S1 E1 "Pilot" (RP)

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Mar 1, 2023 11:05 pm
The camera jumps to deeper in the Historical Society where a wave of fear washes over Jemma and Thereza.
...Rolling Fear Result for Jemma...
...Result - Panicked: The victim immediately moves his full Pace plus running die away from the danger and is Shaken. Additionally, lose 1 Soundness Point...
Seeing the effect his presence has on Jemma, Plant Patrick turns his attention to Tereza. He opens his mouth wide, as spores begin to pour out; he reaches his arms toward her and runs at her with a burst of speed.

"I have it," she states in triumph. Her eyes roll back in her head as she communes with someone far off.
What do Jemma and Tereza do? It's clear that Patrick is about to grab Tereza if no action is taken--I think we'd say back to the front door would be full pace away.


Jemma Fear Result - (1d20)

(16) = 16

Mar 2, 2023 7:47 am
Tereza's eyes widen in fear as the plant-infected man suddenly comes towards her. Not for the first time, she wishes Deacon was here. He could do something. Or Alina. She may not have any spellcasting abilities but at least she could kick a guy's ass in about twenty different ways.
But here Tereza was, rushing into danger without thinking and without any way to really be of help. She just shrinks away from the man, stepping backwards and attempting to avoid his arms.
Just going to go defensive here, keeping a bit of distance. Let me know if you need a roll from me to avoid being grabbed or if this falls under Defend
[ +- ] Defend
Mar 2, 2023 10:57 am
Jemma rush out of the building and to her truck. She has her shotgun there
Mar 2, 2023 4:28 pm
The second Tara is dropped Caroline rushes to her, though keeping her eyes on Braddock. She crouches by the bookkeeper about to start a healing spell.

As the wood creaks and Braddock start to walk forward however she stands and and firmly places herself between him and Tara a protective glare in her face.

'I am not a child. I know what I am doing with magic I assure you.' If she wasn't already pissed off enough at him already..

Bind her into his circle... Whatever that meant it couldn't be good. But if she refused to go Tara could get caught in the crossfire. Wyatt too. She tries to suppress a shiver as he starts to leave and she drops down next to Tara trying to sound reassuring as she places a hand on her shoulder.

'I've got this, don't worry. I just need him away from you and Wyatt. Tell the others not to do anything stupid. ' She quickly traces out the symbols for a healing spell to try and relieve some of her pain before getting up and following Braddock.
[ +- ] Healing
Mar 3, 2023 6:42 pm
In the taproom Caroline's spell passes into Tara.

Tara Hensley
A worried look passes over her face. She touches the back of Caroline's with her fingers. "Be careful. And I told you British people aren't more polite," she says, attempting levity.

The camera jumps to Caroline exiting Witch Craft Brewing, a shot that frames her and Braddock on the cramped Salem street.

His lips barely move as he waves his hand in a circular motion. A gentle haze collects around him and Caroline. "So we don't attract attention," he says to her.

He begins to walk down the street, expecting her to follow, so he continues speaking. "You will learn much at my side. In time, perhaps, you will be right of me, in the circle. I can feel you already bargain with fey--well I will show you how to bend them to your will." He makes a fist in the air as they walk.

"They are tricky, because they are weak. They use puzzles, rules, and deceit because they have no power."

Braddock and Caroline pass townies and tourists who show no sign of tracking their passage--clearly they're invisible to the casual eye.

Braddock hurries across the street, looking in fascination at passing cars and trucks.

"Such fantastic inventions," he shakes his head.

The path he walks takes the pair down alleys, through backyards and down cracked sidewalks. He looks around as if he's looking for something but unsure of what. "My first task for you will be to retrieve something for me," he says to the witch at his side. "My talisman. I fear in my stupor I've...misplaced it. Prove to me you can locate it, with your magic. It should be simple enough for a witch who is not a child," he mocks her.
Mar 3, 2023 7:05 pm
Outside the Historic Society Jemma flies from the building's doors onto the sidewalk.

The camera follows her as she heads for her truck. A quick cut shows her waiting shotgun....
We'll say Jemma getting to the truck and grabbing her shotgun counts as the full action that the fear result wanted.
The camera swings around the interior of the Historic Society as we see Tereza take a defensive posture.

