Camera shifts to Tara's face, when Tereza asks who's joining her...
Tara Hensley
She sighs.
"I guess I will join you," she says.
Her gaze shifts to the others--
Jemma and
"What about you three?"OOC:
Where ever Jemma is headin' just let us know, and Yeah Tereza can go ahead and set the scene for their recruitment. Let's say Caroline's "pulling aside" of Tara happens en route.
Framing shot of the Salem Public Library, it's massive stone steps covered in slush. Cut to a dimly light private study room, deep in the libraries stacks...
Wesley Webster
*thwap* precipitates a shot of
Sarah with Wesley behind her having just closed a large book.
"I've searched through town records, and I do find a record of a Lawrence Braddock arriving in 1675, and there is mention of his hiring laborers and buying supply to construct a rather lavish manor on the outskirts of the colony..."
Wesley pushes his glasses up his nose.
"But that's where official records stop." He moves to the table and sits down.
"Remember, the more specific you are in your search the more likely it'll be that you find interesting information--perhaps looking into specific clues you've already found. That's just the opinion of a professional librarian," he says.
Gave you a +1 on the Research roll as Wesley would help with that, giving you a 4, and thus success--what he has told you is what you've learned from your basic Research roll. The more leading folks are with clues or ideas they have the more bonus to the roll we can apply after the fact!
But as to your Occult roll...
...your occult research into fey, tales surrounding them, and their origins turns up some interesting results. While you do come across several mentions of mortals making deals with fey for powers, there is a more particularly interesting bit of lore you find in a large dusty tome:
Sometimes, a mortal child who has been taken from their parents by a fey creature will return to their mortal life to confront the
changeling who has been left in their place. After a battle of
arcane wits and skill, the returned mortal desanguinates the
changeling, taking their lifeforce and power into themselves. The
changeling is left as a withered husk
" the exposed roots of a plant..."
Such mortals are often recognized by the fey talisman they carry with them, gifts taken from the fairy house where they were raised. They often make powerful witches.
Famous occultist Catherine Erwin writes of a rare, but rumored weakness to such creatures: Sarah ( @WhtKnt ), what is that weakness you've found in your research?