1: Dovedale

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Oct 23, 2022 4:12 am
The sun is high in the sky, the tea and cookies are warm in your bellies, and the sound of goblins seems to be... well, missing from Mrs. Cog's kitchen.
You should describe what you're doing, and roll any proficiencies that are relevant. I'll make some general rolls in the background.
[ +- ] Nonweapon Proficiencies


Oct 23, 2022 6:58 am
Supping a little at the tea, both enjoying the warmth in his throat and cursing the steam’s tendency to make his nose full and wet, the wizard listens on. If the woman recognized him, she didn’t say.

Listening to it told, the problems in the area did seem like the work of a mischievous child, and not the work of goblins; at least not all of it!

Skilled in the ways of agriculture, Odilo wanders the farm to check on the produce, and try to reckon it the place is truly starved of water, and for how long. An opportunity, too, to get an estimation on the character of the children living and working here!


Agriculture 15 - (1d20)

(16) = 16

Oct 23, 2022 7:28 pm
Oren introduces himself to Mrs. Cogs and listens idly as the others ask their questions. Although he fancied himself ponderous Oren had no patience for investigation and once he had finished his tea he felt the road calling to him.

He wanders around outside as Odilo makes his observations and soon decides it is best to stay sharp, drawing his blade and shadow fighting a hitching post near one of the barns.
Oct 23, 2022 8:34 pm
Trina's face falls slightly at the mention that the payment will be one lump sum. It did indeed seem a small amount for such a task, but if it was all that they could afford, then that's what it must be. Perhaps they might find some supplemental funds along the way.
Oct 23, 2022 10:06 pm
Jabrano stayed with Mrs. Cogs for a while, helping cleaning the teacups and plates, or whatever needs doing.

"I didn't mean to come across so mercenary." she says her voice sounding very serious and earnest. "I know isolated farming communities like Ashbourne. It's the middle of summer. Harvest is in a couple of months, and the village's crops are wasting away as we speak. If you don't get the river restored quickly, you're looking at famine and people will die come winter. This is the kind of job I take on for free, or at least in exchange for the services of a healer and free room & board, should I require it afterwards."

And then, in a much lighter tone, she asks "By the way, do you know anything about that?" as she points through the window towards Tor's Cloud Peak.
She already knows it's the actual location of the goblin's lair, but she's curious what Mrs. Cogs will claim it is.
Oct 24, 2022 3:31 am
Malard decides to tie up his donkey, and then walk a perimeter of the farm to see if he can find traces of goblins. "If they're stealing, then they must have a way in. I can't imagine that goblins are smart enough to be able to cover their tracks," Malard mumbles as he wanders the farm.
Oct 24, 2022 5:46 pm
Gonna let umbraldragon post before I push on, considering it was Maon's idea to start looking around.
Oct 24, 2022 8:41 pm
Maon walks the property to see if indeed the water is turned off. He looks for irrigation and collection ponds to see how low they are at the same time looking for goblin sign. He wants to call his spider friend over to see if she's encountered any goblins, but he knows it could bring more trouble than it's worth. So he finds himself walking the property, deliberately looking for clues of foul play.
Oct 24, 2022 9:02 pm
Jabrano continues talking with Mrs. Cogs for some time, and she brings up Tor's Cloud Peak. The stern farmer is a little curious as to why it is being asked about, though she tells Jabrano what she knows. "Tourists often climb to the summit during the warm summer months, dodging sheep as they go. From the top of the peak, the view of the surrounding countryside is spectacular. I climbed it once in my youth, but have no time for such foolishness nowadays. Freak storms can sometimes hit the top of the peak. It can be sunny and clear one moment, then the next minute the wind starts whipping ice and rain down on your head. The storms have killed quite a few people over the years, mostly foolish tourists."
Both Maon and Malard traverse the Cog's property in search of any clue. It takes a bit of searching, but they are able to find the occasional footprint that does not appear to be human, though the dry soil does not allow for much of an imprint. If one were to guess, these would be goblin tracks, but neither are able to determine where they came from nor where they go.
Odilo wanders the fields for a spell, and considers the farm and water more so than the threat of goblins. It is clear that there is little water available, though the mage does not have a solid idea of how long the farm can last like this. If farmers are paying others to solve a problem, it is likely a dire situation. He sees several children working the fields and tending to animals, along with other adults that seem to be hired help of some sort. One boy of about six approaches the mage with a shy demeanor, and says to Odilo, "Are you the wiz... wizard everyone talks about? You have to help us! It's the goblins that are doing all these bad things, and I swear that I haven't done anything! One of the goblins dresses up like me and steals the pies and pushes the girls, and he won't stop even when I asked him to!"
Oren, in the midst of his duel with shadows and breezes, sees two young adults approach; truthfully, it is their shadows he sees first. The two, a boy and a girl, are dressed in leathers and have bows slung across their backs and daggers at their belts. This was the uniform of an unorganized militia if he had ever seen one. "Ello there, says the boy, likely Parsival. "Not much challenge when nothing fights back, is there," asks Petra?


