Dec 7, 2022 11:57 pm
Maon backs away and heads back to the group. He hears Oren's reluctance.
Friends, it seems we must come to terms that what has happened here can cost many lives. If the people cannot harvest, they will have no stores for the winter. This means starvation in midwinter. I see no point in capturing any wild creature. It will only serve the Goblin's purposes, crude as they are. The question now is, which side will die because of our decision today? The Goblins by a bloody battle, or the villagers by slow starvation? One will surely happen and we at the fulcrum of time. We have till the morning to decide. Gravel bottom is expecting to torture an owl, and may decide to kill the water spirit. We do not know.
"One never knows how hungry a man is or what he is willing to eat."
That is an old saying that proves itself to be true. Whatever you decide, that will be sufficient for me. You have my hands and my scimitar.
Maon sits on a small boulder and lights his pipe all the while keeping his eyes on the group.
Friends, it seems we must come to terms that what has happened here can cost many lives. If the people cannot harvest, they will have no stores for the winter. This means starvation in midwinter. I see no point in capturing any wild creature. It will only serve the Goblin's purposes, crude as they are. The question now is, which side will die because of our decision today? The Goblins by a bloody battle, or the villagers by slow starvation? One will surely happen and we at the fulcrum of time. We have till the morning to decide. Gravel bottom is expecting to torture an owl, and may decide to kill the water spirit. We do not know.
"One never knows how hungry a man is or what he is willing to eat."
That is an old saying that proves itself to be true. Whatever you decide, that will be sufficient for me. You have my hands and my scimitar.
Maon sits on a small boulder and lights his pipe all the while keeping his eyes on the group.