7, 2022 11:57 pm
Maon backs away and heads back to the group. He hears Oren's reluctance.

Friends, it seems we must come to terms that what has happened here can cost many lives. If the people cannot harvest, they will have no stores for the winter. This means starvation in midwinter. I see no point in capturing any wild creature. It will only serve the Goblin's purposes, crude as they are. The question now is, which side will die because of our decision today? The Goblins by a bloody battle, or the villagers by slow starvation? One will surely happen and we at the fulcrum of time. We have till the morning to decide. Gravel bottom is expecting to torture an owl, and may decide to kill the water spirit. We do not know.

"One never knows how hungry a man is or what he is willing to eat."

That is an old saying that proves itself to be true. Whatever you decide, that will be sufficient for me. You have my hands and my scimitar.

Maon sits on a small boulder and lights his pipe all the while keeping his eyes on the group.
Dec 8, 2022 4:17 am
The chat goes on, and Malard follows each speaker in turn. "Perhaps we need to find the blockage of the river," he says. "That all appears to be at the center of the problems here. We may be able to fight the goblins, but at what cost? We could try and scout the camp as well. That might help us out, if we think we can be subtle enough."
Dec 8, 2022 4:54 am
"I don't condone unnecessary violence, but in this case, it may be unavoidable," Trina offers.
Dec 8, 2022 6:53 am
"It is not a blockage but rather the missing magic of the river spirit the goblins hold captive, good sir Mallard. One way or the other we must free her."


Dec 8, 2022 8:51 am
Odilo thuds his staff against the ground.

"Let us sneak in and try to do what we can for the water spirit. Anything else is a fool’s errand. If it comes to a fight, well… we didn’t start it outright. Take peace in the fact that we tried first to avoid it."
Dec 8, 2022 5:29 pm
"I'd hoped to avoid outright battle, but it seems there's a little option beyond a confrontation," Malard says. "Please, let us be on our way without delay."
Dec 9, 2022 12:17 am
"We should wait for daylight hours when the goblins are likely to be asleep. Haste will only lead us to a quick end. Scouting the entrance to their lair would also be a good idea."
Dec 9, 2022 12:44 am
Jabrano looks lost in thought...
"See, in theory I'm with Maon. It's just logic, common sense. But then my mind goes back to whatshername that hired us, and how she wasn't bothered by the river at all, but deeply concerned about her pies. Practically nobody in town seemed to think the river was all that important. Certainly not important enough for somebody to go have a look at the problem. Nobody even bothered to investigate before we showed up. And then there's the talking animals, the fairy-powered river, the weirdly passive goblins... I mean, Gravelbeak is... exceptionally dense, even for a goblin. But the thing is, I didn't get malice from him. Sure, he stopped the river, but he doesn't seem to think he's harming anybody with that other than the fish he's trying to catch. And his issues with this owl are arguably reasonable. I'd certainly want to have a word or two with an intelligent owl that went out of its way to pester my pets and leave droppings all over my camp.

Everything about this place just feels... wrong, otherworldly, not real. Salvel told us about this druid that apparently messed up this entire area. I don't feel like the normal rules apply. And having a look at the source of the river to see if the natural order of things can be restored and the dependence of the village on the whims of a fairy removed may be worthwhile.

She sighs and looks tired.
"I disagree with Oren that the goblins have proven themselves enemies of the forest. It seems to be just this one goblin, and his grievances seem petty and personal, not born from some malicious hatred of the forest. Getting rid of the chief or changing his mind somehow will likely solve the problem. Grabbo, how do goblin chieftains in your tribe come by their position?"
Last edited December 9, 2022 12:45 am
Dec 9, 2022 11:46 am
Again, Jabrano brings logic into our hasty mindset. Or at least mine.

Perhaps the village folk were to frightened of the Goblins - they don't have a stellar reputation - to investigate the source of the problem.

As for Iron Beak, perhaps there is a complication we are unaware of.

And concerning these fantastic creatures, are we certain this is the Druid's doing? As far as we know these creatures could be the result of arcane magics, or even a curse. The gods themselves may be responsible.

These questions should be answered and yet I feel that time is against us. Though I could be wrong.

How long will it take to find the source of the river? How long will it take to find and converse with Iron Beak - if he doesn't try to eat us first! Should we even try to accomplish any these and which comes first?

Maon takes a pull from his pipe and seems deep in thought.
Dec 10, 2022 2:58 am
"Perhaps you could challenge the chief to single combat for leadership Jabrano. I have seen goblins follow an orc's rule many times. As for the river, even if we restore the flow naturally I would not wish to leave a nature spirit as their hostage."
Dec 10, 2022 4:17 am
"I don't really know what I think at this point," Malard says. "The talking fish is when things started to change for me. The fact that Grabbo might not even know how to get back to his own kin is a bit of a shock. I agree that something is not what it appears, but I can't tell what yet. I wish we knew more about the history the relationship between the goblins in the area and the farmers that hired us."


Dec 10, 2022 9:50 am
Odilo taps the halfling’s foot with his staff, and gives a surreptitious look. It would be her that leads them in, and he hoped to see the group do just that.

"Believe me… not every problem can be fixed, and I make it my business to fix as many as I can. Where a resolution can be found, I look for one. But just as often, there are too many competing interests. Rocks and hard places each way we look."
Dec 10, 2022 3:43 pm
We could seek out Iron Beak. He may shed light on the situation for it may be he is a noble beast despite his appetites.
Dec 10, 2022 8:40 pm
"I don't wanna leave the nature spirit in the company of the goblins," Trina says huffily. "From what I've heard, such beings don't survive long in captivity. At the same time, I don't fancy turning this Ironbeak over to the chief either. And the talking fish is right out!" she says, as an afterthought.
Dec 10, 2022 11:18 pm
Why are we thinking Grabbo might not know the way home?
It's occured to me to challenge the chief... But then I'd probably have to kill him and I don't feel he's done anything nearly bad enough to merit that. Also, I'd be stuck with responsibility for a tribe of goblins." She sighs and looks pensive. "The thing is, I don't want to mess with the tribe, period. It's risky, and not just because we may get killed if things go badly. They're a relatively peaceful, chill tribe of goblins, and that's not the usual way of things. We don't know how much it would take to undo whatever influence they're under and get them to start forming war parties to raid the farms. But it may be a good distraction for somebody else to sneak in a nd free the fairy..."

She seemed to think it over. "May not even have to be a fight. I could chalenge him to a fishing contest. He seems to care a lot about that."

Adressing "Malard's concerns, she goes on: "We could also visit that inn. Or even go back into town and talk to the mayor or somebody else with some authority. We have some time. And honestly, the longer this goes on, the less comfortable I am with messing with the fate of this town on the say-so of a farmer who didn't seem to be wholy there."

Then she picks up on something Oren and Trini said ."Hang on, are fairies nature spirits? I always was told they're capricious beings from another world entirely, and pretty much the definition of, well, agents of chaos. I admit I never encountered one."
Last edited December 10, 2022 11:19 pm


Dec 11, 2022 12:09 am
Odilo cleans the gunk out of his eyes, with a thumb and forefinger. He then runs then space between his eyes, pinching the skin with annoyance.

"You certainly hold interesting views on what is and isn’t ‘bad’." he sighs.

"Holding an a faerie hostage. Permissible. Holding an entity hostage when it controls the river, endangering the town… again, permissible. Hunting down two other intelligent, sentient creatures… You get the point."

The wizard rolls his eyes.

"I wish we could all afford to live within such a noble mindset…

The goblin was easily dissuaded from pursing the fish. It’s blood for blood’s sake. The target… well, the chief doesn’t care."
Dec 11, 2022 3:49 am
You said:

"The goblin was easily dissuaded from pursing the fish. It’s blood for blood’s sake. The target… well, the chief doesn’t care."

Explain, please. I think I see where you are coming from, but some clarity would in order. For me at least.

Maon continues to blow smoke rings as he waits patiently on Odilo.


Dec 11, 2022 4:07 am
"That old tale about the King of Elfland? Our Exile friend here frightened the old Chief, surely!" the man says, sniffling wetly.

"It didn’t seem to me that he doubted the story for a second! Perhaps he’s superstitious, or merely dim."
Dec 12, 2022 12:01 am
Oren smiles and buffs his nails against his jerkin,

"Yes, a masterful tale I must admit, as though the king of Farie could be so cursed. Heh, a chuckle to be sure. I had hoped for a better outcome and now I do wish we had drawn steel but what's done is done and I like this idea of a fishing contest Jabrano! If you were to distract the chief with a challenge then we could pursue the spirit. And you are not wrong Jabrano, faries and fairy-kind have a strong propensity for self interest and free thought but if the river sprite has blue skin then that makes her an esper or a nixie, a creature bonded to the element it serves. Either way, every soul deserves to be free."
Dec 12, 2022 2:39 am
The small goblin seems excited at the prospect of a fishing contest! "The chief is a very good fisherman, and would show you what's what! I don't care about the blue lady or this fish, king or not, so I'll tell you that you'll be safest if you do something like this! I don't want my new friends to be dead!"


Dec 12, 2022 2:55 am
"Then…" the wizard thinks a moment.

"Perhaps we ought to enter the camp and issue the challenge? It would give us the chance to get the lay of the land…" he says, eyebrow raised.
Dec 12, 2022 3:50 am
This is why I think our guide might be unreliable. Italics added.
cowleyc says:
And just as suddenly as he had come, the goblin chief was gone. The only sign he had been there at all was the shiny object stuck in the mud, and the sound of Fishbelly's webbed feet slapping away.

Grabbo turns to Jabrano and says, "I don't really know where Ironbeak is. I don't spend much time in the forest, and that's where he lives. But I'll guide you as best I can!"
Dec 12, 2022 9:19 pm
Aye, Odilo, I feel you're on to something. A direct challenge will be treated with mirth by these goblins.

I don't fancy a full frontal assault, but if it must be done, I won't find an excuse to take sides with the Goblin rabble.

It's not who you fight, it's what you fight for. To be clear, the Goblins are in the wrong and will not relent. The Leader Gravel Ass has made it clear he wants to destroy these magical creatures and cares not for the community below him.

We are certainly missing pieces of this puzzle, but I've heard enough to know that it would come to this either way. My patience is wearing thin. We were sent to take action and restore this river. That is what I intend to do. Am I the only one who finds it perfectly clear? We shall see...
Dec 12, 2022 10:36 pm
"I don't think anything is perfectly clear, but we can't just sit and deliberate. That much is clear," Malard says. "We could certainly head in the direction of their dwellings, but it would probably be sensible to scout the area first before we just rush in, arrows flying and all that."

"Grabbo, do you think you could turn us in the general direction?"


Dec 13, 2022 12:36 am
"There’s also the matter of our representation in this matter. This chief believes he is facing off against our two exiles and nothing more."

He wonders a moment!

"I wonder if that might be our greatest trick thus far! What if…"

He begins digging the tip of his staff into the mud, and drawing out some crude representation of the area.

"Jabrano and Oren, take the goblin and challenge the Chief to a friendly wager. A race to catch this talking fish, superstition be damned!

The rest of us wait nearby. If our brave exiles make it enough of a spectacle, perhaps the goblins may empty their den to watch their chief’s triumph.

