Damir looks left to right, then to the folks who have already started to abandon their duty and gather around as to hear what the commotion is about.
Instead of adding to the brewing conflict, he takes a step forward - in between the two contestants. He turns to look at the woman and smiles brightly.
"We don't mean to threaten you or yours, good Belle.
On the contrary, we've just saved one and want to aid the rest.
Why don't we postpone this and say our farewell,
to the fallen lad. Then it's your hospitality that I request."
He then puts a hand on his angry friend's shoulder, tosses Ognimir a warning glance - no need to escalate just now! - and continues.
"It's not only Yoblora that has suffered a loss today.
Tempers rise high, lady Belle, but we'll hold them at bay -
for now."
Last edited December 10, 2022 7:39 pm