Jan 16, 2023 8:53 pm
I'm sorry, Grabbo. I guess somebody got sight of the end goal and decided to skip a couple of steps of the plan. But your friend is fine, Oren knows what he's doing. He's going to wake up in an hour or so without as much as a bruise.
She walks towards the cage.
"Yeah, truelly unfortunate we can't just apply brute strength to the matter..." Jabrano deadpans as she looks up at the cage. The Half-Orc stands seven feet tall. Reaching up she can easily reach eight feet high. She picks up the chair and places it under the cage. Nine feet. She figures she can close the distance in a jump easily.
She stands on the chair and jumps up, her fingers reaching for the bottom of the cage.
She walks towards the cage.
"Yeah, truelly unfortunate we can't just apply brute strength to the matter..." Jabrano deadpans as she looks up at the cage. The Half-Orc stands seven feet tall. Reaching up she can easily reach eight feet high. She picks up the chair and places it under the cage. Nine feet. She figures she can close the distance in a jump easily.
She stands on the chair and jumps up, her fingers reaching for the bottom of the cage.
Last edited Jan 16, 2023 8:55 pm
I'll just roll a D20 to save time. - (1d20)
(17) = 17