Discussions of all things green and gobliny are had over ales and food, and the evening turns into night. Ma Nettle's has room for all who can pay, and especially those who have provided aide for the locals as Odilo has done. Slowly the newly formed group, brought together by the vivacious Oren, finds themselves drifting off to sleep, content with the thoughts of money soon to come.
The map provided by Ned the gnome at Ma Nettle's Boarding House proves to be useful, as many of the paths are not heavily traveled or well maintained. Over the next day, the party finds themselves on road leading to Mrs. Cog's Farm. The sun shines brightly overhead, and the strong scent of earth and growing vegetation permeates the air. The road itself leads northwest for three miles from the boarding house to a junction leading to the Inn-on-the-Peak, then another half mile to the junction with the main road following the Dovedale River. From there, the road continues north, but the river itself is low enough to cross nearly anywhere.
Once on the other side of the Dovedale River, there are countless paths that seem to lead to the Cog's farm. It is still morning, nearing noon, by the time you make your approach to the farms in the area. You know that Mrs. Cog's is the furthest north and closest to the Dalewold, so these must be the neighboring farms. One man stands by a fence tending to some livestock. Looking at your dress and your direction, he quickly ascertains that you are heading to the Cog's in response to the goblin threat.
The farmer spits on the ground- not out of disrespect but rather lack of manners- and calls out to you.
"If'n you're heading to Mrs. Cog's, best watch out for that boy of hers! Ben Cogs is a quiet child, but he's a troublemaker. He's always filching things, lying, and pulling mean tricks on the other children. Just last week, he pushed Susie into a mud puddle and stole her lunch. Whenever Ben does something bad, the shameless lad refuses to take responsibility." Seemingly content with his warning, the man returns to his farmerly responsibilities.
I'll give anyone an opportunity to react to this man before continuing on to the farm.