Chapter 19 - This means war

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Nov 14, 2022 10:39 pm
Let's take a step back to the night before this phone call...
Johnny says:
Midnight. The importance of the time struck Johnny and he rolled over in bed and pulled out the grandfather's journal from under his mattress and a charcoal pencil from the nightstand. He flipped past the sketch of him, Alana and Logan in the backyard. He felt a pang at the innocence of the sketch before flipping to a fresh page and started sketching a new picture. This one all harsh with thick lines; the blocky outline of Chet's face scrawled onto the age-yellowed page. He paid special attention to the hate-filled, callous eyes, the dark streaks of black under them from the broken nose Johnny had given him and the dislocated and swollen nose between them.
As he drew, Johnny felt something weird, like a rush of energy from the journal. It was not the first time he had felt it, but never was the sensation stronger than in the heart of this summer night. He held his breath, focusing on the wind-like feeling moving his hair - flapping the strands still long, but barely moving the short stubby ends mutilated by Chet.
His hatred for Chet, reflected in those odious eyes on the page, surged within him like an unstoppable tide. He had to stop his hand from adding more lines, from darkening more shaded areas.

The moment he did that, a charcoal-dark tendril of energy extended from the page with a fizzing sound! The tendril shot towards the edge of the room, with a finality of direction that meant it knew exactly where to go. A powerful, accusing finger of blackness in search of a target.
But then, it slowed down and froze, in a motion that made Johnny think of a jet of water released with great pressure, but that freezes for an extreme drop in temperature. The tendril stayed crystallized in mid air like a mirage, then dissolved into thin dust.

Johnny remembered to breathe. Was it Chet, that the strange energy had sought and failed to find? What would have happened, if Chet had been within reach of the tendril? And did Johnny cause the energy to shoot out?

Johnny had felt before, and now knew with the certainty of unwavering belief, that Edd's journal held great power. A power that he had to learn to tap into, to channel and mold.
Nov 14, 2022 11:00 pm
back to the NOW
Nov 15, 2022 2:43 am
From my side, we can skip ahead to when we meet up
Nov 15, 2022 4:42 am
I'd be okay with skipping ahead to that point as well.
The Midnight Hour
After the brief interlude passed, he wondered if he'd imagined it all. A figment of his stress and high emotions from the attack earlier in the day or maybe some weird left-over trace of the Fulcrum bring in the house for a few days. Any explanation would do but he just somehow knew it was him and through his connection with the old journal he'd made whatever happened...happen. He was afraid of whatever this new thing, this impossible thing, might be. Gulf Haven had opened a door into what he used to consider 'the impossible' and it made him wonder about all the weird old stories he'd heard or been told and if they might be real too... If so, Solomon Black wasn't the worst thing out there.
I think, if this were a TV show or movie, there'd be like drums and flutes playing in the background when he used the Notebook. That's usually standard fare when Natives get all "mystical" 🤣

As an aside, one of the better treatments of the weird side of Native life and mysticism has got the be the Hulu original show Reservation Dogs. Idk what service it might be on in Europe (if any) but it's a great show and definitely worth a watch. 2 seasons ~10 episodes a season with some really great writing.
Nov 15, 2022 9:40 am
Reservation Dogs: thanks for the recommendation, looks cool - on Disney+ here in the UK
Nov 16, 2022 12:58 am
going to briefly post Logan's phone call with Alana (well, Logan's side of it!) then we'll move to the Mall encounter
After hanging up with Johnny, Al calls Logan.

Ellen, L's Gramma
"Oh, hello Alana dear! Good of you to call... Logan's got such a long face, hearing your voice will cheer him up, I'm sure! Stay safe, dear..." she steps away from the handset. "Loey! Phone for you!"

Logan answers a few moments later, in a lugubrious tone. "Hey Al. How are you keeping? Shitty day yesterday, huh?... I'm still rattled. And so... angry at those bastards..."

When he hears about meeting at the Mall, he hesitates.
"Er... actually Al, I don't think that's a good idea... I think I'd just lead Solomon to you... the sonofabitch got me in a corner, stealing that bracelet. I can't... I'm no use, until he can see my every move... heck there's birds looking at me as we speak... they're driving me nuts!" he hits something hard in frustration.

"And Chet working with Solomon makes this situation MUCH worse than it already was..."

He sighs loudly, "tell me, how's Johnny doing? Never seen him so upset... what a shitty thing to do to someone..."

Alana "Al" Patterson


Nov 16, 2022 2:22 am
"But Loey!" Al argues. "You need to be there. How else are we going to figure out how to solve your bracelet issue?" She thinks for a bit. "Okay, how about we come meet you at your place afterwards if you don't want to come?"

