Chapter 19 - This means war

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Nov 18, 2022 3:46 am
No. Not like when Black made me draw him. This was me. I put my hurt and anger in the page and wanted to do something. Johnny kept his voice low as if to avoid being overheard. I think I can do it again but there's emotion involved. I'd really have to want something to happen to a specific person for it to work, I think. He hoped he didn't just sound totally mental but out of everyone he knew he figured Alana might believe him. Maybe Black unlocked this...whatever it me when he made me draw him. Or maybe because I had the Fulcrum near me for so long. I made the Ajewia, the water monster, so maybe it did this too.

Alana "Al" Patterson


Nov 18, 2022 5:58 am
"My friend is being turned into a monster!" Al says. "So cool. Just be careful not to grow horns or I will have to hunt you!" She grins at that but then the thought that the fulcrum might actually do something like that starts to seep in. "Maybe you should let me hide it for a while," she suggests. "Get it away from you. But you should definitely try to practice your drawing powers. Maybe you're like a wizard or something."
Alana "Al" Patterson
Last edited November 18, 2022 6:27 am
Nov 18, 2022 6:24 am
Horns might be cool though. Johnny joked back, at least he hoped she was joking. There's way too many people in your house that could get hurt by something if the Fulcrum acted up again. he shuddered at the possibility and how lucky he and his aunts had been that the Ajewia had left the house before it became dangerous. I hid it in that hole you and Logan told me about yesterday at the pier. a dark cloud of emotion passed over his face for a moment. You know... before we went to give Eddard the money and we fought with Chet and his gang... Let's leave it out there where it won't do any harm, I hope. Deer Lady or Bigfoot would be about the only things I'd be worried about out there.

Alana "Al" Patterson


Nov 18, 2022 6:35 am
Alana "Al" Patterson
"Bigfoot with the fulcrum would probably be a worthy opponent for Solomon," Al grins. "Maybe that's what we should do! We let the thing create a whole bunch of monsters like the ajewia and then we make them fight Solomon. That would be so cool!"
She pauses to consider this idea for a moment. "But then again, what if he can control them? That would be less cool." With a thoughtful expression, she adds, "I just hope Eddard will get those plants soon so we can cast the spell." Then, more cheerful again, "I have a bit of pocket money. Should we get ice cream?"
Nov 18, 2022 2:44 pm
Meanwhile, in another part of town we find Beverly, standing in front of a pinboard-mounted map of Gulf Haven and surrounding areas. Some coloured pins protrude from the map.

Bev is an 11-year-old brunette girl with an insatiable curiosity and a knack for taking stuff apart and reconfiguring it in bizarre ways. She also fancies herself as a bit of a mystery solver.

The media coverage of the strange bird behavior around Gulf Haven has not gone unnoticed by her. But something tells her the Sheriff and his 'experts' are on the wrong track.
[ +- ] Media on Bird Incidents
She also recently read about a bunch of local kids in the same 'line of work' from a newspaper article.
[ +- ] The Article
She was surprised to notice Cody Brewster's name in the piece. That guy lives in the same trailer park as Bev and her Grandma, and is usually a lot of trouble.
@Dunko give us your intro to the character. Where is Bev, and how is she going about tracking the unnatural gatherings of birds?
Welcome to the Monster Hunters Club!
Dr_B sent a note to Dunko
Nov 18, 2022 2:47 pm
Yay, welcome Dunko/Beverly
Nov 18, 2022 3:37 pm
Welcome, Dunko/Bev!
Nov 18, 2022 10:06 pm
Beverly Evans refolds the newspaper and tosses it on her bed. "Cody Brewster's a hero?". Incredulous.

Bev looks at Harald, sticks her index finger in her mouth and mimics gagging. Harald stares at her, from behind the glass of his tank, unblinking.
[ +- ] Harald's Unblinking Stare
She hops up from her bed and paces her small bedroom, studying the map she's hung on her corkboard. She stops, and hand on chin examines the pins she's poked round the representation of the town. What would Encyclopedia Brown see...?

She moves toward the map, squints, then pokes a spot with finger. "There, Harald. The lake."

Bev nods then gets down on her hands and knees and pulls two things from under her bed--her vintage trench coat (a little bulky round the shoulders) and a box of live crickets. "Gear for me, crickets for you," she says after donning the coat and shaking some insets into the turtle's tank.

After writing a note for her grandma, Bev runs out the door, hops down the trailers small steps, and pulled her bike from behind the bush. She clicks her helmet buckle, raises the kickstand, and grips her handlebars. "No. Beverly-Jean Evans' a hero." And with that she kicks off a few times and starts peddling toward the lake.
Thank you for the welcome and I'm glad to be here!
Last edited November 18, 2022 10:07 pm
Nov 19, 2022 1:22 am
Oh no

I can see where this is going.

This is bad.

