Echoes in the Darkness [IC]

Dec 12, 2022 7:38 pm
You stand, poised to move forward, on a wide ledge before the Gates of Ghostal. The massive iron doors of the Gates, each twenty feet tall and ten feet across, stand ajar. Each of you easily could slip between the gap of the doors. But ... something gives you pause.

Before you enter, as a flurry of snow swirls around you, you gather your courage and reflect upon your purpose.

Why have you come to retrieve the talisman called Eightstrong? What else do you hope to find within the Halls called Ghostal?
Dec 13, 2022 1:36 pm
Rijo shakes the falling snow off his broad shoulders and grips his axe in his leather gloves. Ice cakes his beard and he peers uncertainly at the doors. It seems wrong that they're open. If the treasures of Ghostal remain intact, wouldn't they be hard to get to? Or is that they're well guarded, very well guarded.

He squares himself. The long, brutal trek is over. Now it's time to get to work. No other power he's heard of will allow a man such as himself to face the Iron Witch of Mistsleeper Bog. His family is likely dead, but his efforts to retrieve his stolen children have failed, his strength unequal to penetrating that fel bog. The Eightstrong might do it, and if its strange powers won't help him, some other terrible dwarven weapon might be found.
Dec 13, 2022 5:28 pm
Webster had always been one to chase rumours. Of far-off battles, treasures, secrets, or great beasts that still stalked the earth. He never looked to attain, to challenge, only to witness, preferring to record his many journeys in a journal that he hoped would one day wind up in a library somewhere. On his way to find a fountain in the hills that (allegedly) granted wishes to wayfarers, he was made privy to the tales of the Eightstrong. Something about this treasure struck him in his heart. It was not one to witness, it was one to possess.

Standing now at the Gates of Ghostal, he feels the drumming deep within his chest, the draw of legend. Pulling his cloak up and holding it below his chin, he stares into the darkness between the iron doors. Inside, myth. Outside, only a chapter book of wanderings.
Dec 14, 2022 5:47 am
Ur looks to his left at Rijo and slaps him on the back, knocking some of the snow off his beard and nudging him forward an inch.

"You goin first... Rijo?"

His hearty laugh gives way to a deep cough that almost brings him to his knees. Not a strange thing for a chimney sweep to suffer from coughing fits, but he knows he can't let on how much pain he's in, or they'd start to doubt whether they can count on him. And doubt's just as likely to kill us all as anything else out here he thinks. His eyes flick back to the gap of darkness between the massive doors. Or in there..

He looks over to his right at Webster and Stor-bten.

"Come on fellas... are ya scared?"

Nothing he could do about the wheezing inhalations that forced him to break his speech into brief phrases. If we can just find this talisman and sell it, I'll never have to go back to breathing soot again...

"Well... we came all this way.... so I guess we... may as well..."
Dec 14, 2022 3:08 pm
"Let's wait for the others to catch their breath," Rijo mumbles, a little too quiet to make out. He pulls out his shield from his backpack and straps it on his arm, then leans the huge headsmans axe against the closed door. He hefts the battle axe from his belt. "If I'm going in first, I'll do it right."
Dec 14, 2022 4:23 pm
You all hear it. A distant bellowing, high up on the mountain. The sound of a frostwyrm, readying itself for ... something. People usually avoid the creatures, they are big fast and vicious.
Dec 14, 2022 4:29 pm
"We would do well to avoid the scaléd thing," Stor-bten says. He has been staring at the door to Ghostal, hoping to high Thedbren that some of his fathers' trinkets remain within. Eightstrong is just the excuse for the mission.
Dec 14, 2022 9:02 pm
Rezin, slightly hunched over and looking at the doorway as though it were a loaf of bread, appears confused. His fingers appear to be permanently stained from working with ink and quill. His hair, somewhat long, is the color of chocolate and he's wearing a multicolored bandana. It appears unkempt but seems to fit his chiseled face. Actually, he seems like he's trying to figure out if the door is really a door.