When he asks about Johnny, Al says, "He sounds alright. We just talked on the phone and he said it was all okay. I bet he's still really upset, though. I'm hoping he'll feel better after we meet up."
Alana "Al" Patterson
Nov 16, 2022 7:24 am
"Yeah, we could do that... Or maybe you had the right idea, phoning me... Those damn birds cannot intercept phone calls... Can they?"

Alana "Al" Patterson


Nov 16, 2022 7:29 am
"I don't think so. Unless they have ears in their feet when they sit on the phone lines." The thought makes Al laugh for a moment. "I'll meet Johnny and then we come see you." She hesitates for a moment, then she adds, "But if you make fun of me, I'm going to punch you or something."
I'm happy to move ahead to the meeting
Alana "Al" Patterson
Nov 16, 2022 7:32 am
@witchdoctor Edd's journal is now charged with 10 power points. You'll have to draw in it to attempt to use a power (but it will be an Arcane roll instead of a Drawing one)
Nov 16, 2022 9:00 am
Logan closed the phone call mentioning that he knew from his Mom that the Sarge had visited Chet's and the other toadies' families the night before, but that the bullies had not returned home.

Angela, A's Mom
Before leaving home, Al's Mom made her swear to stay in crowded areas, and had a million more recommendations.

At the established time, Alana and Johnny head to the pride and joy of all Gulf Haven's shoppers... Loud, colourful, and 100% consumeristic!
Johnny's messy haircut turns more than a few heads, for the wrong reasons...

Alana "Al" Patterson


Nov 16, 2022 10:17 am
Al feels weird going out with her new haircut. It just feels so different, with so much weight off her head, no more hair tickling her back when she moves her head and actual air - not that there is much wind currently - breezing around her neck. She considers borrowing one of her dad's hats but decides against it because she doesn't want to show any insecurity about her haircut to her mom.

She says goodbye to Ripper and tells Benny to take good care of the puppy while she's gone, but Benny still ignores her, clearly uncomfortable with the big change to his sister's appearance. Still, Al decides to give him a big hug before leaving.

At the mall, she keeps looking around into everyone's faces, expecting them to all stare at her. But actually, nobody really seems to care. She does notice a curious look from the young man running the candy store when she passes by it, as the man is probably trying to figure out if this really is his regular customer. She makes her way to the bench where she and Johnny agreed to meet but rather than sit down, she lurks around it, trying to blend into the crowd as she wants to see Johnny before he sees her. As she waits, she wonders what he looks like now. She can't really imagine him with short hair.
I'll leave it up to witchdoctor whether Johnny spots Al or not. I'll just make a roll if you want to use that 💁‍♀️
Alana "Al" Patterson


Stealth - (1d6, 1d6, RA)

1d6 : (2) = 2

1d6 : (5) = 5

Nov 16, 2022 3:34 pm
Johnny loaded his backpack and grabbed his board on the way out of the house through the garage. He called out to Charlene, if she was even home, to let her know where he was headed. He paused a step outside the garage door after glancing at his board, the now deep brown colored spray of dried blood just behind the board's front trucks flashed back memories of the previous day uncomfortably into Johnny's mind. Banishing the intrusive thoughts, and already running late, he dropped the board and hopped on for the ride across town to the mall.
He caught a few long glances at home as he rode by pedestrians on the street. A guy with long hair wasn't that unusual in this day and age but his new impromptu style certainly caught casual attention easily enough. It might've looked a little "punk" given the length on one side and rudely hacked shortness on the other.

Popping up the skateboard and sliding into the bustling, yet thankfully air conditioned, mall Johnny kept his eyes down and headed towards the benches around the food court where he expected to meet Alana. While he looked for her face in the crowd he also scanned it for any of the faces of Chet or his gang. It might've been paranoia but it was also sensible.


Notice * - (1d6, 1d6, RA)

1d6 : (5) = 5

1d6 : (1) = 1

Nov 16, 2022 3:38 pm
His eyed had to have slid past Alana a couple of times before he registered her as her. Given everything that had happened recently he approached hesitantly. Alana? he stammered, eyes glued to her hair...or lack thereof. Dud I skip into an alternate dimension or did I get hit harder than I thought? He swallowed hard, contemplating the implications of what she'd done to her hair and why. It looks really nice!