(And also amazing 😆)
Nov 19, 2022 9:56 am
The Mall
"Hey there, strangers!.." a familiar voice calls, surprising Johnny and Al. They turn to see a grinning Logan walking towards them pointing at the tattooed bracelet on his wrist.

He stops dead in his tracks, grin switched off in an instant. "Al? Eh-what happened to your hair? And, Johnny... You... You left yours like that?..." he says in total confusion.
Nov 19, 2022 10:08 am
Riding to the Lake
Bev feels the hot summer air and the wind in her hair. The comforting weight of the gear in her pocket, a trail to follow... just perfect.

As she pedals, she thinks of the kids in the article. They went to her same school, and are likely to move up to Middle school like her, judging by their age. She tries to remember them, but they blend in the blur of a hundred school kids.

As she turns a corner something catches her eye. Birds! Black ones. A dozen or so, gathering in the sky above... As she watches, another group of birds joins the first, forming a single large congregation that circles over town.

She slows down, remembering the news of the attacks. Eventually, the birds seem to come to a decision, and fly in the same direction.

Their route seems to be exactly the same as the one Bev was trying to follow. Could it be?...
Nov 19, 2022 10:39 am
Dr_B sent a note to Dunko
Nov 19, 2022 2:27 pm
Bev watches the massive flock circle, then fly off in the direction she was already headed.

"Damn..." She blushes. Sorry mom.

Her rear wheel spins out for a sec as she slams on the peddles and speeds off again. Maybe if I'm fast enough I can see where they land! she thinks as she sets off to do just that.

Last edited November 19, 2022 2:31 pm
Nov 19, 2022 3:50 pm
Dr_B sent a note to Dunko

Alana "Al" Patterson


Nov 19, 2022 8:39 pm
"Loey!" Al exclaims when she sees him. She instinctively raises her hands, trying without any success to hide her new haircut from him. She had been prepared for Johnny to see her right now, not anyone else.

Quickly trying to move on from that to a different, at least as important topic, she asks him in a worried voice, "What are you doing here? You have to hide! What about the birds?"
Alana "Al" Patterson
Nov 19, 2022 11:42 pm
"The birds... oh! Look , I borrowed Anna's bracelet! I put my own blood on it, and it works!" he says showing his wrist again. "Well... it works if Anna and I don't go out at the same time," he adds.

He blushes, realizing his first reaction might not have been very tactful, "er... sorry about, you know... I was just... surprised, that's all. I like it, it looks... different. In a good way, that is!" he tries to patch it up, awkwardly.
Nov 20, 2022 12:30 am
Donner Lake
Meanwhile Bev pedals fast towards the Lake, some distance away from town. The birds soon get out of sight, no matter how fast Bev tries to go.
Eventually, Beverly reaches the lake. In this summer day it is very crowded, with kids and families swimming and sunbathing. The water is peppered with colorful inflatables, and kids dive from high places, daring each other. Laughter and music pervade the air.

Bev stops catching her breath and looks at the woods surrounding the body of water.
Once again, her eye is caught by motion in the sky: even here, a large flock of black birds is circling around over the lake. Despite the recent attacks, nobody seems alarmed by the birds' presence.
Nov 20, 2022 1:59 am
Gripping her bike handles, Bev sits on her bike watching the birds. Her eyes change thier focus to the water. She spends a few minutes watching the people coming and going from the water, splashing and laughing. I know something's going on... She furrows her brow.

Her gaze follows a mother and daughter as they make their way from the waters edge to a picnic table. Minutes pass as she watches them eat. She wipes her heavily sweating brow then moves on.

Walking, Bev pushes her bike down a path that runs along the lake. She keeps her eyes open for anything unusual, anything that draws the eye, or seems out of place.

Alana "Al" Patterson


Nov 20, 2022 6:54 am
"Uhm, thanks," Al says quietly to Logan. "It's good that Anna's bracelet works for you." She glances at Johnny. "We were going to get ice cream. Do you want some as well?"
Alana "Al" Patterson
Last edited November 20, 2022 9:30 am
Nov 20, 2022 9:03 am
"Well... I've been thinking, guys, " he says sitting down next to his friends. "I have the nagging feeling the Fulcrum is not safe. I know you hid it and all, Johnny, but... Think about it: when Solomon came to your house, knocking at your door, we all had the tattoos already. His damn birds couldn't see us. But somehow he knew the Fulcrum was close by..." he pauses, to let it sink in.

" What are the chances of that... He didn't stumble on your door by chance, Johnny... that can't be. "

" That means that the thing itself calls to him, somehow... He came so close, right after the Fulcrum had created the Ajewia. Maybe, when the Fulcrum is... I dunno... active... Maybe then, Solomon senses its presence."

He looks at them serious, "and now he's got Chet... I think we should go check the hiding spot, guys!"
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