Mrs. Cogs nods solemnly at Odilo, for he was someone the village respected. If he laid out a directive, it would most likely be followed. "Leave them tied up for now. I will need more sleep before I can deal with them. There is a guest house not far from here where you may rest as well." She then tries to politely but firmly shut the door and return to her bed.
A few short hours later, the roosters announce a day has officially begun. Having slept too little, this is an unwelcome sound, but with the crowing cock comes a delighted cheering. Upon dressing and heading outside, it would seem that a youth has been running around announcing the return of the river! "The Dovedale is back! It flows again!" And truly, the water has begun to flow, though it will likely take hours for the riverbed to fill to its former height.
Grabbo and Haggy seem less than excited about the prospect of working on the farm... at least until Grabby discovers that he will have access to more pies that he had previously. One of the elder children takes the goblins and escorts them- on leash for now- around the property to explain the tasks and expectations. Any who follow along hear the more familiar goblin asking about payment in treats after the explanation of each and every job.
Back at the home, Mrs. Cogs agrees that the job had been accomplished. The river flowed once more, and the perpetrator had found some sort of punishment. She retrieves a box with a collection of coins and jewelry; Oren's keen eyes are able to determine that it is worth roughly 100gp, and clearly collected from many of the families in the region. It is divided as evenly as possible, and you are finally finished with your task.
After the experience, some of you decide to stay in the region to help with other odd jobs. Others decide to move on to other ventures. But all of you are left with the same thought echoing in your minds. 'What the heck was all that?'
The End