dominion451 says:
Once Jabrano is ready, Oren, Grabo, and the Warrior walk out towards the chief with their hands visible before them. Oren addresses the king in his own language and bows at the waist.
"Greetings your eminence, I am Oren, exile of the Eternal Lands. As one descendant of the Faerie Wilds to another I salute you and acknowledge your sovereignty. Will you treat with us a moment? We seek an opportunity that would benefit both of us."The goblin chief, supposedly Gravelbeak, slows for a moment as the elf approaches with his companions. Seeing that there are only the three of them (including Grabbo), he sits tall atop his furry mount and strides forward. The other goblin, likely Fishbelly, scrambles to keep up and doesn't look as regal.

Chief Gravelbeak
In the goblin tongue, the chief speaks to Oren.
"Well met, Oren the Exile. I am Chief Gravelbeak, head goblin in the Dovedale and Dalewold. And Grabbo, it is strange to see you in such company. What is it that you would offer me that I cannot take for my own? What is this opportunity? If it is to return the state of the river, that will be done as soon as I have captured my prize." As he approaches, it is plain to see that he wears a scale tunic under his clothing, and bears a spear, short sword, and crossbow; contrasted with this is a fishing pole held in his hands, along with a small pouch with many beautiful feathers poking out from within.

The pale goblin on foot, Fishbelly, looks around suspiciously as if he cannot believe that a friendly delegation would be waiting to meet with them. He is not wearing the same outfit, and instead carries only a spear. Swimming in scaled armor would not be an easy feat for one so small.