With the hidden door jammed shut, the party rushes off back to the river in search of the nixie's home. With some urgency, they rush north as the sun sinks lower in the sky. They cross over a small footbridge one foot wide and thirty feet long. The bridge is painted a fiery shade of red, with small painted waterflowers dotted all over its surface. Despite its light contstuction, it seems quite sturdy as all cross. The bridge's beauty is marred only be a few goblin chew-marks on the east side, and a number of half-hearted attempts at graffiti, including
"Hah hah stupid fairy, we cot you," and
"This bridge tastes terrible."
Another half mile up the side of the river you come to a small spring. The water from this spring comes out of a 6"-diameter hole on the top of a roughly spherical 10'-diameter boulder. The resulting stream is 3' wide and 6"-8" deep, a mere trickle compared to what you assume to be the normal flow of the Doveale River. Above this point the riverbed continues on, dry as a bone. Unda urges you to continue on, as this not her spring nor her home. You must continue on.
You continue on for almost a mile before you reach what must be the source of the Dovedale River, at least in normal times. The high walls of the dale close about you, steep and gray. The walls surround a 30'-diameter pool shaded by tall willows and lithe maples. The pool is evidently quite deep, but the water level has visibly dropped. You can see where water normally flows out of the pool and into the riverbed of the Dovedale River, but now that channel is dry. Nestled among the trees on the east side of the pool is a tiny two-story cottage of white stucco, complete with a railed porch and a brick chimney. The cottage appears to be built for someone who is no more than 2' tall.

The nixie springs from Jabrano's shoulders and rushes towards her home. Before entering, she turns back to the group and speaks.
"I would ask one more favor of you, heroes. Stay for a day. Allow me to regain my strength, and protect me from Gravelbeak and his tribe. They have been scorned, and I believe they will seek vengeance. I am too weak to fight, and not strong enough to protect myself. And the sun is ever so low." Her words speak true, as it seems there would be one more hour before the sun sets. Time to prepare for the goblins, should you choose to stay.