The rest of us could sneak in and save the spirit, and be gone before they get back…"
Dec 13, 2022 12:54 am
I didn't see KCC post before posting, but my post already adresses some concerns about rushing into this, so I'll just leave it as is.
Jabrano tries to keep her voice calm as she adresses the scruffy wizard's angry words: "I hold very sensible views on what is and isn't bad. Is Gravelbeak evil? Yeah, sure. Do his actions merit brutal execution? Hells no. You didn't talk to him and you didn't watch him in the eye. There's a certain innocence to him. He is not holding anybody or anything hostage. His reasoning is much simpler. He's a fisherman obsessed with a prize. He gets that his actions inconvenience the village and doesn't care. But he doesn't get that he is putting the village in danger. He is oddly childlike. Probably that druid's doing. I don't want to kill him if I don't have to. Not to mention that whomever succeeds him may be considerably worse.

She nods at Oren.Good to know. Well, if we're doing that, we're going to need a fishing rod and some bait. Actually, it may be better for you to challenge him. You speak Goblin, and you clearly have a better rapport with him. But, yeah, our first course of action should be scouting the place so the extraction team knows where to go. I was told their lair is in or near the big hill to the north-east. It supposedly has a secret entrance. And Grabbo already told us he can get in and out without being noticed.

She stands up and walks towards the object the chieftain dropped, and starts to examine it.
Last edited December 13, 2022 1:01 am
Dec 13, 2022 1:10 am
The object appears to be a fishing fly. But this is no ordinary fly, this is a fishing fly designed to attract even the most intelligent of fish! A razor-sharp hook of the finest steel is hidden beneath golden thread, gold-dust impregnated wax, eyes made of ruby chips, and the softest, most delicate golden feathers. A gentle rinse in the stream reveals its beauty, and even Salvel can't take its eyes off of it in Jabrano's hands.
Dec 13, 2022 1:42 am
Eyeing the almost hypnotised fish, she asks "What's up with the pair of you anyway? How did this... feud between you and Gravelbeak start?"
She then carefully puts it in her backpack [unles somebody objects].
Last edited December 13, 2022 11:26 pm
Dec 13, 2022 1:46 am
"While I've known of the chief for so very long, he only recently learned of me. You see, he doesn't try speaking with many of the fish around here. He'd rather sit back and fish, and sometimes trade stories with the villagers who come here. I knew better than to let him know that a talking fish swam these waters. But maybe a month ago he discovered me by accident! And ever since then, he's been obsessed with catching me. I am the ultimate prize, in his eyes!"
Dec 13, 2022 12:23 pm
I guess the Goblin leader need not pay for the consequences of his actions. He is just as much of a bandit as any. He is not the village dolt. He leads for a reason. Might for sure, but I assure you, he is no simpleton. I am not duped by this rogue of a Goblin.

If we must sneak in, then let's be about it. I'll not stand here and wait to deliberate morals with such ambiguity. Make a decision and let's be about it. I mentioned scouting the place, we have this one (nodding at the halfling) do we not. And you've decided to let this evil bastard live, so now you'll be having a good time fishing with him. While us others will take the risk you pale to undertake. As far as I am concerned, they should all leave or perish. They've already damaged the very nature of this place though you care not how many of nature's creatures have already perished. I've said my peace.
Dec 13, 2022 5:58 pm
Are we agreed on sneaking over towards the camp?
"Settled then?" asks Malard. The mage rubs his hands together as if for warmth, perhaps slightly show the signs of a bit of anxiety. "Maybe Maon's right. Maybe we need a little action to refocus ourselves, but until we get to the camp we won't know. Anyone particularly good at sneaking? We should at least devise a plan."
Dec 13, 2022 6:12 pm
Is everyone sneaking to the goblin lair?
Dec 13, 2022 7:24 pm
Trina looks about with uncertainty. It is clear that she is conflicted. Finally, she makes a decision. "The goblin king is in the wrong and must be stopped. I don't like the idea of slaughtering the tribe, or even just the king, but we've got to do something."
Dec 14, 2022 1:20 am
With a plan in mind and ready to be set in motion, the party once again begins traveling; this time, upriver is their destination. They take to the side of the river that Grabbo had said the lair was on (and also the same side Gravelbeak had appeared on), and hike just shy of three miles north. They find themselves at a fork in the rudimentary path. A junction heads east to a small shack near the wall of a ravine that had been building around the river. The path itself also continues on northwards. And to the west, on the far side of the river, stand three large stone columns. Grabbo points north, stating that it is the correct direction.

Dec 14, 2022 4:58 pm
The further away from the farm they trek, the greater the sense of anticipation there is for Malard. Mercifully, guiding the donkey gives him something to do so he isn't too lost in thoughts about what the upcoming battle might be like.

"OK, North it is, Grabbo," Malard says. "From here, will it be a difficult journey, or is the path relatively easy to traverse?"

Having a pack animal makes all of this easier, and frees his hands. If he had to give it up, it could be replaced, but it would be a pain.
Dec 14, 2022 11:39 pm
I thought the plan was
1) scout the goblin lair
2) challenge Gravelhook to a fishing contest
2b) acquire fishing gear
3) sneak inside the goblin lair to rescue the fairy while, hopefully, most of the tribe is watching the distraction
3) probably critically fail the first stealth check and self-defend the goblins to extinction anyway.
There is a bitter, angry pain in her voice when she replies to the druid's words. He seems to have hit a sore spot. "Yeah, real bandit leader he is. You can tell by how the entire village is terrified of him, and all the burnt out ruins of farms we saw on the way here, and the heads of villagers left on spikes. If he were even remotely acting like a bandit I'd already have killed him.

But you're right in that I should go with the rescue team while you and Oren keep him busy. Oren can make the challenge in the name of, uhm, sportsmanship, or tightening the bonds between their peoples, or whatever, and as a supposedly unbiased priest of nature, you are ideally placed to act as an impartial judge.
As for the nature of this place? That that was damaged probably beyond repair long ago, by one of your own order. We're doing damage control, trying to clean up the mess he left

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Later, en route towards the goblin lair, as Grabbo is pointing the way.
"Hey, Grabbo, I was told by the priestess in the village that you guys live over there." she says as she points eastward, towards where Tor's Cloud Peak is visible on the horizon. "Was she just full of it, or did you guys move, or what?"
Dec 14, 2022 11:56 pm
Jabrano says:
Later, en route towards the goblin lair, as Grabbo is pointing the way.
"Hey, Grabbo, I was told by the priestess in the village that you guys live over there." she says as she points eastward, towards where Tor's Cloud Peak is visible on the horizon. "Was she just full of it, or did you guys move, or what?"
"No, no, no! Goblins not live that way, goblins live up this way," Grabbo says pointing north. "Big rock is dangerous, and only stupid humans crawl on top. Your priestess is wrong."
Dec 15, 2022 3:36 am
I had Malard stress himself about combat for the sake of character, not because fighting was the plan, if that helps at all.
Dec 15, 2022 5:33 am
Me fish? I'm terribly sorry Jabrano but I don't take the lives of innocents and there is nothing more innocent than a fish minding its own business. I am a vegetarian after all and fishing for sport is a line I would rather not cross. I feel bad enough eating plants when they too have life but it is how I was raised. What say we just go to the goblin lair, demand the freedom of the river nymph, and let the true nature of the goblins be revealed? If they give her over then they are goodly, if not then they are wicked and I see no two ways about it. If you were taken hostage in the name of sport I would do the same for you."


Dec 15, 2022 5:41 am
Oh my…

Odilo keeps silent as they trek their way to the goblin hideout. He looked to the other magi, and the small Halfling, wondering if they were any more pragmatic than the other three.

Bleeding hearts and bloody righteousness… he thinks to himself.

Battling themselves to a stalemate while walking every closer to danger…

He catches Malard and Trina along the track, and speaks low to them.

"A time will come for action, not words or high minded philosophy." he cocks an eyebrow.

"Action." he repeats.

"Let us three remember why we are here. The river, and nothing else."
Dec 15, 2022 3:01 pm
"I agree wholeheartedly with you, Odilo," Malard says. "In general, boredom really is the best policy. Even if you have a blade, they remain sharper longer when they stay in their sheaths."
Dec 15, 2022 5:42 pm
"My father was fond of saying that if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it must be a duck. The goblin chieftain's actions speak more loudly than his words. He holds the river nymph hostage and seeks to capture and devour (presumably) intelligent creatures. These are not the motives of one who would be swayed by reason. We may have to resort to force, as much as I hate to think it."
Dec 15, 2022 5:56 pm
Another half of a mile up the path, and the party finds themselves walking towards a notable tree along the bank. A large weeping willow on the bank of the river spreads its branches over the dry riverbed. The tree is visibly drooping from lack of water. Scars and cuts mark the trunk and branches of the tree where the goblins have chewed on the bark. The goblins have also decorated the tree trunk with all sorts of horrible graffiti and carvings. A rope swing hangs listlessly from one of the branches.

Salvel's words about the goblin doorway appear to have been correct. On the eastern wall of the dale, about 20' up, you can see the opening to a cave. The trail leading up to the cave shows signs of heavy use. Grabbo, too, confirms that this is the entrance to their lair.


Dec 16, 2022 12:56 am
Odilo nods to the other two, satisfied that they have the task in hand. He breaks off from the duo then; and resumes his place at the rear of the entourage.

"A fascinating little landmark, isn’t it?" the wizard says, tempted to stop up a moment to take a look.

"And an entrance to the lair. A narrow entrance, at that. And guarded, I presume?" he looks to the goblin then.
Dec 16, 2022 1:34 am
Maon hears Jabrano. He wonders if she understands that soon this valley will be bereft of trees. Not to mention the myriad life forms already dead and dying. Is this the solution to bringing this valley to a state of what was? A small stream? Murdering the life around it. A slow death to be sure.

The large trees will stretch to shadow the smaller ones and strangle them for the new growth will have not enough water or sunlight. The larger trees will suffocate in the process, for lack of life giving water.

"No Harm done..."

The frogs who keep the insects in check, in their turn feed many animals. Where are they now? Dead or deep in the mud asleep.

This trickle of a river will not sustain the life that has developed around it. Always the same argument. "No harm done. Can't you see the trees are still standing." Though they rot within for lack of water.

No large Mushroom growth is a sign the hair size ones, the secret messengers, have moved on or have gone dormant. How will the trees speak with each other? Where is a tree herder when you need one? Neither the goblins or this Orc care for the death of so many already and those soon to come...children will die this winter if we do not restore this river!
Dec 16, 2022 4:18 am
Finding this was entirely too easy. "I can't believe there haven't been any guards," Malard says. "Surely, something must have seen us just march right up to the entrance of a lair."


Dec 18, 2022 1:05 pm
"It’s possible that they feel so secure in their position that they’ve done away with trivial things like security?

The or ide before the fall, so to speak."
Jan 3, 2023 1:32 am
Listening to the party discuss the lair, the fellow goblin becomes agitated and swings his arms about as he confronts the group. "No, no, no! Guards are inside! Why wait outside? That's just dumb," Grabbo says with unwarranted confidence.
Jan 3, 2023 3:30 am
"OK," says Malard, taking note of Grabbo's agitation.Does anyone think they can sneak inside to verify this?
Last edited January 3, 2023 3:31 am
Jan 3, 2023 4:14 pm
"I could certainly try" says Oren as he approaches the entrance,

"But our strength is in our numbers. Come, let us all see how far we can get before the bells are rung!"
Jan 3, 2023 4:40 pm
"In that case, after you," says Malard. "I'll keep on eye on you."
should we assign a marching order?
Jan 3, 2023 6:15 pm
A marching order would absolutely be in order!
Jan 3, 2023 6:26 pm
I don't mind going second or last
Jan 4, 2023 1:14 am
Trina will take point, hiding and moving silently.
Jan 4, 2023 3:13 am
Malard will slot himself somewhere in the middle. Also, if they are going inside, he'll tie off his donkey in a concealed spot outside the cave.


