1: Dovedale
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To determine the initiative order for a round of combat, roll 1d10 for each side in the battle. Normally, this means the DM rolls for the monsters (or NPCs), while one of the players rolls for the PC party. Low roll wins initiative. If more than two sides are involved in combat, the remaining sides act in ascending order of initiative.
If both (or all) sides roll the same number for initiative, everything happens simultaneously--all attack rolls, damage, spells, and other actions are completed before any results are applied. It is possible for a wizard to be slain by goblins who collapse from his sleep spell at the end of the round.
Reaction Adjustment modifies the die roll to see if a character is surprised when he unexpectedly encounters NPCs. The more positive the modifier, the less likely the character is to be surprised.
Both Bignose and Strongarm dart forward and mange to avoid the snares set. The hooded goblin, however is not so lucky. She takes a step and suddenly finds herself yanked off her feet and pulled halfway up a tree. Through the dark you can see a giant bat swooping down towards you.
But some of you are quicker.
Round One of Combat
Initiative Groups
1. Jabrano, Malard, Trina, Maon
2. Goblins
3. Oren, Odilo
Also, do we recognise the voice?
Her fighting style is in stark contrast to her normally composed demeanour, wild and brutal, her swords describing broad arcs that exploit her inhuman strength.
Attack on Strongarm - (1d20+4)
(7) + 4 = 11
Attack 1 damage - (1d8+9)
(4) + 9 = 13
Attack on Strongarm (or the other one if dead) - (1d20+4)
(1) + 4 = 5
Attack 2 damage - (1d8+9)
(7) + 9 = 16
Attack on Strongarm (or the other one if dead) - (1d20+4)
(1) + 4 = 5
Attack 3 damage - (1d8+9)
(8) + 9 = 17
To recap, the goblins said CHARGE! Jabrano rushed forward and failed to hit, though the damage would have been glorious had she succeeded. There are two goblins rushing forward towards you with one on wolf-back. There is a goblin flying around on a giant bat, way above you. There is a goblin towards the mouth of the ravine caught in a snare.
Attack (to hit) - (1d20)
(8) = 8
Initiative Groups
1. Jabrano, Malard, Trina, Maon
2. Goblins
3. Oren, Odilo
Maon, who had prepared for a night-ambush by the goblins grins a dark grin and reaches out with a hand while invoking the whims of the fey. A sudden burst of glow erupts from above Bignose and Strongarm, and millions of pieces of glowing dust sprinkle down upon them and illuminate the two goblins. Meanwhile, from the side of the ravine, his giant spider companion crawls out and begins approaching the fight.
Those who take a second to pay attention notice that Stinkfoot, who had escaped the DM's notice when he (the DM) had last posted, had also been caught up in the snares. However, unlike the hooded goblin, it was his wolf that is now strung up! The poor smelly goblin jumps up and down with sword in hand trying to free his faithful steed! But try as he might, the wolf remains unhappily strung up! The hooded goblin also tries freeing herself, but finds that she lacks the core strength to pull herself up and cut at the snare.
From up on high, a giant bat swoops down upon the party, aiming at Malard who had taken to the fray. Both bat and rider attack on their pass before disappearing back into the night sky. While the goblin misses in his aiming, the bat does tear through the wizard's shoulder with its vicious fangs.
Round One of Combat
Initiative Groups
1. Jabrano, Malard, Trina, Maon
2. Goblins
3. Oren, Odilo
Trina HiS
Bignose Attack against Jabrano (AC 5)
Haggy Escape Bonds
Stinkfoot Escape Bonds
Strongarm Attack against Jabrano (AC 5)
Swoop Target
Swoop Attack against Malard (AC 6)
Giant Bat Attack against Malard (AC 6)
Grabbo Target
Grabbo Attack against Odilo (AC 10)
Giant Bat Damage against Malard - (1d4)
(2) = 2
First hit crits!
Attack/Damage #1 - (1d20+6, 1d8+2)
1d20+6 : (20) + 6 = 26
1d8+2 : (3) + 2 = 5
Attack/Damage #2 - (1d20+6, 1d8+2)
1d20+6 : (2) + 6 = 8
1d8+2 : (5) + 2 = 7
"We do not wish to harm any of you, stop your attack and tell your new chief that we are dead. You likely will not see us ever again."
Oren finishes his thought with a meaningful look to Grabbo.
He backhands the sneaky goblin then, in righteous anger, while summoning his arcane efforts.
"Sleep, and rid us of your presence for a while!"
Sleep - (2d4)
(42) = 6
Round Two of Combat
Initiative Groups
1. Jabrano, Malard, Trina, Maon
2. Goblins
3. Oren, Odilo
Trina backstab against Bignose - (1d20+4-1, 1d4*2)
1d20+4-1 : (7) + 3 = 10
1d4*2 : (4) + 2 = 6