GAME CHAT 2 Salvation Hotel

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Oct 17, 2022 2:11 pm
Madclergy says:
Sorry Legends, I meant how much should I deduct for buying everyone a round at the Gray Beyond.
Oct 17, 2022 3:53 pm
_Tripp__ says:
Madclergy says:
Sorry Legends, I meant how much should I deduct for buying everyone a round at the Gray Beyond.
Awesome Thanks!
Oct 17, 2022 6:25 pm
_Tripp__ says:
Finishes his glass of wine looks at Gabrielle and tilts his head to the side. "Would you like another glass of wine on me? I do so find the tales of travelers fascinating. If you will indulge me. Are these people your friends? Are you working together as a salvage crew or something else?"
Gabrielle waits until Aurion drinks from his first glass before she sips from hers.

"I haven't quite finished; perhaps in bit," says Gabrielle. She takes another mouthful. "This is quite good, though, thank you. To answer your question we're only newly acquainted, the lot of us, but we are working a job, yes."
Oct 17, 2022 7:52 pm
Plum says:
_Tripp__ says:
Finishes his glass of wine looks at Gabrielle and tilts his head to the side. "Would you like another glass of wine on me? I do so find the tales of travelers fascinating. If you will indulge me. Are these people your friends? Are you working together as a salvage crew or something else?"
Gabrielle waits until Aurion drinks from his first glass before she sips from hers.

"I haven't quite finished; perhaps in bit," says Gabrielle. She takes another mouthful. "This is quite good, though, thank you. To answer your question we're only newly acquainted, the lot of us, but we are working a job, yes."
Aurion Stilts
Pours himself another glass of wine from the same bottle and takes a sip. "Will you be heading into the Grey for the first time then?"
Oct 17, 2022 10:56 pm
Ovak just got her business done with the short thang and headed off to check the room before coming back down to relax a bit. She says in Goblin to Moisie, "I wouldn't trust that gnome any further than I could throw him." and it is obvious that she could probably do just that.
Oct 18, 2022 3:29 am
Malbor looks for a way to approach Aurion without being surrounded by too many people.
"A single room if you please and something to eat."
Malbor pays him quickly, trying not to engage with the others if he can help it. He looks for a table with the least amount of people possible and eats in silence, keeping an eye (and ear) on the goings on.
Last edited October 18, 2022 3:30 am
Oct 18, 2022 4:02 am
_Tripp__ says:
Pours himself another glass of wine from the same bottle and takes a sip. "Will you be heading into the Grey for the first time then?"
Gabrielle finishes the last of her first glass.

"Some of us are more experienced than others, I think," she says. "It'll be the first time for some of us."
Oct 18, 2022 4:09 am
Ganesh says:
Malbor looks for a way to approach Aurion without being surrounded by too many people.
"A single room if you please and something to eat."
Malbor pays him quickly, trying not to engage with the others if he can help it. He looks for a table with the least amount of people possible and eats in silence, keeping an eye (and ear) on the goings on.
Aurion Stilts
Turns to Malbor and and raises an eyebrow, "It so happens I have a few single rooms available. It will cost you four silver pieces. I have onion squirrel soup and bread for five copper pieces."
Oct 18, 2022 4:19 am
Plum says:
_Tripp__ says:
Pours himself another glass of wine from the same bottle and takes a sip. "Will you be heading into the Grey for the first time then?"
Gabrielle finishes the last of her first glass.

"Some of us are more experienced than others, I think," she says. "It'll be the first time for some of us."
Aurion Stilts
Turns back towards Gabrielle looks down for a moment then looks Gabrielle in the eyes. "Many that go into to the Grey never return. A good night's rest will help. To show my appreciation the chat you may have a single room tonight and the night of your return for free."
Oct 18, 2022 4:29 am
_Tripp__ says:
Turns back towards Gabrielle looks down for a moment then looks Gabrielle in the eyes. "Many that go into to the Grey never return. A good night's rest will help. To show my appreciation the chat you may have a single room tonight and the night of your return for free."
Gabrielle looks pleasantly surprised for a moment, and then bows her head in a gesture of gratitude.