Well. I don't care who goes first but we'd better get on with it before that noisy cat gets down here and takes our tuna. Hey!! Did you know, tuna is called chicken of the sea? I've never understood that.
Last edited December 17, 2022 7:06 pm
Dec 14, 2022 9:17 pm
Rijo leads in through the gap of the door.

Who bears a light for his steps?
Dec 14, 2022 9:32 pm
Webster looks around at the assembled group, waiting for someone to hold a light aloft. Inside his cloak, he places a hand on the horn dangling from his belt, a trophy from his travels. He mutters to himself, "Here's hoping I never have to sound this for aid."
Dec 14, 2022 11:38 pm
Ur fastens a torch to the end of his chimney broom (ten foot pole) and lights it with his flint.

He walks behind Rijo, holding the pole over his shield and over Rijo's shoulder, out in front of them, so that the torchlight crosses the threshold first.
Dec 14, 2022 11:54 pm
Watching a bird fly out of sight, Rezin realizes everyone is going in and just walks on in as though he hasn't a care in the world.
Dec 15, 2022 2:19 am
Hesitation gives to urgency. Pell mell, you all crowd in through the gap between the heavy doors: Rijo preceded by Ur's torch, then Ur, then Webster, Rezin, and last of all Stor-bten.

You find yourselves at the short side of a chamber that has a trapezoidal floor plan. The torchlight just reaches dark openings at the two ends of the long wall that you face. The ceiling is about twelve feet high. The long wall, about twenty feet long, is entirely covered with a high relief stone carving of dwarfs chaining a dragon to a pair of pillars. The carving is intricately detailed and also labeled, cartoon / assembly drawing style, with dialog and names. This is a traditional format for narrative dwarf art. All the labels are in dwarf runes - Stor-bten, at least, could read them if he cared to.
Do you go left, right, or study the drawings?


denizens? - (3d6)

(423) = 9

Dec 15, 2022 4:24 am
Stands gawking at the carvings.

Carvings like this can be hundreds upon hundreds of years old, what an illustrious representation of the great wyrm.
Dec 15, 2022 4:58 am
"So what does... it say? Stor-bten... any idea?"

Ur moves the torch around to light up each part of the carving.
Last edited December 15, 2022 5:12 am
Dec 15, 2022 5:30 am
Rijo moves back and grabs his big axe. He was half expecting to be picked off by arrows or rocks when they entered. He'll then move toward the left, but will wait for the others to examine the drawings.
Dec 15, 2022 1:30 pm
tibbius sent a note to seanfsmith
Dec 15, 2022 2:01 pm
Webster stares at the carvings, and admires the architecture. Noticing Rijo moving off to the left, he looks back to the group.

He whispers, "I'll keep an eye on the right side," and draws his crossbow.
Dec 15, 2022 2:07 pm
Moving to the left, Rijo sees that the torchlight diffuses around the edges of the opening. It seems like there is a big space with a diagonal wall going to the left and a straight wall going ahead on the right side, so that the space gets wider further from where Rijo stands. One or more pillars stand about ten feet away from the left wall. The space has a ceiling about twelve feet high that is supported by stone beams going from the left hand wall to the tops of the pillar(s); to the right of that ceiling Rijo cannot see how high is the roof of the space. He notices that the right hand wall seems lower further ahead, but there is no visible ceiling above it.

Moving to the right, Webster sees a big space with a diagonal wall going to the right and a straight wall going ahead on the left side, so that the space is wider further from where he stands. The straight wall gets lower further from where Webster stands. There is no ceiling near the straight wall. There are pillars near the right wall, and they support stone beams that hold up a ceiling about twelve feet high.

To the left and to the right, the space is open beyond the range of torchlight.
Dec 16, 2022 9:42 pm
Stor-bten eventually lets out a sigh.

"It's a famous story and we would tell it each festival, each ceremony. Each funeral.

"See here, it shows the sacrifice of a great wyrm. We did that to bind a talisman meant to enhance the quality of our steel. It worked, but it worked once.

"We tell the tale often. It reminds us to be careful, that great acts can bring great falls and great waste.

"I believe you smoothmen have a similar saying? Do not bite off more than you can choose?"
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