1: Dovedale

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Oct 26, 2022 3:22 am
"Everyday?" the wizard remarks simply, wiping some wet from his nose and casting a suspicious, investigative eye over the boy as he speaks.

"Today?" he prods further, wondering if he might be able to capture one of the greenskins at sun-down.
Oct 26, 2022 1:00 pm
Phil_Ozzy_Fer says:
"A big hair spider shouted at you...," echoes Malard. "Where did you see that, exactly?"
The girl looks around to get her bearings. She finally points towards the forest, which is maybe half a mile away. "In there! Between the big tree with little leaves and the little tree with big leaves!"
KCC says:
"Everyday?" the wizard remarks simply, wiping some wet from his nose and casting a suspicious, investigative eye over the boy as he speaks.

"Today?" he prods further, wondering if he might be able to capture one of the greenskins at sun-down.
The boy counts on his fingers for a moment, then scrunches his face in thought. "Not every day! Just some days! And not today. Not yesterday. But... before yesterday! He came and I got yelled at for pushing Susie in the mud but I didn't do it!"
Oct 26, 2022 1:36 pm
Malard looks at the others silently and over to the trees that are being indicated. "Aside from tracking footprints, we have another lead," he says."What do you all want to look into first?"
Oct 26, 2022 3:22 pm
Oren rejoins the others now that their investigation seems to be concluding.

"Should we not follow the river and see where the stoppage is first? Could just be beavers! If not, we should be able to tell and I'm sure we will find the tracks of whatever is responsible."
Oct 26, 2022 7:49 pm
I assume that we've all shared the information we discovered?
"I'm with Oren. At this point I very much doubt goblins are involved at all.
The village priestess told me the goblin's lair is in or on Tor's Cloud Peak. The gossip we met leaving town said there weren't any goblins in the forest.

What we have here doesn't seem like goblin trouble.
We got a "goblin" disguising himself into Ben Cogs well enough people can't tell the difference. We got petty theft of sweets, pushing girls into mud...
And we got goblin tracks that don't seem to have beginnings or endings. We may have a talking fish and a talking spider. I'm starting to think we got shapeshifters or illusionists.

This is starting to sound like some faerie bullshit to me, like some pyxie or brownie is having some fun.

We're going to have to follow the river upstream sooner or later, but I don't think gathering more information at that inn would hurt.
Jabrano yawned.
"We could also spend the night here, take turns keeping watch, and see if we can catch something in the act..."
Last edited October 26, 2022 7:51 pm
Oct 27, 2022 4:30 pm
"You're both probably," Malard says. "I just can't help but wonder if the "hairy spider" doesn't have something to do with the issues described by Ms. Cogs. Perhaps we should look into that after the we return from our trip upstream."
Oct 27, 2022 6:58 pm
That's two votes for going upriver, and one for gathering info at the Inn before heading upriver.
Oct 27, 2022 8:30 pm
"I think that we should head upriver and see what we find. We can always deal with the goblin problem when we get back if the two aren't related."


Oct 28, 2022 12:48 am
"Leave it with Odilo." the Pauper mage tells the boy, with a wink, and a pat to the crown of his head.

"Stay out of anything that looks like mischief until we return." he commands, before returning to the others.
Finding himself parched, but feeling it wrong to ask for water, the wizard scratches at his throat, while the group discusses what to do.

"The boy claims…" he lets the word ‘claims’ hang in the air for a moment "… that one goblin in particular comes to cause mischief at sun-down. And that the boy has spoken with him at length. We could spring a trap, perhaps?"
Oct 28, 2022 2:17 am
"Aye Odilo, 'tis a fine plan. I feel you and Jabrano are on the right tack, if you'll pardon the sailor jargon. If we catch something tonight that's a plus, if not, I say we head out in the morn' and see what lies upriver. What say you lasses and lads?"

Maon find a moment to pack his pipe once again as well as a warm wooden chair on the stoop/porch. Forgetting that he doesn't have a flame, he mumbles under his breath and makes his way inside to find some fire for his pipe. He finds the hearth has some embers left and returns outside to share a bit of "Shire Gold" tobac with Odilo and anyone wanting a plug. He smiles to himself, enjoying the afternoon breezes.
Oct 28, 2022 3:41 am
"So shall we set a watch rotation and get some rest?"


Oct 28, 2022 12:25 pm
Odilo takes the offering graciously, and begins to puff at his own pipe.

"Seems to me…" he says, through big mouthy puffs "… to be the best plan." his nose has him speaking, smoking and breathing through the one hole in his face. It’s not easy work.

"Some tea and a sunset would be lovely. I do wonder if our presence has been noted by anyone, though."
Oct 28, 2022 4:07 pm
Things happened quickly, and Malard was content with the speed with which he and his new companions were willing to achieve their tasks. "A decent plan it is," he said. "We'll have to be careful not to put the child at risk. A hostage would be a terrible turn of events."
Oct 28, 2022 4:31 pm
Now where did I leave that Wandering Monster: Cute Little Farm table...?
If this is the plan, in which order would you like to stand watch?
Oct 29, 2022 4:51 am
Maon volunteers for the first watch, he wants to see the stars and hear the nightime insects sing to Ceranus.
Oct 29, 2022 5:02 am
"I would be happy to take the majority of the watch, sleep is of no use to me. I will take four hours to meditate before dawn, however."

Oren takes out his own pipe and shares in the proffered weed. As much as he was eager to get upstream he did like the sound of tea and the local inn was sure to have some interesting people watching opportunities.


Oct 29, 2022 10:43 am
"Perhaps I might join you for a spell." Odilo says to Oren the Exile.

"You’re legs travel faster than mine, and I’m certain there’s much to be heard from afar!"
Oct 29, 2022 1:19 pm
When the group proposes to Mrs. Cogs that they would like to camp out on the property and see what they can find at night, she is hesitant at first but relents. It is clear that she finds it to be a waste of time, when the goblins live in the Dalewold, not her farm! But she begins preparing a dinner for her family and her guests, as well as baking a pie. Hours pass as the group continues their search and setting up their resting site, tucked away from prying eyes. The long summer day begins to turn into a short summer night as everyone heads to their homes or beds, but this is the time that you have been waiting for. The dusk is quiet, with only the sounds of birds and the smells of the pie.

It isn't long before you see Ben, the child blamed for all the mischief, creeping around the farm. You know for a fact that he should be in his own bed at this hour, as assured to you by Mrs. Cogs herself. Though the child is creeping along a wending path, it is clear that he is looking at that pie as a destination and prize. So far he has not spotted you.
The sun is setting and the sky is darkening, but you all can still see this happening. It is not night yet, and this all happens during your first watch.
Oct 29, 2022 4:22 pm
"Shall we let him take it, and see what happens?" Malard asks. "If it weren't for the goblins I'd be amused by this behaviour, but since they're about, I feel it might be a bit of issue. He may be more problematic than a mere scamp."
Oct 29, 2022 5:54 pm
"Yes, by all means let us catch the lad in the act."

Oren cannot decide if the child is to be admonished or admired. On the one hand, he was clearly a liar and potentially stirring up trouble beyond his reckoning. On the other hand... Oren liked liars. He fancied himself a teller of tall tales as well.
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