Jan 5, 2023 7:12 am
Looks like Odilo is near the back; having marveled at the goblin tree a little longer than the others.
Jan 6, 2023 1:49 pm
The party begins forming themselves in a line, in order to take on this goblin lair. They weren't particularly known for having wide open spaces, but rather frustrating tunnels. Not as bad as the kobolds, however...

Marching Order First Draft
@Carabas @dominion451, where are you in the marching order?
Jan 7, 2023 10:42 pm
What's a thor kobold?
Jan 7, 2023 11:24 pm
Carabas says:
What's a thor kobold?
It's a typo!!!


Jan 8, 2023 5:23 am
Gods! Pray we don’t meet the Thor Kobold. We’ll beg for death before the end! :D
Jan 8, 2023 7:46 pm
no preference in order, near the front since I'm melee
Jan 9, 2023 8:48 pm
As the group begins their climb up the bank and towards the willow tree, they can see that the graffiti on the tree seems to be several generations of goblins carving their initials into the bark. Goblin footprints go right up to the back wall of the cave and just stop. When you stand still for a moment, you can hear someone snoring. The sound seems to be coming from behind the wall.

The cave itself has a very rough 15' diameter. An opening in the north side (to the left of the entrance, which exits to the west) seems to climb straight upwards, though it would take a very small individual to fit into this "chimney". A nearly imperceptible scuffling of rocks near the chimney catches your attention, and those that look can see Grabbo sneaking into the opening, and nearly squeezing inside.
For those that wish to try grabbing the goblin, please roll a Dexterity check. 1d20, with the target number being under your Dexterity score.


Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Jan 10, 2023 3:26 am
"Well, he's clearly home," remarks Malard. He makes a grab for him, and hopes that by stepping out from the line he isn't exposing himself to anything or anyone their "guide" might have alerted, whether accidentally or not.
Last edited January 10, 2023 3:26 am


Dexterity - (1d20)

(17) = 17


Jan 10, 2023 6:47 am
Need a 9 or less!



(7) = 7


Jan 10, 2023 6:49 am
"Home. Yes..." Odilo remarks wrily. One hand is rubbed against his nose, cleaning it out expertly, while the other is clenched firmly on the back of the goblins shirt.

"Home. But why the sudden rush, I wonder?"
Jan 10, 2023 9:59 pm
Trina also grabs for the goblin, managing to snag an arm. "Where are you going?!" she hisses.
Last edited January 10, 2023 10:05 pm


Dex roll (16) - (1d20)

(8) = 8

Jan 10, 2023 10:05 pm
The sky goblin is yanked back from the chimney and held firmly by both Odilo and Trina. Oren's mouth muffles any potential yelling. Once he stops squirming and is released, he wrings his little hands in embarrassment. "Grabbo just thought maybe he could get away from the tall'uns. Sneak away and be done with all this. Grabbo just wants to eat pie and have fun, not guide you all and anger the chief. But you're too fast for me." . His shoulders slump in defeat, and he points to a section of the wall, near to where the snoring sound seems to be emanating.
Edited to include Oren's roll.
Jan 10, 2023 10:06 pm
Oren tries to muffle his mouth while the others grab his limbs...


Dex 16 - (1d20)

(2) = 2

Jan 11, 2023 3:05 am
"Sorry, Grabbo, but we need you to get us where we're going," Malard says. "I empathize with the desire to simply be done with all this, as much as possible, we need your help. Get us where we need to go, and you go eat pie. Does that sound fair to everyone?"
Jan 11, 2023 9:51 am
All Grabbo has to do is scream and the game will be over and this turns into a lot of dead goblins and adventurers.
Jabrano kicks herself for not thinking to do this sooner. It's not as if they have given Grabbo any reason to be loyal.

"Look, Grabbo... Trust me, I want this to be over as much as you do. But if you bail on us now, it's just going to end in a lot of fighting. All we want is to free the blue lady. Tell you what... If you keep helping us the way you have been, I'll cut you in on the reward we're getting. Eight shiny gold coins. That's a hell of a lot of pies."
8 GC isn't actually cutting him in, she's just giving him half of her share.


Jan 11, 2023 12:55 pm
At a less tense juncture, Odilo may have been tempted to club the goblin senseless for the attempted blindside.

"Would that we all could be away from this place… Alas, we have matters to attend to. All of us, Grabbo."

It’s not as if Odilo had envisioned a delve into a stinking goblin hole for this week’s payment, but here he was.
Jan 12, 2023 9:13 pm
While Grabbo does not seem excited about staying with the party, the mention of many, many pies absolutely puts a light in his eyes. He stands a little straighter, and even his attention seems more focused. Looking at the wall, he calls out, "Oi, Stinkfoot, it's me Grabbo. Bringing some friends to see the chief!"

From behind the wall, someone is awakened with a start. A voice calls out, "You's doing something stupid, Grabbo, let me say it. But perhaps the chief will think other-like." A panel of wall slides out to reveal a tight entrance deeper into the ravine-wall, and a small nook where a particularly stinky goblin had been waiting. As soon as the panel opens, a waft of horrid smell emanates into the main chamber, nearly choking those present.
Jan 13, 2023 3:21 am
Can we see beyond Stinkfoot, or is it just a small alcove?
Jan 13, 2023 3:52 am
There is a passage behind the stone door, and Stinkfoot's nook is off of that. So yes, it keeps going.


Jan 13, 2023 10:18 am
A death funnel… Odilo things of the small space the goblin had led them to and then tried to leave them in.

"Like you said… bring us to the chief, Grabbo." and the wizard finally looses his grip on the creature, shunting him forwards to lead the way.

"Keep your eyes on that one." ye murmurs to the others, as they file passed the guard.
Jan 13, 2023 10:39 am
Yeah, no. We do not want to be anywhere near the chief. Take us to the blue lady instead, Grabbo.
Hang on, what time of day is it again? We're doing this during the day when the goblins should be asleep, right?


Jan 13, 2023 1:44 pm
Odilo lets out a deep sigh as Jabrano gives away his basic misdirect immediately.

"Let’s tell every goblin we meet about our true purpose here, shall we?" he mutters into his own long, beige sleeve.
Yeah, in my mind, it’s still relatively daylight! Happy to be corrected!
Last edited January 13, 2023 2:11 pm
Jan 13, 2023 2:09 pm
I thought we'd already passed by 'Stinkfoot (seriously, what age range was this written for?).


Jan 13, 2023 2:10 pm
Aha! That’s true. Makes total sense!
Jan 13, 2023 2:51 pm
It is daytime, and the goblins should be asleep. Even Stinkfoot was sleeping until Grabbo awakened him.
The passage continues about fifty feet in a straight line into the side of the ravine, then makes a sharp turn to the left to continue for another fifty feet. The dark tunnel ahead of you divides into smaller tunnels going in a dozen different directions. The crisscrossing tunnels form a confusing maze, with no sign of which way to proceed. The tunnels vary in size from full-sized passages to 3"-diameter holes. In the shadows at the limit of your torchlight, you catch fleeting glimpses of the scurrying shapes of large rodents.

Grabbo leads the way through these tunnels, stopping every so often to peer down passages or to seemingly measure the party before continuing. It's hard to judge time in these tight corridors, but after a nearly endless series of twists and turns, you finally emerge.

You are in a cavern that is at least 50' high and 120' in diameter. Flickering shadows caused by the dim fire burning in the central fire pit cloak the upper reaches of the cavern. Several tunnels lead off to other areas. A few ledges perch high on the cavern's walls. Off to the side of the central fire pit, a large iron birdcage is suspended about 10' off the floor by a chain the disappears into the dark shadows cloaking the ceiling. A small, blue-skinned humanoid huddles miserably on the floor of the iron cage.
Who's had the torch? If nobody, you will still have made it here, but perhaps with some bumps and bruises.
Jan 13, 2023 5:00 pm
I think enough of us have infravision that we can guide the others without fire, no?
Oren takes stock of the situation and looks for a method to lower the birdcage to the ground...
Jan 13, 2023 6:54 pm
Malard has a Bullseye Lantern, and oil. Would it be OK to ask that he had this out with him?
The scene is dreadful. On one hand, Malard feels pity for the imprisoned being, but he also feels like this is a trap. Whether or not goblins can manage that sophistication is debatable, but they'd be in a bad position if there were an ambush now. "Thank you, Grabbo," says Malard. "I wish this weren't really what was happening, but there's no denying what my eyes are seeing. Why imprison this creature, really?"
Jan 13, 2023 8:09 pm
"Because he wants to cheat at fishing..." Jabrano whispers under her breath.
"Okay, this seems a bit too easy. Does anybody see some kind of alarm or trap?"
Jan 13, 2023 8:41 pm
The chain lifting the cage disappears into the dark ceiling, and the fire in the center of the chamber is wreaking havoc with your infravision. Where it goes is anybody's guess. The blue figure within does not seem to have noticed you yet.

It is now that you notice (because the DM failed to notice this passage further in the module) that the captive is singing a soft song while looking to the side of the fire opposite you. On that side and in a crude chair, leaned back and snoring, is another goblin with a particularly large nose. So large, in fact, that his head is more nose than face. He, too, seems to have failed to notice you.
Sorry about that folks! Luckily, no action had been taken yet!
Jan 13, 2023 8:54 pm
He's asleep. Is it possible to just narratively render him unconscious (assuming he doesn't wake up before we get to him) without engaging in actual combat?
Jan 13, 2023 8:56 pm
Absolutely you can. Clubbing a sleeping goblin is child's play.


Jan 14, 2023 8:53 am
Odilo crosses to the cage, in a hurry to get the captive free and the party gone from these terrible tunnels.

"Friends are here!" he says, drumming a knuckle across the bars, to alert the spirit to their presence!
Jan 15, 2023 2:52 am
Maon casts detect snares and pits
Be wary Odilo, there may still be a trap.
Jan 15, 2023 4:08 am
"We could probably gag and tie up our napping friend here as well," Malard says.


Jan 15, 2023 6:56 am
"Almost certainly!" Odilo acknowledges with a whisper. But their prize was here now, before his very eyes. It invited a certain amount of risk…
Jan 16, 2023 1:46 am
Oren hustles over to the sleeping goblin and grabs him in a choke hold from behind with the intent of knocking him out properly.
Jan 16, 2023 1:47 am
There we go, a series of events that I can work with.
Both Odilo and Oren make their moves, each heading to nearby destinations in the chamber but with very different purposes. As they approach, the large-nosed goblin awakes with a snort- Odilo's speaking did not do the party any favors. Maon reaches out with his divine senses, and finds no snares nor pits within the entirety of this chamber. He knows that the spell won't last long, and if he wants to be sure of other rooms in this lair he will have to move quickly.

"Ack! Intrud..." is all the goblin is able to get out before Oren's powerful arms wrap around his throat. He struggles against the elf, but the size difference and disparity in combat training leaves him pinned and silent. His little arms and legs flail and kick to no avail.

"What are you doing?! You are here to challenge the Chief, not pick on my friends!" cries out Grabbo, who was very misled (and naïve). He rushes towards Oren to help his fellow goblin. Those of you who did not rush forward can hear as the voices of both Bignose and Grabbo echo deeper into the cave.

Meanwhile, the singing nixie (for a nixie she is) looks to Odilo with joy and exhaustion. The small, beautiful, webbed-fingered woman whispers in a bubbly voice (bubbly like a stream), "Please free me from here. I beg you, I must return to my stream!"



