S1 E1 "Pilot" (RP)

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Jan 14, 2023 11:17 am
After the arrived, Jemma sits alone for a moment in the car before getting out. She calls out names of power. Names like Hekate, Heimdal and The Morrígan. Her normal brown eyes now have a golden sheen as she exits the car.
She nods to the officer when he offers to open the victim's car door and she examines the scene, with her increased senses.
She is silent all the while as she continues the name-calling mantra in her mind.

Boost perception and detect the arcane
[ +- ] Boost/Lower Trait
[ +- ] Detect/Conceal Arcana
Last edited Jan 14, 2023 11:25 am
Jan 14, 2023 3:44 pm
'...want to bet one them gets kicked out before we get theres?' Caroline chuckles as the take off after the cop car.

As they arrive she immeadiatly hops out and leaves Jemma to her spells, and waves at Hadley with a smile. 'Long time Officer. You miss us?'

The smiles falters briefly as her eyes fall on the car and the bodies inside, before she tries to put o a brave face. She definitely preferred the cases that didn't involve dead people. Not that she would admit it phased her, of course.

'I'm going to go scout for signs of...anything I guess.' She moves to duck into the trees before anyone can stop her, going just far another of be out of sight, especially from Hadly. Taking a deep breath she pulls off her suit jacket, and trying not to shiver at the chill. Slinging it over one arm she unbuttons the top of her shirt and tugs at the right side,. pulling it slightly off her shoulder. The camera catches glimpses of tattoo like markings of vines over the shoulder.

''Alabastor, I request your aid.' She tries not to shiver as she speaks the summons. For a moment nothing happens, the glimpses of green seems to move as her sirt rustles, and a fury claw hand appears from under the shirt. It grows in side as more of the creature crawls out before the is a small brown furred humanoid sittting on her shoulder, tufted points ears swivelling. He hops to the ground and looks up with with catlike eyes as she rapidly fixes her shift and pulls back on her jacket. It offered little protection from the cold, but was better than nothing.

' We've got two dead, in a car. Look around and see if you can find any clues, or any sign of of magic or the occult. The Chief thinks something is up.' She pauses form a moment then starts to speak archaic words traces symbols in the air before tapping the brownie on the head. The faes eyes glow as his sense are boosted.

'Oh and Alabastor, no messing with Hadley. Chief gave us a talking to last time. She'd said the officer wasn't ready yet to see a mischievous fae running around, or causing pranks. Apparently you needed to 'ease people in to these things'
[ +- ] Summon Ally
[ +- ] Boost/Lower Trait
Jan 14, 2023 6:18 pm
Deacon turns his head and forces himself to look out the patrol car window. Trying not to laugh at the ongoing conversation, Deacon tries not to laugh, but can't hide the smile on his face.

As they arrive at the crime scene, Deacon immediately starts to take in the details. As they all start to get out, Deacon pauses a moment and nods his head at Hadley. Walking a few feet away from the others, Deacon begins to work on sorting out the tracks in the snow.
Deacon is trying to sort out which tracks belong to the victims and their direction of travel..etc.
Jan 14, 2023 9:39 pm
Sarah climbs out of the truck, pulling her jacket tighter around her body. She approaches the car and looks in with a sick feeling. Then, she takes a look around. Spotting a squirrel on a nearby branch, she digs in her pocket for a peanut and offers it to the animal. "What do you know, little friend? What have you seen?" she says to the squirrel quietly.

Casting Animal Friendship, which allows communication with the animal, among other things.
And spending a benny to try again.
[ +- ] Animal Friendship
Last edited Jan 14, 2023 9:41 pm


Faith - (1d8, 1d6, RA)

1d8 : (3) = 3

1d6 : (1) = 1

Faith - (1d8, 1d6, RA)

1d8 : (87) = 15

1d6 : (2) = 2

Jan 14, 2023 9:50 pm
What condition is the ground itself in? Muddy from all the foot traffic?
Jan 16, 2023 11:29 pm
Presenting my post in what feels like rough chronological order of the beats for the scene...an attempt anyway 😆
As Caroline crunches through the snow toward Hadley she calls out to the young officer:
Caroline says:
'Long time Officer. You miss us?'
Officer Hadley
The camera holds on Hadley's face for a moment. He doesn't have a smile, or a wave, to return to the young blonde woman. "Oh, you know it..." he says with much sarcasm, though mostly to himself.

His gaze shifts to Jemma, and at her nod he opens the car door with his gloved hand.

Jemma, now that you're closer to the scene, and unimpeded by the car door, you can ascertain some information. Specifically, it's now clear to you that the 'hairy strands' extending from the victims faces are roots. And, judging by the smell of the yellow substance, you'd guess it was sap.
Let's get Rolls for Notice from you, as well as Detect Arcana, to see if you glean additional information.
Officer Hadley
Hadley watches Jemma. "Well? You think this is in your wheelhouse or what?"