Malard Search

Maon Search

Jabrano Rumors

Oct 24, 2022 10:17 pm
Oren sheathes his blade and wipes the sweat from his brow as he answers the youths.

"Hello young ones, before one can face a challenge one must be confident in their ability, such confidence comes from constant practice! Likely so with those bows you carry, I'll wager you weren't any good with them until many hundreds of arrows were loosed in practice, eh? I myself have spent one hundred years practicing with this blade, would you like to see the form known as the bladesong? I can make this steel sing a deadly tune with movement alone!"

Never one to miss an opportunity to show off, Oren takes several steps back and draws his blade. He takes a deep breath and then slowly begins the dance of the bladesong. Slow, perfectly fluid motions gradually give way to faster ones and soon the steel whistles an ethereal tune as the elven kata reaches its crescendo.
Oct 25, 2022 3:11 am
The sheer volume of footprints throws Malard off. "This is probably important," he thinks to himself and marks the area where the footprints to be better able to show the others. After he found the evidence though, he decided to return back towards Cog household to see what the others were up to.
Oct 25, 2022 3:25 am
Maon returns to the Farmhouse, disappointed, but still optimistic as he sees Malard approaching the house as well as Oren dancing about in a furious but graceful martial cadence that is his signature style. Maon admires his dedication to the form. Alas, he is not as strong or as agile as Oren, but it is good to know he is an ally, rather than an enemy!
Oct 25, 2022 4:01 am
The two militia youths are also impressed by the display, though they seem confused as to why Oren isn't singing with his Bladesong style. The whistling of the blade is lost on them. "With someone like you going into the Dalewold, those goblins won't stand a chance," declares Petra, blushing in a way a far-too-young girl is wont to do. Parsival seems too enthralled to notice.


Oct 25, 2022 1:26 pm
"Yes, that’s me!" Odilo dispensed with mock-flattery years ago. He had a job, like anyone else in the community, and it didn’t do to deny it to anyone!

"I’m the one that people come to for help!" he stoops down to take in the boy fully.

"So you’ve spoken to these goblins then? Asked them to stop! Yes, as you should have! Good manners, first and foremost!

Now… tell me everything you can recall about these goblins that are bothering you!"
he says with a reassuring smile!
Last edited October 25, 2022 1:26 pm
Oct 25, 2022 7:12 pm
The boy, given the invitation, begins blathering about the goblins he's seen. Ben, as it would seem, has seen a small handful of them- "It's hard to tell cause they look alike"- though he has only spoken with one, who seems to go by the name Grabbo. The interactions have been negative but not hostile, and only when the sun is setting or rising, never in the broad daylight.
Oct 25, 2022 9:41 pm
"Just curious" Jabrano offers as explanation for her interest in the Peak. "It looks... ominous on the horizon, and such places usually have all sorts of interesting stories and legends attached to them."

She considered what Mrs. Cogs had told her. She was hardly an expert in such matters, but the Peak, more a large hill really, didn't seem like it should have freakish weather like that. She would ask the druid and wizards about it later.

After saying goodbye to Mrs Cogs and thanking her again for the tea, she wondered around the farm, and talked to the people. She mostly asked about other strange happenings that seemingly didn't have anything to do with goblins at all.
Oct 25, 2022 9:59 pm
Trina does some snooping about the farmhouse perimeter, looking for tracks or other evidence of goblin incursion (or any other intruders, for that matter).
Oct 25, 2022 10:19 pm
Trina, a little behind Mallard and Main, finds nothing they had not already found. Goblin prints with no discernable beginning not ending.
Jabrano heads out to the fields to ask about any other strange happenings. In this, she comes across two stories. The first is from a worker who says, "The storms on Tor's Cloud Peak are caused by an insane air-elemental trapped in a rune circle on top of the mountain!" By the way he looks with slightly unfocused eyes, it could be the heat and thirst getting to him.

The second comes from a young girl of about seven who says, "A big, hair spider shouted at me while I was gathering mushrooms in the Dalewold. It leapt out from behind a tree and yelled, 'Put that down!'" She flails her arms about as she tells this story, likely trying to impersonate a big, hairy spider.


Trina Search

Jabrano Rumors

Oct 25, 2022 11:20 pm
cowleyc says:

The second comes from a young girl of about seven who says, "A big, hair spider shouted at me while I was gathering mushrooms in the Dalewold. It leapt out from behind a tree and yelled, 'Put that down!'" She flails her arms about as she tells this story, likely trying to impersonate a big, hairy spider.
Ha! funny. Nice visual!
Oct 26, 2022 2:24 am
"A big hair spider shouted at you...," echoes Malard. "Where did you see that, exactly?"
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