1: Dovedale

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Feb 24, 2023 3:53 pm
It is another two miles of walking in the dark to the Cog's Farm, or eight to the town of Ashbourne. I just need someone to make the call. Justice can be better served in town, but Mrs. Cogs was the one to offer pay.
Feb 24, 2023 5:04 pm
Maybe we could head to the Cogs' farm? We could float the idea of taking them into the authorities, and then be on our way. Would this work for everyone? You can all blame Malard if this blows up in our faces.
Feb 24, 2023 7:59 pm
As Ms. Cog was the one who was wronged, I agree with this.
Feb 24, 2023 7:59 pm
As Ms. Cog was the one who was wronged, I agree with this.
Feb 24, 2023 10:23 pm
Though the path is two miles long, it takes considerable time in the dark. You pass over the pool where Salvel the Talking Trout resides, though he does not make an appearance. The goblins seem rather dejected at having left their front door, but are in no position to do anything about it. Soon enough you find yourself approaching the farm. It is close to three or four in the morning, and only a few of you feel rested. The farm is not yet active, though you suspect they are early-risers. After all, one does not become the most successful farm in the Dovedale by sleeping in.


Feb 27, 2023 12:58 am
"Let’s see what passes for quality among the folk of these hills. See if you are satisfied with what they would call justice. If not… we can continue on!" Odilo says from dark.
Feb 27, 2023 3:21 pm
Oren approaches the main house of the farm and knocks on the door.
Last edited February 27, 2023 3:22 pm
Feb 27, 2023 3:52 pm
There is a surprised grunt, some whispering, the sound of shuffling, and then the door opens a crack. Candlelight from behind the door reveals the face of a very tired and confused Mrs. Cogs, surprised to have been awoken in the hours before dawn. "What is it that couldn't wait until the day," she asks, understandably grumpy.
Feb 27, 2023 4:15 pm
"Good morrow to you Mrs. Cogs, my apologies but we have solved the problem of the river and captured two of the culprits. Two others were not taken alive. If you would like to dress and meet us outside we would like to discuss a resolution."
Feb 27, 2023 6:27 pm
The older woman grumbles and shuts the door in Oren's face. You can hear her saying some phrases that would make a goblin blush, as she shuffles away from the door. Minutes later, she returns looking a little more alert but no less annoyed. She steps out of the house with a lantern, and gasps when the light falls on the tied goblins. "What are you doing with them," she demands?
Feb 27, 2023 6:34 pm
"As you hired us to do the job we have brought them to you for justice. We want to know what you would have us do with these two trouble makers. Know that the river is saved and will rise again today. We do not feel these two deserve execution as their motives were not hostile towards the village, they were merely caught up in the sporting of their leader who has since been deposed. We will either take them to the town for jailing or release them back to their home with your mercy. What say you?"
Feb 28, 2023 2:09 am
The farmeress Cogs strokes her chin in thought as she circles the goblins. "As they have not killed, they do not deserve death. Instead, they'll work for me or the other farms in town. They have much to answer for. And no matter how sneaky they may think they are, my boys will be able to find them should they run. Leave them here with me, and I'll whip them in shape. You have done us a great favor. But until I see the river rise again, I cannot part with my coin. Stay here and wait, and then you can be on your way once our business is truly concluded."


Feb 28, 2023 3:14 am
"And we can trust that you won’t mistreat them, of course!" Odilo remarks, purposely not making it a question, but rather a matter of fact.

"We are trying to reduce tempers in the area. Teach them, work them, and send them home once they’ve repaid their cost. They might bring some of what you teach them home, and make the goblins all the more productive."
Feb 28, 2023 4:35 pm
Mrs. Cogs nods solemnly at Odilo, for he was someone the village respected. If he laid out a directive, it would most likely be followed. "Leave them tied up for now. I will need more sleep before I can deal with them. There is a guest house not far from here where you may rest as well." She then tries to politely but firmly shut the door and return to her bed.

A few short hours later, the roosters announce a day has officially begun. Having slept too little, this is an unwelcome sound, but with the crowing cock comes a delighted cheering. Upon dressing and heading outside, it would seem that a youth has been running around announcing the return of the river! "The Dovedale is back! It flows again!" And truly, the water has begun to flow, though it will likely take hours for the riverbed to fill to its former height.

Grabbo and Haggy seem less than excited about the prospect of working on the farm... at least until Grabby discovers that he will have access to more pies that he had previously. One of the elder children takes the goblins and escorts them- on leash for now- around the property to explain the tasks and expectations. Any who follow along hear the more familiar goblin asking about payment in treats after the explanation of each and every job.

Back at the home, Mrs. Cogs agrees that the job had been accomplished. The river flowed once more, and the perpetrator had found some sort of punishment. She retrieves a box with a collection of coins and jewelry; Oren's keen eyes are able to determine that it is worth roughly 100gp, and clearly collected from many of the families in the region. It is divided as evenly as possible, and you are finally finished with your task.

After the experience, some of you decide to stay in the region to help with other odd jobs. Others decide to move on to other ventures. But all of you are left with the same thought echoing in your minds. 'What the heck was all that?'

The End

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