The camera cuts back to Chief Sweeney, whose gaze bounces between the coven members, and doing anything she can to keep from looking at Tereza.

Chief Sarah Sweeney
Instead she watches Deacon looking around in the snow for tracks. She calls out to him. "Some cross country skiers messed up the tracks. But 'guarding' the car until you all arrive has been our first priority."
@Squadfather44 Let's get a Notice check at -2 to get a sense of the foot traffic, snow melted tracks, etc. To answer your question, yes we're saying the snow is no longer in ideal condition to easily see tracks.
Chief Sweeney ultimately turns and looks at Tereza, but awkwardly avoids the question asked when they were getting out of the car. "So, um how's--*cough*--business. How's business" she asks the Slavic witch.
Cut to Alabaster. The small fae gives Caroline a toothy grin with its needle like teeth. He runs, catlike toward the wood, the darkness obscuring his movement.

The camera tracks the brownie, for just a few seconds, as he moves between the trees. His lightly glowing eyes fix on something humans would be unable to see... a faintly glowing "track" flowing deeper into the woods. His hair would stand on end as he returns to Caroline with this information, just as...

...Sarah asks the squirrel:
Sarah says:
"What do you know, little friend? What have you seen?"
Images flash into her mind, of *something shiny and interesting in the snow--something that would be great to pick up and bury in the ground if it weren't so cold and solid.*

With a shake of its tail, the squirrel bounds a few dozen feet from where the victims car rests. It tells Sarah to follow it, and leads her to the *shiny in the snow*.


If you pull it from the snow you'd find it's cold in your hand, Sarah. Appears to be copper, and it's just a bit bigger than your thumb nail. But heavy.
Jan 17, 2023 7:57 am
Tereza smiles, watching the proceedings around the crime scene rather than looking directly at Sweeney. "Business is good," she says. "Missing money, but who is not, yes? We have a plan to fix this. Little festival under the full moon. Mundane, before you grow concerned." Now she gives the policewoman a brief look as she says, "I will make sure you get personal invitation."

Turning her eyes back to the victims' car, she lets out a breath and steps forward. "But I should help, no? That is why I am here." She takes a quick detour to Hadley to ask him for gloves before approaching the car. Not wanting to get in Jemma's way, she opens the door on the opposite side of the car from her before beginning to look the bodies over. Rather than focus on the grotesque root growth from their faces, she searches their clothes' pockets for anything of interest, whether it be personal possessions or anything possibly linked to what happened here.
Last edited Jan 17, 2023 2:48 pm


+Notice - (1D4, 1D6, RA)

1D4 : (3) = 3

1D6 : (63) = 9

Jan 17, 2023 3:47 pm
Deacon shakes his head at the condition of the tracks. How in the hell are we supposed to sort this out. Freaking curiosity...kills the cat every damn time.

Bending down Deacon looks at the tracks around the car and tries to determine if the victim's stayed near it or walked into the woods. Glancing over his shoulder at the car, Deacon asks a single question.. What kind of shoes are they wearing?
That's my fault on the roll, I forgot to add the -2 to the dice. I can reroll if you want, use a couple bennies to even it out, or whatever you think seems fair.
Last edited Jan 17, 2023 3:51 pm


Notice & Wild - (1d6, 1d6, RA)

1d6 : (64) = 10

1d6 : (1) = 1

Jan 17, 2023 8:42 pm
Dunko says:
Let's get Rolls for Notice from you, as well as Detect Arcana, to see if you glean additional information.
Feel free to make such rolls on my behalf. You don't have to wait for me. There are no dice superstitions on GP

But now I'm writing the dice-codes, I can't ask you to remember that her first spell to increase her perception is also in effect. :)
Edit: Wow that is a 20 on the notice
EditEdit: wow that is a 10 on the notice
Last edited Jan 18, 2023 7:42 am


Notice * - (1d6, 1d6, RA)

1d6 : (64) = 10

1d6 : (64) = 10

Spellcasting (Smarts) Detecting acarna - (1d6, 1d6, RA)

1d6 : (3) = 3

1d6 : (2) = 2

Jan 17, 2023 8:48 pm
It's a 10
You take the better, not add them together
Jan 18, 2023 1:41 am
Sarah rises, palming the shiny. She approaches Jemma and bumps her arm quietly, opening her palm to reveal the object. It was not her intent to keep evidence from the police, but she wanted the others to see it first.
Jan 18, 2023 2:46 pm
Officer Hadley
Hadley pulls gloves from his jacket pocket and hands them to Tereza. He glares at the chief.

