1: Dovedale

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Nov 6, 2022 4:31 am
The goblin had been looking between the individuals as they had argued their sides. He looked particularly unpleased with the prospect of being killed or left in a sack; both of these caused him to squeal with fear! But when Odilo steps in, he calms somewhat. "Grabbo doesn't know about the river, but maybe Chief Gravelbeak or the blue lady knows! You can ask them when we go to my home!"


Odilo Reaction


Nov 6, 2022 4:45 am
"The Blue Lady?" Odilo asks with some urgency.
Nov 6, 2022 4:53 am
"The blue lady," Grabbo says without the same urgency.
Nov 6, 2022 4:01 pm
Oren smiles at Odilo,

"I keep only the very best company the human lands have to offer my good friend!"

Seeing as how things look to be calming, the elf leaves to secure a stall in one of the barns that might serve as a functional jail cell for the night.
Nov 7, 2022 1:46 am
"The Blue Lady probably isn't a goblin, is she?" Malard asks. "She's probably very nice to all of you though, maybe?"

To rest of the group he says, "We're starting to have something of a breakthrough I think, and who would have thought it would have come from one stolen pie."
Nov 7, 2022 2:17 am
When asked about the blue lady, Grabbo shrugs a gobliny shrug. "The blue lady sits in her cage. I don't think she likes us very much. And I'm pretty sure she's not a goblin." It seems like the goblin is growing more comfortable talking with the group, though it casts a wary eye towards those who threatened it death.
Nov 7, 2022 4:52 am
Just a note that I'm trying not to mistake modern values for Medieval ones. "They often take slaves for both food and labor. The tribe will have slaves of several races" "Goblins hate most other humanoids, gnomes and dwarves in particular, and work to exterminate them
whenever possible.
Ecology: Goblins live only 50 years or so. They do not need to eat much, but will kill just for the
pleasure of it. They eat any creature from rats and snakes to humans. In lean times they will eat carrion.
Goblins usually spoil their habitat, driving game from it and depleting the area of all resources." And this is why the druid would kill it outright, also didn't hear any interaction with the villagers and goblins only that they stayed on their side of the fence. That could be the work of rangers and druids keeping their numbers down. So, that's the reason Maon sees the idea of having any compassion for this evil creature as ludicrous. I'm not Maon, so please remember that...lol. Don't want to create a tense situation with you as players. Just understandthat this would be what I think Maon would do.
Nov 7, 2022 5:04 am
I still say kill it and be done with it. But...do as you will. I harbor no ill will to you good friends we just see things in a different light. I care not that it stole a pie.
Just know if I catch this foul beastling eyeing your throats instead of the lady's pies, I will not hesitate to put an end to it.

Maon gives the Goblin a look of hatred before sheathing his scimitar.


Nov 7, 2022 12:18 pm
DM, might old Odilo know of any order, of wizards or priests, that take blue as their color?
Nov 7, 2022 3:00 pm
I'm sure there's a NWP out there for more information, but your character would know that wizard colors are chosen individually based on particular traits and attitudes. Blue could be curiosity or power, or something else. As for priests, that would be a Religion check, but priests of Aeroll (greater god of storms and sky) wear blue.
Nov 7, 2022 6:20 pm
Perhaps heraldry for The Blue Lady?


Heraldry (need 12 or less) - (1d20)

(2) = 2

Nov 7, 2022 6:25 pm
Oren thinks back through the vast list of heraldry he has memorized over the years of his travels, and he is very confident he has not encountered any for a "Blue Lady". Whoever this person is, it is unlikely that she is royalty, petty or otherwise.
Nov 7, 2022 11:33 pm
Jabrano relaxes when Oren intervenes and agrees to his proposal. "And please, it's just Jab."

She kneels down with Grabbo and relieves him of his blade. "Be nice and maybe you'll get it back when we're done" she tells him in Orcish as she tucks it into her belt.

"Tell us about this blue lady. Is she human? Why do you call her that. Why is she in a cage. How long has she been with the tribe?"


Nov 8, 2022 2:36 am
Have a thread here, maybe! Checking!


Religion - (1d20)

(2) = 2

Nov 8, 2022 3:01 am
Odilo had studied the religions of man and demihuman in order to better help those under his charge. In his time, he has heard of many deities and demigods who have gone by countless names and titles. There have been a few "blue ladies" in the scrolls he has read, but none that seem to fit any of this narrative. The last Blue Lady had been in the coastal lands, and claimed to be a vengeful goddess who wished to reclaim her rocky shorelands. It had not ended well for her.
Jabrano says:
"Tell us about this blue lady. Is she human? Why do you call her that. Why is she in a cage. How long has she been with the tribe?"
The goblin shrugs at all of Jabrano's questions. "She doesn't look human. She's too small. Like this one," he says, gesturing to Trina. "And blue. But maybe she's just really sad, living in that cage. She hasn't been there long, just since the chief took her." He squirms in his ropes, trying to get comfortable.


Nov 8, 2022 12:53 pm
"I had thought it could be a water priestess. It could explain the river. Pah! It doesn’t fit together. No matter." he says, dismissing the theory with a wave of his hand. Bringing his sleeve to his nose, he rubs deep, before stooping to the goblin again.

"Could you retrieve this blue lady? You are sneaky. Perhaps… in exchange for continue access to the farm pies in future?"
Nov 8, 2022 2:58 pm
Grabbo shakes his head emphatically. "No, no, no, no, no. I cannot take her from the chief. But I can bring you to her!" His widened eyes express a fear of his chief; a fear he was not willing to face for pies.
Nov 8, 2022 11:45 pm
I don't want to split us up, but I think we need to see what is holding up this river. It might have nothing to do with these Goblins. Ask it...ahem, ask Grabbo if they have anything to do with the river being diverted. The water has to go somewhere and it must create a large dam otherwise.

Perhaps they are following the orders of this blue lady. He thinks to himself...could it be some aquatic fey being?
Nov 9, 2022 4:19 pm
"I can't help but wonder if the lady herself isn't blue, and not her clothes," Malard says. "It's silly, but stranger things have happened."


Nov 10, 2022 12:50 am
"Indeed." Odilo agrees, his mind wandering to what he had heard said of Aquatic Elves. But he wondered if a single one had enough power to do this.

"Better to go at night, or at first light?" the wizard quizzes the Goblin further. He wondered if he ought to take the answer at face value, or to do the very opposite of what the sneaky goblin suggested.
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