Secret Roll

Jan 16, 2023 4:32 am
Trina wastes no time, going to work on the lock to free the nixie. "No one deserves to be caged," she mutters. She struggles with the lock but can't quite get it. Angrily, she tries to pry it open with a dagger.
Last edited January 16, 2023 4:33 am


Open Locks (45%) - (1d100)

(52) = 52

Jan 16, 2023 4:36 am
Shaking his head, Malard says quite plainly, "Sorry, Grabbo, but freeing her is part of challenging the chief. We can't allow this." He moves to help free the nixie.
Last edited January 16, 2023 4:39 am
Jan 16, 2023 5:11 am
WhtKnt says:
Trina wastes no time, going to work on the lock to free the nixie. "No one deserves to be caged," she mutters. She struggles with the lock but can't quite get it. Angrily, she tries to pry it open with a dagger.
The cage is ten feet off the ground. And you can't see where the chain holding it goes.
Jan 16, 2023 9:30 am
How can we not see where the chain goes?


Jan 16, 2023 12:22 pm
Having a Halfling on his shoulders was no small task for Odilo the Pauper Mage. Not least because he still had to stand on his tippy toes, if they had any hope of reaching the cage.

He fuddles with his staff a moment, and passes it awkwardly up to Trina, precariously perched on his shoulders.

"Pass this… through the cage." he says, with effort.

"It’ll stop them pulling the cage up through that hole!"
I’m guessing there’s a hole in the ceiling. Is it small enough that a staff poking out of both sides of the cage would catch on the ceiling if they tried to raise the cage?
Jan 16, 2023 2:14 pm
Carabas says:
How can we not see where the chain goes?
cowleyc says:
The chain lifting the cage disappears into the dark ceiling, and the fire in the center of the chamber is wreaking havoc with your infravision. Where it goes is anybody's guess.
cowleyc says:

You are in a cavern that is at least 50' high and 120' in diameter. Flickering shadows caused by the dim fire burning in the central fire pit cloak the upper reaches of the cavern. Several tunnels lead off to other areas. A few ledges perch high on the cavern's walls. Off to the side of the central fire pit, a large iron birdcage is suspended about 10' off the floor by a chain the disappears into the dark shadows cloaking the ceiling. A small, blue-skinned humanoid huddles miserably on the floor of the iron cage.
A campfire has a radius of 35ft, while a camping fire goes on for 50ft. The fire is closer to a campfire than a bonfire. The chamber is about 50ft tall, which is the best guess from those with infravision or the hooded lantern. But infravision is partially foiled by intense light sources, as they overwhelm the vision.

Malard, with the lantern, could attempt to find the path of the chain, but he chose to help free the nixie, instead.

Please don't take this pit as curt or chastising, I just grabbed the references I could find while my coffee brewed.
Jan 16, 2023 2:19 pm
With Trina balanced on Odilo's shoulders, she is able to see that a large padlock holds shut the cage. While rough in appearance, it appears to be of surprisingly fine quality. Her tinkering is hindered by the mage's awkwardness and sniffling, and she struggles to pick the lock.
Jan 16, 2023 8:05 pm
Does Malard's light offer any assistance with the attempt to pick the lock?
"It's too bad we can't just break the lock off the cage," Malard says. "The faster we get out of here the better. Especially since we're freeing their prisoner."
Jan 16, 2023 8:53 pm
I'm sorry, Grabbo. I guess somebody got sight of the end goal and decided to skip a couple of steps of the plan. But your friend is fine, Oren knows what he's doing. He's going to wake up in an hour or so without as much as a bruise.

She walks towards the cage.
"Yeah, truelly unfortunate we can't just apply brute strength to the matter..." Jabrano deadpans as she looks up at the cage. The Half-Orc stands seven feet tall. Reaching up she can easily reach eight feet high. She picks up the chair and places it under the cage. Nine feet. She figures she can close the distance in a jump easily.

She stands on the chair and jumps up, her fingers reaching for the bottom of the cage.
Last edited January 16, 2023 8:55 pm


I'll just roll a D20 to save time. - (1d20)

(17) = 17

Jan 16, 2023 9:50 pm
Due to the sheer weight of the half-orc in armor hanging from the cage, the chains creak and grow taut, and the sound of them clinking can be heard all the way to the eastern edge of the cavern, where a tall ledge can be seen in the flickering light. But another noise can be heard, the voices of goblins echoing through the lair emanating from the east. Meanwhile, Grabbo pouts in place about never trusting tall'uns again, not for as long as he lives and not for all the pies in the world.
Jabrano can roll Bend Bars/Lift Gates to try breaking the cage, should she choose.
Jan 17, 2023 12:19 am
So far so good... she thinks as she dangles from the cage. She gets a better hold and climbs up until she is in a good position to deal with the lock.
She grabs it in one hand and twists hard.

The padlock is strong, but the door it is attached to much less so. The metal snaps and the cage door swings open. "Climb onto my shoulders." she tells the faery, "We're getting out of here."
She drops down to the floor once the farry is secure. Absent-mindedly she puts the padlock in her pockets.
Last edited January 17, 2023 12:21 am


Bend Bars 16(8) - (1d20)

(10) = 10

Jan 17, 2023 5:19 am
"Well, don't I feel like the fifth wheel on the wagon," Trina says, watching the half-orc make short work of the lock.
Last edited January 17, 2023 5:19 am


Jan 17, 2023 6:40 am
"Astounding!" Odilo says, marveling at the athletic feat.

"And no matter! Let’s be away before we’re stuck! Will the goblin lead us back out? Or just be trust our nose alone?"
Jan 18, 2023 2:18 am
It is as Unda is crawling onto Jabrano's shoulders that you first see the eyes. All of the eyes. Glinting with cunning, reflected in the firelight. Sets to the north, south, east, and even west, not far from you. And, terrifyingly, above you. The sound of wings flapping can be heard. You are surrounded, with the maze to your backs. It would be nearly impossible to escape without Grabbo, and he realizes this. A familiar voice can be heard coming from a set of eyes to the north of the cave. A pair of eyes that seem to be set atop another, larger pair. The chief and his wolf.

Chief Gravelbeak
"Well, well, well, it would seem you think you're smarter than Chief Gravelbeak! Thought you could come into my home and steal my bait? Not smart enough! You've been caught! What do you have to say for yourselves?!" His voice is angry and proud, and absolutely upset.


Jan 18, 2023 2:44 am
"You’re mistaken, Chief Gravelbeak!"

Odilo quickly thinks through the arcane requirements of his spell as he speaks.

"We are your friends! Allies, one and all! We are here to remove this blight from your abode. It has the power to cloud the minds of all goblinkind! We are to take it away!"

The words are coated in honey, and pleasing to the goblin’s ear.
Charm Person!
Jan 18, 2023 2:49 am
Chief Gravelbeak
Moving into the light, Gravelbeak rides his wolf forward. He looks curiously at Odilo, and then at the nixie. "Oh, I do believe you are correct... her singing has continually put my tribe a'slumber. Who knows what else she can do from behind those rune-wrought bars? You must be trying to help! Please take her away, then." His voice shows none of the anger from before, but an actual friendliness towards the wizard.

Another figure steps into the light, not far from the chief. This particular goblin is wearing black hood garments, almost clerical in nature; her pointed nose is warted, and she is mighty ugly. "But my lovely, what are you talking about? She can cast no spells, and these are no friends of yours! They mean to foil our... I mean, your plan! You have to stop them!"

A giant bat swoops into the light before carrying its leather-capped passenger back into the darkness. The voice of the bat-rider cries out from above, "Uncle, why are we not throwing these big'uns in the fire? They come here with sword and hatred towards us, and steal our captive! Nobody steals who we stole!"

The entire tribe of goblins erupts in bickering over what to do, but the chief seems unwilling to budge on the issue. Though he doesn't seem as protective of those other than Odilo...


Saving Throw vs 17


Jan 18, 2023 3:14 am
Calling above the chaos, Odilo clears his throat:

"Thank you, your liege! Allow us to rid your kingdom of this menace!"

He turns, ushering the others to leave quickly. He puts himself between them and the main trio.

"As for you! Keep your forked tongues behind your teeth. The mighty chief has made his will known! Make way, before this creature can cause more peril!

he says remembering.

"A trusted guide will be needed, your liegeship. Haste is required, so fast legs are best!"
Last edited January 18, 2023 3:15 am
Jan 18, 2023 6:15 am
Oren slowly slides away from the unconscious goblin, hopeful that the incident might be forgotten as attention seems to be pointed elsewhere. Labrynth or not, the elf knew that the best odds in fighting such a number would be in the choke point of the maze. Not wanting to add fuel to the fire, he edges his way towards the exit, his hand on the pommel of his sword.
Jan 18, 2023 1:45 pm
For the moment, Malard stays quiet. He doesn't need to speak, and Odilo has done a masterful job in dealing with the goblins for now. He makes a few small steps towards the exit, signalling that it's time to go, but doesn't dare do anything that might disrupt Gravelbeak's reverie.
Jan 18, 2023 3:47 pm
Jabrano kneels down with Grabbo with the fairy still riding on her shoulders. "I'm sorry, this wasn't the plan. But take a good look at her. Gravelbeak was killing her by keeping her locked up." She indicates the increasingly agitated goblins. "If this comes to a fight, a lot of people on both sides are going to die. You need to talk them down. You know what they'll listen to."
Jan 19, 2023 7:56 pm
Chief Gravelbeak
The loudest of the voices, belonging to Chief Gravelbeak, cries out above the din. "Grabbo, take them from our home, quickly now!" He gestures towards the maze entrance with his sword, before returning to bickering with his underlings.

It would seem, however, that Grabbo was not excited about this command. He hops to and leads you all back to the maze from which you only recently emerged, and begins escorting you through the twisting passages. Trina, before too long, is able to recognize that this is not the same path he had taken you on before. After all, halflings have a keen sense of direction. But before she can figure out what Grabbo's plan might be, she notices that the current passage tapers to a fine point that would be difficult for anyone but herself and Grabbo to traverse. The goblin darts forward suddenly and leaps into a tight hole, squirming and kicking to continue forward.
Jan 19, 2023 8:12 pm
"Well, so much for a clean getaway. Next time we mark our path with chalk, eh?"

Oren draws his sword as the group retraces their steps, he felt sure that once the hex wore off the chieftain would be coming for his prize.

"Anyone particularly skilled at tracking?"


Jan 20, 2023 1:25 am
How much power does ‘Direction Sense’ have?
Jan 20, 2023 1:32 am
KCC says:
How much power does ‘Direction Sense’ have?
It's mostly a "Which way is north?" ability, but it can reduce your chance of getting lost by a bit. I'll take that in account should you choose a plan that utilizes the proficiency.


Jan 20, 2023 1:36 am
Odilo, angry now, scrambles forward and tries to grab the goblin a second time!


Dex 9 - (1d20)

(14) = 14

Jan 20, 2023 3:36 am
Malard lunges for their guide...


Dex check - (1d20)

(20) = 20

Jan 20, 2023 4:43 am
Ok, before we go crazy here, Trina and Jabrano are in the front in a tight corridor. Jabrani is also carrying the nixie.
Nobody else has the space to try catching Grabbo.
Jan 20, 2023 5:01 am
Uh-uh-uh! You stay here! Trina snatches at Grabbo.


Grabbing Grabbo (Dex 16) - (1d20)

(10) = 10

Jan 20, 2023 5:21 am
As Trina leaps after Grabbo, the goblin yelps in a high pitch while trying to escape. While the halflings is quick enough to lay hands on him, the slippery goblin slides from her grasp with a skill that goblins only seem to have in times of desperation. He disappears into the small hole, and you are left alone.

What do you do?


