Maon Whelani says:
He looks off into the distance, in the direction of Iron Beak. He decides to ask his spider friend where he might find Iron Beak. He walks off into the treeline calling out to her.
The spider is right where Maon had left it, and is idly waiting on a web that it had created. A small bird seems to have been trapped and subsequently webbed and it slowly being processed. The spider looks in the druid's direction, but is currently unable to communicate with him. Not without magic, at least. And a thought crosses Maon's mind that spiders are not known for recognizing individuals, especially with their hyper-focused intelligence.

Grabbo shakes his head as the group discusses finding the goblin lair and taking it- and the nixie- by force.
"Bad idea, bad idea. Goblins are smarter and stronger than you think. If you try to attack, they'll be eating you for dinner!" Best you just find this owl like the chief says." It is clear from previous conversations that he thinks highly of his tribe, and truly believes that they are a force to be reckoned with.

The talking trout swims again to the surface, having had hid away while Gravelbeak was present. It seems visually focused on the shiny trinket, but it speaks to the adventurers nonetheless.
"I cannot believe I'm saying thi, but I agree with the goblin. They are stronger than you may think. But you also cannot take Baron Ironbeak! He is a beloved life in the forest, and a friend of mine when he visits. Perhaps thinking like a goblin would help here? Being sneaky instead of blunt?"