Patrick lunges at Tereza with a wordless roar.
...Rolling Athletics against Tereza, needing basic success--let's give him -2 (Distracted Equivalent) ...
...Success --( @bowlofspinach ) Tereza must beat 4 w/ opposed Athletics or be grappled...
Book in hand, Mabel moves to rush past the grappling Patrick and Tereza.

From the framing of the shot, it's clear she'll be able to squeeze by easily if Tereza becomes grappled...


Magically Enhanced Plant Puppet Athletics Roll - (1d8-2, RA)

(6) - 2 = 4

Mar 3, 2023 7:14 pm
Tereza desperately tries to avoid the grapple...

...but as she already realized a moment ago, she's pretty useless in a fight. And she's definitely not fast enough to avoid her infected assailant.
Last edited March 3, 2023 7:15 pm


Athletics - (1D4, 1D6, RA)

1D4 : (1) = 1

1D6 : (3) = 3

Mar 3, 2023 7:29 pm
The camera focuses on the entrace of the Historical Society from a position near Jemma's truck.

Mabel pushes through the doors and enters the chill afternoon air. She heads for the small set of stone steps that lead to the sidewalk.
O.K., Tereza can take an action as she'd like. The consequences of the failed roll were:
(1) Mabel has slipped by and (2) Patrick has her in a grip, and if not stopped he's gonna spew fey brain spores in Tereza's face.

Jemma is also free to act in any fashion with any action she likes, and seeing Mabel leaving the building would 100% be something she would have seen.
Mar 3, 2023 11:18 pm
Caroline gives a wink and grin over her shoulder, but as she turns back to follow the camera watches her bravado all into a look of worry..

As she follows she's in two minds. Let Jemma, Deacon and the others know what's going on, or don't. If she manged to get the message on he phone without being caught the could help contain the ancient witch. On the other hand that could just get them hurt, especially if they rushed in...

Though Tara would probably tell them. If Wyatt hadn't already called the police.. that was going to be fun to explain to him later. Though maybe he knew that Caroline could cast spells he would stop being so annoying...

She snaps out of her thoughts as Braddock mentions the fey and a frown crosses her face. It was clear there was no point denying it to him. 'My bargains with them are minor. The majority of my magic is my own. There's a hint of sham in her words at saying it out loud. 'Though if you say they have no power, what would be the point bending them to your will, or even dealing with them?'

As he explains the task she bites back a retort of why couldn't he find it. Stay useful, get information, look for her moment. This Talisman could be useful. 'Does it radiate magic, or is it more subtle. What am I looking for? She asks as she turns away from him and takin ga few steps, pulling off her jacket and loosening her collar again.

His mocking made her want to do this with traditional magic, her own. But if this Talisman was important, powerful or both she needed to make sure when it was found he didn't get it. For that she needed Alabastor.

As the brownie crawls out of her sleeve she watches Braddock cautiously. His words of bending fey to his will, she needed to be careful. Alabastor, our new friend has lost something. We're going to help him find something important . She reaches up to scratch behind the ear affectionately, before tracing sigils, boosting his sense, as she does so speaking in a low whisper.

'If you find it, take it to Jemma.'
[ +- ] Boost/Lower Trait
I have bennies, gonna spend one. Sucess, boosting nitice
Last edited March 3, 2023 11:49 pm


Spellcasting - (1d8, 1d6, RA)

1d8 : (2) = 2

1d6 : (2) = 2

Spellcasting - (1d8, 1d6, RA)

1d8 : (3) = 3

1d6 : (4) = 4

Mar 4, 2023 6:05 am
In trying to get out of her assailant's grip, Tereza goes for the obvious route and attempts a kick between his legs. Hopefully, that still works on plant-people...
Trying to get out of the grapple...
[ +- ] Breaking Free from a Foe


Athletics - (1D4, 1D6, RA)

1D4 : (42) = 6

1D6 : (62) = 8

Mar 4, 2023 7:43 pm
In the Historical Society the shaky cam follows Tereza's leg as she lets fly with a kick...
...rolling Patrick's Athletics v 8...
...that connects with Patick in a sickening thud.