"Again, thank you for your great generosity," she says. "That's very kind. I should be off to bed, actually. It was a long ride on the lightning rail and we have an early start."
Last edited October 18, 2022 4:48 am
Oct 18, 2022 4:59 am
Aurion Stilts
Aurion looks about the room then says, "The kitchen and bar is closed, see you in the morning."
If there is anything anyone wants to do at this point let me know otherwise I will assume you have retired to your rooms for the night. Game Chat 3 is locked until everyone has a chance to respond.
Oct 18, 2022 5:02 am
Gabrielle accepts the key to her room and sleeps soundly, with a dagger under her pillow.
Oct 18, 2022 5:11 am
GeneCortess says:
Ovak just got her business done with the short thang and headed off to check the room before coming back down to relax a bit. She says in Goblin to Moisie, "I wouldn't trust that gnome any further than I could throw him." and it is obvious that she could probably do just that.
Moisie replies in Goblin, "I’d like to see that. My mentor once told me, ‘The bigger the smile, the sharper the knife.’ "

She gives her best attempt at a friendly smile to Aurion, says good night and joins Ovak. Once in their room, She flops unceremoniously onto the bed, kicks off her shoes and stretches her little legs. Staring at the ceiling she says, "They seem like a good lot, Ovak. What’s the plan for this ‘Grey’?"
Last edited October 18, 2022 5:15 am
Oct 18, 2022 5:13 am
Malbor has some food and then retires to his room for another night of fitful dreams.
Oct 18, 2022 11:37 am
Mordaky ordered a meal of the onion squirrel soup, not wanting to sleep on an empty stomach, and just had a cup of water with it. He didn't know what tomorrow would bring but he hoped he could get to know this lot a little better, after all he may be fighting for his life in this Grey, or was it the Mournland? It usually wasn't a good thing when a place had more than one name, at least in his own mind that built up the mystery, and possibly spoke of it's dangers. He was glad to have his blade, and his armor, but would they be enough?

Upon finishing his meal Mordaky retired to the room and found a bunk among the others, having opted to not get a private chamber. He doffed his armor and cleaned it and his blade, then set out his clothes at the foot of the blade, his boots on the floor next to him, and then tried to get some sleep, despite his nerves. "One, two, seven, winner" he repeated softly to himself, a habit he'd picked up after a particularly vivid dream seemed to foretell a win on the dice in the past, just one of his many gamblers superstitions.
Oct 18, 2022 1:57 pm
Malbor Perception Check at Disadvantage.
Remember you get a free reroll once a week if you have not used it this week
Oct 18, 2022 7:07 pm
Kata lingers with any who stay up for food and drink, just quietly enjoying their presence. Though she does eventually sleep.
Last edited October 18, 2022 7:07 pm
Oct 18, 2022 9:37 pm
Strange. I posted and don't see it. Grrr...
Ovak replies back, "Well, tomorrow we will see who has the moxy to last. I hope we don't loose anyone. Mournland is like that. Rest well today as tomorrow we need to be alert."
Oct 18, 2022 10:21 pm
GeneCortess says:
Ovak replies back, "Well, tomorrow we will see who has the moxy to last. I hope we don't loose anyone. Mournland is like that. Rest well today as tomorrow we need to be alert."
Moisie nods in silent agreement and goes about making up her bed for the night. She places her shoes and pack next to the bed for quick access, then places her axe at the headboard within reach. She curls into a tiny ball under the blanket. "G’nite Ovak." and is promptly snoozing away.
Oct 18, 2022 10:43 pm
Fredo says, "G'night, Malbor! I hope you have a restful sleep."

He then pays and shuffles into his room for the night, and gets a nice, good rest.
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