Pedrop Character Creation

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Dec 30, 2022 10:54 am
Pedrop says:
... I feel that Raf should come to the adventure "with a ship". ...
Pedrop says:
... Maybe he just got it "yesterday" ... still don't know what are the quirks ...
Sure, we won't deny you access to the ship you 'earned' during Character Creation. We don't expect you to play without it.
Pedrop says:
... landed somewhere and it didn't took off again ...
We could do that, if people want, but that sounds a lot like 'you don't have your ship at the start'.
Pedrop says:
... If you need that for our first adventure? ...
I do not need anything like that, I am quite happy for you all to start on your working ship if that is what you guys want.
Pedrop says:
... it can also be that our first mission is to go and pick up our ship if you already have good ideas for that ...
No ideas yet. I can see several ways to make that happen. It did seem like a way to bring the characters together, but the rules assume you are 'already together' so we can assume that already happened. It was just a 'quest starter' idea.
Pedrop says:
... Raf can get false accusation without his own ship too... but it would make much harder for him to get off the suspicious planet/colony ...
I don't think we are starting on that planet/colony, though. So we can assume you managed to get off (or were driven off?) somehow, even if that was a while ago.

If you really want to start at the time of that accusation we can start things at the point that the others have just swooped in and gotten you out? Not being there with your ship could help keep the 'accusation' from tainting your ship's reputation along with your own?
Pedrop says:
... balancing between this and staying with his "noble intentions" can make him an interesting captain ...
Sure. You are majority owner of the ship, whether the other characters continue to accept you as 'captain' may depend on what you do.
Pedrop says:
... "I don't remember a single instance of that... ...
And yet, there are those rumours... Maybe your memory is worse than you think?
Are you interested in exploring that more?
Pedrop says:
... If it will not come with a guns, Raf will try convince everyone to get some. ...
I don't mind if it starts with guns. If we are just going to convince everything to buy guns anyway, then there is little reason to restrict them. If think that will be interesting, and we want to play out the purchase and installation of those guns --on the black market, presumably-- then we can turn that into a mission, but if they are just going to be bought we can as easily start with them.
Pedrop says:
... aren't turrets in this system retractable ...
Not the ones in the Core Book, in High-Guard there are TL10 Pop-Up Mounts that allow for that at the cost of +1 Tons and +1 MCr. If you really want those, then we might have to 'play to get them', they are 'high-tech' devices and not common.
Pedrop says:
... Far Trader has some turrets hardpoints? ...
I believe you get one hardpoint for every 100 Tons? So two? There are rules for hulls with more than the normal amount.
Pedrop says:
... "No! Let's take those Beam Laser... I know that specifications are the same... but the look much more dangerous!" ...
Sounds like a job. :)
Dec 30, 2022 12:08 pm
vagueGM says:
Pedrop says:
... So the ads can lie? ;) ...
Nope. All ads are completely truthful. Just like in the real world. :|
It's very unfortunate then... How I will choose a proper detergent for Raf's Flak Jacket if all of them are the best? :(
I had a thought that could it be somehow maybe interesting if the technology in the world we are creating would be such that all ads(and maybe other things) had to true or something like that? Because of some AI or something like that... But it would be really hard to keep such world consistent, I think?

Pedrop says:
... this memory erasure ...
Only this one? What about all the other memory erasures you have had? Oh, you don't know about them... nevermind, ignore that remark. I was only joking... :)
"(Awkward silence)"
Pedrop says:
... I feel that false accusations for Raf has happened ...
Cool. Was it only in this one place --which will mean you went back there on your own if the others don't want to start there-- or also elsewhere, and for reasons you can not explain? We can turn this into a recurring event and mystery if you are interested in something like that?
It start to border with Raf being "crazy" in Jackyl and Hyde style... or himself being a serial-unconscious-criminal... And for now I don't like this direction. I like him striving to be good... but it not being easy for him. So for now I wouldn't want to loose some control on him... going nuts:)

So for now let's leave it in that one place only... But let's keep it for later. If it will be a good fit for the story, we can get back to idea. This one event was a mystery enough for now... and it recurring on different planets can be very hard to explain... but... it depends what will be your idea.
Pedrop says:
... I don't think Raf was sitting and doing nothing for the few months. Do you? I don't understand this remark. ...
I was saying that, if it did not 'happen at the end of his 5th term', you could have had as much time as you want to have passed between then and now, that time just had no mechanical effect (since it was already part of that last Term). You don't have to have gone straight from that Career into the current events. But it is up to you.
I think it will be interesting for those events to be recent or very recent. So it was near the end of the term. Can put some initial heat on him and maybe group?
Pedrop says:
... likes to dress in "military style" fashion ...
Cool. There may be places where that is common and places where that is frowned upon, or even illegal. Some people may judge you for your fashion choices.