Rather than spewing spores, the plant controlled man's knees buckle, his mouth clamps shut, and he sinks to the floor.
Let's say such a kick has shaken him, and you're free to act before him in the narrative.


Patrick Plant Enhanced Athletics v 8 - (1d8, RA)

(6) = 6

Mar 4, 2023 8:10 pm
Jumping to a quiet street at the edge of a lot, we see Caroline speaking with Braddock.

He continues monologuing, answering Caroline's questions. "I mean to say the fey have no power of will; they lack drive and ambition. They are lazy and contented in their twilit realm. I will show them what a mortal born man can accomplish with the magik of their world," he says with a triumphant look.

'Does it radiate magic, or is it more subtle. What am I looking for?'

He answers Caroline with a sneer. "It radiates magik for those it wants to see it."

He gets a faroff look on his face. "Like all fey things, it is a trickster. It hides from me," he says as Caroline casts her spell on Alabaster.

The brownie's eyes shimmer with the enhancement.
...rolling to pick up the trail--stake is finding its trail now or having to run off and keep searching...
He gives Caroline a concerned look, but with understanding in his eyes. His awareness expands, but no sign of the talisman. So he sticks his tongue out at Braddock then scurries off to search elsewhere.

"Clever," he says to Caroline. "Like to like--you use the right tool for the job. I think you will make a fine apprentice." Despite the compliment, his voice carries more disdain than kindness. He turns away from Caroline, obviously not having picked up what she said to Alabaster.

"One of my servants comes to me. She brings me what I need..."


Alabaster, being important to the scene - (1d6, 1d6, RA)

1d6 : (2) = 2

1d6 : (1) = 1

Mar 5, 2023 3:49 pm
In the rear of the Historical Society, Sarah swears under her breath. Maybe she can't offer protection, but she can certainly heal! She whispers another hurried prayer and lays a hand on Hadley's wound.
Trying a healing spell. She's going to pump an extra power point into it to remove disease, as well.
Spending a benny to retry.
Last edited March 5, 2023 3:50 pm


Faith - (1d8, 1d6, RA)

1d8 : (1) = 1

1d6 : (2) = 2

Faith - (1d8, 1d6, RA)

1d8 : (5) = 5

1d6 : (3) = 3

Mar 5, 2023 5:50 pm
As the plant-man is on the ground, Tereza briefly considers running, but what help would that be? Better to stall and try to keep the situation under control until Sweeney arrives. Hopefully Andrej got through and made the call. And hopefully, he remembered her name.

She doesn't know whether there is still a human inside this person but for now, she goes with the assumption that there is, so she doesn't want to hurt him any more than necessary. Instead of going for a kick while he's down, Tereza looks around for anything she might use to immobilize him. Rope maybe, or a tablecloth on a display that she could roll up for that purpose.
"Never thought handcuffs could have use outside the bedroom," she mutters to herself. "But I really wish I had some right now."
Throwing in a Notice in case you want one


+Notice - (1D4, 1D6, RA)

1D4 : (43) = 7

1D6 : (5) = 5

Mar 5, 2023 8:31 pm
Dunko says:
The camera focuses on the entrace of the Historical Society from a position near Jemma's truck.

Mabel pushes through the doors and enters the chill afternoon air. She heads for the small set of stone steps that lead to the sidewalk.
O.K., Tereza can take an action as she'd like. The consequences of the failed roll were:
(1) Mabel has slipped by and (2) Patrick has her in a grip, and if not stopped he's gonna spew fey brain spores in Tereza's face.

Jemma is also free to act in any fashion with any action she likes, and seeing Mabel leaving the building would 100% be something she would have seen.
Stop right there!
Jemma advances on Mable with her shotgut aimed at her center mass. She does not have all the puzzle pieces, but she knows that this woman was with the creature, and she "got something" properly some map of the forest or mantions location.
A tiny click is heard as she removes the safty feature from the trigger.
Drop to the ground and stay there!
Mar 5, 2023 9:02 pm
As Al leaves to pursue the trail Caroline tries to curb any sense of distress. The fey had his instruction's. She had to handle to the situation she had got herself into. It seemed he didn't wish her any immediate harm, and she was grateful for that. With her adrenaline slowly lowering she stars to take in what he is saying.

