As the group sits back and watches, the child creeps forward towards the windowsill with exaggerated steps, emphasized for better sneaking. When he meets with no resistance, he swipes the pie and scampers off a short distance before plopping down into the dry grass behind a small wall that would protect him from being seen from the house. And that's when the group sees the child, Ben they assume, pull his face up over his head and begins devouring the pie with reckless abandon.
The goblin, now unmasked, kicks his feet with glee as he devours each and every baked berry (though many do end up on his face instead of in his mouth). It takes him a surprisingly short amount of time to engorge himself, and he tosses the empty tin to the side. Still kicking his feet, the goblin begins singing a little ditty in an ugly but childlike voice.

"Pie and mash, pie and mash
Loads of nosh for not much cash
Warms yer cockles fills you up
Wash it down with a good strong cup
Pour the moonshine in the pie
Come on fellah don’t be shy
Loads of liquor, lovely stuff
Us goblin lads can’t get enough."