Dexterity Check - (1d20)

(2) = 2


Jan 20, 2023 9:47 am
"Leave him. Contemptible creature! We have the good will of the chief. Pray that it holds! Come, this way! With haste!"
Int? Wis? Do we have luck? :D
Jan 20, 2023 3:21 pm
The Module says:
PCs who venture into the maze without a guide have an 80% chance of getting lost.
It takes about an hour to make your way through the passages, and it is with luck that you recognize a few of them, difficult as that might be with only a bullseye lantern to provide light. The sounds of goblins bickering can still be heard, though quite faint at this point; they do not seem to be following you. Eventually some light peeks in from up ahead, and you find yourselves at the end of the cave, with Stinkfoot's niche just up ahead and the exit beyond.
Talk about luck! There was a whole section about talking rats that you bypassed!


Getting Lost - (1d100)

(81) = 81


Jan 20, 2023 4:40 pm
Krom is with us!
Oren collaborates with his companions and the group manages to find their way out! The elven swordsman was keeping rearguard and so as they come upon the hidey-hole Stinkfoot inhabited Oren is only aware of it by the odor.

"Smells like we're almost out!"
Jan 20, 2023 5:17 pm
When the realization that they had wandered back to the entrance the only thing Malard felt was a relief. The goblins had been frightening, but the prospect of being lost in the caves was far worse. Even though he's not claustrophobic, he's more than a little bit happy to be almost free of this place.

"I think we can all thank fate that we're out of those caves," he says. "The only question is, 'now what?' I suspect the chief didn't exactly have a sudden change of heart and that the fallout from this little adventure might be a harsh reprisal against us and our ward. We may be forced to confront Gravelbeak after all. "
Jan 20, 2023 5:37 pm
"Yes, I was wondering about this as well. Very likely once the hex wears off the horde will come after us. If we must fight them we need a choke point where their numbers will not overwhelm us. I would think either here, at the entrance to their tunnels or just inside the maze would be best..."
Jan 20, 2023 5:53 pm
"I would ask that you take me to my river, that I may tend to it once more. Now that I know what Gravelbeak had planned, I and Salvel can better prepare for him. No more will I be taken unawares. But we must hurry; though the spell may last days, it did not sound as though his tribe agreed with the enchanted words."


Jan 21, 2023 2:11 am
"With luck." Odilo starts, huffing from race through the caves. "One tribe will become three. And they’ll busy themselves with their own squabbling destruction for a time. Let the townsfolk gather their strength. It’s not for us to solve every problem of man or beast."
Jan 21, 2023 2:16 am
"Fair enough my friend, but we kicked this hornet's nest and I fear our responsibility is not absolved quite yet!"

Oren stays close to the entrance to the goblin tunnels, listening for sounds of imminent contact.
Jan 21, 2023 2:45 pm
Snoring can be heard coming from Stinkfoot's niche. It would seem that the goblins trust the maze as a security system enough to sleep on watch.
Jan 22, 2023 5:17 am
"Perhaps we should help our new friend back to her home while we have the chance," Malard suggests. "At the very least, we get the river back to normal, and then figure out how to deal with the goblins."


Jan 24, 2023 1:13 am
"I agree. Haste is of the utmost importance! If nothing else, our friend here must survive. Though, I wonder…"

He turns then to the water spirit:

"Diminished, though your powers may be from your captivity, is there anything you can do to dissuade the goblins from pursuing?"

Odilo is thinking of flooding the chambers, or collapsing the walls with mud and rock for a time.
Jan 24, 2023 1:40 am
The nixie, weary from her captivity, drops her head in shame. "Alas, there is little I can do to help, until I have regained my strength. I can sing a peaceful slumber, but none of my magicks have returned to me. Bring me to my home, and I will aid you however I can." With this, she begins singing with a soft voice, and the snoring coming from Stinkfoot's nook grows louder.


Jan 24, 2023 2:01 am
"Oren. Exile. Let us break the mechanism on their entrance and be away! A fight for another day! Our strength will be greater with an empowered nixie, and not a weakened captive by our side!"
Jan 24, 2023 2:47 am
Oren looks doubtfully back towards the entrance one more time before breaking off.

"I don't think it's wise strategically, but then what would an adventure be without throwing caution to the wind! Let's hurry, to the river!"
Jan 24, 2023 3:11 am
Malard nods in agreement and goes to untie his donkey before re-joining the others.
Jan 24, 2023 3:37 am
"Anyone know how to jam a door?"

Oren looks for rocks to wedge and branches to brace against the door in short order...


Jan 24, 2023 9:56 am
"Beyond my expertise, I’m afraid." he says, rubbing a streak into his sleeve now that the air was back at him.

"Perhaps, brute force?"
Jan 24, 2023 5:25 pm
After bringing back his donkey, he looks over the door, and apologizes. "Sadly, I'm not much help either," Malard says. "I could set an alarm, but I'm not sure we'd be close enough to hear it when our pursuers make their appearance."
Jan 24, 2023 10:48 pm
Jabrano has been silent for a while, clearly affected by how much the situation got out of hand.

"The longer we linger here, the less space we put between us and them." she says quietly. "Besides, there's probably more than one exit."


Jan 25, 2023 12:35 am
"Aha. Yes. Almost certainly. Come then. As Jabrano says, we best put some space between us and then. I dare say that they are a nimbler bunch than we!"

And the wizard begins to march away.

"Lead on!" he says to the nixie!
Jan 25, 2023 3:15 am
Oren jams the door as best as he can by wedging loose timber into the jam and then leaves with the others.

"No amount of distance will prevent the inevitable show-down we must have with this lot but for now, yes, let us away."


Jan 25, 2023 10:07 am
"We may all be exiles after this, friend." the wizard jokes.

"You praise those goblins too highly. I doubt they’ll remember us in a night or two!"

The wizard puts on a brave face. There was some truth in his thinking, but the words do ring a little hollow.
Jan 25, 2023 3:53 pm
With the hidden door jammed shut, the party rushes off back to the river in search of the nixie's home. With some urgency, they rush north as the sun sinks lower in the sky. They cross over a small footbridge one foot wide and thirty feet long. The bridge is painted a fiery shade of red, with small painted waterflowers dotted all over its surface. Despite its light contstuction, it seems quite sturdy as all cross. The bridge's beauty is marred only be a few goblin chew-marks on the east side, and a number of half-hearted attempts at graffiti, including "Hah hah stupid fairy, we cot you," and "This bridge tastes terrible."

Another half mile up the side of the river you come to a small spring. The water from this spring comes out of a 6"-diameter hole on the top of a roughly spherical 10'-diameter boulder. The resulting stream is 3' wide and 6"-8" deep, a mere trickle compared to what you assume to be the normal flow of the Doveale River. Above this point the riverbed continues on, dry as a bone. Unda urges you to continue on, as this not her spring nor her home. You must continue on.

You continue on for almost a mile before you reach what must be the source of the Dovedale River, at least in normal times. The high walls of the dale close about you, steep and gray. The walls surround a 30'-diameter pool shaded by tall willows and lithe maples. The pool is evidently quite deep, but the water level has visibly dropped. You can see where water normally flows out of the pool and into the riverbed of the Dovedale River, but now that channel is dry. Nestled among the trees on the east side of the pool is a tiny two-story cottage of white stucco, complete with a railed porch and a brick chimney. The cottage appears to be built for someone who is no more than 2' tall.

The nixie springs from Jabrano's shoulders and rushes towards her home. Before entering, she turns back to the group and speaks. "I would ask one more favor of you, heroes. Stay for a day. Allow me to regain my strength, and protect me from Gravelbeak and his tribe. They have been scorned, and I believe they will seek vengeance. I am too weak to fight, and not strong enough to protect myself. And the sun is ever so low." Her words speak true, as it seems there would be one more hour before the sun sets. Time to prepare for the goblins, should you choose to stay.


Jan 26, 2023 10:28 am
Odilo furrows his brow as he looks at the surroundings.

"Here…" he mutters. It wasn’t goblin territory. They wouldn’t have the home advantage, but it wasn’t far off it either.

"They captured you here once already. Do you know how? Where did they come from? By which path did they take you back to their warren?"
Jan 27, 2023 12:39 am
Oren waits to hear the answer to Odilo's question before he speaks. Fighting the goblins at night and in the open was certainly not promising prospect but what had to be done had to be done. With any luck, quick thinking in a silver tongue might win out once more over violence, nonetheless the elven swordsman begins to search the area for any type of tactical advantage that might be had.
Jan 27, 2023 3:55 am
Even though Malard is happy the nixie is back in her pond, Malard can't help but think of the dried stream, nor the struggling farms. "We need to put an end to this," he says to others. "Do you think confronting the goblins will help the farms? "
Jan 27, 2023 3:56 am
"They took me by surprise before. They must have been watching for days, as they grabbed me once I had finished my daily task of tending to the river. Came from behind, they did; put me in a bag and shook it all around. I was completely disoriented, and then I found myself in that cage. Whatever runes they had carved in the bars prevented me from accessing my magicks. And then they brought me to their cave, and hung me up. I don't rightfully know how long I was their before you rescued me, but I am most grateful that you did. They can be quite sneaky, and will absolutely come in the night. They will find another way around to come from behind. But I am no expert in the ways of combat nor sneakery. I will be hiding in my home, if you don't mind."
As Oren explores the area around Unda's tiny home, he notices some few things that may be used for an advantage. First, the steep walls mean that the goblins will almost certainly be forced to come from the ravine opening; It is quite wide, but at least that gives you a window. Second, the trees are thick and would be rather easy to hide in. Third, the willow trees might even be useful for making snares, should one have the inclination. And fourth, there is a tight channel that cuts into the ravine bed that might be useful for channeling (pun intended) the goblins in tighter quarters. However, he also recalls the giant bats carrying at least one goblin, and the wolves carrying the chief.


Jan 29, 2023 2:31 am
"What say you all? I’ll need rest, to replenish my magicks and prepare new spells to work against the goblins when they come.

How might we fare? If my magick holds against the chief, at least him and his followers may remain at the warren."
Jan 29, 2023 3:33 am
Malard takes some time and looks around, guessing on the most obvious plan of action. "I can set an alarm in that ravine," Malard says. "It might make sure that we aren't going to be ambushed."
Jan 29, 2023 6:33 am

"Let the sorcerous among us take rest fast, Jabrano and I can keep watch. We could set snares around the ravine to try and channel them into the narrows."

Oren sets to work laying as many willow snares around the area as possible, focusing on forcing movement into their trap.


Jan 29, 2023 8:44 am
"I do have several methods to aid us…" he starts, before telling the others at length about the spells at his disposal.
Grease, Sleep or Phantasmal Force?
Jan 29, 2023 5:23 pm
Sleep is always my combat go-to at low levels but Phantasmal Force can be even more effective really (giant chasm under the whole troop ya know?) Oh! Or some real trickery, like an illusion of the talking fish that swims up to the Chief and says something like "I submit to your superior fishing skills and now must return to my home plane *poof* lol
Last edited January 29, 2023 5:26 pm
Jan 31, 2023 2:16 am
All right, so we have an Alarm being set, snares being created, and one magic-user taking a power-nap to get a spell slot. What is everyone else up to? @umbraldragon and @Carabas?


Jan 31, 2023 8:24 am
Indeed. Odilo will look to his to his tome, and prepare his spell. Need to be ready for a night attack!
Jan 31, 2023 5:38 pm
Trina uses her skill at removing traps to help set a few snares.
Feb 1, 2023 12:55 am
Jabrano feels rather useless in the preparations. It's a familiar feeling. She's kind of used to hanging back and staying out of the way while the bosses and such do the prep work, until it's time to start hitting people.
She's sticking close to Unda. Way she sees it, the biggest threat is some of them sneaking past the guards. She also tries to get some shut-eye before nightfall. A tired warrior is of use to no-one.


