1: Dovedale

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Feb 19, 2023 10:11 am
"And do you think they’d share the same distaste for killing you, or me? Or the boy framed for eating the pies? Would they share the same distaste for letting the valley run dry and barren, so that the tongues of the parched young folk were coarse enough to scrub goblin boots?

I suppose the villagers should heap their gold upon this merciful troupe. In thanks for… what exactly?"
Feb 19, 2023 6:34 pm
Oren seems confused by the phrasing of Odilo's statement but sorts it out with a little consideration.

"There is no doubt the goblins gave not a wit for the consequences of their actions, although I could say the same of many settlements I've visited in the realm of men but that is neither here nor there. We should not slaughter these prisoners because they are at OUR mercy, and we are merciful are we not? So, home or handed over?"
Feb 20, 2023 12:13 am
"I have asked for no reward, nor do I intend to. As to our prisoners, I find that mercy is a virtue, not a weakness. I should hope that the townsfolk will show enough common sense to use the prisoners to open talks with the goblins in hopes of coming to a mutual agreement, though I know this is a faint hope that any such agreement may be reached."
Feb 21, 2023 3:43 am
I'm not sure the villagers would risk further conflict by executing the goblins, but that is a possibility, Malard says. I fear that if we just abandon things as they are then the situation will be exactly as it had been before we arrived.


Feb 21, 2023 12:16 pm
With a heavy, defeated sigh, Odilo suggests:

"Why not see what the creatures want for themselves then? Wake them, and barter. Make them swear a vow. Make them… make them…" he says with a final shrug, letting the idea trail off into nothing.
Feb 21, 2023 2:08 pm
The votes are in!
Maon casts the dissenting vote, finding no reason to allow Chaos to live after it had caused so much hurt. But he is outvoiced by those who would rather allow the wronged town to handle the situation rather than they. Even Unda waffles between taking the goblins to the town or returning them to their tribe, but she is adamant about not slaying them in cold blood.

Grabbo continues to sleep, but the other goblin blinks when it is brought up that you should ask her opinion.
"If you take me back home, I promise we will stop bothering the town," she obviously lies. "And we will let you leave in peace. Oh, we will repent our wicked ways! But if you kill us, Swoop will have his vengeance! And it will be swift and you won't see him coming!" It becomes clear that this goblin prefers to speak for effect and to have an opportunity to lie.
Feb 21, 2023 4:48 pm
"Be sure to tell the townsfolk this when we give you over. You once lived in balance with the humans here, I hope for your sake you soon see the value of doing so again."
Feb 21, 2023 5:47 pm
"Swoop is coming for vengence," Malard says somewhat mockingly. "No matter what happens now, it's probably best we find someplace we can safely patch our wounds and rest." He preps his donkey for the trip back and invites the others to put at least one of the sleeping goblins across it's back. "My assistant shall be able to lighten your load," he says while gesturing at the beats-of-burden.


Feb 22, 2023 10:07 am
Seemingly satisfied, Odilo agrees.

"It’s not for heroes to solve every problem of the land. The people must have their own say on the matter; deal with them in their own ways."
Are we moving now? They attacked at… dawn? During the night?
Feb 22, 2023 2:07 pm
Oren drapes the sleeping Grabbo across the back of the mule with a nod of thanks.
Feb 22, 2023 2:34 pm
It was not long after midnight, as you had prepared for the assault at sunset and the goblins came shortly after. You know the town will be asleep, but can you really trust the goblins not to slip their bonds? Or will you take them to the town where it is easier to guard them?
Feb 22, 2023 3:55 pm
"Better to push on through the night I think, less chance for those that fled to remount an attack. Besides,"

Oren pats the rump of the mule,

"Plenty of time to sleep when we're dead, eh lads?"
Feb 22, 2023 4:31 pm
Malard agress with Oren. "This is true," he says. "Better to be done with this mess, and be off."
Feb 22, 2023 9:38 pm
Trina yawns deeply, but replies "Yeah, we should probably get them someplace where we can keep an eye on them."
Feb 23, 2023 3:44 am
It occurs to Oren that while the goblin who had been caught in the snare was tied, Grabbo was not. He quickly cuts a few lengths of rope from his coil and binds the little one's hands and feet as he sleeps across the mule
Feb 24, 2023 12:42 am
While the path back to the goblin lair (which is to the side of the main path) is only two miles away, making the journey in the dark is slow going. The donkey struggles in the dark, as do the two spellcasters. The trail is rough and uneven, and more than once do they stumble but manage to avoid injury. A little over an hour passes, and you find yourselves next to the willow tree marking the lair. Grabbo and Haggy both begin squirming upon seeing their home, but the knots hold them fast.
Do you continue on? Do you return the goblins to the tribe? Do you talk with them to see if they have a better idea?
Feb 24, 2023 1:19 am
"So it's decision time. Either we let them go, take them to the village, or you kill them and leave them on the doorstep." She emphasizes the "you".
Feb 24, 2023 1:24 am
"I feel that we have decided to turn them over to the villagers. They deserve to have a say in the justice of their land. The little one stole from them and all were involved in the draining of the river by way of making a hostage of an innocent nature spirit. To send them home without rebuke would be to remove all responsibility. I think we should ask that the village not execute them, but man must be allowed to manage his own affairs."
Feb 24, 2023 1:26 am
"Fair enough. I'm in for that." Trina crosses her arms.


Feb 24, 2023 3:18 am
Odilo nods at Oren the Exile. The heat of battle had died down, and the blood had simmered a bit since then. Tempers tapered away, and the wizard saw that Exile spoke sense.

"Yes. Agreed."
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