Armour is often illegal, but that is part of the fun.
I like your ideas for this development of my choices:)
Dec 30, 2022 12:15 pm
Pedrop says:
... It start to border with Raf being "crazy" in Jackyl and Hyde style... or himself being a serial-unconscious-criminal... And for now I don't like this direction ...
No worries, it was just a fleeting idea. (There does not have to be anything criminal about the memory loss, though, except for that one time you asked for.)

Forget about it.
Dec 30, 2022 12:22 pm
Pedrop says:
... Raf can get false accusation without his own ship too... but it would make much harder for him to get off the suspicious planet/colony ...
I don't think we are starting on that planet/colony, though. So we can assume you managed to get off (or were driven off?) somehow, even if that was a while ago.

If you really want to start at the time of that accusation we can start things at the point that the others have just swooped in and gotten you out? Not being there with your ship could help keep the 'accusation' from tainting your ship's reputation along with your own?
I'm ok with that. As long as other players won't be interested in going after my character backstory there is no need for it influencing our common ship or other PCs.
Pedrop says:
... "I don't remember a single instance of that... ...
And yet, there are those rumours... Maybe your memory is worse than you think?
Are you interested in exploring that more?
As in previous post. Loosing too much control on character due him constantly doing things that he don't know/remember about - it's just too early for that. Let's allow him to base himself in this world first. But it is interesting idea to get back later.
And of course that was a joke. Raf remembers about it:)
Pedrop says:
... If it will not come with a guns, Raf will try convince everyone to get some. ...
I don't mind if it starts with guns. If we are just going to convince everything to buy guns anyway, then there is little reason to restrict them. If think that will be interesting, and we want to play out the purchase and installation of those guns --on the black market, presumably-- then we can turn that into a mission, but if they are just going to be bought we can as easily start with them.
I like it. Getting "nice things" should take some effort.
Pedrop says:
... aren't turrets in this system retractable ...
Not the ones in the Core Book, in High-Guard there are TL10 Pop-Up Mounts that allow for that at the cost of +1 Tons and +1 MCr. If you really want those, then we might have to 'play to get them', they are 'high-tech' devices and not common.
Again - even better than "normal weapons", and good fit for the one of the warm up missions.
Pedrop says:
... Far Trader has some turrets hardpoints? ...
I believe you get one hardpoint for every 100 Tons? So two? There are rules for hulls with more than the normal amount.
I think so.
Pedrop says:
... "No! Let's take those Beam Laser... I know that specifications are the same... but they look much more dangerous!" ...
Sounds like a job. :)
Jan 11, 2023 10:11 am
Moving EMP Grande discussion here, not to clutter up the main thread.
vagueGM says:
Pedrop says:
... TL9 EMP Grenade that has the same stats as Frag grenade but only works one electronic ...
Yeah, maybe take a look at the 1e SRD for Grenades to get started, but that does not add a lot to this conversation.
Ok, I got it for Raf. 100 Cr subtracted from his funds. Let's say that for now it can be attached to the pistol. Not that it sounds like a good idea for shooting with it, so probably only for caring.
Pedrop says:
... not shielded ...
'Shielding' might work like Armour, reducing the effect. As with 'ship weapons vs ground weapons' a hand grenade will have little effect on ships' systems anyway, and ships' shields will be multiplied in effectiveness. But there is still the chance of some effect.
Yes, sure. Unless... the EMP grenade takes off inside the ship, near it's main computer... don't you thinks so?
Pedrop says:
... Raf will be working some more on that ...
Your experimental designs might ignore some or all of the rules. It is not impossible to be against the rules, it is just against the rules! :)
Ok. We will figure it out. You will tell me how it should be.
That does mean you have to go in afterwards and pick up the shell of your grenade. If that is something you want to have to do that could be interesting ....
I agree that it would be more interesting to pick it up - most of the time. Let's say that shell is harder to do/construct, then recharging it after first use, but still doable. Not leaving it there could be for other reasons:)
A reclaimable shell is cool, but 'cool' also means 'recognizable', so this could lead to trouble-of-the-criminal-type later, but you are used to that.
"In this world you have to have your own style"...:)
Jan 11, 2023 10:32 am
Pedrop says:
... attached to the pistol. Not that it sounds like a good idea for shooting ...
Yeah, that would be clumsy. :)
Pedrop says:
... EMP grenade takes off inside the ship, near it's main computer... don't you thinks so? ...
With proper preparation you could get it to affect such things. It may take more than just tossing it near a ship's computer, though. They are quite important to keeping everyone alive, and therefore quite protected even aside from the hull. You are more likely to take out your own gear in such a situation. Planting it in the right place, possibly on a timer could well be effective, but taking out a ship should be appropriately hard.
Pedrop says:
vagueGM says:
against the rules
... We will figure it out. You will tell me how it should be. ...
If you are found to be taking devices that can kill everyone on a ship onto ships you are likely to come into conflict with those who enforce the rules, even in the fiction, the rules are there for a reason. :)
Jan 11, 2023 10:59 am
My main intention for this EMP was attacking robots/drones in dire situations, so it can not work on ships. No problem with that for me.

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