Feb 1, 2023 10:15 am
"We should should all rest." Odilo remarks, finally.

"With luck, the magic will hold. With greater luck, they’ll have turned on themselves a hundred times already. Rest, and let us see."
Feb 2, 2023 1:58 am
While a full night's rest would normally be necessary for a mage like Odilo to awaken with a clear head, it is with Unda's magical singing that a mere hour is enough. The others begin their preparations, and are finished by the time he and Jabrano find themselves awake. The sun has set and the night is upon you. Maon leads Oren and Trina in setting snares from willow branches, and Malard enchants a small area near the mouth of the ravine to alert him if or when something crosses its boundary.

A small amount of time goes by where there is little to do but wait, eat, and memorize. Unda prepares a small (very small) meal from nearby vegetables and roots. And then you hear it. A loud ringing coming from downstream. The Alarm. They are here.
For those who set snares, I need a proficiency check. Umbraldragon hasn't been online in two weeks, so I'll allow someone else to roll. That is Dex -1, but with two folks helping Maon that will end up being a d20 difficulty of... 12.

KCC, which spell did you prepare?
Feb 2, 2023 6:18 pm
As Oren snaps to attention at the sound of the alarm, his hound Garçon comes bounding out of the brush where he had been napping.

"Good boy Garçon, guard!"

He points to the fairy house and the massive canine takes a defensive position near the tiny abode.

Drawing his blade, Oren focuses his chi and makes a few preparatory, limbering moves with it.

"Hopefully they will listen to reason" he says without much hope in his voice.
I totally forgot about the war dog I bought at character creation lol. Lazy mutt. I'm not proficient in snare setting, any guidance you can offer on my dice rolls? My Dex is 16 and I want to roll under, right?
Last edited February 2, 2023 6:19 pm


Roll to help Maon - (1d20)

(7) = 7

Roll for my own snares - (1d20)

(7) = 7

Feb 3, 2023 3:48 am
Trina readies herself as best she can, fully hoping that a fight is not in the cards.


Aid another (Maon) [Dex 16] - (1d20-1)

(7) - 1 = 6

Set snares [Dex 16] - (1d20-1)

(7) - 1 = 6

Feb 5, 2023 3:55 am
"This won't be fun...," Malard thinks to himself. Mentally, he prepares his next spell as the troupe heads toward him.


Feb 5, 2023 12:28 pm
"Bolster your spirits, all! It’ll take more than a few goblins to trounce us!" he says, his nose wet and full from a night’s rest!

"Shall we try diplomacy to start?"
Feb 6, 2023 4:40 am
"It's as good a solution as any, I guess," says Malard.


Feb 6, 2023 10:22 am
"I suppose I have to show my face, after my work of trickery yesterday. Pray they don’t set the wolf on me outright!" he says, starting towards the goblin crew, his voice steady.
Feb 6, 2023 2:32 pm
"It's not the numbers that concern me..." Oren says as he twirls his blade,

"It's the killing of fey creatures that gives me pause."
Feb 6, 2023 4:45 pm
As though on queue, several goblins come into sight of those with infravision, though those who do not are reliant on torches and lanterns... and the goblins remain out of that light intentionally. In the front is the goblin with the particularly large nose, and he appears furious. Behind him are Stinkfoot the sleepy guard riding a large wolf, a previously unseen goblin wearing a dark hood and wielding a crude crossbow, and a surprisingly muscle-bound goblin with a hammer. Chief Gravelbeak and his ugly wife are not present, nor do you see Grabbo, Fishbelly (who was present at the first meeting with the chief), or the talkative goblin riding the giant bat.

"You have cursed our chief with your nasty magicks! And for that we cannot let you escape," Bignose cries out to you. "He has failed as chief, and we have chosen a new one! The old chief is still your friend, but fat lot of good that will do you while he is in the cage!" He and the strong goblin wield their weapons menacingly, though the silent, muscular goblin looks much more ready to charge into the fray. They stand at the entrance to Unda's enclosed area, just before the willow snares you had erected. It does not seem that they have noticed the snares as of yet.
Go ahead and roll initiative, using a 1d10. If you are equal to or lower than the goblins, you can act first! We won't be going as gritty as weapon and spell speeds, but I'll still be using individual initiative "groups". For example, if only Jabrano and Oren beat the goblins in initiative, then I don't care who posts first. PbP doesn't favor super-detailed initiative.
cowleyc sent a note to cowleyc




Initiative - Goblins - (1d10)

(6) = 6

Secret Roll

Feb 6, 2023 8:17 pm
Quick on the draw...


Initiative - (1d10+1)

(6) + 1 = 7


Feb 7, 2023 11:55 am
Wuppah! Here we go!



(9) = 9

Feb 7, 2023 5:34 pm


Initiative - (1d10)

(2) = 2

Feb 7, 2023 6:24 pm
Oren steps forward and addresses Big Nose,

As people of the fey realm you had no right to hold hostage a Nixie of the River, we did what was right to restore the balance. I ask that you go back to your home and do not fight. You have a new chief and your own problems to deal with now."
Feb 7, 2023 9:57 pm
Rolls initiative...


Initiative - (1d10)

(6) = 6

Feb 7, 2023 10:10 pm
Over the last couple of hours Jabrano has made peace with the fact that bloodshed will likely be unavoidable now.

She doesn't look particularly worried at the sight of the goblins as she draws her curved blades and gives them a demonstrative twirl.

She gives Bignose a humourless laugh. "Funny. this is exactly what I told Gravelbeak this was going to happen when I first met him. Congrats on the promotion."

Her voice gets a more menacing vibe as she gives the party of goblins a toothy grin, "Now what you got to ask yourself is, is this really something you want to die over?"
She tries to intimidate at least some of them into backing off.


Intimidation - (1d20)

(6) = 6

Feb 7, 2023 10:22 pm
@carabas, go ahead and make a reaction roll for your intimidation. 2d10, minus your CHA reaction mod (which is 0). Lower is better here.

Seems silly to ask for a 2d10 after you rolled a 1d20, but they have very different statistics.
Feb 8, 2023 1:04 am
Reaction roll.


Intimidation attempt - (2d10)

(72) = 9

Feb 8, 2023 4:20 am
Is there an order, or should we just go?
Feb 8, 2023 4:47 am
There is no order if you rolled lower than the Goblin, you just get to go. If you rolled higher, you have to wait for them to act.
Feb 8, 2023 5:46 am
Trina readies herself for the violence to come.
Don't know if I add anything for her Dex.


Initiative - (1d10)

(3) = 3

Feb 8, 2023 9:19 am
cowleyc says:
There is no order if you rolled lower than the Goblin, you just get to go. If you rolled higher, you have to wait for them to act.
And if you rolled equal?
Feb 8, 2023 2:48 pm
Dungeon Master says:
Go ahead and roll initiative, using a 1d10. If you are equal to or lower than the goblins, you can act first! We won't be going as gritty as weapon and spell speeds, but I'll still be using individual initiative "groups". For example, if only Jabrano and Oren beat the goblins in initiative, then I don't care who posts first. PbP doesn't favor super-detailed initiative.
The warrior Jabrano stands forth and issues her threatening question. Is this really something worth dying over? Though she had size and demeanor, the goblins as you recall had numbers. Bignose seems unswayed, though the warrior to his side seems to hesitate. Bignose sneers, barely visible in the dark, and tells you, "You have one thing wrong. It was not I who became the chief." To Oren, he laughs. "You are our problem. We had a plan, and you ruined it. You broke our tribe, and now our new chief demands your blood to fix it." He does not seem concerned with "rights" as your put it.

To the side, Maon makes a series of clicking sounds with his mouth, directed to the treeline. Those who are listening can hear some shifting leaves, but otherwise silence.

Moments Before Combat
Initiative Groups
1. Jabrano, Malard, Trina, Maon
2. Goblins
3. Oren, Odilo


Maon Initiative - (1d10)

(5) = 5

Feb 8, 2023 5:10 pm
Lower acts first? It has been a while since I played 2e for sure but the dex reaction modifier is listed as a plus... If lower is faster then Oren actually got a 5 with his adjustment
Feb 8, 2023 5:17 pm
Interestingly, the Dex reaction modifier is only actually for Surprise checks.
The Rules Yo says:
Standard Initiative Procedure
To determine the initiative order for a round of combat, roll 1d10 for each side in the battle. Normally, this means the DM rolls for the monsters (or NPCs), while one of the players rolls for the PC party. Low roll wins initiative. If more than two sides are involved in combat, the remaining sides act in ascending order of initiative.

If both (or all) sides roll the same number for initiative, everything happens simultaneously--all attack rolls, damage, spells, and other actions are completed before any results are applied. It is possible for a wizard to be slain by goblins who collapse from his sleep spell at the end of the round.
Reaction Adjustment modifies the die roll to see if a character is surprised when he unexpectedly encounters NPCs. The more positive the modifier, the less likely the character is to be surprised.
There are several variants for initiative, so I am doing individual initiative without tons of modifiers (weapon speeds, spells, etc), and I'm adjusting the precise order to account for PbP varying posting times.
Feb 8, 2023 6:11 pm
I see. Huh, a rule they changed for one edition only! 1e used dex for initiative as did 3e and after. Weird.
Feb 9, 2023 3:40 am
Malard steps back, searches his pockets for a trinket, and makes sure he's not a part of the vanguard and begins casting a spell.
Armor is the spell. He's going to cast it on himself
Feb 9, 2023 5:51 am
From overhead, you hear a voice cry out, "Charge! For my uncle! For my mother! FOR ME!!!" The goblins steel themselves and prepare to rush, but they failed to notice the traps.

Both Bignose and Strongarm dart forward and mange to avoid the snares set. The hooded goblin, however is not so lucky. She takes a step and suddenly finds herself yanked off her feet and pulled halfway up a tree. Through the dark you can see a giant bat swooping down towards you.

But some of you are quicker.

Round One of Combat
Initiative Groups
1. Jabrano, Malard, Trina, Maon
2. Goblins
3. Oren, Odilo
I may have had you roll initiative too soon, but now we're in combat order.



Feb 9, 2023 11:19 pm
Is that bat in melee range?
Also, do we recognise the voice?
Last edited February 9, 2023 11:23 pm
Feb 9, 2023 11:24 pm
The bat is not in melee range. You do recognize the voice from the cave, having come from above.
Feb 10, 2023 12:03 am
Jabrano engages the two goblins with a load roar. She's more worried about the wolf-rider and the bat, but they're keeping their distance for now.

Her fighting style is in stark contrast to her normally composed demeanour, wild and brutal, her swords describing broad arcs that exploit her inhuman strength.
Her attacks prioritise Strongarm. Once he's down she switches to the other one.
/throws dice through monitor/
Last edited February 10, 2023 12:06 am


Attack on Strongarm - (1d20+4)

(7) + 4 = 11

Attack 1 damage - (1d8+9)

(4) + 9 = 13

Attack on Strongarm (or the other one if dead) - (1d20+4)

(1) + 4 = 5

Attack 2 damage - (1d8+9)

(7) + 9 = 16

Attack on Strongarm (or the other one if dead) - (1d20+4)

(1) + 4 = 5

Attack 3 damage - (1d8+9)

(8) + 9 = 17

Feb 10, 2023 1:13 am
oof, curse of the online dice roller!
Feb 10, 2023 6:15 pm
@WhtKnt and @Phil_Ozzy_Fer, you're up! I will take on Maon after you two have acted.

