1: Dovedale

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Jan 8, 2023 7:46 pm
no preference in order, near the front since I'm melee
Jan 9, 2023 8:48 pm
As the group begins their climb up the bank and towards the willow tree, they can see that the graffiti on the tree seems to be several generations of goblins carving their initials into the bark. Goblin footprints go right up to the back wall of the cave and just stop. When you stand still for a moment, you can hear someone snoring. The sound seems to be coming from behind the wall.

The cave itself has a very rough 15' diameter. An opening in the north side (to the left of the entrance, which exits to the west) seems to climb straight upwards, though it would take a very small individual to fit into this "chimney". A nearly imperceptible scuffling of rocks near the chimney catches your attention, and those that look can see Grabbo sneaking into the opening, and nearly squeezing inside.
For those that wish to try grabbing the goblin, please roll a Dexterity check. 1d20, with the target number being under your Dexterity score.


Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Jan 10, 2023 3:26 am
"Well, he's clearly home," remarks Malard. He makes a grab for him, and hopes that by stepping out from the line he isn't exposing himself to anything or anyone their "guide" might have alerted, whether accidentally or not.
Last edited Jan 10, 2023 3:26 am


Dexterity - (1d20)

(17) = 17


Jan 10, 2023 6:47 am
Need a 9 or less!



(7) = 7


Jan 10, 2023 6:49 am
"Home. Yes..." Odilo remarks wrily. One hand is rubbed against his nose, cleaning it out expertly, while the other is clenched firmly on the back of the goblins shirt.

"Home. But why the sudden rush, I wonder?"
Jan 10, 2023 9:59 pm
Trina also grabs for the goblin, managing to snag an arm. "Where are you going?!" she hisses.
Last edited Jan 10, 2023 10:05 pm


Dex roll (16) - (1d20)

(8) = 8

Jan 10, 2023 10:05 pm
The sky goblin is yanked back from the chimney and held firmly by both Odilo and Trina. Oren's mouth muffles any potential yelling. Once he stops squirming and is released, he wrings his little hands in embarrassment. "Grabbo just thought maybe he could get away from the tall'uns. Sneak away and be done with all this. Grabbo just wants to eat pie and have fun, not guide you all and anger the chief. But you're too fast for me." . His shoulders slump in defeat, and he points to a section of the wall, near to where the snoring sound seems to be emanating.
Edited to include Oren's roll.
Jan 10, 2023 10:06 pm
Oren tries to muffle his mouth while the others grab his limbs...


Dex 16 - (1d20)

(2) = 2

Jan 11, 2023 3:05 am
"Sorry, Grabbo, but we need you to get us where we're going," Malard says. "I empathize with the desire to simply be done with all this, as much as possible, we need your help. Get us where we need to go, and you go eat pie. Does that sound fair to everyone?"
Jan 11, 2023 9:51 am
All Grabbo has to do is scream and the game will be over and this turns into a lot of dead goblins and adventurers.
Jabrano kicks herself for not thinking to do this sooner. It's not as if they have given Grabbo any reason to be loyal.

"Look, Grabbo... Trust me, I want this to be over as much as you do. But if you bail on us now, it's just going to end in a lot of fighting. All we want is to free the blue lady. Tell you what... If you keep helping us the way you have been, I'll cut you in on the reward we're getting. Eight shiny gold coins. That's a hell of a lot of pies."
8 GC isn't actually cutting him in, she's just giving him half of her share.


Jan 11, 2023 12:55 pm
At a less tense juncture, Odilo may have been tempted to club the goblin senseless for the attempted blindside.

"Would that we all could be away from this place… Alas, we have matters to attend to. All of us, Grabbo."

It’s not as if Odilo had envisioned a delve into a stinking goblin hole for this week’s payment, but here he was.
Jan 12, 2023 9:13 pm
While Grabbo does not seem excited about staying with the party, the mention of many, many pies absolutely puts a light in his eyes. He stands a little straighter, and even his attention seems more focused. Looking at the wall, he calls out, "Oi, Stinkfoot, it's me Grabbo. Bringing some friends to see the chief!"

From behind the wall, someone is awakened with a start. A voice calls out, "You's doing something stupid, Grabbo, let me say it. But perhaps the chief will think other-like." A panel of wall slides out to reveal a tight entrance deeper into the ravine-wall, and a small nook where a particularly stinky goblin had been waiting. As soon as the panel opens, a waft of horrid smell emanates into the main chamber, nearly choking those present.
Jan 13, 2023 3:21 am
Can we see beyond Stinkfoot, or is it just a small alcove?
Jan 13, 2023 3:52 am
There is a passage behind the stone door, and Stinkfoot's nook is off of that. So yes, it keeps going.


Jan 13, 2023 10:18 am
A death funnel… Odilo things of the small space the goblin had led them to and then tried to leave them in.

"Like you said… bring us to the chief, Grabbo." and the wizard finally looses his grip on the creature, shunting him forwards to lead the way.

"Keep your eyes on that one." ye murmurs to the others, as they file passed the guard.
Jan 13, 2023 10:39 am
Yeah, no. We do not want to be anywhere near the chief. Take us to the blue lady instead, Grabbo.
Hang on, what time of day is it again? We're doing this during the day when the goblins should be asleep, right?


Jan 13, 2023 1:44 pm
Odilo lets out a deep sigh as Jabrano gives away his basic misdirect immediately.

"Let’s tell every goblin we meet about our true purpose here, shall we?" he mutters into his own long, beige sleeve.
Yeah, in my mind, it’s still relatively daylight! Happy to be corrected!
Last edited Jan 13, 2023 2:11 pm
Jan 13, 2023 2:09 pm
I thought we'd already passed by 'Stinkfoot (seriously, what age range was this written for?).


Jan 13, 2023 2:10 pm
Aha! That’s true. Makes total sense!
Jan 13, 2023 2:51 pm
It is daytime, and the goblins should be asleep. Even Stinkfoot was sleeping until Grabbo awakened him.
The passage continues about fifty feet in a straight line into the side of the ravine, then makes a sharp turn to the left to continue for another fifty feet. The dark tunnel ahead of you divides into smaller tunnels going in a dozen different directions. The crisscrossing tunnels form a confusing maze, with no sign of which way to proceed. The tunnels vary in size from full-sized passages to 3"-diameter holes. In the shadows at the limit of your torchlight, you catch fleeting glimpses of the scurrying shapes of large rodents.

Grabbo leads the way through these tunnels, stopping every so often to peer down passages or to seemingly measure the party before continuing. It's hard to judge time in these tight corridors, but after a nearly endless series of twists and turns, you finally emerge.

You are in a cavern that is at least 50' high and 120' in diameter. Flickering shadows caused by the dim fire burning in the central fire pit cloak the upper reaches of the cavern. Several tunnels lead off to other areas. A few ledges perch high on the cavern's walls. Off to the side of the central fire pit, a large iron birdcage is suspended about 10' off the floor by a chain the disappears into the dark shadows cloaking the ceiling. A small, blue-skinned humanoid huddles miserably on the floor of the iron cage.
Who's had the torch? If nobody, you will still have made it here, but perhaps with some bumps and bruises.
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