As though on queue, several goblins come into sight of those with infravision, though those who do not are reliant on torches and lanterns... and the goblins remain out of that light intentionally. In the front is the goblin with the particularly large nose, and he appears furious. Behind him are Stinkfoot the sleepy guard riding a large wolf, a previously unseen goblin wearing a dark hood and wielding a crude crossbow, and a surprisingly muscle-bound goblin with a hammer. Chief Gravelbeak and his ugly wife are not present, nor do you see Grabbo, Fishbelly (who was present at the first meeting with the chief), or the talkative goblin riding the giant bat.

"You have cursed our chief with your nasty magicks! And for that we cannot let you escape," Bignose cries out to you.
"He has failed as chief, and we have chosen a new one! The old chief is still your friend, but fat lot of good that will do you while he is in the cage!" He and the strong goblin wield their weapons menacingly, though the silent, muscular goblin looks much more ready to charge into the fray. They stand at the entrance to Unda's enclosed area, just before the willow snares you had erected. It does not seem that they have noticed the snares as of yet.
Go ahead and roll initiative, using a 1d10. If you are equal to or lower than the goblins, you can act first! We won't be going as gritty as weapon and spell speeds, but I'll still be using individual initiative "groups". For example, if only Jabrano and Oren beat the goblins in initiative, then I don't care who posts first. PbP doesn't favor super-detailed initiative.
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