To recap, the goblins said CHARGE! Jabrano rushed forward and failed to hit, though the damage would have been glorious had she succeeded. There are two goblins rushing forward towards you with one on wolf-back. There is a goblin flying around on a giant bat, way above you. There is a goblin towards the mouth of the ravine caught in a snare.
Feb 11, 2023 3:24 am
Malard moves to support his fellows, and steels himself for what follows his attack. Seeing Jabrano miss on her attacks, Malard steps up to try his own luck.
That's probably not good enough to hit...too bad. This isn't starting well, lol.
Last edited February 11, 2023 3:25 am


Attack (to hit) - (1d20)

(8) = 8

Feb 11, 2023 4:39 am
Trina hesitates for only a second, then attempts to disappear into the underbrush.
Her HS is a 40%, but she always believes that she is successful, so I'll let the GM roll privately to see if she really does succeed.


Feb 12, 2023 8:55 am
A pillow fight, or a crushing goblin victory? Let’s see!
Feb 12, 2023 2:03 pm
WhtKnt, I have rolled for Trina and will have the goblins react or not react going forward.
Round One of Combat
Initiative Groups
1. Jabrano, Malard, Trina, Maon
2. Goblins
3. Oren, Odilo

Maon, who had prepared for a night-ambush by the goblins grins a dark grin and reaches out with a hand while invoking the whims of the fey. A sudden burst of glow erupts from above Bignose and Strongarm, and millions of pieces of glowing dust sprinkle down upon them and illuminate the two goblins. Meanwhile, from the side of the ravine, his giant spider companion crawls out and begins approaching the fight.
Maon casts Faerie Fire and gives you all a +2 to hit Bignose and Strongarm.
Bignose looks up at Jabrano and her impressive attacks, and laughs condescendingly. With sword in hand, he attempts to retaliate but finds the warrior too capable of parrying his feeble attacks. Strongarm, too, swings his hammer at Jabrano and meets with the same resistance. Neither are able to damage the half-orc.

Those who take a second to pay attention notice that Stinkfoot, who had escaped the DM's notice when he (the DM) had last posted, had also been caught up in the snares. However, unlike the hooded goblin, it was his wolf that is now strung up! The poor smelly goblin jumps up and down with sword in hand trying to free his faithful steed! But try as he might, the wolf remains unhappily strung up! The hooded goblin also tries freeing herself, but finds that she lacks the core strength to pull herself up and cut at the snare.

From up on high, a giant bat swoops down upon the party, aiming at Malard who had taken to the fray. Both bat and rider attack on their pass before disappearing back into the night sky. While the goblin misses in his aiming, the bat does tear through the wizard's shoulder with its vicious fangs.
Malard takes 2 points of damage.
From behind them all, a familiar form voice emanates from the darkness. The words "I'm so sorry," are accompanied by a blade through Odilo's robes... only to reveal a closed-eyed Grabbo reaching out with a sword to an unharmed Odilo. Feeling no wizard being stuck through, he opens his eyes and realizes his mistake.

Round One of Combat
Initiative Groups
1. Jabrano, Malard, Trina, Maon
2. Goblins
3. Oren, Odilo



Trina HiS

Bignose Attack against Jabrano (AC 5)

Haggy Escape Bonds

Stinkfoot Escape Bonds

Strongarm Attack against Jabrano (AC 5)

Swoop Target

Swoop Attack against Malard (AC 6)

Giant Bat Attack against Malard (AC 6)

Grabbo Target

Grabbo Attack against Odilo (AC 10)

Giant Bat Damage against Malard - (1d4)

(2) = 2

Feb 12, 2023 9:28 pm
Spinning his blade around his body, the quality of Oren's mov ments becomes like that of water. The sword's edge begins to vibrate harmonically from the wind resistance and the blade song comes forth. He dashes in to take on Strongarm and finds his work made all to easy by the ethereal shimmer of Maon's spell...
Using bladesong for +2hit, Oren's AC is 0. Rate of fire is 3/2, I will roll second attack and you can tell me if it triggers at the end of round 1 or the beginning of round 2...

First hit crits!
Last edited February 12, 2023 9:50 pm


Attack/Damage #1 - (1d20+6, 1d8+2)

1d20+6 : (20) + 6 = 26

1d8+2 : (3) + 2 = 5

Attack/Damage #2 - (1d20+6, 1d8+2)

1d20+6 : (2) + 6 = 8

1d8+2 : (5) + 2 = 7

Feb 12, 2023 9:46 pm
We didn't cover Crits in the rules, but the DMG has an optional rule for them.
The simplest critical hit system makes every natural 20 rolled on the attack roll count for double damage. Roll the appropriate damage dice twice for the attack (do not double the result of a single damage roll) and only count damage modifiers for Strength, magic, etc., once.
Normally I'd ask for Dominion to make a second 1d8 roll for the bonus crit damage, but there's already one in the second attack, which is a miss! So, 3 and 5 on 1d8s with a +2 comes out to 10 damage.
Oren's blade skillfully cuts straight through Strongarm who didn't stand a chance. The bladedance befuddles the poor goblin, and he doesn't know to put up a defense. The two halves of the goblin fall to the ground with sickening thuds.
Feb 12, 2023 9:55 pm
Oren snaps his sword towards the ground as part of his dance, whipping Strongarm's blood off it's edge. Without ceasing his movement he takes the opportunity to offer the goblins one more chance to stand down...

"We do not wish to harm any of you, stop your attack and tell your new chief that we are dead. You likely will not see us ever again."

Oren finishes his thought with a meaningful look to Grabbo.


Feb 13, 2023 12:10 pm
Odilo sees the hole in his robe, and his anger rises. The beige wizardly garment had cost him more than a week’s effort on behalf of some farmers. A frustrating bit of work, paid not in coin, but the beautiful fabric the grubby goblin hand now stuck a hole through.

He backhands the sneaky goblin then, in righteous anger, while summoning his arcane efforts.

"Sleep, and rid us of your presence for a while!"


Sleep - (2d4)

(42) = 6

Feb 13, 2023 3:04 pm
Phew, I just double checked and the spell specifies Monsters to be affected.
Grabbo mumbles something about being sorry as he falls down into an enchanted slumber. He begins snoring softly, but whimpers as though troubled.

Round Two of Combat

Initiative Groups
1. Jabrano, Malard, Trina, Maon
2. Goblins
3. Oren, Odilo
The second round is upon us! Strongarm is dead and Grabbo incapacitated. Bignose is in melee with Jabrano, Swoop is somewhere up above, and Stinkfoot and the now-named Haggy are dealing with the snares.
Feb 14, 2023 1:35 am
Trina steps out of hiding long enough to backstab Bignose, then attempts to meld back into the shadows. That backstab damage (assuming that lame attack hits) should be 8 points of damage. I guess that the RND doesn't understand multiplication.
Last edited February 14, 2023 1:36 am


Trina backstab against Bignose - (1d20+4-1, 1d4*2)

1d20+4-1 : (7) + 3 = 10

1d4*2 : (4) + 2 = 6

Feb 14, 2023 1:46 am
With the +2 from Maon's Faerie Fire, that's actually a hit!
Bignose sucks in air lets out a gasp* as the air is expelled from his body, Trina's blade deep in his back. He falls to the ground, and quietly expires. The goblins working on untangling themselves look on in horror at how easily you have been dispatching their mighty tribe.

*Correction courtesy of Christopher Lee
Feb 14, 2023 1:52 am
Ah yes, Sir Christopher Lee, the most metal of the SAS wizards in Middle Earth.


Feb 14, 2023 3:55 am
Is this all you can conjure Saruman?
Feb 14, 2023 5:07 am
With a quick exhalation, wipe of his brow, and Malard has a little more confidence seeing one of the goblins fall.
Feb 15, 2023 5:48 pm
@Carabas, it is your turn to act before we see how the goblins respond to a wholesale slaughter.
Feb 16, 2023 9:39 pm
Moving on.
A voice from above begins screeching out, "Flee! Flee!" The voice shows equal parts fear and rage, but in goblins fear always wins. A THUMP signals that the wolf has now been freed from the snare, and Stinkfoot climbs atop the beast to escape. Haggy, however, remains trapped. As well, Grabbo whimpers in his sleep. Chasing after the escaping goblins seems a fool's errand, as they swiftly escape from sight and sound. Haggy screeches out in frustration as she is left behind with the blood rushing to her head. "Let me go! Let me go! Don't leave me behind! Swooooooop!!!"

Unda creeps out from her house and examines the sleeping Grabbo, and noticeably avoids the dead goblins. "It would seem you have saved me and driven off the Gravelbeak tribe. With losses like this, they will not likely return. In fact, I suspect the town will have some time of peace while they gather their strength. But if Swoop is in charge now, then they will do something stupid before too long. That child never had any patience." She pats the head of the poor goblin as he sleeps, and sings softly to him.

Neither Swoop nor Stinkfoot were engaged, and have MUCH higher movement speeds than you due to their mounts.




Feb 17, 2023 12:18 am
Feeling that the battle was won, Oren wipes down his blade on the hem of his cloak and returns it to it's sheath. He frowns at the idea of leadership change amongst the goblins, the old chief while dim had at least been reasonable. Who knew what consequences their meddling might have brought about?

"I feel bad that the old chief is imprisoned in his own home because of our interference, but I suppose it is better than what befell this lot. I would follow you back into the goblin hall to free the chief if you thought it right, Jabrano."
Feb 17, 2023 12:27 am
Jabrano lets out an annoyed grunt. Always the same with goblins and halflings, she muses, you think you've adjusted enough for their height and then your swords just swoop right over their heads...

Regardles, the battle seems to have gone pretty much like she'd expected.
She walks over to the entangled female goblin and disarms her before lettin gher down and retieing her in a more comfortable position.

"Looks like you have two prisoners." she says to the fairy. "What do you suggest we do with them?"
Feb 17, 2023 12:39 am
Sorry, you posted while I was typing.
"It's not even about right anymore. It's about damage control. We disrupted a relatively stable situation and now we have a goblin tribe with a much more bloodthirsty leader in charge."

I don't want to say I told you, but I told you so, she thinks to herself.

I don't know if freeing Gravelbeak will make things better or worse at this point. Maybe our prisoners will have some useful insights.
Feb 17, 2023 4:22 am
"Did we win?" Malard asks feeling a bit confused. "That felt too easy. For one, I'm still standing. That almost never happens in a fight."


Feb 17, 2023 8:45 am
"If this is what passes for goblin bloodthirst, then I dare say the region will be all the better. Why not concern ourselves with the squabbles of a rabbit warren while we are at it."
Feb 17, 2023 10:49 am
"We knew they were coming and we got very lucky the snares caught half of them."
Feb 17, 2023 2:45 pm
Malard smiles and nods. "Then I won't feel so bad for congratulating myself for taking a hit," he says to Jabrano. "Considering how much I was bullied as a kid, I learned how to take a punch to the face the well. What now though?"
Feb 17, 2023 3:25 pm
Unda looks very uncomfortable at the prospect of having captives. "They are not mine to deal with, my champions. I tend to the spring, for the spring is mine. If you release them, they will return home to stew in their misery. If you keep them here, you risk angering them and theirs. And I would have no more blood spilt whilst the river runs dry. Blood makes a poor substitute for water."

"You have done well here tonight. You have rescued me and splintered the goblin tribe. And all without the capture of Salvel or Baron Ironbeak. And in the morning, I will return the Dovedale to its proper flow. You have earned some rest."
Feb 17, 2023 5:42 pm
"I suppose the only goodly thing to do then is to carry these poor sods back to the goblin holm. Be well dear Nixie and should you find yourself once more in the court of the Seelie King please do tell him of how Oren the Exile aided the fay folk even from his banishment."

Oren hoists Grabbo onto his shoulder and makes ready to leave.