Chief Sarah Sweeney
She makes a shushing motion at the beat cop.

Jemma, your spell to detect any magical aura doesn't quite have the potency to determine what occurred here (specifically what type of magic)--although that alone gives you further confirmation this must have occurred a week or more ago. However, you notice something peculiar about the sap: given that it's not found in a specific area of the back seat, combined with the 'spatter' effect it has in the front seat, it's clear the sap was 'expelled' from an origin point. What to do with that info, who knows.

Sarah arrives and shows Jemma her find.

The camera lifts from Jemma's investigation and tracks Tereza as she investigates the clothing of the victims. Riffling through their pockets, etc., doesn't provide any new insights, however you do notice something odd--yep, it's clear that the victims are 'hollow'; at least to some degree. Exsanguinated, and then some.
Cut to Deacon looking through the snow.
Deacon says:
What kind of shoes are they wearing?
Officer Hadley
Hadley looks up. "Looks like snow boots. Sorel."

Deacon, you notice a clear set of tracks that, leave the car, and head off to the west. They are unbooted, maybe even barefooted, and have a 'dragging' walk to them. Although you can ascertain the direction, they quickly get muddled the deeper they go into the wood, and you know you'd lose track of them eventually. It's clear the victims did not leave the car once they got in, and that the track you note is not made by them...
Jan 18, 2023 4:23 pm
Would Deacon be able to figure out that the victims left the car, walked into the woods and then came back?
Jan 18, 2023 4:26 pm
'Als found something. Tracks or a trail of some sort.' Caroline sends the text to the rest of the group and pauses. She wanted to follow it... But would likely get yelled t by someone like lst time for going alone. She knew how to handle herself but some of the coven were worriers.

' Good find. Keep looking, I'm going to go back to the rest, see if we can find clues as to what's at the end of that trail' She grins at the fey before trekking back to the rest of the group.

'Anyone want wnt help me follow a..' She pauses and looks at Hadly. '...perfe tly mundane trail? Anything here yet?' She glances over at the car, but flits her eyes away before getting a proper look at the bodies. '... Is it me or are they... Yellow? '
Jan 18, 2023 4:32 pm
Deacon looks up from the tracks as Caroline comes back. I'll go with you, I've got a set of tracks that don't belong to the victim's or the cross-country skiers. They could belong to wha...whoever did this. Given the state they're in, the deeper we go in the woods, we'll probably lose them.

Deacon stands up and points to the victim's tracks, the skiers tracks, and then to the unknown set leading west.

My next question is what we're they doing out here? There's better makeout places closer to town.
Last edited Jan 18, 2023 4:36 pm
Jan 18, 2023 9:45 pm
Squadfather44 says:
Would Deacon be able to figure out that the victims left the car, walked into the woods and then came back?
I may not have been clear! I'm editing my previous section for Deacon--edit in red.
Jan 18, 2023 11:27 pm
"This is disgusting," Tereza comments, her tone somewhere between genuine disgust and amused excitement. She's never seen anything quite like this before. She mutters something to herself in what is most likely Czech until she is interrupted first by Caroline's text and then the conversation between the siblings. "You go without me. I keep searching here," she says. In a joking tone, she adds, "I'm no use in dark, creepy forest. I would faint." The others know that while she is clearly exaggerating, Tereza does get more easily spooked than the rest of the coven.
She then turns to the two police officers. "May I break off some of these, uhm, roots? I will need to investigate them more closely later, work my magic and all that? Or is that illegal meddling with crime scene?" She's going to take some either way. She just wants to find out if she can do it openly or has to hide it.
Jan 19, 2023 5:44 pm
Officer Hadley
In response to Tereza's question, Hadley looks at Chief Sweeney, stern and disapproving...

Chief Sarah Sweeney
...and she returns Hadley's look with one of her own--reproachful.

"Take what you need," she says to Tereza.
Jan 19, 2023 7:03 pm
"You are a sweetheart, Sweeney," Tereza replies, throwing her a big smile before ducking back into the car. She tries to break off a handful of the thin roots growing from the driver's face and, if she succeeds, places them in the pocket of her coat. Keeping the evidence clean is important for the police but for her purposes, it shouldn't matter. Whatever happened here should have imparted far more of an impression on these things than a few hours in Tereza's pocket could.
Jan 19, 2023 7:28 pm
By the Morrigan... It looks like this sap exploded out from somewhere in the front seat!
Officer if you string this car, you could properly find the origin of this sap-event. "String" that's what they call it in CSI:NY.

Jemma approach the police chief
Chief, may I take a few samples of that sap? I would like to study it some more, as this is clear from our area of expertise.
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