I thought the plan was
1) scout the goblin lair
2) challenge Gravelhook to a fishing contest
2b) acquire fishing gear
3) sneak inside the goblin lair to rescue the fairy while, hopefully, most of the tribe is watching the distraction
3) probably critically fail the first stealth check and self-defend the goblins to extinction anyway.
There is a bitter, angry pain in her voice when she replies to the druid's words. He seems to have hit a sore spot. "
Yeah, real bandit leader he is. You can tell by how the entire village is terrified of him, and all the burnt out ruins of farms we saw on the way here, and the heads of villagers left on spikes. If he were even remotely acting like a bandit I'd already have killed him.
But you're right in that I should go with the rescue team while you and Oren keep him busy. Oren can make the challenge in the name of, uhm, sportsmanship, or tightening the bonds between their peoples, or whatever, and as a supposedly unbiased priest of nature, you are ideally placed to act as an impartial judge.
As for the nature of this place? That that was damaged probably beyond repair long ago, by one of your own order. We're doing damage control, trying to clean up the mess he left".
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Later, en route towards the goblin lair, as Grabbo is pointing the way.
Hey, Grabbo, I was told by the priestess in the village that you guys live over there." she says as she points eastward, towards where Tor's Cloud Peak is visible on the horizon. "
Was she just full of it, or did you guys move, or what?"