Feb 18, 2023 8:34 am
"You might recall that that one tried to put a knife in my back a few moments ago." Odilo reminds the others of Grabbo.
Feb 18, 2023 4:06 pm
"What if we turn them in to the authorities back near the farmers?" Malard proposes. "It would be evidence that we were up here doing something to help them out. Turning them back to their kin feels like things may quickly revert back to life before we arrived, which only benefited the goblins."
Feb 18, 2023 4:47 pm
"You make a good point Mallard, there is also the matter of this one having stolen from the farmer and having framed the child for it's crimes for which that child was punished. My only hesitation is that as of now there is no reason for the goblins to retaliate against the villagers but if we hand over two of their own and the villagers execute them then we spread the hostility to those who can defend against it least."
Feb 18, 2023 7:00 pm
"We can't send them back and we can't give them over to the villagers... what are you suggesting? That we kill them? Trina asks with obvious distaste. "I would stress how strongly I object to that!"
Feb 18, 2023 11:28 pm
"We could very easily send them back to their home, that's why I have Grabbo over my shoulder at this very moment! Seems the simplest solution but Malard's point about giving them to the townfolk is valid. Say we vote? Send them home or hand them over?"


Feb 19, 2023 10:11 am
"And do you think they’d share the same distaste for killing you, or me? Or the boy framed for eating the pies? Would they share the same distaste for letting the valley run dry and barren, so that the tongues of the parched young folk were coarse enough to scrub goblin boots?

I suppose the villagers should heap their gold upon this merciful troupe. In thanks for… what exactly?"
Feb 19, 2023 6:34 pm
Oren seems confused by the phrasing of Odilo's statement but sorts it out with a little consideration.

"There is no doubt the goblins gave not a wit for the consequences of their actions, although I could say the same of many settlements I've visited in the realm of men but that is neither here nor there. We should not slaughter these prisoners because they are at OUR mercy, and we are merciful are we not? So, home or handed over?"
Feb 20, 2023 12:13 am
"I have asked for no reward, nor do I intend to. As to our prisoners, I find that mercy is a virtue, not a weakness. I should hope that the townsfolk will show enough common sense to use the prisoners to open talks with the goblins in hopes of coming to a mutual agreement, though I know this is a faint hope that any such agreement may be reached."
Feb 21, 2023 3:43 am
I'm not sure the villagers would risk further conflict by executing the goblins, but that is a possibility, Malard says. I fear that if we just abandon things as they are then the situation will be exactly as it had been before we arrived.


Feb 21, 2023 12:16 pm
With a heavy, defeated sigh, Odilo suggests:

"Why not see what the creatures want for themselves then? Wake them, and barter. Make them swear a vow. Make them… make them…" he says with a final shrug, letting the idea trail off into nothing.
Feb 21, 2023 2:08 pm
The votes are in!
Maon casts the dissenting vote, finding no reason to allow Chaos to live after it had caused so much hurt. But he is outvoiced by those who would rather allow the wronged town to handle the situation rather than they. Even Unda waffles between taking the goblins to the town or returning them to their tribe, but she is adamant about not slaying them in cold blood.

Grabbo continues to sleep, but the other goblin blinks when it is brought up that you should ask her opinion.
"If you take me back home, I promise we will stop bothering the town," she obviously lies. "And we will let you leave in peace. Oh, we will repent our wicked ways! But if you kill us, Swoop will have his vengeance! And it will be swift and you won't see him coming!" It becomes clear that this goblin prefers to speak for effect and to have an opportunity to lie.
Feb 21, 2023 4:48 pm
"Be sure to tell the townsfolk this when we give you over. You once lived in balance with the humans here, I hope for your sake you soon see the value of doing so again."
Feb 21, 2023 5:47 pm
"Swoop is coming for vengence," Malard says somewhat mockingly. "No matter what happens now, it's probably best we find someplace we can safely patch our wounds and rest." He preps his donkey for the trip back and invites the others to put at least one of the sleeping goblins across it's back. "My assistant shall be able to lighten your load," he says while gesturing at the beats-of-burden.


Feb 22, 2023 10:07 am
Seemingly satisfied, Odilo agrees.

"It’s not for heroes to solve every problem of the land. The people must have their own say on the matter; deal with them in their own ways."
Are we moving now? They attacked at… dawn? During the night?
Feb 22, 2023 2:07 pm
Oren drapes the sleeping Grabbo across the back of the mule with a nod of thanks.
Feb 22, 2023 2:34 pm
It was not long after midnight, as you had prepared for the assault at sunset and the goblins came shortly after. You know the town will be asleep, but can you really trust the goblins not to slip their bonds? Or will you take them to the town where it is easier to guard them?
Feb 22, 2023 3:55 pm
"Better to push on through the night I think, less chance for those that fled to remount an attack. Besides,"

Oren pats the rump of the mule,

"Plenty of time to sleep when we're dead, eh lads?"
Feb 22, 2023 4:31 pm
Malard agress with Oren. "This is true," he says. "Better to be done with this mess, and be off."
Feb 22, 2023 9:38 pm
Trina yawns deeply, but replies "Yeah, we should probably get them someplace where we can keep an eye on them."
Feb 23, 2023 3:44 am
It occurs to Oren that while the goblin who had been caught in the snare was tied, Grabbo was not. He quickly cuts a few lengths of rope from his coil and binds the little one's hands and feet as he sleeps across the mule
Feb 24, 2023 12:42 am
While the path back to the goblin lair (which is to the side of the main path) is only two miles away, making the journey in the dark is slow going. The donkey struggles in the dark, as do the two spellcasters. The trail is rough and uneven, and more than once do they stumble but manage to avoid injury. A little over an hour passes, and you find yourselves next to the willow tree marking the lair. Grabbo and Haggy both begin squirming upon seeing their home, but the knots hold them fast.
Do you continue on? Do you return the goblins to the tribe? Do you talk with them to see if they have a better idea?
Feb 24, 2023 1:19 am
"So it's decision time. Either we let them go, take them to the village, or you kill them and leave them on the doorstep." She emphasizes the "you".
Feb 24, 2023 1:24 am
"I feel that we have decided to turn them over to the villagers. They deserve to have a say in the justice of their land. The little one stole from them and all were involved in the draining of the river by way of making a hostage of an innocent nature spirit. To send them home without rebuke would be to remove all responsibility. I think we should ask that the village not execute them, but man must be allowed to manage his own affairs."
Feb 24, 2023 1:26 am
"Fair enough. I'm in for that." Trina crosses her arms.


Feb 24, 2023 3:18 am
Odilo nods at Oren the Exile. The heat of battle had died down, and the blood had simmered a bit since then. Tempers tapered away, and the wizard saw that Exile spoke sense.

"Yes. Agreed."
Feb 24, 2023 3:53 pm
It is another two miles of walking in the dark to the Cog's Farm, or eight to the town of Ashbourne. I just need someone to make the call. Justice can be better served in town, but Mrs. Cogs was the one to offer pay.
Feb 24, 2023 5:04 pm
Maybe we could head to the Cogs' farm? We could float the idea of taking them into the authorities, and then be on our way. Would this work for everyone? You can all blame Malard if this blows up in our faces.
Feb 24, 2023 7:59 pm
As Ms. Cog was the one who was wronged, I agree with this.
Feb 24, 2023 7:59 pm
As Ms. Cog was the one who was wronged, I agree with this.
Feb 24, 2023 10:23 pm
Though the path is two miles long, it takes considerable time in the dark. You pass over the pool where Salvel the Talking Trout resides, though he does not make an appearance. The goblins seem rather dejected at having left their front door, but are in no position to do anything about it. Soon enough you find yourself approaching the farm. It is close to three or four in the morning, and only a few of you feel rested. The farm is not yet active, though you suspect they are early-risers. After all, one does not become the most successful farm in the Dovedale by sleeping in.


Feb 27, 2023 12:58 am
"Let’s see what passes for quality among the folk of these hills. See if you are satisfied with what they would call justice. If not… we can continue on!" Odilo says from dark.
Feb 27, 2023 3:21 pm
Oren approaches the main house of the farm and knocks on the door.
Last edited February 27, 2023 3:22 pm
Feb 27, 2023 3:52 pm
There is a surprised grunt, some whispering, the sound of shuffling, and then the door opens a crack. Candlelight from behind the door reveals the face of a very tired and confused Mrs. Cogs, surprised to have been awoken in the hours before dawn. "What is it that couldn't wait until the day," she asks, understandably grumpy.
Feb 27, 2023 4:15 pm
"Good morrow to you Mrs. Cogs, my apologies but we have solved the problem of the river and captured two of the culprits. Two others were not taken alive. If you would like to dress and meet us outside we would like to discuss a resolution."
Feb 27, 2023 6:27 pm
The older woman grumbles and shuts the door in Oren's face. You can hear her saying some phrases that would make a goblin blush, as she shuffles away from the door. Minutes later, she returns looking a little more alert but no less annoyed. She steps out of the house with a lantern, and gasps when the light falls on the tied goblins. "What are you doing with them," she demands?
Feb 27, 2023 6:34 pm
"As you hired us to do the job we have brought them to you for justice. We want to know what you would have us do with these two trouble makers. Know that the river is saved and will rise again today. We do not feel these two deserve execution as their motives were not hostile towards the village, they were merely caught up in the sporting of their leader who has since been deposed. We will either take them to the town for jailing or release them back to their home with your mercy. What say you?"
Feb 28, 2023 2:09 am
The farmeress Cogs strokes her chin in thought as she circles the goblins. "As they have not killed, they do not deserve death. Instead, they'll work for me or the other farms in town. They have much to answer for. And no matter how sneaky they may think they are, my boys will be able to find them should they run. Leave them here with me, and I'll whip them in shape. You have done us a great favor. But until I see the river rise again, I cannot part with my coin. Stay here and wait, and then you can be on your way once our business is truly concluded."


Feb 28, 2023 3:14 am
"And we can trust that you won’t mistreat them, of course!" Odilo remarks, purposely not making it a question, but rather a matter of fact.

"We are trying to reduce tempers in the area. Teach them, work them, and send them home once they’ve repaid their cost. They might bring some of what you teach them home, and make the goblins all the more productive."
Feb 28, 2023 4:35 pm
Mrs. Cogs nods solemnly at Odilo, for he was someone the village respected. If he laid out a directive, it would most likely be followed. "Leave them tied up for now. I will need more sleep before I can deal with them. There is a guest house not far from here where you may rest as well." She then tries to politely but firmly shut the door and return to her bed.

A few short hours later, the roosters announce a day has officially begun. Having slept too little, this is an unwelcome sound, but with the crowing cock comes a delighted cheering. Upon dressing and heading outside, it would seem that a youth has been running around announcing the return of the river! "The Dovedale is back! It flows again!" And truly, the water has begun to flow, though it will likely take hours for the riverbed to fill to its former height.

Grabbo and Haggy seem less than excited about the prospect of working on the farm... at least until Grabby discovers that he will have access to more pies that he had previously. One of the elder children takes the goblins and escorts them- on leash for now- around the property to explain the tasks and expectations. Any who follow along hear the more familiar goblin asking about payment in treats after the explanation of each and every job.

Back at the home, Mrs. Cogs agrees that the job had been accomplished. The river flowed once more, and the perpetrator had found some sort of punishment. She retrieves a box with a collection of coins and jewelry; Oren's keen eyes are able to determine that it is worth roughly 100gp, and clearly collected from many of the families in the region. It is divided as evenly as possible, and you are finally finished with your task.

After the experience, some of you decide to stay in the region to help with other odd jobs. Others decide to move on to other ventures. But all of you are left with the same thought echoing in your minds. 'What the heck was all that?'

The End

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