Just a note that I'm trying not to mistake modern values for Medieval ones. "They often take slaves for both food and labor. The tribe will have slaves of several races" "Goblins hate most other humanoids, gnomes and dwarves in particular, and work to exterminate them
whenever possible.
Ecology: Goblins live only 50 years or so. They do not need to eat much, but will kill just for the
pleasure of it. They eat any creature from rats and snakes to humans. In lean times they will eat carrion.
Goblins usually spoil their habitat, driving game from it and depleting the area of all resources." And this is why the druid would kill it outright, also didn't hear any interaction with the villagers and goblins only that they stayed on their side of the fence. That could be the work of rangers and druids keeping their numbers down. So, that's the reason Maon sees the idea of having any compassion for this evil creature as ludicrous. I'm not Maon, so please remember that...lol. Don't want to create a tense situation with you as players. Just understandthat this would be what I think Maon would do.