Alana "Al" Patterson


Nov 16, 2022 3:52 pm
Al startles when Johnny addresses her. She hadn't spotted him yet. "Johnny!", she says, then she looks briefly confused. "You... didn't get your hair cut yet. Did you not get an appointment yet?" She then touches the ends of her short hair. It still feels so weird.
"You really think so? Benny hates it and I'm still not completely sure." She then quickly puts on a smile. "But I felt like it was time for a change, you know. And you always said it looked ridiculous and poofy anyway."
Alana "Al" Patterson
Nov 17, 2022 1:43 am
No. I decided not to cut it and just leave it as a reminder. Johnny said, distractedly as he couldn't pry his eyes from Alana's new hairdo. Your hair looks good but it's definitely a big change... I don't think I ever said it was ridiculous. You have curly hair and a lot of it so it's gonna be poofy but it didn't look bad at all. he started to feel a bit guilty but couldn't honestly remember a time where he'd specifically said anything bad about her hair. Did you get it cut because you wanted to get it cut or for another external reason? Johnny didn't exactly trust that Alana's smile wasn't hiding something deeper. Ultimately, it was her decision what to do with her own hair but he hoped it wasn't a reaction to the attack by Chet and his gang. They'd threatened to go after her hair next and he wondered if it might be a preemptive move in Alana's part to cut it.
How's Logan? he attempted to divert the conversation.

Alana "Al" Patterson


Nov 17, 2022 2:03 am
"I, uhm, I mean, good," Al replies to Johnny's explanation about his own hair. "I tried to imagine you with short hair and I just couldn't. And I guess... I guess this looks pretty good as it is. You look a lot more like a rebellious punk than before." She smiles at him again but there is something else in there. Al didn't want to show it but after cutting her hair in solidarity with him, she now feels a bit weird knowing he didn't actually cut his hair. The gesture still counts! she tells herself.
"Well, I do think this looks kind of nice," she then replies evasively. "I've had long hair since I was really small. Smaller than Benny even. So it was time for a change. I also..." She stops herself and doesn't finish the sentence.

"Logan is really scared," she then tells Johnny. "He won't leave his house without the bracelet. And there are lots of birds around his place, he says. I promised we'd go see him later." She swallows and reaches out a hand to the mangled side of Johnny's hair. "Can I... Can I touch it?" she asks him nervously.
Alana "Al" Patterson
Nov 17, 2022 4:04 am
Yeah, it's fine if you touch it. Johnny smirked. Your short hair is definitely gonna take some getting used to... You look, I dunno, like more responsible. Maybe your Mom will take you more seriously now when you tell her stuff. That much Johnny sure couldn't guarantee but Alana looked a lot more 'her age' with the new 'do so maybe it couldn't hurt.

So... I kinda discovered something last night. Johnny switched gears and hesitated for a moment before pulling out his grandfather's journal from his backpack. I was drawing stuff to work through my anger and ... something happened. Something weird. He switched to hushed tones as he slid the book over to Alana, open to the disturbingly violent sketch he made of Chet the night before. It was like the drawing was trying to 'reach out' to Chet maybe.
Or maybe I was tired, angry and crazy.

Alana "Al" Patterson


Nov 17, 2022 5:14 am
Al touches the messed up ends of Johnny's hair and brushes her hand through them. It feels weird, with the mismatched lengths. She then pulls her hand back. "I think this looks cool. And just leaving it like that rather than cutting it all off..." Al's smile grows more genuine. "That's so you!"

She listens to his explanation of what happened last night. "Was it like when you drew Solomon? Can you do it again?"
Alana "Al" Patterson
Last edited November 17, 2022 9:01 am
Nov 17, 2022 8:54 am
Meanwhile Logan, restless for his forced confinement, asks Anna to help him with barring some windows.

"Birds are back," he says. "They might attack again, we'd better..."

Anna, L's sister
"better what?" she says, seeing her brother stop in his tracks and stare at her.

"A crow, or raven, or whatever... Ripped my braclet off. But you still have yours!"
He rushes to her. "Let me borrow it, Anna! I wanna try something..."

Anna, L's sister
"Wait wait... Birds are all around the house. I'll need that..."

"If this works, we can share the bracelet. If we go out one at a time..."

His sister humors him and gives him the bracelet. With no hesitation, Logan takes a pocket knife and pricks his finger, then spreading his blood on the tattooed leather of the bracelet.

He cautiously rushes to the front porch, and heads straight to a fence where some black birds are perched.

The birds sense something and turn in his direction.

Logan slowly walks.around the house towards the garage. The birds flap down from the fence, making a confused attempt at following, but then seem to lose his 'scent' and start to scatter, unfocused.

Yes! It's not as strong as my bracelet was, but it seems to confuse them a little! He thinks triumphantly...
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