A voice from above begins screeching out,
"Flee! Flee!" The voice shows equal parts fear and rage, but in goblins fear always wins. A THUMP signals that the wolf has now been freed from the snare, and Stinkfoot climbs atop the beast to escape. Haggy, however, remains trapped. As well, Grabbo whimpers in his sleep. Chasing after the escaping goblins seems a fool's errand, as they swiftly escape from sight and sound. Haggy screeches out in frustration as she is left behind with the blood rushing to her head.
"Let me go! Let me go! Don't leave me behind! Swooooooop!!!"

Unda creeps out from her house and examines the sleeping Grabbo, and noticeably avoids the dead goblins.
"It would seem you have saved me and driven off the Gravelbeak tribe. With losses like this, they will not likely return. In fact, I suspect the town will have some time of peace while they gather their strength. But if Swoop is in charge now, then they will do something stupid before too long. That child never had any patience." She pats the head of the poor goblin as he sleeps, and sings softly to him.
Neither Swoop nor Stinkfoot were engaged, and have MUCH higher movement speeds than you due to their mounts.