An apprentice. That gets her attention, even as images of his victims flash through her mind. He was old, knew his share of magic. Not all of it would harm people surely? What harm would there be if she tried to learn what she could? While waiting for the opportunity to catch him off guard or the other to arrive in their worry.

' A servant... A member of your coven or seperate from what you mean for me as an apprentice? I am.. interested in learning more. '

She remembers his fascination and comments on cars , and carefully pulls out her phone. ' Things have changed since your were last around. The mundane have learned to work electricity and other things to their advantage.

Am fine. He's looking for a talisman. Delaying. Don't look for me.

She tries to message the rest of the coven ad she speaks allowed to them, hoping he doesn't realise what the device in capable of. She assumed Tara would be filing them in the moment she could. It was better if they didn't panic and rush after here. She cold figure out how to work this to their advantage surely.

'Would the..'Magik' be causing interesting effects?. People report this stuff, I may be able to zero in on it if from local information if Al doesn't.'
Last edited March 8, 2023 12:02 am
Mar 7, 2023 11:40 pm
In the rear of the Historical Society the camera finds Sarah crouching to touch Hadley's leg.

As the spell works its way through his body, the invasive magic that's strangling his soul is pushed back. His eyes roll back in his head...

Officer Hadley
...and the moss that had grown from his pours shucks away.

The dog backs away from Sarah and her spell with a 'yip'. He seems distracted by something down the hall, turns and runs that direction with a bark.

Officer Hadley
Hadley turns to Sarah. "I... I felt it inside me." He coughs and looks at his healed leg wound with shock. "That was weird," he can't help but chuckle.

He stands up straight and sways as if woozy. "You take the lead," he says as he pulls his gun. "I think it's clear I'm out of my element here..."

Sarah can tell her spell repelled the strangling magic within Hadley's body because it was still 'fresh'--the wound and the magic.
Sarah take the lead!
Mar 7, 2023 11:48 pm
Deeper into the Historical Society the camera focuses in on Tereza's hands as she deftly ties up the Plant infused Patrick with some extension chord and duct tape that she was able to notice.

The camera turns just in time to see a large, black dog turn a corner, spot Tereza and stop snarling at her from about 6 meters away.

He groans in incoherent pain.

Cass looks at his owner, whines, then looks at Tereza. His lips curl back and he begins to growl deep in his chest. Long strands of thick saliva drip from his wet teeth as he slowly inches toward the young, European witch....
Mar 7, 2023 11:56 pm
Outside, in front of Historical Societ a wide angle shot of Jemma pointing the shotgun.
Jemma says:
Drop to the ground and stay there!
Plantified Mabel turns and looks at Jemma. She glances at the gun pointing at her with no visible concern.

The camera pushes in on her face as she smiles. "Only my master gives me orders now," she says and slowly finishes walking down the stairs, then out into the street.

A passing car swerves to avoid her; townies scream and flee from the scene.

She continues to advance on Jemma. "How about you drop the gun and come with me," she says as moss begins to grow creeping from her mouth.
Mar 8, 2023 12:14 am
More than a mile away, at the edge of an old lot we see Caroline and Braddock speaking.

He seems somewhat distracted all of a sudden. "My servants... they are having a bit of trouble," he says more to himself than Caroline.

He then turns and addresses her. "You will be a member of my coven. We will be bonded, until I deem you are capable of acting of your own free will. I won't lie to you: my tutelage is hard, and only the most worthy have the stomach for it."

The wind blows through the empty lot, kicking up a small misting of icy snow.

Braddock watches the snow swirl. "The the talisman would not be perceptible to mortals, or those with no talent for magik, unless it calls to them specifically. To anyone but a witch or sorcerer it'd look like naught be a metal coin imprinted with a cockatrice."

He turns and looks at Caroline, his eyes stern. "We will link our minds now, you and I. I need your knowledge of this place, of it's geography. Step forward and open yourself," he says. He motions to a spot in front of him, and holds his hands, palms up, slightly away from his body.
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